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The State Council has approved the "Opinions on Certain Problems Regarding Further Development of the Work-Study Program in Primary and Secondary Schools" proposed by the State Education Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Personnel, and the State Tax Bureau and forward to you herewith. You are required to implement it in light of the realities in your locality or department.  相似文献   

The higher education bureaus, education departments (bureaus), planning commissions and finance departments (bureaus) of the various provinces, relevant ministries and commissions under the central government and the State Council, and the various institutions of higher education under the Ministries of Education and Finance:

The "Regulations Concerning Provisional Methods of Commissioned Training by Institutions of Higher Education," jointly laid down by the Ministry of Education, the State Planning Commission, and the Ministry of Finance, is now issued for trial implementation. Please review the experience gained in its trial implementation and report in time to the Ministry of Education so as to facilitate its revision in due course.  相似文献   

1. With regard to the funding channels of vocational secondary schools (including agricultural schools, similarly hereinafter), the provisions contained in documents Guofa, no. 252 (1980) and Jiaozhongzi, no. 006 (1983), issued by the Ministries of Education, Labor, and Personnel and Finance, as well as the State Planning Commission, should continue to be implemented. With regard to the funding for vocational secondary schools run by education departments (including those transformed from former regular secondary schools), there is already a separate heading "vocational education expenditure" under educational expenditure in paragraph 179 of the "Headings of Revenue and Expenditure of the State Budget," and it is stipulated that this fund should be included as expenditure under educational expenditure. That is, both general education expenditures and vocational and technical education expenditures are to be included in the budget set for local educational expenditures for the sake of better coordination. To this end, vocational education expenditures should be included in the budget of local educational expenditures. Capital investment for vocational secondary schools should also be included in that for local educational captial investment, again for better coordination. In setting the estimates for their respective local expenditures, the people's governments at various levels should also give active support to the development of this educational undertaking.  相似文献   

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, June 10—With approval from the Party Central Committee and the State Council, the State Education Commission recently published "Provisional Regulations of the State Education Commission Concerning the Work of Sending Scholars Abroad."  相似文献   

"Central Government Allocates a Special Fund of 2.4 Billion RMB to Provide Focused Support for the Project: The State Education Commission and the Ministry of Finance Convene a National Conference to Plan the Implementation of the Program"  相似文献   

国家助学贷款新政策述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2004年6月,教育部、财政部、人民银行、银监会联合下发了《关于进一步完善国家助学贷款工作的若干意见》,对在此之前的国家助学贷款政策做了迄今为止最具力度的修订。新政策完善了国家助学贷款制度,将对参与国家助学贷款的主要三方(学生、学校和银行)产生积极的影响,同时新政策自身也存在着不足之处。  相似文献   

New China News Agency (June 13), Beijing: Recently the CCP Central Discipline Inspection Commission and the State Education Commission issued a circular on the question of checking unhealthy tendencies in university enrollment. The circular requests that the enrollment committees of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities under the central government set up discipline inspection groups to investigate and deal with malpractices and such unhealthy tendencies as "entering by the back door."  相似文献   

从改革开放前的"谈性色变"到1988年国家教委和国家计生委颁发文件,规定全国各中学都要普及中学生青春期性教育。中国对性的观点和看法已经发生了很大的改变。尽管政府在政策上大力支持普及性教育,但在实施过程中性教育的质量比较低下,大部分中学生仍然不能接受全面专业的性教育。性学家如Wihelm Reich和心理学家如佛洛伊德与James W.Prescott等认为性教育的目的是个人对自己身体的控制与社会控制的解放。所以要突破中国性教育发展的瓶颈,首先要进一步的解放思想,释放人性,本文将探求束缚中国性教育发展的思想道德因素,并针对这些羁绊提出一些设想和解决的思路。  相似文献   

本研究运用文本分析法,通过对1986年国家教委颁布的《关于加强在职中小学教师培训工作的意见》和2011年教育部颁布的《关于大力加强中小学教师培训工作的意见》进行分析,了解不同时期中小学教师培训政策的价值取向变迁。研究发现:分别处于改革开放初期和全面建设小康社会时期的两份《意见》,政策价值取向发生了明显的变化,表现为:一是从关注"社会价值"走向关注"人的价值";二是从注重效率走向注重公平;三是从关注社会外在需求走向关注教师内在需求;四是从注重知识培训走向注重能力和素质的提升。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代初期,我国确定了建立社会主义市场经济体制的改革目标,高等教育需要与之相适应。周远清同志从1992年5月至2001年4月一直在国家教委(教育部)负责全国高等教育工作,身处发展和改革的最前沿。此期间,他积极领导高等教育理论的探索,坚持思想指导下的改革发展实践,对"建设什么样的高等教育"和"怎样建设高等教育"进行了系统思考和顶层设计,这些思考和设计对当今的教育改革发展实践仍有借鉴价值。  相似文献   

This paper explores the development of various approaches by the State in Botswana to improve teacher incentives. Teacher incentives have been an issue in Botswana for a number of years. The Ministry of Education with the support of USAID has commissioned research into teacher incentives. In 1991 and 1992 there were four major bodies created by the State that dealt with the problem of teacher incentives either directly or indirectly. Report of the Presidential Commission on the Review of Public Service Salaries and Conditions of Service; the review of organization and management conducted by the Public Service (the OM Report); the Report on the Implementation of Parallel Progression; and the 1992–1993 Second National Commission on Education which reported to the President in July 1993. This paper employs and elaborates on a model dealing with ‘incentive categories’ developed by Frances Kemmerer. The ten perspectives related to remuneration and working conditions are used to guide the inquiry. Additional avenues for improving teacher incentives are considered and five recommendations for change made.  相似文献   

In his study Adult Vocational Training, the major portion of which is reprinted here, Per Kiil, Assistant Chief of Division of the Danish Ministry of Labor, outlines the legislative structure within which the Danish government is attempting to provide vocational-technical training to persons who have already left school and entered the job market. This program, which is not unlike that proposed by the French legislation of July 16, 1971, supplements the basic general and vocational education provided by the Ministry of Education. Kill's study was originally published by the Ministries of Labor and Social Affairs, International Relations Division (Copenhagen, 1972, 2nd rev. ed.).  相似文献   

采用国务院学位委员会、教育部、人事部2007年9月颁布的"全国博士质量调查问卷",对五所研究型大学在读博士生、博士生导师、研究生教育负责人及毕业博士进行抽样调查的结果表明:博士生、博士生导师、研究生教育负责人及毕业博士四者均认同"科研创新能力"、"基础和专业知识水平"为博士质量的要素,但在认同"学位论文质量"、"相关学科知识水平"为博士质量要素上存在差异。  相似文献   

From December 14 to 18, 1987, the State Education Commission and the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, and Fisheries held a conference in Pingdu County, Shandong Province, to exchange experiences in rural education aimed at improving the local economy. The Chinese Education Association also held a conference at that same location on rural educational reform. Having heard the speeches and read the papers of my many comrades at the two conferences, I feel inspired and enlightened. Now, based on my own preliminary study, I wish to present some issues for discussion with scholars in this field.  相似文献   

On July 17, 1982, the Ministry of Education issued Provisional Regulations on Enrolling Doctoral Students to the departments and bureaus of higher education in the provinces, municipalities, and autonomous regions, the admissions committees in institutes of higher learning, the ministries and commissions under the State Council, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Chinese People's Liberation Army, General Political Department, and the Scientific and Technological Commission of the National Defense Council….  相似文献   

As entrusted by the State Council, Mr. Zhu Kaixuan, chairman of the State Education Commission, spoke at the Eleventh Session of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress, which was convened today [in Beijing], providing explanatory remarks on the "Law of Education of the People's Republic of China (Draft)," and he submitted the law and its articles to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for its examination and discussion.  相似文献   

文章区分词和短语,从音节构成、构词类别、语义特征、语义变异等四个主要方面对中国教育部和国家语委联合发布的《2006年汉语新词语选目》中的171条新词语的构词、用词状况进行了定量分析,参照、印证、修正了时下的某些相关研究和见解,并指出了汉语新词语研究中存在的一些不足。  相似文献   

This article describes how experiential learning theory can be utilized to teach introductory world politics. Student learning styles and their modes of learning are considered in course design. The objective is to create a learning environment that facilitates active participation and reflection.He is coeditor ofConflict in American Foreign Policy: The Issues Debated (1985) and teaches primarily in the fields of American Foreign Policy and Soviet Politics. Patricia H. Murrell is Director of the Center for Study of Higher Education and a Professor in the Department of Counseling and Personnel Services at Memphis State University. She is co-author ofLearning Styles: Implications for Improving Educational Practices (1987) and has studied the learning preferences of graduate and undergraduate students, including law students.  相似文献   

I. The first thing that strikes the eye when one inquires into the premises, intentions, and results of French school reform is the importance of planning. Most recently, in addition to being systematically coordinated with manpower planning, this planning has been undergoing a development that, on the one hand, carries it beyond manpower planning — generally recognized to be insufficient — by introducing planning based on qualitative criteria; and, on the other, has grown through close cooperation between the Ministry of Education and the boards and committees dealing with matters of education and training, whose work is one component of the economic and social planning organized by the Planning Commission. This intensification of cooperation — which also signals a reduction in the gap between educational planning and educational policy — found concrete expression in the creation of twenty ministerial planning teams, whose findings were included in the deliberations of the Education Committee during preparation of the Sixth Plan for Education (1971-75) and were reflected in the content of its report.  相似文献   

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