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王日根 《寻根》2008,(3):4-8
如何面对丰富浩瀚的族谱文献,学界长期聚讼不止,或充分肯定其史料价值,或极端否定其真实性。我们觉得:族谱中既存在真实性的史料,也不乏附会夸饰的内容。只要我们冷静地意识到这两个方面,我们便会分别用族谱的真实内容和不真实内容,  相似文献   

Between national and state budget cuts in education and an ever increasing push toward the English Only movement, a rise in dropout rates for Hispanic students is imminent. National data show the percentage of Hispanic students who drop out of high school to be nearly 60% in some states including Michigan, South Dakota, West Virginia, Alabama, Connecticut, South Carolina, Nevada, and Ohio. While numerous studies have been conducted to find out why this is happening, the research findings indicate a complexity of issues surrounding Hispanic student achievement, ranging from a lack of linguistic ability in English to issues of self-esteem. While nearly 4.7 million students are being served in programs of language assistance, this article focuses on Hispanic students as an illustrative example of a larger phenomenon: Reproductive acculturation disguised as benevolence, carried out by linguistic hegemony.  相似文献   

The growth of England from Norman-Angevin colony to imperial power began with the social development of a national community that conducted its arguments in English. In this sense vernacularization was the constituting process of English history. This article connects the history of language to constitutional history, and affirms recent calls for an approach that transcends conventional boundaries between late medieval and early modern periods, and between intellectual, cultural, social, demographic, economic, political and constitutional histories. Vernacularization is seen as a movement from below. It is linked in various ways to traditions and customs of resistance and rebellion that are seen as having shaped the history of England from the thirteenth century to 1649.  相似文献   

陳方正 《中国文化》2007,1(2):141-155
中国从传统跨入现代有两个标志:在政治上是辛亥革命,在思想与文化上是新文化运动。辛亥革命的性质很明确,先例也很多,例如法国大革命、“土耳其青年”(Young Turk)革命,和十月革命。新文化运动就复杂多了,因此它的性质有种种不同说法。最普遍的一种看法是,它相当于欧洲“文艺复兴”。胡适很可能就是这么看或者期待的:  相似文献   

This article, theoretically constructed on Gramsci's notion of cultural hegemony, explores the use of Black female hair as a cultural signifier in two media texts, specifically Adrienne Kennedy's play, Funnyhouse of a Negro, and Chris Rock's documentary, Good Hair, in specific media texts. Analysis of the verbal and visual rhetoric regarding a Black female aesthetic revealed associated themes of generational family influences and identity formation.  相似文献   

In this study the author surveys social studies standards from 14 U.S. states seeking to answer: (a) what social studies knowledge about American Indians is deemed essential by those states mandating the development of American Indian Education curricula for all public K–12 students? and (b) at what grade levels is this social studies content knowledge mandated in public K–12 schools? Document analysis, open-coding, and constant comparison revealed that the knowledge states standards require can be organized into six themes: identification/classification of tribes, distinct tribal cultures, contributions to mainstream U.S. culture, tribal government, connection to environment, and economics/occupations. The findings also revealed that the majority of standards relating to American Indians are directed to elementary grade levels. Standards in only two states, Maine and Montana, cover a breadth of curricular content and require that content coverage to continue K–12.  相似文献   

This paper makes a parallel reading of two recent urban protest movements: the 2013 Istanbul Gezi Park Movement (GPM) and the 2014 Hong Kong Umbrella Movement (UM). As regional centers at both ends of Asia, Istanbul and Hong Kong might at f?rst sight appear to be incongruent cities for comparison. Istanbul’s recent past has been defined by contrasting opinions about the city’s post-imperial identity, while Hong Kong’s recent past has been shaped by competing visions around the city’s post-colonial status. Directing attention to the striking parallels between the GPM and UM in terms of the nature of the events themselves, the profile of the participants and opponents, the government response that they received, and the cultural sensitivities concerning the questions of belonging and identity that they rekindled, the paper argues that comparative studies of the new urban protest movements would provide significant insights for discerning the dynamics of emerging illiberal democracies across the world.  相似文献   

王元化 《寻根》2001,(1):49-52
1998年9月《读书》杂志与天则经济研究所,为纪念戊戌政变一百周年,在北京联合召开了学术研讨会。我应邀参加,并作了发言。当时有位编辑朋友,要我将发言记录整理发表。我因抽不出时间修改而作罢。但此事一直在我心中。现我将在会上的发言作了大量增订(但与我所想写成的章还是距离很远,因为我实在没有那么多时间和精力去核查资料了),披载如下(见9月20日日记),供读参考。  相似文献   

“揮毫當得江山助,不到瀟湘豈有詩”。瀟湘一詞詩意醇釅,自不待言。而其積澱之深厚及風韵之綽約,實可算作詩美意象的一例典範。本文將分析瀟湘意象的內在情韵及其生成過程。所謂“入詩”者,在本文有兩層特殊含義:其一,本文主要以唐詩及唐前文學為考察對象,唐後從略,這是因為瀟湘意象的內涵至唐詩始豐滿確立,此後并無多大變化,而是作為一種詩美傳統影響着後世的文學創作;其二,本文雖主要考察詩歌,但亦不自限於詩歌一體,事實上一種意象的美學風格,是會在各種文體中都有表現的,故所謂“入詩”之“詩”,當以詩學目之。謹識於前,以免貽惑讀者。  相似文献   

As social justice educators we operate within an academy that often denies the necessity of activism in our work. In this article the author explores, through one person's story, how hierarchies of knowledge and status work within neoliberal paradigms to marginalize scholar–activists and embodied knowledge, and offers possible paths toward scholar-activism.  相似文献   


By surveying 115 social media marketing professionals in 17 different countries and regions, this study extends Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and digital divide research at the organizational level in the cross-cultural context. There are three major findings. First, there are significant differences in perceived ease of use (PEU), perceived usefulness (PU), and behavioural intention (BI) among different types of organizations (U.S. vs. Non-U.S. and global vs. domestic). Second, cultural convergence and cultural divergences theories may complement, instead of contradict, with each other. Finally, second-level digital divide may exist between non-U.S. based domestic organizations and the other three types of organizations.  相似文献   

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