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欧阳修是北宋著名的政治家、文学家和史学家,也是中国科举制度史上的重要人物。其在科举文风、选拔方法、录取公正、考试公平等方面的革新思路和举措,不仅促进了科举制度的完善与发展,而且对后世考试选拔制度也有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

美英中三国大学校长遴选制度的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
影响美英两国大学校长遴选的因素主要有“教授治校”传统、高等教育价值观以及高等教育中权力的配置。从任职条件和选拔程序来看,美英两国大学校长在选拔制度上既有共同点也有不同点。中国高校校长的遴选多采用任命制,其标准和程序套用选拔党政干部方式。依据国家的政治经济制度、文化传统及大学的发展规律,我国大学校长的遴选需要完善遴选程序的可操作层面技术,并优化大学校长遴选的社会环境。  相似文献   

基层行政权力运行是我国整个政治权力运行的基本内容之一,它在社会主义新农村建设过程中发挥着重要的管理与服务功能。合理的基层行政权力运行机制包括:权力获得机制、载体配置机制、主体选拔机制、边界机制、程序机制、监督机制、参与机制、责任机制、环境机制和目标机制。  相似文献   

高等学校招考制度是选拔、培养人才的一种重要考试制度,它的形成与发展既是人类文明繁荣的标志,又是一个国家的重要教育制度。该文针对中国和德国的招考方式、命题机构及标准、学生流向等方面进行了比较分析,为我国高等学校招考制度改革与发展提供了借鉴经验。扩大高校自主招生权力、转变严进宽出的教育方式、综合评价考生等,是我国招生制度改革的方向。  相似文献   

英国大学存在着世界上非常独特的"副校长权力现象".从古到今,英国大学的副校长经历了从学术官员、行政官员到管理专家的角色演变.从最新资料来看,英国大学副校长在选拔方式、年龄、学校背景、职业背景、学科背景和任职年限等方面具有新的特征.副校长拥有大量实质性的管理权力,主要有任免权力、学术权力和财务权力,这些权力来源于副校长的职位.  相似文献   

从入学选拔、课程设置、能力培养和毕业要求四个方面对日本国立大学硕士生和博士生的培养方式及特点进行了概括与归纳,可以看出日本研究生培养有以下特点:选拔方式灵活、考查全面,注重加强与社会产业界的联系,发展产学研合作教育,提高学生的社会适应能力、实践能力和创新能力。这些做法对于优化我国研究生教育人才选拔方式,加强研究生能力培养有很好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

多数民主与共识民主是当今世界民主国家主要的两种民主模式,而在这两种民主模式下国家权力监控的立论逻辑与效能存在着重大的差别.在多数民主下权力集中在多数人手中,权力监控主要依靠权力掌握者自身的责任感、自制力,是一种自发型、自觉型的权力内部监控机制,权力监控的效能不够理想;共识民主则要求权力在尽可能多的人手中分享,权力监控主要依靠经过合理分配之后的权力享有者相互间的制衡来实现,是一种鞭策型、外力型的权力监控机制,权力监控更富有实效.我国是一个偏向多数民主的民主国家,国家权力监控机制表征出明显的多数民主特性,其优势与弱势并存.有必要结合国情特点,在保持现有机制的基础上借鉴共识民主模式权力监控机制的优势对其加以改造和完善,弥补其弱势,促使其发挥更理想的效能.  相似文献   

日本大学入学选拔制度述评   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文系统介绍了日本当代大学入学选拔制度的演变过程和各种大学入学选拔制度的特点,探讨了日本的经济社会发展与大学入学选拔制度之间的内在联系以及在知识与信息社会中大学入学选拔制度的内在规律,提出:大学入学选拔制度既是一个国家的政治、经济、社会、文化教育发展要求的综合产物,也对一个国家整体发展有着十分重要的影响。我们应当有针对性和选择性地借鉴日本在大学入学选拔制度中有效应对大学入学竞争、强化高中教育机构与大学教育机构在大学入学选拔中的作用、引导和整合全社会的力量参与大学入学选拔工作等方面好的做法,从而不断探索在新的历史条件下做好我国的大学入学选拔工作的规律。  相似文献   

近来,公务员考试越来越热,特别是受经济危机的影响,越来越多的人看好这个"铁饭碗".因此当前的公务员选拔就显示了其重要意义,目的是为政府选拔出一支高素质的公务员队伍,从而提高政府的工作效率和办事水平.新加坡作为主张"精英治国"理念的国家,其在公务员选拔制度方面有很多值得我们借鉴,笔者想通过接下来的对比分析对中国公务员选拔制度的完善提出合理化的建议.  相似文献   

在我国,(公立)学校实际上并没有自主的权利去选拔学生,所谓学校选拔职能实际上是国家教育权力在学校的体现,学校选拔新生不过是国家的一种职能,是国家教育权力的表现,因此,过分强调学校选拔职能导致应试教育的产生以及学校育人职能的削弱实际上是一种误解,因为并不是所有的学校都具有选拔的职能。应试教育产生有着更深刻的原因,它是教育的选拔功能、高等教育资源的有限性以及中国社会“双二元体制”综合作用的结果。  相似文献   

李霞 《比较教育研究》2011,(5):56-59,84
韩国近年来对校长选任进行了一系列改革,如1995年导入针对具备校长资格证者的"校长招聘制",在此基础上,2006年示范运营"校长招聘.公募制",2007年9月1日示范运营"校长公募制"。这些改革措施的核心内容均为公开选拔,对我国校长任用制度的改革可以提供一定借鉴。  相似文献   

This study investigated why and how principals selected members for their instructional leadership team (ILT) and how this selection criteria and process may have impacted team members’ understandings of, and behaviors on, the team. Qualitative methods, specifically interviews and observations, were used to explore team members’ perceptions regarding the team’s purpose, function, and selection criteria as well as how these perceptions seemed to impact team members’ behaviors. Data were collected for a period of 8 months during the 2011–2012 school year from ILT in four, in-district charter schools. Results suggest that principals had difficulty articulating their teams’ purposes and functions, with the latter remaining primarily informational or consultative; members were not given decision-making authority. Additionally, when selecting team members, principals prioritized broad representation of teacher groups over other criteria. This focus on role representation above expertise, coupled with teachers’ tendencies to embrace traditional professional norms, limited ILT members’ abilities to effectively work together to lead instructional reform.  相似文献   

On-going curriculum reform in China demands that teachers and principals shift their norms of practice to facilitate student learning. Principals are expected to take a more hands-on approach and work more collaboratively with teachers towards curriculum change. This paper presents case studies of how principals in three different schools in Shanghai shaped teacher development activities which built teacher understanding and capacity to meet the requirements of the curriculum reform. The analysis provides insights into how principals proactively promoted teacher development and identifies some of possible gaps in their strategies. Implications are drawn about the relationships between curriculum reform, school leadership and teacher development.  相似文献   

Reforms such as technology-enhanced instruction require principal leadership. Yet, many principals report that they need help to guide implementation of science and technology reforms. We identify strategies for helping principals provide this leadership. A two-phase design is employed. In the first phase we elicit principals’ varied ideas about the Technology-enhanced Learning in Science (TELS) curriculum materials being implemented by teachers in their schools, and in the second phase we engage principals in a leadership workshop designed based on the ideas they generated. Analysis uses an emergent coding scheme to categorize principals’ ideas, and a knowledge integration framework to capture the development of these ideas. The analysis suggests that principals frame their thinking about the implementation of TELS in terms of: principal leadership, curriculum, educational policy, teacher learning, student outcomes and financial resources. They seek to improve their own knowledge to support this reform. The principals organize their ideas around individual school goals and current political issues. Principals prefer professional development activities that engage them in reviewing curricula and student work with other principals. Based on the analysis, this study offers guidelines for creating learning opportunities that enhance principals’ leadership abilities in technology and science reform.  相似文献   


Two major education system reforms were introduced by Israel’s government in collaboration with the teachers’ unions. These reforms redefine principals’ and teachers’ roles, increasing teachers’ work hours, and the scope of their work. School principals absent from the reform negotiations, are expected to apply the reform, although their work conditions were harmed. This research examines how principals cope with those reforms, and why they sometimes apply them in ways that seem to contradict their interests? Semi-structured interviews with 30 school principals, and 10 schoolteachers, indicated that the reforms have encumbered school principals’ complex tasks. They have little time or ability to thoroughly apply the reforms, responding to multiple stakeholders, political pressures, the exam regime, human resource management, etc. They often ignore policy directives, delegating authority to others, refrain from using certain resources provided by the reforms and allow internal forces to lead, while remaining uninvolved. Conclusions are presented.  相似文献   


In this study, we investigate two principals’ learning in a progressive district in the southern United States. Both principals talked about ‘ownership’ and ‘continuous progress'as key to education reform, yet their words carried different meanings for learning. Principals’ use of reform terminology was embedded within two distinctly different communities of principal's practice ‐‐ Total Quality Management and ‘whole language’. We conclude by discussing ways to bridge such gaps in understanding among principals and communities by creating opportunities for learning and discourse. Educational administrators might thereby talk about and explore the different nuances of meaning they bring to their practice.


School principals may be seen as mediating agents, standing at the school doorstep, between the extra-school and intra-school worlds. The principals’ mediating role becomes more crucial during a time of education reform, which involves external demands on the one hand, and teachers’ resistance to these demands on the other. This study explores how principals mediate between the demands of a national reform policy and teachers’ attitudes and needs. In this qualitative study, 59 school principals were interviewed. Findings from the data analysis indicated that principals used two complementary mediation strategies: (1) mobilising the teachers towards the reform and (2) mobilising the reform towards the teachers. The mediating strategies used by principals are discussed, suggesting practical implications and further research avenues.  相似文献   

Principal’s hands-on strategies reflecting their theories of changing have a substantial effect on the development of their schools and on how the large-scale reform takes root. The study explores five comprehensive school principals’ leadership strategies during a large-scale school reform in Finland. The principals’ strategies in the middle of reform acknowledged the process nature of leading and involved coherence-making. The inclusive and learning-oriented strategies were applied quite consistently in terms of the horizontal, but not so much in the vertical coherence-making. Exclusive strategies we used to decrease teachers’ workload. Principals’ theories of changing seem to focus on creating and protecting teachers’ opportunities for meaningful learning.  相似文献   

谈新课改下农村中小学校长的课程领导   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国内外学者研究发现,校长的课程领导在极大程度上影响课程改革的效果。调查发现,农村中小学校长在课程领导作用、课程领导方向、课程领导策略、课程领导状态等方面存在诸多问题。要提高校长课程领导以促进课程改革发展,必须改变校长对自己的角色定位、改变校长课程领导的关注点、加强校长课程领导的力度、拓宽校长课程领导的视野、对校长课程领导进行重新定位。  相似文献   

校长职业化是校长角色发展的必然趋势,同时也是我国教育改革的必然结果,进而将进一步推进教育事业的发展。校长职业化强调校长是一个独立的社会职业,而校长专业化则强调校长的专业水平和专业自主权。推进校长职业化应:1.转变校长的思维观念,树立现代教育产业经营观;2.强化校长的资格制度,建立校长市场化的配置模式;3.重视校长业绩的激励和权力的监督。  相似文献   

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