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In studies of the SAT, correlations of SAT scores, high school grades, and socioeconomic factors (SES) are usually obtained using a university as the unit of analysis. This approach obscures an important structural aspect of the data: The high school grades received by a given institution come from a large number of high schools, all of which have potentially different grading standards. SAT scores, on the other hand, can be assumed to have the same meaning across high schools. Our analyses of a large national sample show that, when pooled within-high-school analyses are applied, high school grades and class rank have larger correlations with family income and education than is evident in the results of typical analyses, and SAT scores have smaller associations with socioeconomic factors. SAT scores and high school grades, therefore, have more similar associations with SES than they do when only the usual across-high-school correlations are considered .  相似文献   

This research evaluated the usefulness of 3 approaches for predicting college grades: (a) traditional regression models, (b) high-school-effects models, and (c) hierarchical linear models. Results of an analysis of the records of 8,764 freshmen at a major research university revealed that both the high-school-effects model and the hierarchical linear model were more accurate predictors of freshman GPA than was the traditional model, particularly for lower ability students. Counter to expectations, the hierarchical linear model was not more accurate than the high school effects model.  相似文献   

Research has often found that, when high school grades and SAT scores are used to predict first‐year college grade‐point average (FGPA) via regression analysis, African‐American and Latino students, are, on average, predicted to earn higher FGPAs than they actually do. Under various plausible models, this phenomenon can be explained in terms of the unreliability of predictor variables. Attributing overprediction to measurement error, however, is not fully satisfactory: Might the measurement errors in the predictor variables be systematic in part, and could they be reduced? The research hypothesis in the current study was that the overprediction of Latino and African‐American performance occurs, at least in part, because these students are more likely than White students to attend high schools with fewer resources. The study provided some support for this hypothesis and showed that the prediction of college grades can be improved using information about high school socioeconomic status. An interesting peripheral finding was that grades provided by students’ high schools were stronger predictors of FGPA than were students’ self‐reported high school grades. Correlations between the two types of high school grades (computed for each of 18 colleges) ranged from .59 to .85.  相似文献   

The literature on differential prediction of college performance of racial/ethnic minority students for standardized tests and high school grades indicates the use of these predictors often results in overprediction of minority student performance. However, these studies typically involve native English‐speaking students. In contrast, a smaller literature on language proficiency suggests academic performance of those with more limited English language proficiency may be underpredicted by standardized tests. These two literatures have not been well integrated, despite the fact that a number of racial/ethnic minority groups within the United States contain recent immigrant populations or heritage language speakers. This study investigates the joint role of race/ethnicity and language proficiency in Hispanic, Asian, and White ethnic groups across three educational admissions systems (SAT, HSGPA, and their composite) in predicting freshman grades. Our results indicate that language may differentially affect academic outcomes for different racial/ethnic subgroups. The SAT loses predictive power for Asian and White students who speak another best language, whereas it does not for Hispanic students who speak another best language. The differential prediction of college grades of linguistic minorities within racial/ethnic minority subgroups appears to be driven by the verbally loaded subtests of standardized tests but is largely unrelated to quantitative tests.  相似文献   

Essay and multiple-choice scores from Advanced Placement (AP) examinations in American History, European History, English Language and Composition, and Biology were matched with freshman grades in a sample of 32 colleges. Multiple-choice scores from the American History and Biology examinations were more highly correlated with freshman grade point averages than were essay scores from the same examinations, but essay scores were essentially equivalent to multiple-choice scores in correlations with course grades in history, English, and biology. In history courses, men and women received comparable grades and had nearly equal scores on the AP essays, but the multiple-choice scores of men were nearly one half of a standard deviation higher than the scores of women.  相似文献   

常桐善 《考试研究》2008,(3):115-127
本文以美国加州大学的招生实践为基础,分析高中成绩和标准化入学考试分数对大学一年级成绩的预测效度,以及它们在评定大学申请学生合格性中的作用,同时也阐述了加州大学利用这两种成绩确定申请学生合格性方法的问题与面临的挑战。研究表明,高中成绩对大学一年级成绩的预测效度高于标准化考试(SATI)。但高中成绩主要反映了学生掌握高中知识的程度,而标准化考试成绩则侧重于体现学生的认知能力。合理结合、使用这两种成绩对学生的知识和能力进行评价,将会使大学招生更为科学公允。  相似文献   

Despite the similarities that researchers note between the cognitive processes and knowledge involved in reading and writing, there are students who are much stronger readers than writers and those who are much stronger writers than readers. The addition of the writing section to the SAT provides an opportunity to examine whether certain groups of students are more likely to exhibit stronger performance in reading versus writing and the academic consequences of this discrepant performance. Results of this study, based on hierarchical linear models of student performance, showed that even after controlling for relevant student characteristics and prior academic performance, an SAT critical reading–writing discrepancy had a small effect on 1st-year grade point average as well as English course grades in college. Specifically, students who had relatively higher writing scores as compared to their critical reading scores earned higher grades in their 1st year of college as well as in their 1st-year English course(s).  相似文献   

The Quick Word Test (QWT), Quick Number Test (QNT), and a number of criterion verbal and numerical tests were related with the English and Math grade point average (GPA) scores in this study. The QWT, in general, had lower correlations with English GPA scores than the criterion tests. The correlations between the QNT and the Math GPA was approximately at the same level as the criterion measures.  相似文献   

Counselors, faculty, and student personnel specialists are often unaware that college students are experiencing serious academic or adjustment difficulties until it is too late to rectify the problem. Most universities would benefit from an early warning system that detects at-risk students before performance or social problems jeopardize their college careers. This investigation demonstrated that scores from the Survey of Academic Orientations (SAO) were predictive of first-semester freshmen grades. Subsequent analysis showed that the SAO significantly improved the prediction of grade point averages, after taking the effects of Scholastic Assessment Test scores and high school percentage rank into consideration. The SAO gives educators a new early warning device, a way to identify those undergraduates most at risk of receiving poor grades. The next steps in the research process are to: (1) assess the relationship of SAO scores to other important academic indexes, such as retention and student stress, and (2) determine if furnishing counselors and other college personnel with SAO scores is of therapeutic value.  相似文献   

The authors describe psychosocial factors that predicted college adjustment of 1st-year undergraduate students on the basis of studies conducted in 2 universities of differing size, focus, and geographic location. Academic self-confidence, positive attitudes toward the university, and faculty and peer support significantly predicted more successful adjustment to college.  相似文献   


To explore the relationship between chance in student attitudes toward a class in which they were participating and final achievement in that class, five equivalent forms of a 26-item attitude scale were administered at two-week intervals to 573 university students In three courses. Coefficients of correlation between the various sequential attitude scores and final achievement, with aptitude held constants were computed in the three situations. Some evidence was found to support the hypothesis that attitudes become progressively more closely related to final achievement throughout the period of Instruction  相似文献   

章对大学英语教学和中学英语教学的衔接问题进行了初步研究,提出搞好大学英语教学和中学英语教学的衔接必须做到:(1)了解学生学习中存在的问题,做好“填平补齐”工作;(2)重视心理素质教育,使学生实现从中学到大学的过渡;(3)加强指导,培养学生的自学能力。  相似文献   

In 2018, 26 states administered a college admissions test to all public school juniors. Nearly half of those states proposed to use those scores as their academic achievement indicators for federal accountability under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA); many others are planning to use those scores for other accountability purposes. Accountability encompasses a number of different uses and subsumes a variety of claims. For states proposing to use summative tests for accountability, a validity argument needs to be developed, which entails delineating each specific use of test scores associated with accountability, identifying appropriate evidence, and offering a rebuttal to counterclaims. The aim of this article is to support states in developing a validity argument for use of college admission test scores for accountability by identifying claims that are applicable across states, along with summarizing existing evidence as it relates to each of these claims. As outlined by The Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, multiple sources of evidence are used to address each claim. A series of threats to the validity argument, including weaker alignment with content standards and potential influences in narrowing teaching, are reviewed. Finally, the article contrasts validity evidence, primarily from research on the ACT, with regulatory requirements from ESSA. The Standards and guidance addressing the use of a “nationally recognized high school academic assessment” (Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), Negotiated Rulemaking Committee; Department of Education) are the primary sources for the organization of validity evidence.  相似文献   

Wainer and Steinberg (1992) showed that within broad categories of first-year college mathematics courses (e.g., calculus) men had substantially higher average scores on the mathematics section of the SAT (SAT-M) than women who earned the same letter grade. However, three aspects of their analyses may lead to unwarranted conclusions. First, they focused primarily on differences in SAT-M scores given course grades when the more important question for admissions officers is the difference in course grades given scores on the predictor. Second, they failed to account for differences among calculus courses (e.g., calculus for engineers versus calculus for liberal arts students). Most importantly, Wainer and Steinberg focused on the use of SAT-M as a single predictor. A reanalysis presented here indicated that a more appropriate composite indicator made up of both SAT-M and high school grade point average demonstrated minuscule gender differences for both calculus and precalculus courses.  相似文献   

Irrespective of the grading system, grades are the most valid instrument for predicting educational success. Previous studies have shown that criterion-referenced compulsory school grades are multidimensional, reflecting subject-specific dimensions and a common grade dimension, both of which contribute to the predictive validity of grades. This suggests that in addition to knowledge and skills, grades reflect other aspects which might have importance for the prediction of educational success. The purpose of this study was to investigate, using structured equation modeling, whether norm-referenced compulsory school grades display similar patterns of dimensionality and predictive validity to criterion-referenced grades. Possible differences due to gender and parents' education were considered. Participants were 3855 students born in 1972. The results showed that norm-referenced grades are multidimensional, and that both the subject-specific and common grade dimensions contribute to predicting educational success. In the common grade dimension, girls and students with higher educational backgrounds were favored.  相似文献   

主位理论是系统功能语言学的一个重要理论支柱,是语篇分析的常用手段。本文用主位理论来分析大学生英语作文,试图找出高低分数段作文在主位推进模式上的差异,分析其原因,希望能对英语写作教学有所帮助。  相似文献   

The Early College High School (ECHS) initiative developed in response to calls to significantly decrease the number of first-generation college and underserved students of color and from poverty who are high school dropouts or marginally graduates (i.e., ill prepared for college). The ECHS model is different from other educational reforms in that secondary and postsecondary faculty work collaboratively to align curriculum and supports that facilitate a successful high school-to-college transition. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the initial implementation of ECHS on student achievement and nonacademic indicators in a high-poverty setting. Results indicated that, after an initial year of implementation, achievement results on criterion-referenced tests were significantly higher for all students relative to matched control students, but the statistically and practically significant impact on norm-referenced tests was limited to students enrolled in ECHS courses; school attendance remained the same, but suspensions were decreased. Implications for high school reform and research are discussed.  相似文献   

等级制取代分数制的实践与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,全国各地不少课程改革实验区出台了用等级制取代分数制的中考招生政策。同以往的把考试总分作为高中录取新生的唯一依据相比,等级制评价招生制度确实是我国教育评价领域的一个飞跃。如何科学地理解等级制评价,是我们教育行政决策部门领导和广大的基础教育一线工作者所普遍关注的热点。一、什么是等级制评价首先,我们不妨以安徽省马鞍山市2005年的中考招生制度改革为例,对当前等级制评价作一个具体的解读。  相似文献   

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