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Subjects of verbs in English sentences may be indicated by any one of a number of cues. In some cases, the subject of the verb is determined by semantic constraints, as when the verb requires an animate noun phrase as subject; in other cases the subject is determined by syntactic factors, as in the case of third person singular verb markers; and, as is commonly the case in informal language, the most immediately preceding noun phrase is the subject of the verb. These three types of cues, semantic (here described as extensional), syntactic (here labeled intensional), and adjacency are investigated in a series of tests of sentence comprehension using university undergraduates as subjects.The results of these experiments show that when the adjacency strategy does not apply, even these highly literate native speakers have great difficulty in correctly comprehending subject-verb correspondences.These results are discussed in the context of the relationship between intensional linguistic processing and literacy.  相似文献   

This paper aims to develop a conceptual framework for real-time production planning and control(PPC).Firstly,we discuss the most prominently applied contemporary information and communication technologies for PPC.Enterprise resource planning(ERP) systems that integrate the value chain in an enterprise,manufacturing execution systems that manage and control the production on shopfloor,and advanced planning and scheduling(APS)systems that develop solutions for complex planning problems are the planning and control systems that have been analyzed.We emphasize the application of radio frequency identification as the most advanced and promising emerging real-time data capture technology that is currently available to manufacturers.Having analyzed the features and shortcomings of the individual systems perse,and by considering the advantages that may be realized through effective integration of these otherwise discrete systems,we propose a framework for real-time PPC.  相似文献   

被字句、被动句和受事主语句是三个不同的概念,这三个概念的出发点各自不同,所表达的语法意义是不尽相同的,但又存在着交集。  相似文献   

《暂拟系统》词组 (结构 )、《系统提要》短语和林祥楣主编的《现代汉语》句法结构在名称、分类标准方面互有异同 ;并存在明显的继承与发展关系。如《系统提要》对《暂拟系统》的连动与兼语五种复杂谓语进行归纳、探讨 ;林本继承了《系统提要》的诸多观点 ,且加以讨论、阐释。通过列表显示所涉诸关系。  相似文献   

The aim of this work is to study the acquisition and development of the ability to co-ordinate information in a written text. Fourth, 6th and 8th graders and undergraduates were assigned two conditions: they were presented with either two prose passages, describing two different peoples, or only one passage giving out the same information in a single text. The subjects read the passages and had to produce a text containing the comparison between the two peoples. The analysis of the texts produced by the subjects evidenced six different information integration levels. Two dependent variables were used:
  1. the highest level present in each protocol
  2. the percentage of level presence in each protocol.
For both variables, data show a developmental trend: older subjects tend to use more complex levels. In the older subjects the highest and the most frequent levels coincide in most cases; in the other age groups a differentiation between these two variables is observed. The two conditions produce different results: subjects perform better when presented with the single text. Moreover the use of the levels in the two conditions depends on and interacts with age. The younger subjects are more sensitive to the difficulty degree of the task and, as age increases, the two tasks give rise to performances more similar to one another.  相似文献   

本文主要研究不确定环境下的一种生产计划问题,这种生产计划问题是指在资源有限的前提下如何制定合适的生产方案使企业获得最大收益,其中每种产品对各种资源的需求量和每种产品的单位生产利润均为不确定变量.对此情况的生产计划问题首先建立了不确定规划模型;然后利用不确定理论有关知识简化了该模型,以便求其最优解;最后运用求解线性规划的软件matlab求出实际数值问题的最优解.  相似文献   

Reading and Writing - During the three past decades, written production models were essentially aimed at proposing a static view of the processes implemented to produce words. However, there are an...  相似文献   

经贸合同翻译中的逻辑、词汇和语法陷阱随处可见,本文利用大量可靠的例证从逻辑、词汇和语法的角度详细分析和论述了产生这些翻译错误的原因,并提出了如何避免掉入这些典型翻译陷阱的办法和策略,这对做好经贸契约翻译工作是大有裨益的。  相似文献   

以单计划周期内总生产成本最小为目标,考虑回收件质量差异对生产成本的影响,建立了面向再制造生产计划的非线性整数规划模型.采用3种不同的再制造和废弃策略,比较总生产成本的变化规律.研究结果表明:当回收量小于需求量时,无需考虑分级,但需使用新零部件以满足再制造需求;当回收量大于需求量时,优先采用高质量回收件和优先废弃低质量的...  相似文献   

双宾兼语句是指双宾语句中带兼语的句子,是现代汉语中很有特色的一种句式。从三个平面的角度对双宾兼语句的语法、语义和语用特征进行分析,能够更全面了解这种句式的特点,从而加深对现代汉语句法结构系统的认识。  相似文献   

The centrality of written feedback is clearly seen from the proliferation of research in the context of higher education. As an increasingly expanding field in research, the majority of written feedback studies have been interested in investigating the technical aspect of how feedback should be given in order to promote student learning. More recently, researchers have focused on the socio-emotional factors at work in the feedback process, and advocated a dialogic approach to giving feedback in order to increase students’ understanding and active participation in the process. Moreover, to empower students to reflect on and make sense of the written feedback they receive, students’ personal characteristics, such as their prior and current knowledge, also play an important role. Nevertheless, reviewing studies on written feedback in the context of higher education shows a lopsided focus on the technical factors of written feedback, with little attention paid to the socio-emotional and student factors. This commentary aims at providing a broader definition of written feedback and identifying the dominant factors reported in research. A conceptual framework for looking into the factors at work in the feedback process is proposed and future research directions are suggested.  相似文献   

使动中作述语的名词、形容词等可视为古代词多功能性的表现。使动结构是一种准句式,它与同义的使字式有句式转换、传承关系,其句式意义是:由于某个相关事物的影响,致使宾语发生述语显示的非自主性改变或活动。使动的句义构成是理解、辨识它的依据,而宾语发生改变或活动的非自主性则是其自身立句以及与多数使字式分工的条件。  相似文献   

大学英语二,四级考试所涉及的预防内容不外乎是虚拟语气、非谓语动词、定语从句,主谓一致、时态、状语从句、倒装语序七个部分,该文以浅显易懂的文字对其中的四个部分从进行分析,希望能对在该语法方面有困难的同学通过大学英语二、四级考试有所帮助.  相似文献   

语法隐喻是人类认识世界的一种重要手段,它可以把事件、活动、情绪、思想等转化为实体,语法隐喻在新闻英语中有广泛的应用,存在于导语(lead)、标题(headline)与正文(body)之中。本文主要针对新闻英语中语法隐喻的英语与翻译措施进行分析。  相似文献   

医学英语的语法衔接及其翻译技巧   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以英国语言学家韩礼德(M. A. K. Halliday) 与哈桑(R. Hasan) 提出的"衔接"(cohesion)理论为依据,分析语法衔接,即照应、替代、省略与连接词等几种衔接手段在医学英语中的使用,并探讨其在英汉翻译过程中的处理手段和方法.  相似文献   

中国式英语是以中文为母语的英语学习者在英语学习过程中造成的一种中介语现象,在语音、词汇、语法、语篇等各个层次都有所体现。就语法方面而言,英汉在语法形态和句法方面的巨大差异给中国学习者带来了很大困难,但这些语法上的困难是学习者完全可以克服的。  相似文献   

标题是新闻的重要组成部分,它起着揭示新闻内容,引导受众的重要作用。电视媒体集视听于一体,形象、逼真、生动,但同时又稍纵即逝,不易保存。本文通过对电视新闻标题的深入分析,归纳出电视新闻标题的特征、作用及其策划、创意与制作原则和技巧,对当前电视新闻标题策划、创意具有现实的指导意义。  相似文献   

In this paper we explore how primary school children ‘learn to collaborate’ and ‘collaborate to learn’ on creative writing projects by using diverse cultural artefacts—including oracy, literacy and ICT. We begin by reviewing some key sociocultural concepts which serve as a theoretical framework for the research reported. Secondly, we describe the context in which the children talked and worked together to create their projects. This context is a ‘learning community’ developed as part of an innovative educational programme with the aim of promoting the social construction of knowledge among all participants. We then present microgenetic analyses of the quality of the interaction and dialogues taking place as peers worked together on their projects, and how these collaborative processes and uses of the mediational artefacts were taken up by the children. In order to exemplify these processes, our analyses centre on a selection of examples of dialogues, texts and multimedia products of stories created by groups of fourth grade (9-10 years old) children. Overall, the work reveals the dynamic functioning in educational settings of some central sociocultural concepts. These include: co-construction; intertextuality and intercontextuality amongst oracy, literacy and uses of ICT; collaborative creativity; development of dialogical and text production strategies and appropriation of diverse cultural artefacts for knowledge construction.  相似文献   

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