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基于BROWN,LOB,CLEC三个书面语语料库,通过对比英语本族语者与中国英语学习者英语书面语中模糊限制语的使用情况,探讨影响中国英语学习者英语写作中模糊限制语使用的因素,指出学生在英语写作中应尽可能避免文化思维差异及母语迁移对写作的影响,而教师在教学中应尽量加强对模糊限制语的研究,使学生在表达中增强正确使用模糊限制语的意识,达到成功交流的目的。  相似文献   

周敏仪 《海外英语》2013,(1):261-262
This is a corpus-based contrastive study projected to find out the differences in using hedges in English business corre spondences between Chinese English learners and native speakers.  相似文献   

Students with disabilities often struggle with writing tasks. In order to improve the written expression performance of high school students with deficits in written expression, a Direct Instruction writing program was implemented. The participants were six high school students in programs for individuals with learning disabilities. Three of the six students were served in programs for students who are English Language Learners. Using a multiple‐probe across‐participants design, the effect of the writing program was examined. The intervention was implemented over a 5‐week period with maintenance checks conducted 2 and 4 weeks after the termination of instruction. Results were variable, but there appeared to be a positive trend in student writing performance as measured by correct word sequence, length of text, and the TOWL‐3. Implications for practice and future directions are also provided.  相似文献   

This study compared variables related to reading ability in Grade 3 students learning English as a first language (L1) and second language (L2). The students learning English as an L2 came from diverse backgrounds, with different levels of bilingualism in Spanish and English or Portuguese and English before they entered school. Both within‐group and between‐group differences emerged in comparing Spanish children from two cohorts, and in comparing the Spanish group to the Portuguese and English groups. Models predicting reading comprehension found differences with respect to the contribution of receptive vocabulary, decoding, and print exposure in the L1 and L2 groups, depending on the L2 students’ bilingual language status and language acquisition experiences. Additionally, print exposure was more highly related to comprehension in the lowest performing L2 groups. Implications and future directions are discussed.  相似文献   

中国大学英语学习者在表达使役关系的时候多倾向于使用make+object+complement结构,但对中国学生在使用这一结构和本族语者使用这一结构存在哪些差异及其原因的研究却不多。利用WordNeighbors数据库对本族语者使用这一结构的情况进行了调查研究,结果显示:就使用频率而言,本族语者也比较频繁地使用这一结构,但在具体用法上与汉语存在两点不同之处。究其原因,主要是受母语负迁移的影响。研究表明,输入的匮乏是造成中国学习者过度依赖母语的一个原因。  相似文献   

母语在英语学习过程中会对英语的习得造成一定的影响,这些影响在语言输出中尤为明显,即对说、写、译的影响。母语负迁移对英语学习者的影响可以通过一些策略来减轻,这对英语学习者语言的习得会有很大的帮助。本文就母语负迁移对英语学习者的影响及对策作以浅析。  相似文献   


We provide data 3 to 4 years postintervention for four samples of English language learners from two sequential Grade 1 cohorts who received supplemental Grade 1 reading interventions in Spanish or English and for whom the language of instruction for intervention was matched with language of core reading instruction. Participants were 300 students at risk for reading difficulties who were randomly assigned to intervention or comparison groups; there were 186 students from the four samples assessed in both languages (Spanish, English) 3 or 4 years after intervention completion (Spring Grade 4 or 5). Findings from the Spanish study revealed few statistically significant differences in favor of intervention students on Spanish measures, although effect sizes generally favored this group (median d = +0.33). Findings from the English study also revealed few statistically significant differences in favor of intervention students, though again, effect sizes were positive (median d = +0.23). Transfer effects were generally small, though nearly all were positive. Although the effects were small, receipt of intervention in Grade 1 was associated with clinically significant gains in a variety of literacy-related domains 3 to 4 years after the termination of supplemental instruction.  相似文献   

本研究以问卷的形式,调查了英语高分者与低分者词汇策略使用的差异。结果表明,高分者的词汇策略使用远远高于低分者,其中高分者与低分者在元认知策略的使用上存在显著差异,低分者比高分者更多地使用死记硬背和翻译/母语策略。大学英语教师在教学中应有意识地进行学习策略培训,提高学生的词汇学习效率。  相似文献   

本从中外教师的教育理念、语言素质、教学方法、化素质、个人素质等方面对比分析了中外英语教师的素质,认为中外英语教师各有所长,应相互学习、互通信息、取长补短,对教学资源进行优化组合,以达到最佳教学效果。  相似文献   

Infants show attentional biases for certain individuals over others based on various cues. However, the role of these biases in shaping infants' preferences and learning is not clear. This study asked whether infants' preference for native speakers (Kinzler, Dupoux, & Spelke, 2007) would modulate their preferences for tunes. After getting equal exposure to two different tunes introduced by two speakers, 7‐month‐olds (= 32) listened longer to the tune that was introduced by a native speaker compared to the tune that was introduced by a foreign speaker. This suggests that the social‐emotional context in which exposure to stimuli occurs influences auditory preferences, and that the early emerging attentional biases might have important ramifications regarding social learning in early infancy.  相似文献   

对来自西南大学的10位英语专业四年级学生进行了一个英语会话测试以便收集其会话语料,并对他们与Zhang(2002)所报告的本族语使用者在英语会话中使用回声式反应的比率进行了对比分析。结果显示,与本族语使用者相比,学生在英语交谈中,对回声式反应使用不足。该结果的启示是,应把英语本族语使用者的口语语料库作为中国大学的英语口语课程的材料编写的最有效的来源之一,以便于学习者观察和模仿到更为地道的英语口语表达。  相似文献   

语言学习和语言习得在学习效果上存在一定的差异.在少儿英语教学中发展儿童语言运用能力的关键在于教师应结合儿童认知能力的发展,从语言信息输入定位、输入输出定位、教学顺序定位、情感因素过滤方面来创设语言习得环境.  相似文献   

分析我国目前英语教学中本族语使用的现状,提出正确使用本族语的方法,以期提高英语教学效果。  相似文献   

朗读流利度是阅读流利度的主要表现,因此发展第二语言朗读流利度在第二语言阅读教学中是非常重要的.朗读流利度主要包括三项指标:朗读速度、朗读准确度和朗读韵律.考察了多样化认读和拼音输入训练以及朗读录音作业相结合的朗读教学方法对初级汉语水平的英语母语者汉语朗读流利度的影响,并将中国人的朗读语料作为基线数据进行比较.研究结果发现,汉语朗读教学方法提高了英语母语者的汉语朗读流利度.多样化认读训练提高了解码的自动化程度,拼音输入训练增强了学习者的语音意识.朗读录音作业改进了学习者的朗读韵律;言语任务的难易程度对英语母语者的汉语朗读速度和朗读韵律的影响较为显著,对朗读准确度的影响不显著;学习时长对英语母语者汉语朗读速度的影响比较显著,对朗读准确度和朗读韵律的影响不显著.  相似文献   

中国空前的改革开放力度,使中国的英语教学领域也因中国社会的飞速发展正在发生着巨大的变化。大批外籍教师在中国英语教学中的参与,给中国的英语教学带来了许多英语及其承载的多姿多彩的英语化。这种英语化的多元性在当今的英语教学中,与中国传统化,包括中国传统的英语教学化既发生冲突,又相互适应。外籍教师与中国本土教师分别为不同化的生物,为不同的化所塑造。在英语教学中,看到中外教师的各自优势,认识到中外教师在教学中搭配的必要性与合理性,是一个十分重要的问题。在这种搭配合作中,一些值得注意的问题不可小视。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study is to examine the language characteristics of a few states' large-scale assessments of mathematics and science and investigate whether the language demands of the items are associated with the degree of differential item functioning (DIF) for English language learner (ELL) students. A total of 542 items from 11 assessments at Grades 4, 5, 7, and 8 from three states were rated for the linguistic complexity based on a developed linguistic coding scheme. The linguistic ratings were compared to each item's DIF statistics. The results yielded a stronger association between the linguistic rating and DIF statistics for ELL students in the “relatively easy” items than in the “not easy” items. Particularly, general academic vocabulary and the amount of language in an item were found to have the strongest association with the degrees of DIF, particularly for ELL students with low English language proficiency. Furthermore, the items were grouped into four bundles to closely look at the relationship between the varying degrees of language demands and ELL students' performance. Differential bundling functioning (DBF) results indicated that the exhibited DBF was more substantial as the language demands increased. By disentangling linguistic difficulty from content difficulty, the results of the study provide strong evidence of the impact of linguistic complexity on ELL students' performance on tests. The study discusses the implications for the validation of the tests and instructions for ELL students.  相似文献   

The development of English language learners (ELLs) was explored from kindergarten through eighth grade within a nationally representative sample of first-time kindergartners (N = 19,890). Growth curve analyses indicated that, compared to native English speakers, ELLs were rated by teachers more favorably on approaches to learning, self control, and externalizing behaviors in kindergarten and generally continued to grow in a positive direction on these social/behavioral outcomes at a steeper rate compared to their native English-speaking peers, holding other factors constant. Differences in reading and math achievement between ELLs and native English speakers varied based on the grade at which English proficiency is attained. Specifically, ELLs who were proficient in English by kindergarten entry kept pace with native English speakers in both reading and math initially and over time; ELLs who were proficient by first grade had modest gaps in reading and math achievement compared to native English speakers that closed narrowly or persisted over time; and ELLs who were not proficient by first grade had the largest initial gaps in reading and math achievement compared to native speakers but the gap narrowed over time in reading and grew over time in math. Among those whose home language is not English, acquiring English proficiency by kindergarten entry was associated with better cognitive and behavioral outcomes through eighth grade compared to taking longer to achieve proficiency. Multinomial regression analyses indicated that child, family, and school characteristics predict achieving English proficiency by kindergarten entry compared to achieving proficiency later. Results are discussed in terms of policies and practices that can support ELL children's growth and development.  相似文献   

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