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《Knowledge Acquisition》1993,5(2):221-243
The knowledge-systems community is interested in easing the knowledge-system development process. One approach, the mechanisms approach, views knowledge systems as a set of tasks, each of which can be realized by a computation mechanism. To be effective, knowledge-acquisition (KA) tools must be automatically configured once a set of mechanisms has been selected. We present a method for automatically generating a model-based KA tool for a given set of mechanisms. The method advocates combining KA mechanisms, which acquire knowledge in the small, and a set of strategies that provide a global view of the KA activity. We show that these global strategies are necessary for the KA tool to efficiently interact with a domain expert.  相似文献   

Test Data Likelihood for PLSA Models   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA) is a statistical latent class model that has recently received considerable attention. In its usual formulation it cannot assign likelihoods to unseen documents. Furthermore, it assigns a probability of zero to unseen documents during training. We point out that one of the two existing alternative formulations of the Expectation-Maximization algorithms for PLSA does not require this assumption. However, even that formulation does not allow calculation ofthe actual likelihood values. We therefore derive a new test-data likelihood substitute for PLSA and compare it to three existing likelihood substitutes. An empirical evaluation shows that our new likelihood substitute produces the best predictions about accuracies in two different IR tasks and is therefore best suited to determine the number of EM steps when training PLSA models. The new likelihood measure and its evaluation also suggest that PLSA is not very sensitive to overfitting for the two tasks considered. This renders additions like tempered EM that especially address overfitting unnecessary.The work reported here was carried out while the author was at the Palo Alto Research Center (PARC).  相似文献   


Special programming and advanced technologies were used to attract diverse, underserved and expanded user populations to University Libraries resources and events. Arts and Humanities Team librarians collaborated with other University units and community organizations, adapted programming models from enterprise settings and non-academic libraries, and used multi-media technologies to deliver a variety of events over one calendar year. Library exhibits, book talks, teaching assistant workshops, and multi-media kiosks were planned, implemented and evaluated.  相似文献   

通过对相关研究项目和应用的调研,对基于知识库软件和基于期刊出版软件构建Overlay期刊系统的两种主要模式的技术特点和应用趋势进行简要分析和说明,并提出一种基于OJS和OAI收割服务相结合以构建Overlay期刊系统的基本框架。  相似文献   

在文化遗产资讯领域,目前国际文化领域和计算机领域的科学专家们为了使分散在不同地理位置上的博物馆或者艺术组织能够共享信息,在数据表现标准方面做了很大努力,产生了几种参考模型作为建立专用应用程序的数据表示基础,或作为分类概念和文化领域的专用词典术语。文章介绍了在国际文化领域中比较成熟的几种参考模型,并总结了其各自的优劣及使用场合。  相似文献   

本文着重介绍Soirus科学搜索引擎的功能特色、使用方法与检索技巧,并对其进行简要评价。  相似文献   

The plagiarism detection service CrossCheck has been used since October 2008 as part of the paper reviewing process for the Journal of Zhejiang University – Science (A & B). Between October 2008 and May 2009 662 papers were CrossChecked; 151 of these (around 22.8% of submitted papers) were found to contain apparently unreasonable levels of copying or self‐plagiarism, and 25.8% of these cases (39 papers) gave rise to serious suspicions of plagiarism and copyright infringement. Four types of copying or plagiarism were identified, in an attempt to reach a consensus on this type of academic misconduct.  相似文献   

This work reviews information retrieval systems developed at ITC-irst which were evaluated through several tracks of CLEF, during the last three years. The presentation tries to follow the progress made over time in developing new statistical models first for monolingual information retrieval, then for cross-language information retrieval. Besides describing the underlying theory, performance of monolingual and bilingual information retrieval models are reported, respectively, on Italian monolingual tracks and Italian-English bilingual tracks of CLEF. Monolingual systems by ITC-irst performed consistently well in all the official evaluations, while the bilingual system ranked in CLEF 2002 just behind competitors using commercial machine translation engines. However, by experimentally comparing our statistical topic translation model against a state-of-the-art commercial system, no statistically significant difference in retrieval performance could be measured on a larger set of queries.  相似文献   

美国国会图书馆前任馆员丹尼尔@布尔斯汀(Daniel Boorstin)说过这么一句话"在西方历史上,大多数时候数据的解释远远超过数据本身……现在的趋势正好相反,数据超越了其内涵."如今的企业面临的问题是如何才能把大量的数据转换成可靠、准确的商业信息以用于决策支持,答案是--数据仓库.本文简要论述了数据仓库的由来、概念、特征、结构及其在企业中的实现,并分析了数据仓库获得成功的关键因素.  相似文献   

This session presented two librarians' experiences with patron-driven access models. With an emphasis on collaboration, the librarians explained how pay-per-view and just-in-time acquisitions models are changing how users access information in an era of constrained budgets. The presenters shared strategies and decision-making methods with the audience, as well as the benefits and challenges of these models.  相似文献   

This investigation compares whether an intertwined or a separate process model better explains message failure incurred by threat to freedom. The current project extends the intertwined model proposed by Dillard and Shen (2005 Dillard , J. P. , & Shen , L. ( 2005 ). On the nature of reactance and its role in persuasive health communication . Communication Monographs , 72 , 144168 . doi: 10.1080/03637750500111815 [Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) by considering the additional persuasive message elements of weak argument and insult. Results indicate that the intertwined model provides not only a better fit but also a more general model of message resistance than previously considered.  相似文献   

我国电视节目主持人队伍的急速膨胀,使得传统的管理观念和管理方式难以控驭。特别是作为电视媒体特殊符号的明星节目主持人,队伍管理失衡,制度空白现象严重。本文从管理的一般模式入手,以电视产业领域的特性为基础,探讨了有利于实现经济利益和社会利益,人本管理和制度管理双重目的的有效管理模式,并对模式的特点和结构进行全方位分析,旨在解决电视业主持型人才培育开发实践中遇到的现实问题。  相似文献   


The rate at which chloride ions diffuse from archaeological iron into a treatment solution depends on how the chloride ions are initially distributed in the corrosion layer. This paper compares solutions of the diffusion equation for two limiting cases: (1) where the chloride ions are initially spread uniformly through the corrosion layer; and (2) where the chloride ions are initially concentrated at the interface between the iron and the corrosion layer. Although the first model has been used in the past to describe chloride ions diffusing from marine iron, the second is more appropriate in cases where corrosion has drawn chloride ions toward the iron surface. Because diffusion processes in archaeological iron are complicated, the limitations of both these models are discussed.  相似文献   

Medicine has made increasing use of meta-analysis, largely as a quantitative procedure for combining results of clinical trials. Meta-analysis begins with a comprehensive review of the literature. The next step is a systematic analysis of the quality and content of each study. Finally, results are combined statistically and conclusions are drawn from this new overview of the data. This paper presents a brief historical perspective on the use of meta-analysis in medicine with emphasis on the medical library. The authors conclude that in the future, medical librarians will play a significant role in the application of this useful technique.  相似文献   

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