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从人民政协的性质、主题、功能、特点、基本职能来看,政协与"和谐社会"具有一种"天然"的内在联系,发挥政协的作用是社会主义和谐社会构建的必然要求.政协需要找准自己的位置,认准自身的独特优势,只有做到角色到位才能富有成效地发挥作用;同时应规范政协的界别划分与设置,强化委员的界别意识,加强政协委员队伍的建设和管理.  相似文献   

斗争哲学不是只讲斗争,不讲统一;和谐哲学也不是只讲统一,不讲斗争。关键的区别在于,斗争哲学强调斗争是要达到旧统一体的破裂,实现事物的转化;而和谐哲学虽然也讲斗争,但斗争是为了保持统一体的存在和发展。从这个意义上讲,斗争哲学是强调质变的哲学,是革命党的哲学;而和谐哲学是适应量变的哲学,是执政党的哲学,它强调质的稳定性。1964年爆发的“一分为二”与“合二而一”的论战,是斗争哲学与和谐哲学的对立,是革命党向执政党转变在哲学上的反映。  相似文献   

参与地方立法协商是人民政协政治协商的重要内涵。立法过程本身就是各种利益关系博弈协调的过程。政协由界别组成,是各界利益的代表,政协参与立法协商,借助政协的平台进行利益关系的博弈、协调与整合,可以保证立法的合理性与可操作性,防止立法决策失误。要健全和完善人民政协参与地方立法协商,首先应当明确政协参与地方立法协商的性质与功能,不断健全和完善人民政协参与地方立法协商的程序设计,不断健全和完善政协参与地方立法协商的运作机制。  相似文献   

"两弹一星"科技精英群体师承效应是建立在名师、名校、名专业、名学历(学位)四要素基础之上的.它的发生主要取决于五个基本因素:一是科学预见、把握前沿的眼光得以继承和发扬;二是精心选才、因人施教的能力得以继承和发扬;三是情操高洁、人格至善的品性得以继承和发扬;四是学术民主、教学相长的学风得以继承和发扬;五是甘为人梯、乐于奉献的精神得以继承和发扬.  相似文献   

浅论"一国两制"模式对香港及大陆政治体制发展的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
香港回归祖国后,“一国两制”思想在香港得到了充分的实践与运用。文章试图通过对香港在回归前后政治体制变化的回顾与评论,以及香港政制对内地政治体制改革的参考意义的评述,揭示这一互动的现实状况,同时证明“一国两制”方针在解决香港问题上所发挥的巨大作用是不可替代的。  相似文献   

为更好地实现在线课程教学目标,提出"一体两翼"式课程思政融入英美文化概况课程的在线教学构想:基于情怀和创新的"一体"式设计,以画龙点睛和专题嵌入的"两翼"式方式,将课程知识点与思政点相融合,以达到润物细无声的教学效果。经三方反馈数据验证,对于"一体两翼"式思政的形式和内容,学生可以自然接受并认同其为课程一部分,能够引起情感共鸣;激励学生产生学习的内动力;有效促进学生对课程知识的理解、拓展和深化。  相似文献   

吴国萍 《高教论坛》2006,46(2):36-39
当代资本主义的许多新变化以及社会主义在世界范围内的暂时困境,使部分大学生在思想上对马克思的“两个必然”理论感到困惑和不解,以至于产生一些错误认识。因此,在教学中正确引导大学生科学认识和判断当代资本主义发展的历史进程,正确理解马克思的“两个必然”理论的逻辑思路,对于他们坚定社会主义信念,树立科学的世界观、人生观、价值观具有极其重大的现实意义。  相似文献   

If the number of doctorates were only a function of the number of professors, Sweden should be expected to excel Norway by a factor of 1.5‐2. This figure is actually 8‐10 times as high for those faculties in which Sweden requires a Ph.D. for high‐school lecturers. Within Sweden, there is also a systematic covariation over time between the examination of doctors and the number of new positions filled as lecturers. Thus, the merit‐value of doctorates for Swedish higher education has been of great importance for the development of Swedish research in certain fields.  相似文献   

长篇小说《百年孤独》表现了马尔克斯把“小世界”和“大世界”相结合的审美体验。从艺术观念说,这是一种以“魔幻的现实”和呼唤文学相结合的文学观;从艺术风格说,这是一种以严肃的内容与荒诞形式相结合的夸张象征为主的现代主义风格。这种审美体验和艺术特征,来源于马尔克斯的“变现实为幻想而又不使其失真”的创作方法。  相似文献   

Twenty-two faculty and graduate students were interviewed in one college of education in order to understand what the college and its constituents view as the skills, habits of mind, and dispositions needed to obtain a Ph.D. in Education. Analysis of the data was conducted using professional socialization as a theoretical framework, allowing for an understanding of the different perspectives of this topic as viewed through a developmental lens. Implications for theory and practice are included.
Xyanthe N. NeiderEmail:

非英语专业博士研究生英语听说教学改革   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文在调查分析了我校2002级和2003级非英语专业博士研究生英语听说教学的现状和存在问题的基础上,对我校博士研究生英语听说教学中进行了以面向国际学术交流、提高博士生使用英语从事实际学术交流的能力为基本宗旨的教学改革尝试,提出了博士研究生听说教学要注重语言的实用性、教学内容选择的时代性、课堂活动的趣味性和知识性、英语基础知识教学的重要性以及考试方式的多样性和灵活性.  相似文献   

There is no doubt that what is generally referred to as 'Ph.D education' has undergone dramatic changes in Europe in recent years. Whereas the Bologna Process, launched in 1999, originally had in mind to make it easier for undergraduate students to gain international experience and enhance their employability by facilitating mobility and transparency of higher education in Europe, the idea of a 'third cycle' of doctoral studies came relatively late in the discussion (2003). For some academic cultures, the idea of educating doctoral students was and still is perceived as a threat against academic freedom, originality and credibility. Other academic cultures have already long adopted Ph.D training schemes as an integrated part of training future scientists and knowledge workers. This article presents the result of a recent survey on Ph.D training in the Nordic-Baltic Area (Andreas Önnerfors: 'Ph.D-training/PGT in the Nordic-Baltic Area', Exploring the North: papers in Scandinavian Culture and Society 2006:1, Lund 2006) initiated by the Nordic research organisation NordForsk, which discusses new concepts of doctoral education and training in the five Nordic and the three Baltic countries as well as in Russia, Poland and three northern states of the Federal Republic of Germany. Whereas there is great correspondence in the performance of doctoral training and education in the Nordic countries and changes have been introduced permanently for about 30 years, Poland, Germany and Russia are battling with their academic traditions and the challenge of adapting their academic cultures to joint European standards. This concerns especially the phenomenon of two postgraduate degrees (the Ph.D and a further degree) and the view upon training elements in doctoral studies. After their independence, the three Baltic countries rapidly adapted their systems of higher education to the Nordic model.  相似文献   

美国自1989年威斯康星州通过了全美第一个真正意义上的教育凭证计划以来,逐步形成了"一州两市"为主导的公立教育券格局。2004年,联邦教育券计划获得通过,这是美国教育券史上的一个飞跃。但是,美国公立教育券的推行依旧困难重重。教育券能否改善学业成绩、教育券的"公助私学"以及教育公平等问题仍是争论的焦点和进一步推行的阻力所在。  相似文献   

汪宇 《黄山学院学报》2007,9(1):139-142
小说《女勇士》的开篇《无名女人》,对同一个故事即姑姑因与人通奸而被逼投井自杀,母女叙述者分别在内外叙述层中,运用不同的叙述方式和叙述视角对其进行了两种阐释。这种差异反映了母女两人不同的价值观,也揭示出以女儿为代表的第二代华裔移民在西方文化背景下对中国传统文化的态度。  相似文献   

深化"两课"教学改革增强教学实效   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出了"两课"教学内容改革、教学方式改进和教学手段完善、教学实效增强的诸多思路,对进一步增强大学生思想政治教育教学的针对性、实效性,加强吸引力、感染力有一定的指导作用.  相似文献   

大学研究院制度是荷兰国家创新制度体系的重要组成部分,是其国际竞争力形成与提高的主要因素。荷兰大学研究院之一的跨校教育研究中心的具体运作显示,组织机构开放、培养目标明确、优质资源整合、学科交叉融合、博士课程设置合理、灵活并重视博士生能力的养成等,是大学研究院的显著特征。荷兰大学研究院的制度设计及运作成效,显示了只有在制度上进行创新,才能集中优质教育资源,提升博士研究生教育及其研究的水平。  相似文献   

王维诗表现出"苦情"和"圆满"的两极生命形式.从佛教"一心开二门"的义理来看,二者统摄于"一心",却分属两个价值维度.苦情诗持社会道德伦常的价值判断,由心生灭门而生,不具备心性层面的超越.圆满者属心性本源的终极价值,契合心真如门而生,是"一心"之禅境界.  相似文献   

在对三所"985工程"高校博士教育质量调查问卷进行统计的基础上,从博士生学习期间参与课题的数量和级别、了解科研方法与规范的渠道、获得导师学术指导的频率、参与的课题研究与学位论文的关系等方面切入,具体分析了目前我国高校博士生参与课题的现状及存在的主要问题.结合四年前开展的一个相关调查的分析结论,对所发现的主要问题提出了如下改革建议:为博士生多渠道参与高等级科研课题创设机会,同时努力提高他们参与课题的有效性;加强博士生研究方法类知识的教学及相关能力培养,形成他们坚实的研究方法基础;完善博导制度设计,遴选适合的导师并增进导师指导的有效性.  相似文献   

Twenty students enrolled in Ph.D. programmes were interviewed to examine the role of gender in their academic experiences. Gender was examined in three ways: gender of the student, gender of the student’s faculty supervisor and gender make‐up of the faculty within the student’s department or academic unit. All students reported the importance of supportive faculty mentors and that financial worries, time pressure and the uncertainty of future employment were sources of stress. Family formation and striving toward personal as well as professional goals were particularly of concern for women, as were perceptions of differential treatment. Women students valued women faculty mentors, although female faculty were perceived as less supportive than male faculty of family concerns when these women had themselves sacrificed family formation for the sake of their careers. Both men and women experienced less stress and reported greater career commitment when faculty in their departments exhibited less traditional values regarding the balancing of personal and professional goals. The implications of these findings for reducing doctoral student attrition rates and for creating a more supportive environment for Ph.D. students are discussed.  相似文献   

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