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In 1953, at the Second Conference of Latin American Sociologists, the Brazilian sociologist Ramos first proposed a campaign for the indigenization of the social sciences. He urged his colleagues to discard the "canned sociology" imported from the developed nations and to set up a school of sociology suitable for the resolution of indigenous Latin American problems. This raised the curtain, on a world scale, on the indigenization of research in the social sciences. Indigenization represents a trend in research; it is not a strictly defined scientific term, and it is difficult to give it a strict definition. In general, the indigenization of social sciences may be understood in this way: The world is multicultural, and the issues studied by the social sciences are all profoundly influenced by culture. Meanwhile, social science researchers always live within a specific cultural setting and take as their objects of research social issues and social phenomena in the cultural setting to which they belong. Hence we have the indigenization of social science research. Sociology of knowledge also maintains that scientific knowledge or theory (especially social science knowledge or theory) is not generated in a vacuum, but is conditioned by given social, cultural, and historical factors. Actually, this theory of sociology of knowledge shares the same view of indigenized research.  相似文献   

只从教育的角度来论述教育现象,而没有看到影响教育背后的社会因素,这一直被教育社会学认为是传统教育研究的一个重大不足。教育除了培养人才(育人)这个原始职能之外,它还需要满足社会强加给它的保证不同阶层学生具有合理向上社会流动机会的需求。本文以当前有关衡水中学的讨论为例来说明,知道这点可以如何为我们提供一个新的视角和论点。  相似文献   

马克思主义中国化过程为中国特色社会学理论体系的形成赋予深刻的历史启示:一是要实现与中国的社会实际、历史传承以及时代特征相结合,二是要实现本土化,三是要实现"视界转换";这为中国社会学实现其理论主题由"发展与社会转型"-"秩序与社会整合"-"公正与小城镇建设"的转换提供了强大的理论指导及实践依据;中国特色社会学的理论建构就是在马克思主义中国化以及社会学研究主题转换的动态、互动过程中实现的.  相似文献   

社会学本土化是中国社会学可持续发展的核心问题。一般认为中国本土社会学之所以产生,西方社会学功不可没。本文指出西方社会学只是中国社会学发展的助推剂,建立中国研究模式才是社会学本土化的核心所在,中国的社会学本土化机制必须选择兼容并取的中国创造。  相似文献   

作为近代著名的教育家,雷沛鸿和卢作孚在办学中积极探索本土化的教育管理模式,积累了丰富的管理经验,形成了独特的管理方式,彰显了国际视野、时代精神和本土意识三个要素。他们的管理特色包括体现人格魅力、建章立制、重视人才、注重调研,推动了区域教育现代化和社会进步。他们的管理创新是教育家办学特色的集中体现,是本土化办学的核心内涵,为当前的教育改革提供了可资借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

发端于马克思的知识社会学强调对知识与社会的关系进行分析,指出知识的生产、选择、分配和传递等都受社会环境的影响。目前,我国教育研究中开始较多应用知识社会学方法,主要有两条路径:其一是对教育理论和教育政策演变的知识社会学分析;其二是对知识演化与控制的知识社会学分析。但是目前将教育场域中的知识生产和传递置于社会运行视野中的研究依然缺乏。  相似文献   

大学生健商缺失已经成为社会各界关注的重要教育问题之一。本文基于社会学的视角,从健康社会学、社会流行病学、社会体制以及高效管理体制等角度分析大学生健商缺失的现状和原因。本文认为,应当从提高大学生健商意识、加强高校健康教育师资队伍建设、完善高校健康教育的评价体系、构建应对大学生健商缺失的社会机制等方面提高大学生健商水平。  相似文献   

中国社会工作专业化的发展路径不同于西方的经验,西方的社会工作是在助人实践中逐渐发展起来的,而中国的社会工作是以半专业化或称为行政性社会工作为起点的。在进行社会工作本土化实践的道路中,应结合中国自身的体制特征和文化特点,将专业的社会工作进行体制性的嵌入是加快本土化建设的一个行动策略;对文化背景的重视则有利于推动社会工作本土化的进一步发展。  相似文献   

A remarkable feature of the sociology of education is its proliferation under a broad gamut of research themes and topics. Understanding the relationship of education to social reproduction and social change are pivotal to the sociology of education, and have fruitfully informed research in fields such as gender and education, vocational education and lifelong learning, policy sociology in education, cultural sociology of education, literacy, social justice and education, globalisation and education. Tracking the historical trajectory of the sociology of education in Australia, this article underlines the productivity of educational research and methodological advances in the fields of gender, literacy, and policy. It also points to the failure of the sociology of education and educational research to engage with the education system’s complicity in reproducing Indigenous and ethnic disadvantage. I argue for an sociology of education along lines envisaged by Emile Durkheim who recognised the importance of understanding education systems past and present, so that educators might comprehend the relationship of education to social change. New theories, methodologies and fields of education play an important role in informing understandings of contemporary education. However, if education and educational research are to inform social futures, they require an educational imagination able to account for achievements and deficiencies; an educational imagination able to undertake theoretical deliberations about the social and material conditions, struggles and occlusions that have and continue to constitute the purpose and practice of education.  相似文献   

从教育社会学的学科归属问题出发,将教育社会学归入社会科学的范畴,然后从社会科学的高度来阐述教育社会学方法论特征的一系列二律背反:事实-价值判断,演绎-解释模式,定量-定性研究等.  相似文献   

The search for scientific explanation in sociology is an attempt to make statements about the causal mechanisms of social structures. The relationship between techniques of quantitative analysis and explanatory models of the association between social class and educational success, with particular reference to the work of Jencks, Boudon, and Bourdieu, are examined in the context of empirical data from the New Zealand 'Progress at School' project. The position of statistical model-building and non-quantitative studies in a realist sociology of education are explored in an examination of the central problem of the sociology of education: the causes of social differences in educational attainment.  相似文献   

Teaching is an activity shared by teachers and students; that is, it is an activity in which teachers, in order to realize the goals of education, instruct students in studying. The mutual influence involved is a kind of social interaction. When educators used to talk about the sociological foundations of "teaching," they stressed only the importance of the educational goal of "collectivism" or explored how best to enhance results, from the angle of the teaching process and teacher-student relations, by using "methods of socialization." Most discussions were based on normative study, not analysis of educational theory. Development of the sociology of education in the past decade or more has begun to emphasize "micro" research and employ sociological perspectives and methods to study teaching and the teacher-student relationship. Not only has its contents and concepts become more substantive, the theoretical framework has also become more complete. This article attempts to analyze classroom teaching and the teacherstudent relationship, primarily the sociological foundation of the latter. Second, it will analyze, from the point of view of the social system, classroom teaching activity. Finally, it will conclude with possible approaches to the "sociology of teaching ."  相似文献   

高等教育不是简单的技能培训,不能出现技能学习"泛化"的状况。高等教育的目标是培养全面发展的大学生,为了实现这一目标,必须从最基础的课堂教学的系统化开始,因为这符合心理学的原理、符合文化社会学的要求、符合大学生发展的教育规律。  相似文献   

Sociology of education in Norway has traditionally been preoccupied with the classic problems related to education and the reproduction of social inequality. As the general social scientific and political focus on inequality decreased, the sociology of education also became less visible. At the same time, the sociology of youth evolved, and brought with it a shift from theories of reproduction towards theories of individualization and cultural detachment. New challenges for sociology of education are also discussed. These are related to the educational system's position as the main socialization arena for young people, as well as new developments within educational policy, and thus within school. What kind of identities are “produced” within the educational system?  相似文献   

近年来,西方多元文化教育理论大量涌入我国,由于我国缺乏系统的本土少数民族教育的理论,一经接触到西方系统的多元文化教育理论,就不加批判甄别地将西方多元文化教育理论拿来,移植到我国的民族教育之中。所采用的理论与方法几乎全是西方的或是西方式的,这种所谓的多元文化教育本土化,只是在不加批评地接受与承袭西方的问题、理论与方法。要实现多元文化教育理论的本土化,必须让理论根植于中华民族的社会、文化、教育与民族关系历史脉络之中,具有高度的本土契合性,将西方多元文化教育理论与我国的具体国情结合起来,促进其本土性转化,以便丰富我国少数民族教育理论和方法。  相似文献   

对大陆教育社会学恢复重建以来的18本概论性教材类著作分析后,发现大陆教育社会学研究具有以下特点:在研究范式上,功能论一直居于主导地位;在研究思路上,围绕教育与社会的关系而展开;在研究目的上,重"体系"构建;在研究方法上,以"定性"为主。大陆教育社会学研究的趋势是:由体系意识转向问题意识;由二元对立走向多元综合;由价值中立走向批判参与;由只重学术使命到学术使命与社会使命并重。  相似文献   

社会网络是西方社会学的一个分支领域,一种关于社会结构的观点,一套分析方法和技术。校长的社会网络研究旨在用社会网络分析的范式研究校长的人际关系体系,这与目前教育管理领域对校长的人际关系研究相比,是一种研究范式的改变。校长的社会网络研究可以采用自我中心网络分析的方法,描述校长的社会网络结构特征,比较不同学校校长网络结构的差异,为学校发展提供一种社会学解释。  相似文献   

20世纪二三十年代中国教育史上曾发生过一场轰轰烈烈教育本土化运动——“新教育中国化,,运动,它是对19世纪末中国“新教育”制度模仿移植外国教育造成的中国新教育外国化的反动。“新教育”运动是循着国势渐微——教育不良——移植模仿这一自然逻辑思维展开的,“新教育中国化”运动主张立足中国国情,提倡“中学为体,西学为用”。  相似文献   

闫引堂 《比较教育研究》2006,27(1):39-43,49
本文从范式转型的角度,对西方一些国家20世纪80年代后期兴起的教育政策社会学进行了述评,指出教育政策社会学尽管在一定程度上弥补了"社会政策研究"模式的局限,在研究范围、研究主题上有新的突破,但其研究视角仍然不够明晰,理论建构还显薄弱,并没有构成教育政策研究的范式转型.  相似文献   

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