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2002年12月12日,中国科学院、国家科技部、国家计划委员会、国家自然科学基金委员会联合宣布“中国水稻(籼稻)基因组精细图完成”。此前,我国科学家于2001年10月完成了其工作框架图的绘制。水稻(籼稻)基因组工作框架图与精细图是继人类基因组计划之后所测定完成的最大的植物基因组,也是迄今为止惟一用“霰弹法”完成的最大基因组精细图。这表明中国在基因组科学领域处于世界领先地位;也标志着中国的高性能计算在生物信息领域的综合实力。文章概要地介绍了该项成果的研究背景和意义、主要内容、研制过程和方法、应用价值及国内外的评价。  相似文献   

媒体对科学家形象的良好形塑不仅关乎科学家精神的厚植与弘扬,更深刻影响公众对科学家乃至科学的整体认知与态度。研究综合运用定性和定量分析方法,以《中国科学报》和Wiely 2015-2020年科技人物报道为数据源,探索分析了国内外科学媒体在中国科学家形象塑造时的异同。结果显示:《中国科学报》科技人物报道以叙事记叙性通讯为体裁,男性且功成名就的科学家为主体,科学家形象塑造以展现宏观科学精神为主,日常生活与个性挖掘为辅;Wiely以谈话实录性通讯为核心叙事方式,聚焦当代青年科技精英,侧重对科学家职业和个性特征、科学与人文精神的共同勾画。两大科学媒体在科技人物报道对象及其形象塑造中均存在一定的性别刻板。据此,对科学媒体中科学家形象的塑造路径与策略提出了反思。  相似文献   

穆荣平  廖原  池康伟 《科研管理》2022,43(10):160-171
准确把握杰出科学家成长规律是科技创新人才政策制定前瞻性和针对性的重要保障。综合使用统计分析、比较分析、文献研究等方法组合对1901—2021年诺贝尔科学奖得主和中国科学院院士群体的成长规律进行深入分析,研究发现:(1)杰出科学家做出重大成果的时间集中在35~45岁,其重大科学贡献获得学术界认可的平均年龄在57~58岁,其中,诺贝尔科学奖得主的平均获奖年龄呈现上升趋势,而中国科学院院士的平均当选年龄呈现下降趋势;(2)化学、生命科学和医学领域重大成就获得认可的时间相对较短,物理学等领域重大成就获得认可的时间相对较长;(3)杰出科学家通常拥有良好的科学教育背景,并在世界一流的学术研究平台进行过高水平的科研工作和学术交流,在一流的学术环境中成长起来;(4)杰出科学家的涌现表现出较强的群落效应和明显的师承关系,师承关系是杰出科学家成长的重要因素,师从名家可以有效促进科学家成长。基于上述研究结论,本文对杰出科学家支持政策和青年科技创新人才政策制定提出了两点政策启示。  相似文献   

对欧科技合作是中国国际科技合作的重要组成部分,而欧盟框架计划内的中欧科技合作是目前的主要合作渠道。欧盟框架计划是全球最大的多国合作的官方科技计划之一,也是中国科学家参与高水平国际科技合作的重要平台。本文介绍了中国参与欧盟框架计划的现状,探讨了制约中方机构参与欧盟框架计划的几个问题,提出了促进中方机构参与欧盟研发计划的对策和建议。  相似文献   

Chinese scientists have succeeded in cloning a colony of cattle from fully differentiated somatic cells. The news was announced jointly by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the government of Shandong Province at a press conference held on March 7, 2002.  相似文献   

Throughout history, gender inequality has persisted in most parts of the world. Since the founding of the People''s Republic of China (PRC) in 1949, substantial progress has been made towards gender equality in China. Today, a large number of Chinese women scientists are making significant contributions to advance science. However, are they facing gender discrimination in hiring and promotion? Do they have access to the same opportunities as their male colleagues? What are the potential approaches to further promote gender equality in China''s scientific community given myriad unfavorable social factors? Recently, NSR invited five Chinese female scientists and two gender experts to discuss these issues. Here are their observations and suggestions. Bing LiuProfessor at the Department of the History of Science, Tsinghua University Jun LuSenior Engineer at Beijing Institute of Tracking and Telecommunications Technology, and Deputy Chief Designer of BeiDou Grounded Test and Validation System Chih-chen WangProfessor at the Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Hongyang WangPresident of the China Women''s Association for Science and Technology (CWAST), Director of the National Center for Science in Liver Cancer Xiaoyun WangC. N. Yang Professor at the Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University Yan ZhengChair Professor at the School of Environmental Science and Engineering, Southern University of Science and Technology Wenpei Tang (Chair)Professor at the School of Health Humanities, Peking University  相似文献   

Rice is a staple food for more than half of the worldwide population and is also a model species for biological studies on monocotyledons. hrough a team efort, Chinese scientists have made rapid and important progresses in rice biology in recent years. Here, we briely review these advances, emphasizing on the regulatory mechanisms of the complex agronomic traits that afect rice yield and grain quality. Progresses in rice genome biology and genome evolution have also been summarized.  相似文献   

After 17-month hard work, the scientists of the CAS Beijing Genomics Institute accomplished the draft sequence of the rice genome for Oryza sativa L. ssp. Indica in October, 2001, and the data were unconditionally shared by the whole world. About 270,000 people had visited Chinese rice genome website  相似文献   

Chinese School of Sustainability Science:For the first time ever,Chinese scientists give their advice to the UN"Post-2015 Development Agenda"and predictions on the time when different countries achieve sustainable development.  相似文献   

In recent years, Chinese scientists have achieved significant progress in paleontological discoveries and scientific studies. Series of studies published in top journals, such as Science, Nature and Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), have astonished the world by presenting beautiful fossils that furnish robust evidence to enrich the understanding of organismic evolution, major extinctions and stratigraphy. It has been portrayed as the heyday in the paleontology of China. What is the status of the field? What factors have caused the avalanche of fossil discoveries in China? What implications can these new discoveries provide for our understanding of current evolution theories? How, given their significant contribution to the world''s paleontology scholarship, can Chinese scientists play a due leadership role in the field? At an online forum organized by the National Science Review (NSR), its associate editor-in-chief, Zhonghe Zhou, asked four scientists in the field as well as NSR executive editor-in-chief Mu-ming Poo to join the discussion. Jin Meng Paleobiologist at American Museum of Natural History Mu-ming Poo Neurobiologist at Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Shuzhong Shen Stratigrapher at Nanjing Institute of Geology and Paleontology, Chinese Academy of Sciences Shuhai Xiao Paleobiologist and geobiologist at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Zhonghe Zhou (Chair) Paleobiologist at Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology (IVPP), Chinese Academy of Sciences  相似文献   

On January 20, 2010, ten S&T advances were announced to have distinguished themselves as the most outstanding work made by Chinese scientists over the past year, as the result from a ballot attended by 563 Members of CAS and the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE).  相似文献   

In this section, we introduce some outstanding research achievements made by CAS scientists in 2010, as listed in the Chinese version of Science Development Report published in March 2011.  相似文献   

结合有关文献材料和案例,本文分析了我国科学家在国际科技组织中任职存在的问题,尝试提出以下建议:加大培训,使科学家的知识结构更趋多元化;制定政策,支持和吸引国际科技组织总部落户中国;出台政策,建立人才储备库,培养国际科技组织任职预备队伍。  相似文献   

Under the joint auspices of the Ministry of Sciences & Technology(MOST)and China Association for Science & Technology, more than 1,600 Chinese scholars including CAS and CAE members,chief scientists of the National Basic Research Program(dubbed 973 Program)and directors  相似文献   

王玉  许昌泰 《现代情报》2010,30(10):23-25
目的:对我国科学院生物医学部部分院士(n=30)进行个人绩效评价,探索H指数与被引频次、篇均被引频次与科学家的关系,为研究计量学相关课题提供依据。方法:借助美国Thomson Scientific公司研发的Web of Science数据库,由"作者"及"地址"的检索途径分别检索出中国科学院部分院士在2000-2009年间所发表的文章,在此基础上计算出每位院士的H指数,将结果进行统计学分析。结果:我国科学院生物医学部30名院士的H指数2~31,中位数11;每人被引频次11~5693,中位数415;篇均被引次数1.38~16.89,中位数4~56。在所选取的30名样本中,有7位院士的H指数达到了赫什提出的"如果在从事科研工作20年后,H指数能达到20,就能够算的上是一名成功的科学家了"这一标准。结论:H指数与被引次数、篇均被引次数具有一定相关性。我国科研人员的H指数与世界著名科学家有一定差距,这可能与样本量较小、所选数据库有关,同时也与我国整体科研水平有关。  相似文献   

1978年3月举行的全国科学大会,是我国科学史上空前的盛会,标志着我国科技工作经过“十年动乱”后终于迎来了“科学的春天”。通过全国科学大会的筹备和召开,我国科技事业恢复了正常的体制和秩序,党和政府调整了知识分子政策,确立了“知识分子是工人阶级的一部分”和“科学技术是生产力”等重要论断,是对“十年动乱”中遭到严重破坏的科技工作的全面拨乱反正,也为20世纪80年代科技事业的开放和改革奠定了基础。  相似文献   

With the fast development of cutting-edge technologies and their greater integration into human life, more ethical challenges emerge. The problem became more salient when the world''s first genetically edited babies were born in China in violation of existing ethical rules. Although the responsible researcher He Jiankui was sentenced for imprisonment for three years last December, it is still necessary to examine the current status of research ethics and the challenges in China. Has China set up a sophisticated research ethics system? For research ethics and their implementation in China, are there unique national characteristics? Can the dominant ethics principles primarily developed from life science research be equally adopted in the emerging artificial intelligence research and development? At an online forum organized by National Science Review (NSR) and through subsequent correspondences among forum participants, NSR Executive Editor-in-Chief Mu-ming Poo and guest moderator Hepeng Jia asked three scientists and three bioethicists or philosophers of science and technology in the field to examine the dynamic development of research ethics in China. Weiwen DuanPhilosopher of Science and Technology at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China Junjiu HuangLife scientist focused on genetics at Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China Renzong QiuBioethicist at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing, China Qiang SunLife scientist and the principal investigator (PI) of clone monkey program at Shanghai Institute of Neuroscience, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China Yi ZengArtificial intelligence scientist at Institute of Automation, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China Xiaomei ZhaiBioethicist at Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences/Peking Union Medical College, Beijing, China Mu-ming Poo (Chair)Neurobiologist at Center for Excellence in Brain Science and Intelligence Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China Hepeng Jia (Co-chair)Professor of Science Communication at Soochow University, Suzhou, China  相似文献   

本文聚焦于50年代归国的留美科学家。他们是一个特殊的群体,在历史的风云际会中,这批科学家的命运体现在对政治与科学、去国与归国、个人与国家等多重相互交织的选择之中。他们大部分是抗战胜利后,通过国民党政府组织的留学考试出国的。50年代他们中很多人想回国为新成立的共和国服务,美国政府禁止他们回中国大陆,他们却想方设法,冲破重重阻力回到了中国。这些科学家在新学科的建制化、科学人才的培养以及为新中国经济建设和国防建设服务方面,尤其其中有些科学家在十二年科学规划的制订和"两弹一星"的研制方面,发挥了重要作用。这批科学家在历次政治运动,特别是反右和文革中受了很多冲击,有人被关入监狱,甚至有人自杀。在这批科学家身上能够见证科学与政治复杂的关系,能够见证冷战对科学发展的影响。  相似文献   

ACAS scientist succeeds in developing a new direction for exploring the inorganic carbon cycle of the earth. His creative work was recently reported by the 20th issue of Chinese Science Bulletin in 2007.  相似文献   

论文在论述美国科学家为什么参与决策咨询的基础上,具体分析了美国科技决策咨询的体制和机制,深入阐述了美国科学家参与科技决策咨询的主要途径和基本方式等,并就美国科技决策咨询体制机制对我国的启示进行了分析。  相似文献   

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