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W.A. Wallis studied vacancies in the US Supreme Court over a 96‐year period (1837–1932) and found that the distribution of the number of vacancies per year could be characterized by a Poisson model. This note updates this classic study.  相似文献   

This article describes a simple classroom activity that helps students immediately visualize and understand the meaning and mathematical properties of the Poisson distribution.  相似文献   

The χ2 goodness‐of‐fit test is often one of the first tests of hypotheses encountered by students. When some of the expected frequencies are small, classes need to be combined. A real‐life example is given that illustrates a surprising sensitivity of the results of the test to the way in which such combinations are chosen.  相似文献   

上海股票市场有效性实证分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
证券市场的外在效率即有效性是指证券市场的价格反映资产价值的效率。本文对上海股票市场的有效性进行了实证分析,结论为:1996年以前,上海股市处于一种无效市场状态;1996年反后,上海股市正向弱式有效市场过渡,但上海股市与强有效市场相距甚远。  相似文献   

Statistical inference relies heavily on the concept of sampling distributions. However, sampling distributions are difficult to teach. We present a series of short animations that are story‐based, with associated assessments. We hope that our contribution can be useful as a tool to teach sampling distributions in the introductory statistics classroom.  相似文献   

自20世纪80年代以来,有效市场理论不断面临着泡沫理论的挑战。经过20多年的探索,西方对市场非有效性的研究形成了两个分支领域:理性泡沫学派和行为金融学。虽然,行为金融学目前被认为是非有效市场研究的理论基石和主脉,但本文认为,针对泡沫的验证、度量与解释应为非有效市场理论的基层课题。只有建立起有力的泡沫理论、且获得充足的实证证据,非有效市场理论才能真正具有挑战有效市场理论的能力,从而为更深层次的市场主体行为的研究提供更加有力的理论支撑。因此本文对20多年来西方学者在泡沫领域的研究进行了全面的回顾,旨在为我国学术界发展泡沫研究提供理论与实证基础。  相似文献   

我国证券市场投机性强的原因剖析及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国证券市场投机性强的主要原因是:我国证券市场的定位不准确;上市公司股权结构的特殊性;上市公司的质量低下;上市公司股利分配政策不规范;管理层对证券市场的超经济干预;上市公司的信息披露不能做到真实、公开和充分;退出机制实施困难;缺乏指数期货。要降低我国证券市场过度投机应完善上市公司的治理结构;优化上市公司的股权结构;加强和改善证券市场的监管;强化退市机制;尽快引入股指期货工具和股票的卖空机制。  相似文献   

This article illustrates that not all statistical software packages are correctly calculating a p‐value for the classical F test comparison of two independent Normal variances. This is illustrated with a simple example, and the reasons why are discussed. Eight different software packages are considered.  相似文献   

面向市场需求探索食品工艺实验课程教学改革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对食品工艺实验课程面向市场经济发展需求进行了教学改革探索,实践证明改革增强了学生适应市场需求的能力,明显提高了教学质量.  相似文献   

通过分析目前高职毕业生的就业形势,提出应对策略,即合理规划专业设置,制定高职毕业生营销策略,占领就业主渠道,开辟就业新途径。  相似文献   

A 4‐week mini‐project is proposed for an experimental Physical Chemistry course applied in Food Science training. Activities include preparation of beet extract for the extraction of betanins and analysis of the kinetics of betanins in thermal degradation at three temperatures (60, 70, and 80 ºC). In addition to developing common laboratory routines (for example, dilution and use of the UV‐Vis spectrophotometer), students will have contact with the usual procedure for evaluating use of natural dyes in the food industry.  相似文献   

综合实践活动的师资培养探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国从2004年正式开始,从小学三年级到高中三年级实施综合实践活动课程。师范院校应该抓紧培养合格的师资。应该使师范生具有正确的课程理念、广博的知识结构,掌握科学的教学方法,具有课程管理能力,以确保综合实践活动收到良好的效果。  相似文献   

国有股减持是公司控制权的重要配置,其实质在于以此达到完善公司治理结构、提升公司价值的目的。分析表明,一步到位式的减持诸如民营企业买壳上市,相对于渐进式的减持如黔轮胎的国有股配售,更符合上述目的。因此,应采取竞价的方式,在国有股减持的同时,引入有管理才能的、以利润最大化为目标的经济人为新的大股东,促进公司价值的更大增长。  相似文献   

"万村千乡市场工程"是国家构建农村现代流通体系,满足农村居民日益增长的生产生活需要的一项举措,经过几年持续地发展,取得了瞩目的成就。但与该工程配套的农村物流配送体系仍是其发展的瓶颈,配送协同程度较低、配送成本高居不下、配送效率不高、配送体系地区分布不平衡等现象较明显存在。以福建省"万村千乡市场工程"建设为例,对福建省农村物流配送体系整合的必要性、可行性进行分析,并提出整合的基本模式及其实施的条件。  相似文献   

针对高职生源的特点,依据素质教育的要求,在承认学生个体差异的基础上,有必要实施分层次英语教学。分层次英语教学应根据学生实际情况,确定各层次的教学目标、教学内容、教学方法,使每个学生都能得到充分发展。以个案教学改革为例,剖析了英语分层次教学改革及改革成效和应注意的问题。  相似文献   

A teaching tool that facilitates student understanding of a three‐dimensional (3D) integration of dermatomes with peripheral cutaneous nerve field distributions is described. This model is inspired by the confusion in novice learners between dermatome maps and nerve field distribution maps. This confusion leads to the misconception that these two distribution maps fully overlap, and may stem from three sources: (1) the differences in dermatome maps in anatomical textbooks, (2) the limited views in the figures of dermatome maps and cutaneous nerve field maps, hampering the acquisition of a 3D picture, and (3) the lack of figures showing both maps together. To clarify this concept, the learning process can be facilitated by transforming the 2D drawings in textbooks to a 3D hands‐on model and by merging the information from the separate maps. Commercially available models were covered with white cotton pantyhose, and borders between dermatomes were marked using the drawings from the students' required study material. Distribution maps of selected peripheral nerves were cut out from color transparencies. Both the model and the cut‐out nerve fields were then at the students' disposal during a laboratory exercise. The students were instructed to affix the transparencies in the right place according to the textbook's figures. This model facilitates integrating the spatial relationships of the two types of nerve distributions. By highlighting the spatial relationship and aiming to provoke student enthusiasm, this model follows the advantages of other low‐fidelity models. Anat Sci Educ 6: 277–280. © 2013 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

The present study explored the perceptions of Greek general and special primary teachers regarding the role and the professional characteristics of special needs coordinators (SENCOs). According to the responses of the 466 participants, each school should have a fulltime SENCO, who should have both teaching experience in general schools and specialization in teaching students with SEN, and also be able to deal with all types of SEN. SENCOs’ responsibilities include evaluating and directly teaching students, counselling teachers and parents, contributing to in-service training of staff, and undertaking initiatives for program enrichment and knowledge dissemination.  相似文献   

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