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~~Who Is More Foolish?@佚名 @谭文锋$我们的工作室~~  相似文献   

Father:Tom!How foolish you are!You were in Grade One last year,and now you are still in Grade One.Tom:But at eacher in my school is more foolish.He was in Grade Three last year and now he is in Grade One.Who Is More Foolish?@江河  相似文献   

阅朴助貌一You阅nbuvonl丫a ha汁for6由!!a污.才今节1.卜了,七公乡自;;前,习‘子心、切不叮1)J屯刊以化O哭兀头牛了l、四J从。!,1 1 take the otherhalffor 4dol!ars-那我花4美元买另外一半吧。ld.扭nk watermelon厂.w。:temelan/n.西瓜exP“nsive/Ik’sPensiv/a才.昂贵的Wh  相似文献   

5月31日那一夜的画面,至今还留在许多人的心中。9月13日,SM 家族演唱会,在上海,东方神起再一次王者归来!最近进入了休整期的东方神起,正在忙碌地筹备即将在韩国发行的新专辑。他们有许多歌想唱给仙后们听,更有许多话想说给亲爱的你们听!  相似文献   

If you have to miss one meal a day, which meal will cause the fewest health problems if you don't eat it? If they have to make a decision of that type,most people will choose to skip breakfast.However,many experts in the field of health consider breakfast is the  相似文献   

In “When the Teacher is a Non-native Speaker,” Medgyes examines the differences in teaching behavior between native and non-native teachers of English, and then specifies the causes of those differences. The aim of the discussion is to raise the awareness of both groups of teachers to their respective strengths and weaknesses, and thus help them become better teachers.  相似文献   

One item in the questionnaire inquired whether the participants thought the NEST or the non-NEST was a better teacher. While an approximately equal number of votes went for either option (27 percent for NESTs and 29 percent for nonNESTs), 44 percent inserted “both,” an alternative which had not even been supplied in the questionnaire. The proportion of participants who chose non-NESTs as their favorites is high, especially given their linguistic inferiority. It follows from this that non-NESTs should be in possession of certain unique features that NESTs Jack. But what are they? What gives non-NESTs their competitive edge? What assets enable them to make up for their linguistic handicap?  相似文献   

可怜天下父母心——可深深的溺爱为何就成了孩子的桎梏?一日夫妻百日恩——但相爱的两人为何最终徒留遗·眼?有时候,盲目的“爱”越是深刻,越会适得其反。心理学中素有“移情作用”的概念,它或许可以从科学的角度帮助我们理解人与人相处过程中“懂得”的重要意义。  相似文献   

The discursive construction of the human placenta varies greatly between hospital and home-birthing contexts. The former, driven by medicolegal discourse, defines the placenta as clinical waste. Within this framework, the placenta is as much of an afterthought as it is considered the “afterbirth.” In home-birth practices, the placenta is constructed as a “special” and meaningful element of the childbirth experience. I demonstrate this using 51 in-depth interviews with women who were pregnant and planning home births in Australia or had recently had home births in Australia. Analysis of these interviews indicates that the discursive shift taking place in home-birth practices from the medicalized model translates into a richer understanding and appreciation of the placenta as a spiritual component of the childbirth experience. The practices discussed in this article include the burial of the placenta beneath a specifically chosen plant, consuming the placenta, and having a lotus birth, which refers to not cutting the umbilical cord after the birth of the child but allowing it to dry naturally and break of its own accord. By shifting focus away from the medicalized frames of reference in relation to the third stage of labor, the home-birthing women in this study have used the placenta in various rituals and ceremonies to spiritualize an aspect of birth that is usually overlooked.  相似文献   

这道考题是个热点话题。从涉及的内容来看,它包含了金钱这个人们生活中所关注的一个焦点,还论及到家庭和睦,以及丈夫、妻子各自在家庭中的地位这个每个家庭都会面对的一个现实问题,因而具有很强的可谈性。由于它牵涉的面很广,涉及到妇女解放、传统价值观念、个人行为、家庭生活、社会道德等诸多层面,因而这个问题的回答可以是多视点的。社会责任感强烈的仁人志士可以籍此发表高论,宣扬他们的主张;而生活中平凡的男女老少也能出  相似文献   

1.HeadTheheadisconsideredasthemostimportantpartofthehumanbody,oftencomparedtoaruleroraleader.SowecallthepresidentoftheU.S.AandthePrimeMinisterofGreatBritainheadsofgovernments(政府首脑).Wecanalsosaytheheadofafirmorafamily.Theheadiswherethebrainislocated.Thebrainhasthepowertocontroloneselforonesactivity.Therefore,theheadisassociatedwithideasandintelligence.Ihaveagoodheadforsomething,thatis,Imcleveratsomething.Ifayoungmansbehaviorislikeanexperiencedperson,peoplewillcallhimanoldheadonyoungsho…  相似文献   


School psychologists report a desire to increase consultation with teachers but are limited by competing job demands. Consultation via videoconference (i.e., teleconsultation) offers one possible means of increasing consultant availability to teachers, but little is known about the acceptability of this technology in actual practice. In this exploratory study, we conducted an online survey to assess the conditions under which school consultants would use teleconsultation to assist teachers remotely. Sixty-two school psychology practitioners, trainers, and trainees completed a choice-based conjoint survey designed to assess teleconsultation acceptability in the context of varying commute times, consultee comfort levels, and student problem severities. Findings suggest important differences in teleconsultation acceptability in the context of real-world tradeoffs. Implications of these results are discussed, as well as the potential for using conjoint analysis to better understand technology decisions among school consultants.  相似文献   

Ideology impacts a number of values, beliefs, and norms across an array of domains. Relatively little research has been done in criminology exploring the relationship between ideology and theoretical orientation. This study represents not only a follow‐up of previous research exploring this relationship, but also introduces new variables exploring the extent to which biological correlates of crime are becoming more accepted in the academy. Results are gleaned from a survey given to members of the American Society of Criminology as of December 2007.  相似文献   

Who Is a Fool?     
演讲者对不时被打断感到厌烦。“今天晚上我们这儿似乎有很多的傻瓜,”他说道。“一次只听一个人讲,好不好?”“行,”一个声音说道,“那你就接着讲吧。”The speaker was getting tired of being interrupted. "We seem to have a great many fools here tonight," he said. "Wouldn't it be advisable to hear one at a time﹖" "Yes," said a voice. "Get on with your speech."Who Is a Fool?!山东@石庆…  相似文献   

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