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判断晶体的类型。是选择题和综合推断填空题中常考常新的知识点。本文归纳了判断晶体类型的几种常见方法。一、根据构成晶体的微粒种类判断根据构成晶体的微粒的种类,可判断晶体的类型。微粒种类与晶体类型关系为:由阴、阳离子构成的晶体是离子晶体;由分子构成的晶体是分子晶体;由原子构成的晶  相似文献   

反馈类型的判断和引入是电路分析和设计的重点和难点,本就各种反馈类型的判断方法进行了详细的阐述。  相似文献   

艾火明 《考试周刊》2011,(48):172-172
在地理教学中,气候类型的确定既是一个重点,又是一个难点,在各种考查气候类型判断的习题和检测试题中经常出现。由于全球气候类型众多,学生往往无从下手,更说不上准确判断。无论考题如何变化,判断气候类型的基本方法有三种。 一、根据某地气温和降水的资料、图表资料,判断气候类型 这种考题通常是以气温变化曲线——降水柱状图或是图表资料等的形式给出某地气温和降水资料。由于气候类型的基本特征是由气温和降水这两大气候要素构成。  相似文献   

<正>纵观贵州省各州市近几年的会考题,气候类型的判断几乎每年都会出现,是初中地理教学中的重点和难点内容。气候类型的判断首先是判断南北半球,然后以温定带,最后以水定型。以下是本人对气候类型的判断基础知识梳理和近几年贵州省各州市关于气候类型判断的典型例题解析,希望对同学们备考有所帮助。  相似文献   

世界各地的气候错综复杂 ,各具特点 ,世界气候类型的判断是学生难以掌握的一个难点 ,在考试中往往失分较多。笔者根据多年的教学实践 ,归纳总结出了判断世界气候类型的四种方法。判断世界气候类型 ,首先必须对照“世界气候类型分布图” ,掌握世界各种气候形成的主要因素和气候的基本特征 ,了解其主要分布地区。具体判断方法如下 :一、根据“世界各地气候类型的降水量和气温月份分配图”判断此图中 ,用横坐标表示月份 ,纵坐标用曲线反映各月气温变化 ,用柱状图反映各月降水量的变化。它形象、鲜明地反映了各地气候中气温和降水量这两个主要要…  相似文献   

长期以来,气候类型的判断一直是地理教学中较难讲授的内容,更是学生学习的难点。并且有关气候类型的试题频频出现在高考中,由于分析和判断上的失误,学生往往失分较多。因此,探讨有效的气候类型判断方法很有必要。  相似文献   

谭家学 《新高考》2009,(10):49-50
细胞呼吸包括有氧呼吸与无氧呼吸两种类型,如何判断呼吸类型和程度大小呢?可以据CO2释放量和O2消耗量判断细胞呼吸状况,在以C6H12O6为呼吸底物的情况下,CO2释放量和O2消耗量是判断细胞呼吸类型的重要依据,反应式为:  相似文献   

一、判断气候类型的方法判断世界气候类型,首先要对照“世界气候类型分布图”,掌握世界各种气候类型分布规律,了解其主要分布地区。下面就介绍几种判断气候类型的方法。  相似文献   

世界各地的气候错综复杂,各具特点。关于气候类型的判断是《地理高考考试说明》及《地理教学大纲》的重点内容,同时也是难点内容。一、判断气候类型的步骤判断世界气候类型,首先必须对照“世界气候类型分布图”,掌握世界各种气候形成的主要因素和气候的基本特征,了解其主要分布地区。判断时注意提取有效  相似文献   

判断和表征教师发展的是教师专业判断。教师专业判断是与教师的专业知识技能性情等相互照应而且更加起到决定作用的教师素质。教师专业判断决定了教师发展的方向及发展质量,精准、全面而深入的专业判断是教师的专业内核。文章通过对高校英语教师发放开放式问卷,并进行非正式访谈和听课观察,以质性的研究方法揭示语言教师通常在教学各环节做出什么样的专业判断,并将类型范畴化,总结出教师专业判断的特征和层级性。教师专业判断的类型与特征的研究对教师培训及教师发展意义重大。  相似文献   

One of the most widely used methods for equating multiple parallel forms of a test is to incorporate a common set of anchor items in all its operational forms. Under appropriate assumptions it is possible to derive a linear equation for converting raw scores from one operational form to the others. The present note points out that the single most important determinant of the efficiency of the equating process is the magnitude of the correlation between the anchor test and the unique components of each form. It is suggested to use some monotonic function of this correlation as a measure of the equating efficiency, and a simple model relating the relative length of the anchor test and the test reliability to this measure of efficiency is presented.  相似文献   

稀土对菊花试管苗生长有明显影响。添加稀土后试管苗生长速度快,,根粗苗壮,根冠比大,但根数少。20ppm浓度稀土明显抑制菊花试管苗的株高,对根无抑制作用。50ppm浓度稀土对试管苗的茎、叶、根生长都有促进作用。  相似文献   

One assumption common to all models for determining the optimal number of options per item (e. g., Lord, 1977) is that total testing time is proportional to the number of items and the number of options per item. Therefore, under this assumption given a fixed testing time, the test can be shortened or lengthened by deleting or adding a proportional number of options. The present study examines the validity of this assumption in three tests which were administered with 2, 3, 4, and 5 options per item. The number of items attempted in the first 10 and 15 minutes of the testing session and the time needed to complete the tests were recorded. Thus, the rate of performance for both fixed time and fixed test length was analyzed. A strong and consistently negative relationship between rate of performance and the number of options was detected in all tests. Thus, the empirical results did not support the assumption of proportionality. Furthermore, the data indicated that the method by which options are deleted can play a role in this context. A more realistic assumption of generalized proportionality, proposed by Grier (1976), was supported by the results from a Mathematical Reasoning test, but was only partially supported for a Vocabulary and a Reading Comprehension test.  相似文献   

Previous research has suggested potential advantages for a new type of item for measuring comprehension in reading and listening. The test items are called “chunked” and consist of groups of meaningfully related words in which certain groups have been changed in meaning from the original passage. A chunked type of test, designed to indicate information stored during reading, was developed and analyzed in two studies. The results of Study 1, indicated that the constructed test items were successful in differentiating between readers and nonreaders of the newly composed reading passages. “Using the results of Study I, test items were revised and two forms of a test were produced, complete with standardized instructions. The major purpose of Study 2 was to evaluate the extent to which the revised and standardization test could discriminate between a group of individuals who took the test in its standard form and another group which was given the same amount of time to work on the test items but was not given the benefit of reading the passages. The major result in Study 2 was that individuals who had not read the passages experienced a 75% decrement in their performance on Form A of the Chunked Reading Test as compared to individuals who had read the passages, and for Form B, nonreaders experienced a 78% decrement. From these re- sults, it was concluded that the Chunked Reading Test is a valid test of information storage during reading in terms of its utility in measuring the differences in information stored between readers and nonreaders of passages, and that it offers many advantages over the traditional standardized reading tests.  相似文献   

Fairness of a test relates to fair use. One definition of fair use states that a common qualifying score may be used with two groups if the regression line based on one group does not systematically over- or under-predict criterion performance in the other. However, it is shown that when the two groups differ appreciably in mean test score, the above procedure, which is "fair" to individual members of the group scoring lower on the test, is "unfair" to the lower group as a whole in the sense that the proportion qualified on the test will be smaller, relative to the higher-scoring group, than the proportion that will reach any specified level of criterion performance. An alternate definition would specify that the qualifying scores on a test should be set at levels that will qualify applicants in the two groups in proportion to the fraction of the two groups reaching a specified level of criterion performance.  相似文献   

完形填空是国内外语言测试的常用题型,旨在考查考生的语言综合运用能力。本文以2007年12月至2010年12月间CET-4完形填空试题为样本,从文本选择、考点层次及考点效度等方面对其效度进行了验证。结果表明,四年来完形填空试题设计符合《大学英语四级考试大纲》的要求,文本选择得当,考点层次较为合理,分布态势较好,试题的考点效度较高。但同时表明对于今后该类试题的命制仍应进一步提高试题的综合性,突显篇章功能,扩大考点范围,提升考点层次。  相似文献   

本文证明了判别傅里叶级数的Lebesgue判别法蕴含Jordan判别法.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to compare three methods of individual test administration (interview, self-paced tape, speaker-paced tape) and one group method (speaker-paced tape). Individual administrations were done in carrels in a portable van. Subjects were third-and seventh-grade students in 15 California public schools. Overall differences among test administration methods on multiple-choice test scores were not significant for either grade group; although for both grades, the mean score under the group administration method was highest. On short-answer exercises, third-graders performed significantly better in individual interview administrations. For seventh-graders, scores on short-answer questions were significantly higher under the interview and group speaker-paced methods than under the individual speaker-paced method.  相似文献   

A comparision was made of the predictive efficiency of each of two tests in the diagnosis of reading failure over a period of from one to four years. A direct test of reading potential in the form of a word recognition test was shown generally to be more efficient than an indirect test based on neurophysiological indicants. The finding that self concept measures were not consistently related to reading performance was interpreted in terms of the biassing effect of a particular response style.  相似文献   

Specially constructed “speeded” and “unspeeded” forms of a Reading Comprehension test were administered to both regular center and fee-free center LSAT candidates in an effort to determine: (1) if the test was more speeded for fee-free candidates, and (2) if reducing the amount of speededness was more beneficial to fee-free candidates. Results of the analyses show: (1) the test is somewhat more speeded for fee-free candidates than for regular candidates, (2) reducing the amount of speededness produces higher scores for both regular and fee-free center candidates, and (3) reducing speededness is not significantly more beneficial (in terms of increasing the number of items answered correctly) to fee-free than to regular center candidates. Lower KR-20 reliability was observed under speeded conditions in the fee-free sample.  相似文献   

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