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学校教育代表主流社会和国家利益,而地方知识则存在于具体的社区脉络中。在中国少数民族地区的乡村社区里,学校教育与地方知识的关系更深地潜藏在国家与乡村互相建构的关系之中,学校对新时期乡民的真实文化需求,例如将少数民族语言教育纳入学校课程体系的忽视,很可能是导致学校与社区关系趋于紧张的主要原因。学校与社区的关系问题,是文化取向的教育人类学研究的经典命题,亟待相关专家学者在跨文化比较的视野中通过扎实的民族志研究提供有益的中国经验。  相似文献   

全国教育科学“十五”规划国家重点课题“西部大开发与中国少数民族教育改革和发展研究”开题会2 0 0 2年 6月 2日在中央民族大学举行。本课题负责人哈经雄教授和课题组主要成员长期致力于民族教育研究 ,承担过各级各类研究课题 ,并取得了一系列相关成果。本课题将从六个方面对西部大开发形势下中国少数民族教育的改革和发展问题进行深入细致的研究 :1、历史回顾 ,总结近现代西部开发 ,特别是新中国西部开发中民族教育发展的经验与教训 ;2、现状调查 ,实地调查西部大开发形势下民族教育面临的机遇与挑战 ;3、理论研究 ,主要探讨西部大开发进…  相似文献   

教师的文化适应能力是教师专业发展的关键,促进少数民族教师专业发展是提升少数民族教育质量发展的核心。少数民族地区多元文化并存的现状决定了文化适应在少数民族教师专业发展中的重要作用。对少数民族教师专业发展已有很多研究。诸多研究都聚焦在对教师专业发展中知识和技能的掌握上,从文化适应的视角进行探讨的研究很少。少数民族地区多元文化的特征决定了少数民族教师专业必须置于大的社会文化场景中。以新疆少数民族地区教师为研究对象,运用质性研究方法对新疆少数民族教师专业发展进行探索。发现新疆少数民族教师专业发展面临着文化适应的问题。针对这些问题,从文化适应的视角进行分析发现,应该将文化适应纳入到少数民族教师专业发展的内涵中;在教师的培训中,应加强对教师"多元文化教育"理念的培育,加大社区和学校对少数民族教师文化适应的支持力度。  相似文献   

西部地区大多为少数民族聚居地,这里的教育水平较低,人才资源相对匮乏,因此对少数民族地区实行双语教学,提高少数民族地区的教育水平,其就有着非常重要的战略意义。但是,当前我国少数民族双语教学过程中存在着教师资源匮乏和教师自身教育文化素养普遍不高的问题,这对于提高双语教学质量有着直接的影响。因而我们要针对实际情况,整合教师资源,重视对双语教师的培养,建设一支合格的少数民族双语教学教师队伍。  相似文献   

学校教育对人口较少民族文化传承和社区发展具有重要而深远的影响。文章在对保安族4个村庄学校两个实践主体,即国家各级教育机构及其成员的教育实施方和受教育者与其家长以及社会民众的受益方,以及师资、学生、教学设施、教学活动等实证考察的基础上,对当前学校教育的宗旨、导向和内容进行了剖析和反思。发现学校教育中存在着民族文化中断、单纯的城市导向等问题,而这些问题在一定程度上导致人口较少民族传统文化的衰落,增加了学生学业成功的难度,同时与社区发展相脱离。因此,在发展民族地区农村学校教育走向上,应注重让少数民族文化走进学校,改变单纯的城市教育导向而与社区发展契合,努力促进教育公平。  相似文献   

新中国成立以来,我国少数民族学校课程政策经历了重视少数民族语言文字,强调民族语文课程建设;重视乡土课程,强调乡土教材建设;强调国家课程与地方课程有机整合;强调双语教材建设和教学研究四个阶段,呈现出阶段性、有效性和发展性三个特点,促进了我国少数民族地区经济、社会、教育等各项事业的发展。反思我国少数民族学校课程政策的历史和内容,我国少数民族学校课程政策还存在对课程本质问题持续关注不足;政策制定中少数民族师生的意愿体现不足;对少数民族学生学习的特点关注不够三方面的问题。今后关于我国少数民族学校课程政策顶层设计应充分关照教师、学生及家长的课程意愿;适当扩大地方和学校在课程建设中的自主权;以多元文化理论为指导,建立科学、合理的中国少数民族学校课程体系。  相似文献   

一、问题的提出 教师专业发展是学校可持续发展的核心竞争力,教师专业发展离不开教师培训。西部地区的基础教育发展水平相对滞后,应积极探讨科学有效的培训方法,不断提高教师的专业发展水平。其中,重视西部地区中小学在职教师培训组织管理问题,既是提高西部地区中小学在职教师培训实效性的关键,又是提高西部地区教育教学质量、促进西部地区教育均衡发展的重中之重。  相似文献   

西北少数民族地区代课教师问题,已成为影响西部农村基础教育发展的重大问题之一,本研究主要对西部少数民族地区代课教师的分布比例,业务能力,经济待遇以及职业的满意程度进行调查分析,对代课教师的问题提出政策和建议。  相似文献   

留守儿童是我国社会发展转型时期所出现的一个新的社会群体。这部分儿童由于长期亲子分离,得不到父母面对面的教育和关爱,在成长过程中面临很多问题,引起问题的原因不是单一的,与家庭教育、学校教育和社区教育都有紧密的联系。本研究采取实地调查研究的方式,综合考察了西部少数民族地区农村留守儿童教育现状,从家庭、学校和社区几方面对留守儿童教育问题的影响因素进行了初步探讨和分析,并在此基础上得出结论:农村留守儿童教育问题是西部农村问题在社会转型过程中的特殊表现。并从家庭、学校、社区、等层面提出相应的对策及建议。  相似文献   

要闻中国将大力支持少数民族和西部地区发展远程教育新华网报道:中国今后将大力支持少数民族和西部地区发展现代远程教育,提高这些地区对优质教育资源的共享能力,实现民族教育的跨越式发展。根据国务院近日做出的关于深化改革加快发展民族教育的决定,中国各级政府今后要重点支持现代远程教育网络建设,建立县级远程教育教学点和乡级电视、数据收视点,有条件的地区和学校要启动校园网络或局域网建设,培训教师和管理人员。这项决定还提出,要把中央财政扶持教育的重点向民族工作的重点地区、边远农牧区、高寒山区、边境地区以及发展落后…  相似文献   

This longitudinal study examines connections between 110 teachers’ perceived professional competence acquired during professional preparation and later perceptions as schoolteachers in Norway. The results indicate that theoretical understanding plays an important role in schoolteachers’ professional competence development and that prospective and practising schoolteachers do not tend to perceive themselves as either good theorists or good practitioners. Furthermore, the results contradict research arguing that the teacher education programme has limited effect. Instead, the results indicate that the level of perceived competence acquired during professional preparation in the general teacher training programme is of major importance for perceived mastery of teaching as a schoolteacher. In addition, the results also underscore the importance of experiencing continuing mastery of teaching requirements for supporting perceptions of teaching specific self-efficacy over time. This finding again supports previous research that has emphasised the importance of supporting teaching specific self-efficacy during both the period of teacher education of prospective teachers and the induction period of newly qualified teachers.  相似文献   

It's just not a real bloke's job: male teachers in the primary school   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In recent years, there has been increasing academic debate concerning both the need for more male primary schoolteachers and the reasons for their minority status, numerically. Yet there has been relatively little heard from the men themselves. In this study the author used focus group discussions to investigate the views and experiences of practising male primary schoolteachers towards primary school teaching as a career. The focus questions included: the aspects which attracted them to primary school teaching; experiences which preceded their entry to teacher education; and the reaction to their choice from family and friends. The study concluded that a complex barrier of attitudes and actions would need to be addressed if the minority status of male teachers is to change.  相似文献   

Teacher education all over Europe is increasingly becoming school‐based oriented. This implies new roles for those who support student teachers learning in school. This article describes the way four school‐based teacher educators fulfill their role as educators of student teachers who learn how to teach while participating in the workplace. Based on theoretical notions derived from the literature on teacher education and workplace learning, the Cognitive Apprenticeship Model was specified and used in a case study as a framework to describe the activity of these school‐based teacher educators. They use tools (e.g., apprenticeship assignments) developed within the teacher education institute and rely on their professional knowledge as experienced schoolteachers. This results in student teachers being provided with useful tricks which, however, hardly helps them to interpret and elaborate their experiences from a more conceptual or theoretical perspective. Also the possibilities of the social context of the school as a learning environment are not systematically used.  相似文献   

Taiwan's government enacted the Environmental Education Act in June 2011. In the beginning of the implementation of the Act, a national assessment of schoolteachers’ environmental literacy was performed in order to establish the baseline for evaluating the effectiveness of environmental education policy. This large-scale assessment involved a large sample size of in-service teachers across schools at all levels and regions in Taiwan using the stratified random sampling method. Data showed that the teachers have satisfactory levels of environmental knowledge and attitudes, but presented low degrees of environmental action. Differing from previous research results, elementary teachers performed better than high school teachers on this assessment, which may be attributed to their teacher training experiences. Results from this study may provide implications for teacher professional development programs and school environmental education policy.  相似文献   

民族院校是我国高等学校中的重要组成部分,民族院校中的教师教育对我国民族地区的师资培养有着举足轻重的作用,是不可或缺的。随着我国高等教育的发展,民族院校也有了很大的发展,并且正处在转型发展之中,表现有四大发展趋势。而其中的教师教育则在转型中遭遇发展的尴尬与挑战,主要表现在四个方面。为此,笔者提出了三个发展策略。  相似文献   

"教师主导作用"辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国教育领域中长期存在着忽视学生主动性的现象,主要原因在于普遍地将“教师主导作用”理解成“教师为主导”,过于强调教师的权威性。其实,就汉语的一般解释和教师的基本功能而言,“教师主导作用”应该是“教师的主要以引导学生向某方向发展的作用”,它重在教师对学生的引导,强调的是教师对学生的激发、指点、引领、感召而非规范、监督、支配、控制。  相似文献   

高等学校历来把学生的思想政治教育工作作为学校发展培养人才的重点工程,特别是16号文件出台以来,思想政治教育工作方法的创新和成果的巩固变得尤为重要,而大学生党员是高校学生群体中的先进分子,他们的言行举止对广大学生具有极强的示范作用,因此,创新高校学生党建工作,加强对学生党员的教育管理,发挥学生党员的先锋模范作用,对促进高校大学生思想政治教育的完善具有深远意义。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to identify and investigate critical incidents at school that require ethically sensitive teaching. This kind of knowledge is needed in teacher education to prepare future teachers for their profession. The data included narrative interviews with 12 teachers from four urban schools in Finland. Critical incidents were defined as issues or situations in teachers' work that produce ethical reflection and moral emotions. The critical incidents experienced by urban schoolteachers were analysed and compared with earlier studies on ethical dilemmas in teaching. Concrete examples of these incidents were reported which contain teachers' emotional expressions. Four main categories of critical incidents were identified. These were related to the principal, students and families, teachers, and the school community. Teachers reported commitment, caring, co‐operation and respect as the most dominant emotional expressions in these situations. These emotional expressions reflected ethical sensitivity skills, especially in reading and expressing emotions. Based on our study we suggest recommendations for teacher educators on how education for ethically sensitive teaching can be promoted.  相似文献   

本文讨论了民族地区职业教育发展的现状,根据民族地区社会和经济的发展,提出了民族地区职业教育发展的基本思路和策略。民族地区职业院校要充分发挥其社区教育培训的功能,使其适应民族地区社会和经济的发展需要。  相似文献   

职业教育在教育的对象、内容、目标等方面均有别于其他类型的教育。传道、授业、解惑已不能概括职业教育教师新的角色定位。在新时期,职业教育教师应树立"培训师"的角色意识,这样才能有利于形成"互动"式的教学环境,有利于适应职业教育发展需要,有利于职业教育课程体系创新。  相似文献   

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