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新中国成立初期,党在教育领域提出了"教育为人民服务"的思想。其涵义主要有三:工农是服务的核心;工农是受教育的主体;国家经济建设是服务的方向。所以提出这一思想,根本原因在于当时教育的状况,其中最主要的是高等教育的现状与实现为人民服务的要求相去太远。为此在高等教育领域采取了倾斜招生政策、解决实际困难、创办新型大学和改造师生思想等措施,以落实"教育为人民服务"这一思想。  相似文献   

Having gone through the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, Peking University is developing into a new-type socialist university. It has 17 departments embracing over 60 specialties and a teaching staff of more than 2,000. Since August 1970, it has enrolled some 4,000 students from among young workers, peasants, and soldiers with practical experience all over the country. This is something unheard of in the old-type universities.  相似文献   

“一村一名大学生计划”是我国解决“三农”问题的一项教育实验,需要各级政府政策成本的支持.在政府统筹规划下,电大与有关行政部门分工协作、齐抓共管,是“一村一名大学生计划”实施的有效途径.  相似文献   

At the end of 1967 some revolutionary teachers and students of the chemistry department of Chengchow University earnestly studied Chairman Mao's directive: "This is also true with students, who must make study their principal pursuit and study other things concurrently. That is, they should study not only liberal arts but also learn from workers, peasants, and soldiers and criticize the bourgeoisie." They severely criticized Liu Shao-ch'i's counterrevolutionary revisionist educational line. With the assistance of workers and masters, and through arduous endeavor, they succeeded in constructing the "May 7" Chemical Laboratory. Workers, teachers, and students collaborated in studying and researching side by side, thus successfully manufacturing an important new product, which was dedicated to the Ninth Congress.  相似文献   

“迎汪复职”运动是大革命后期中国共产党和国民党左派同蒋介石新右派斗争的一个重要方面。这一运动对于动员和组织人民群众、国民党左派以及其他革命势力揭露蒋介石的阴谋,打击他的反动气焰和削弱他的权力,起了一定作用。但是,共产国际驻华代表和陈独秀等人过分看重迎汪复职运动的作用,未能在精神上和实际工作中作好应付各种突然事变的准备,而是把希望寄托在汪精卫身上,幻想以退让求团结,忽视了在北伐战争胜利进军的新形势下,发动工农群众,创建工农武装,巩固并加强共产党自身力量的重要任务。究其实质是对蒋介石反动本质缺乏清醒认识,对汪精卫存在不切实际的幻想,犯了方向性原则性的错误。  相似文献   

In accordance with Chairman Mao's great instruction, "Students should be chosen from among workers and peasants with practical experience, and after a few years' study in school, they should go back to production practice," a certain unit of the Production and Construction Corps of the PLA Peking Command chose five groups of students in 1971 from among intellectual youths in its units who had been tempered in labor, as well as PLA cadres and demobilized personnel who had practical experience, and sent them to study in more than ten institutions of higher learning in Peking, Tientsin, Inner Mongolia, and other areas. These colleges and schools are generally satisfied with the students chosen.  相似文献   

论"十七年"小说中的小资知识分子形象   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"十七年"小说中的小资产阶级知识分子,要么追随工农兵英雄的形象特征,要么被塑造成"妖魔化"的危险分子.这个历史的小资产阶级知识分子的美学特征,显示了当时的主流意识形态对小资知识分子的焦虑和排斥.然而,无论是自我丑化,还是模仿工农兵英雄形象,都将小资产阶级知识分子的艺术形象推向了彻底瓦解的境地.  相似文献   

谈我国城市农民工工伤保险问题   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
杨宏 《大连大学学报》2004,25(5):101-103
农民工是指具有农村户口身份却在城市务工的劳动者,是经济社会转型时期的一种特殊的社会群体。他们在我国城市经济改革中发挥了重要的作用。我国原有的工伤保险仅仅覆盖城镇的企事业单位的公民。作为城镇居民之外的边缘人群的农民工却不享受工伤保险待遇。本文针对农民工伤保险缺失的现状分析原因,阐述完善农民工伤保险的必要性和对策。  相似文献   

山西是传统的农业大省,因此,为农业、农村、农民服务一直是山西电大教育事业的根本。随着信息技术的发展,山西电大与时俱进,通过与农广校联手、培训农村小学教师、对农民开展"专业证书"教育等途径,多渠道、多形式为"三农"服务,创出一条通过远程教育为"三农"服务的新路。  相似文献   

以科技论文写作为导向的专业外语教学模式建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,工科院校非英语专业的专业英语课程教学重点集中在听说和阅读上,往往忽视了英语科技论文写作方面的培训,而英语科技论文写作是研究生和科研工作者必备的基本能力。本文通过以科技论文写作为导向的专业外语教学模式的建构,探讨了专业外语的一种可行教学模式,一方面提高了学生的写作能力,同时,"读写相长、学以致用"的教学模式,可以激发学生的学习兴趣,提高自主学习能力。  相似文献   

In accordance with Chairman Mao's teaching, "It is imperative to select students from among workers and peasants with practical experience," in work to enroll students for universities in the autumn of 1971, our hsien relied on the broad masses of workers and peasants and firmly adhered to the principle of "registration on a voluntary basis, recommendation by the masses, approval by the leadership, and review by the school," thus satisfactorily accomplishing the task and basically giving satisfaction to the applicants, the masses, the leadership, and the schools. All were unanimously of the opinion that this student recruitment campaign had propagated and carried out to the letter Chairman Mao's revolutionary line in education, firmly adhered to the mass line, and embodied the class line of the Party.  相似文献   

“三农”问题的核心是农民素质问题.电大远程教育为“三农”服务说到底是为提高农民素质服务.为此,电大应发挥系统优势,有针对性地采取措施,为提高农民素质搞好服务.  相似文献   

从生存伦理与道德主体的视角看,拥有同一身体的农民与农民工因社会身份的不同,在农村与城市这两种不同日常生活世界中遵循着不同的行动逻辑与道德准则。政治、生活、社会、道德是一个人身份的构型纬度,一旦离开对农民身份有着系统性约定的乡村场域,传统型农民不再拥有农民身份;大众传媒惯用的农民工话语也是一个消解农民的过程。农民工身份是都市社会底层的一种新型社交类型,在此社交类型中农民工的道德主体有着原生型、再生型、次生型三种构型。激活作为"农民"的"农民工"内心深处认同的、与社会公德相契合的生存伦理的引领力,比抽象的"人的城镇化"对社会公德的建构更加具有现实意义。城镇化和乡村振兴的主体是农民还是农民工,不同的认识以及由此建构的不同社会治理方式对未来都市与乡村的道德构型会产生不同的影响。  相似文献   

It has been suggested that only 8% of postsecondary students in the United States who have a hearing loss have disclosed that hearing loss to their institutions. Consistent with this suggestion, two anonymous surveys of students enrolled in courses with the Open University in the United Kingdom suggested that there were roughly 9,000 students in the Open University itself and over 42,000 students in higher education across the United Kingdom as a whole who had a hearing loss that they had not disclosed to their institutions. These students tended to be older people with a relatively mild hearing loss that did not disrupt their communication with other students or their active engagement with learning activities. The impact of the students' hearing loss upon their approaches to studying seemed to be relatively slight, but it was associated with an increase in the students' perceived academic workload.  相似文献   

"三突出"的构造过程及其理论特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从史的角度剖析“三突出”理论的产生和发展的来龙去脉,从延安时代的“工农兵”、“正面人物”逐渐街化为写“英雄人物”到“突出主要雄人物”,揭示着极左导致的的文艺思想的形而上学蜕变。  相似文献   

现代湘籍作家周立波有着显著的"方言情结",其成因与潜在的语言习得的影响以及对主流意识形态倡导的"工农兵"方向的迎合有关,也与作家自觉的语言创新主体意识密切关联。  相似文献   

It has already been six years since Chairman Mao issued the brilliant directive to "take the road of the Shanghai Machine Tool Plant and train technicians from among the workers." For the past six years, the working class of Shanghai has been resolutely moving forward in the direction Chairman Mao has led. Besides selecting a large number of workers with practical experience to enter higher-level schools to study each year, the mass movement for factory-run schooling has been intensively developing every day. So far, over 90 percent of the whole city's major industrial enterprises have already launched various forms of technical education. Altogether, there are over 200,000 staff and workers taking part in technical study. The entire city has 48 schools like the "July 21" Workers' University of the Shanghai Machine Tool Plant and over 7,700 students. There are over 300 spare-time secondary technical schools. In addition, there are also a great number of short-term technical training classes and all kinds of spare-time education.  相似文献   

随着国家“两免一补”政策在农村的全面实施,城市也开始对本地义务教育阶段学生实行“两免一补”政策。但是,进城农民工随迁子女却未能纳入“两免一补”政策的享受范围。免费义务教育是公民的基本权利,政府有义务为所有义务教育阶段的公民提供平等的教育机会和条件。由于现行义务教育投入管理体制的不完善,义务教育法也没有明确规定流动人口子女义务教育经费的承担主体,大多数农民工随迁子女被排斥在城市公办学校和享受“两免一补”政策的范围之外。建立由中央政府、流入地政府和流出地政府三方按比例共同分担机制。将农民工随迁子女纳入“两免一补”政策的享受范围,是保障农民工子女教育平等权的重要前提。  相似文献   

During the rectification campaign to criticize Lin Piao and the campaign to criticize Lin Piao and Confucius, we of the Lan-chou City May 7 Cadre School have gradually established theory ranks which were born and developed in struggle. They persist in the revolutionary study method of linking theory with practice, follow the path of uniting with the workers and peasants, and have established roots among the masses. They have functioned as a backbone for the school's criticism of Lin Piao and Confucius and study of theory and have won the wholehearted approval of the students.  相似文献   

Worker’s Faculties, which have been widespread in the Soviet Union up until 1941, combined the two goals of preparing adult workers and peasants for university entrance through the provision of general education, as well as creating a new socialist intelligentsia from among these groups. After World War II, Workers’ Faculties were also established in postcolonial countries. Based on case studies in Vietnam, Cuba, and Mozambique, we argue that corresponding transfer processes were largely driven by local actors in the respective countries and that these institutions were regarded as suitable instruments in solving problems particular to postcolonial contexts.  相似文献   

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