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Like many nations, China faces the dilemma of designing an education system that, on the one hand, promotes national unity and economic development and, on the other, is sensitive to the unique needs and cultural background of various minority groups. During the regime of Mao Zedong class differentiation in Tibet was seen as a threat to communist ideology. The Tibetan society was condemned as “backward” and Chinese became the official language in all schools. As a result, Tibet is one of the least literate regions in China. Current Chinese law dictates that school curricula should reflect the interests of their constituencies and the minority language should serve as the medium of instruction. However, the examination system to advance to higher education reinforces the Mandarin language. Consequently, many minority parents believe that the sole use of Tibetan may not help their children's future. China's educational success in Tibet (and other minority regions) will depend on her ability to engage ethnic minority students in the universal primary school system.  相似文献   

Bilingual educational research is a comprehensive, cross-cultural, interdisciplinary, and borderline disciplinary domain that studies the phenomena and regularities of bilingual and bicultural education (including those of multilingual and multicultural education). As well as being a branch discipline of ethnic pedagogy, it is at the same time a branch discipline of ethnic linguistics. Since the 1950s and in the wake of the deepening and popularization of research into bilingualism and biculruralism on the international scene, research has rapidly advanced into the theory and practice of bilingual education. All multinational countries in the world and a number of international organizations have successively set up bilingual educational research institutions, initiated research into bilingual education, and published large numbers of academic treatises and books, results of experiments, and investigative reports. Worth mentioning is that the world-renowned Canadian scholar, Professor W. F. Mackey, and Professor Migual Siguán of Spain accepted a research project on "bilingualism and education" from the International Bureau of Education (IBE), the final result of which was a book entitled Education and Bilingualism. This achievement marked the fact that bilingual education had initially become an independent discipline. Although this research was not all-inclusive, it delineated at least a rough framework for disciplinary research into bilingual education and laid a preliminary foundation for the development of future research in bilingualism. Its main content included bilingual individuals, bilingual societies, bilingual education, the psycho-sociological basis of bilingual education, organization and implementation of bilingual education, and assessment of research into, and results of, bilingual education.1 In this project, the authors gathered and studied facts related to bilingual education in some of the main multiethnic and multilingual countries and regions, as well as the circumstances of research into such education. However, they did not touch on bilingual education or bilingual educational research in China. Thus, by developing research into the bilingual education conducted among China's ethnic minorities, we will not only be promoting the smooth advance of the practice of China's bilingual education and realize mutual linguistic communication, political equality, common cultural prosperity, common economic development, and, ultimately, the great unity of all China's ethnic peoples, we will certainly enrich the world's treasury of bilingual educational research and make China's due contribution toward promoting the development and practice of international bilingual education.  相似文献   

Ethnic minority education is an integral part of education in the People's Republic of China (PRC). Educational policies for ethnic minority regions provide for the development of their own educational programs, as well for the establishment of schools according to the characteristics of the ethnic minorities and the regions.  相似文献   

促进民族教育均衡发展对实现教育公平、维护民族团结与民族地区稳定和民族地区经济社会发展具有重大意义。当前,我国还存在民族教育均衡发展的一些问题,只要以教育资源配置为根本,从政府引导、评估体系与督导机制、教育模式等方面着手,仍能为民族教育的均衡发展找到可供借鉴的参考。  相似文献   

少数民族地区基础教育和职业教育课程的整合构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鉴于少数民族地区经济和教育发展现状,尝试走基础教育与职业教育相结合的内涵发展道路,对加快少数民族地区人口素质的提高、经济的快速发展,有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

民族地区学校教育与民族传统文化接轨问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育是一种社会活动,教育必须在特定的文化背景中才能实施并收到实效。由于我国各少数民族传统文化类型与样式差异很大,各民族群众对教育的理解和认识各不相同,但教育为现实服务却是一致的。目前我国少数民族地区的学校教育与少数民族地区的社会文化活动不能有效的兼容,而使得学校教育在少数民族地区难以发挥其特有的教育功能。少数民族地区的学校教育需要大胆改革,走出自己特色的教育发展道路,才能有效地推进少数民族地区的经济社会发展。  相似文献   

民族地区的经济社会发展离不开教育。20世纪初,塞缪尔·柏格理(Samuel. Pollard,1864~1915)对贵州民族地区教育的发展作出过重大的贡献,促进了当地少数民族地区经济社会的可持续发展。他在贵州省威宁石门坎地区创办学校,实行双语教学,男女同校,培养全面发展的人才,曾为贵州培养了一大批杰出人才。通过对伯格理教育思想的再认识,旨在为我省民族地区教育发展获得一定的启示。  相似文献   

论清朝少数民族教育政策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
清朝少数民族教育政策是在后金政权少数民族教育政策的基础上继承和发展而来的,是清朝民族政策体系的重要组成部分。清朝政府突破了“华夷之变”的局限,制定和实施少数民族教育政策,对发展少数民族教育采取倾斜政策,在少数民族地区和少数民族中积极倡导教育,程度不同地改变了少数民族轻视教育的观念。通过广设学堂,推进普及的方式,有效地缩小了中国各民族之间在教育方面的差距,在一定程度上推动了少数民族及其教育的发展,特别是近代少数民族地区新式教育的兴起和发展,开创了少数民族地区现代教育的先河,对维护和巩固多民族国家的统一产生了积极的促进作用。虽其政策在实施中尚存在不足,但其成功的经验对于我们今天积极发展少数民族教育事业仍具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

With the reform and opening up centering on economic construction,the reform of educational system has been carried out in China.In the past 30 years,every important change in educational system was caused by a reform of university admission system.Under the current educational system,the selection and cultivation of advanced talents of ethnic minorities has been restricted.Despite an increase in number,in some important regions or important posts,there is a shortage of talents of ethnic minorities.We should attach importance to educational development in ethnic minority regions,restore the system of accepting excellent youth in ethnic regions especially from farmers and herdsmen in border areas for higher education,and cultivate a large number of ethnic minority advanced talents who are politically qualified,professionally competent and willing to work in ethnic regions and on posts of ethnic work.  相似文献   

WTO规则与民族地区教育服务业的发展和保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育服务是WTO服务贸易的重要内容之一,中国政府对教育服务业的开放做出了承诺。必须高度重视民族地区教育迟发展效应的现实状况,依法改革和促进西部地区的民族教育。通过立法加强扶持少数民族教育的力度,引导和鼓励优质教育资源到民族地区办学。要依法保证少数民族充分受教育的权利,提高少数民族地区教师的福利待遇;依法促进少数艮族地区民办教育事业的发展,实施少数民族地区教育服务业的可持续发展战略。  相似文献   

为了加快我国民族地区的教育发展必须促进教育公平,教育公平不仅是教育改革与发展的重要任务,也是社会经济发展的重要保障。在科学发展观的指导下,通过实际调查,以贵州省为例了解当前我国民族地区教育公平的现状,分析造成教育不公平的重要原因,探讨解决教育公平的对策和建议。  相似文献   

少数民族教育直接关系到我国少数民族地区的经济发展和社会进步。在少数民族聚居地区实施双语教学是发展民族教育的重要途径。但是,在少数民族双语教育方面仍然面临着许多问题。文章将系统地介绍关国、英国、德国、法国的双语教育的历史背景、语言政策和具体实施情况,以期对我们更好地开展双语教学有所启发。  相似文献   

透过“他者”视角China’s National Minority Education—Culture,Schooling,and Development一书,记录和再现了20世纪90年代国外学者眼中中国西部少数民族地区少数民族教育的社会文化图景,聚焦了教育人类学领域关注的核心议题:族群、文化和教育,其中对少数民族高等教育入学优惠政策、少数民族学生学业成就归因理论、少数民族文化与学校教育等问题的探讨,在时下仍有其理论意义和学术价值。本书凝聚了一批研究中国民族教育的国际著名专家学者,包括本书的引介者、译者在内,这一代教育人类学人对中国民族教育相关政策、成功案例、研究成果起到了推介、传播等积极作用,并在20世纪90年代,推动了中国教育人类学学科发展和民族教育研究。  相似文献   

伴随着国家改革开放和现代化建设的步伐,我国民族高等教育事业蓬勃发展,取得了令世人瞩目的辉煌业绩.民族院校在其50余年的办学实践中形成了自己的办学特色,是我国高等教育体系中特殊的、不可或缺的重要组成部分.培养适合少数民族和民族地区社会经济又好又快发展,实现各民族团结奋斗、共同繁荣发展的各专业人才,进一步办好人民满意的民族院校是新建民族本科院校的头等大事.从一名新建民族本科院校数学与应用数学专业教师的角度,谈如何进一步转变教育教学观念,加强自身建设,把握民族地区社会经济发展的脉搏,为学校发展和民族地区人才培养贡献自己的力量.  相似文献   

发展社区教育,将学校教育与家庭教育紧密结合,从而加快边远地区、民族地区社会经济发展的步伐,这也是促进民族地区女童及其教育发展的重要途径。  相似文献   

西部少数民族地区女教师相对较少,这对该地区的女童、妇女教育及其女教师自身发展等都产生了不利影响。因此,客观认识和分析西部少数民族女教师的职业发展现状,探讨影响女教师职业发展的相关因素,并提出相应的教育政策建议,将有助于促进西部民族地区教育的良性发展。  相似文献   

The question of how to assess the returns on investment in higher education has attracted widespread attention. In the past, the lack of a comprehensive understanding of the productive nature of educational expenditure affected the purpose and methods of assessing educational investment as well as the economic return on such investments in China. A great plan for China's economic construction to improve economic efficiency and quadruple industrial and agricultural production in the coming two decades was set forth at the Twelfth National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party. To achieve this objective, the development of education and science was among the top three priorities. This was a brilliant policy decision, advanced for the first time in China, to promote rapid growth of the national economy by developing education. It is of paramount importance in speeding up our socialist modernization.  相似文献   

边疆少数民族的地区高等师范院校肩负着培养少数民族师资,促进民族教育发展,培养多种人才,促进地区经济社会发展的重任。在维护民族团结,促进与周边邻国的交流与合作上具有重要作用。本认为,针对当前所面临的困难,这类院校应努力做到以下几点:一,该类院校要在改革中发展,办出自己的特色;二,政府应对这类院校给以特殊的政策性支持;三,取得国内院校的协作与支持,提高这类学校的国际竞争力,并与周边领国进行教育交流与合作。  相似文献   

Economic globalization is a gradually advancing process, and China's entry into the World Trade Organization (WTO) is an inevitable merging into the course of economic globalization. This will bring economic opportunities for development, and at the same time severe educational challenges. China's education should respond to the challenges of entering the WTO by fostering the concept of modern education, setting up a modern system of education, devising modem teaching contents, and training modem-type personnel.  相似文献   

发展民族教育、开发人力资源是21世纪西部地区经济社会进步最主要杠杆之一。民族教育改革与发展,必须立足社会大视野,着眼于民族教育与民族经济社会发展的关系,与当地生产力发展相适应,与民族经济改.微展相衔接,与民族化氛围相协调。西部地区要抓住西部大开发的历史机遇,解放思想,深化教育改革,实现教育上的跨越。  相似文献   

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