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本文简要的介绍了著名的化学家柏采留斯艰难而坎坷的求学经历,在科学研究和培养杰出人才方面所作出的卓越的贡献.籍以启迪后人,效法先师.  相似文献   

Many of us feel overwhelmed by the seemingly never‐ending demands of our professional and personal lives. Marilee J. Bresciani, Allison J. Duncan, and Liu Hui Cao share practical suggestions for managing our days and our attitudes.  相似文献   

萨乔万尼论学校道德领导   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
托马斯·萨乔万尼(Thomas J.Sergiovanni)是美国教育管理非主流派的重要代表。擅以教育管理的批判范型研究教育管理现象及问题。他最早提出了学校道德领导理论。其核心是学校领导要建构学校共同愿景与理念,强调责任与义务。他的学校道德领导理论不只是停留在观念层面,还提出了许多具体的实施措施。尽管这一理论是基于荚国的社会背景提出的,但它仍可以促使我们重新审视曾认为是不可动摇的学校领导观念和或许正在孜孜以求的学校领导实践,而转向思考学校领导的道德维度,形成学校领导和“以德治校”的新视界。  相似文献   

公平正义与社会和谐   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
公平正义在社会主义和谐社会的构建中起着基础性的重要作用,表现在二者的多重关系之中。由此而生的又一规定性是,公平正义是和谐状态的深刻本质,和谐状态是公平正义的外在表现。罗尔斯的“正义论”具有启发性意义。公平正义应植于人的心灵与良知深处,这方面,中国优秀传统文化为我们提供了宝贵而丰厚的资源。  相似文献   

Schwab (Schwab, J. J. (1970). The practical: A language for curriculum. Washington, DC: National Education Association, Center for the Study of Instruction) named the teacher, learner, subject matter, and milieu as the desiderata essential for curriculum making. In our research, the teacher commonplace has formed the entry point of inquiry. Increasingly, the milieu commonplace has perplexed us. In this article, we examine what we have termed “traveling stories” through different field texts focusing on what happens when individuals from different milieus are brought together in one school context. We explore how learning may be shut down in a miseducative way or opened up to educative possibilities through understanding the influence of diverse milieus—those we vicariously carry with us and those we currently share with others—and how they converge to shape the meanings individuals create in seemingly shared situations.  相似文献   

《J·阿尔弗瑞德.普鲁弗洛克的情歌》是艾略特第一部重要的作品,作者以主人公普鲁弗洛克对待"重大问题"——爱情表白的态度变化作为贯穿整首诗的主线,用内心独白表现主人公普鲁弗洛克渴望爱情又害怕爱情,在无数次的挣扎中陷入梦境,经历了入梦、梦酣、梦呓多个阶段后被惊醒,梦幻破灭。  相似文献   

D. N. Bose 《Resonance》1997,2(12):39-54
This article presents a historical account of the development of electronic devices along with an appreciation for the physics of semiconductors. Starting at the turn of the century with the work of J C Bose on Galena, the article leads us to recent low temperature experiments at IBM to demonstrate single electron transistors.  相似文献   

基于不同实验组给出的J/ψ→VP的分支比,对衰变过程耦合常数的性质进行了研究.发现八重态的强作用耦合强度参数g8大约是单态的强作用耦合参数g1的2倍;引起SU(3)破缺的电磁效应的耦合常数较大,其三个耦合常数差别并不明显,而引起SU(3)破缺的质量效应的耦合常数较小,同时这三个耦合常数相差很大,而且不确定性也大;强作用与电磁作用之间的相角大约在70°~80°之间;这使我们对J/ψ→VP衰变过程耦合常数的性质有了更加深入的了解.  相似文献   

布鲁纳是一位名副其实的教育改革家,他在教育研究领域中勇于探索,孜孜不倦,享有盛名。他的研究不是只停留于单纯地解释教育现象上,而是通过实践、考察、探究,从教育思想、教学方法等方面,构建了他的学科结构主义理论。当前,基础教育课程改革已是我国教育改革与发展中最令人瞩目和最为声势浩大的一项事业,这就使我们不得不回过头来用理性的态度和精神重新审视和感悟布鲁纳的结构主义教育思想,从中领会其深刻的思想实质,为我们的教育改革奠定坚实的理论基础。  相似文献   

奇幻文学业已在国内外读者群和学术界取得可观的声望,但该范畴作品的驳杂繁多反而使其范式特征晦暗不明。而追本溯源,考量奇幻文学的典范之作《魔戒》以及作者J.R.R.托尔金本人的文学思想后可以发现,奇幻文学的本质是玄奇而富含内在真实一致性的幻想,功能是给人们提供心理恢复、逃避痛苦和精神慰藉,而典型特征是兼具灾难和欢乐的善灾式结尾。  相似文献   

张曼 《海外英语》2014,(12):220-221
During T.S. Eliot's(1888-1965)whole life he left us a lot of fortune, and The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock is considered as one of Eliot's finest and most important works. A lot of scholars and critics have done different researches on this poem.The author of this paper tries to analyze one of these poems from the perspective of T.S. Eliot's poetics.  相似文献   


Originating from philosophy and science, many different ideas have made their way into educational policies. Educational policies often take such ideas completely out of context, and enforce them as general norms to every aspect of education; even opposing ideals make their way into school’s curricula, teaching techniques, assignments, and procedures. Meanwhile, inside the actual classrooms, teachers and students are left in limbo, trying to comply with, techniques, evaluation forms and a growing technical educational vocabulary. Here I would like to propose an antidote to this absurdity by reminding us what teachers and students already know. Such an antidote can be found in J. L. Austin’s speech act theory. In this paper, I propose we revisit speech act theory and treat it as an educational theory. That might help us dismantle false dichotomies troubling education for decades. The point is not that the discussion over educational policies and priorities should stop, but that it should be kept in appropriate perspective. A modified speech act theory can help us facilitate such a perspective.  相似文献   

人类的认知活动是先天的还是通过后天经验的构建或者是两者共同作用的结果,这个问题至今仍没有完全解决。近来先天论的复活恰恰暗示了一种新的研究趋势。作为先天论的领军人物,乔姆斯基的普遍语法假说和福多的思想语言、心理模块假说对认知活动的产生和发展都进行了阐述,并且为先天论的复活提供了有力的论证。  相似文献   

Vasant Natarajan 《Resonance》2013,18(6):522-529
The 2012 Nobel Prize in Physics has been awarded jointly to Serge Haroche and David J Wineland “for ground-breaking experimental methods that enable measuring and manipulation of individual quantum systems”. In this article, we discuss how the experiments of the two Laureates have taught us how to study single quantum particles — using photons to study single atoms in the case of Wineland, and using atoms to study single photons in the case of Haroche. Their work may some day lead to a superfast quantum computer.  相似文献   

艾略特的早期诗作《普鲁弗洛克的情歌》中,“时间”不仅是表达主题的手段和技巧,而且以主题内容的形式出现于叙事过程之中,以揭示主题思想。艾略特借助普鲁弗洛克的内心独白,将有限的现实时间下人物的心理过程投射于他的意识反映上,形成了广阔的叙事时空,并通过对“时间主题”叙事功能的揭示与运用,呈现以普鲁弗洛克为代表的现代人的内心状态和生存环境,反映西方人日趋严重的异化感。  相似文献   

A literary representation can give us grief. J.M. Coetzee's ‘The Problem of Evil’ follows the crisis of reading of his main character Elizabeth Costello as she struggles to comprehend discursive images of evil. Costello's trouble with reading is not attributed to a cognitive deficiency in her ability to read the text but to a psychical disturbance she experiences while reading. Thinking through our ‘disturbances’ while and after reading gives readers an opportunity to rethink reading as affected by the thoughts and words of others.  相似文献   

高职的定位问题决定着高职教育发展的方向和未来。高职是指"高等教育"还是"职业教育",关系着学校教学人才培养目标的确立,关系着高职院校教学办学层次的设立,更影响着高职院校学生的将来。高职院校是办高等教育还是办职业教育,职业教育是指向于低层次还是高层次,它们之间如何衔接?二战后经济迅速崛起的德国和日本,其职业教育的发展模式,有很多值得探讨、研究和借鉴的地方。  相似文献   

执政党的外交能力是执政能力的重要组成部分,执政党外交能力的强弱直接关系到执政党地位的稳定和国家的兴衰荣辱。当前国际形势复杂多变,迫切要求中国共产党加强外交能力建设,为中国的富强与崛起创造有利的国际环境,为世界的和平与发展作出贡献。面对新时期新形势,以胡锦涛为总书记的党中央坚持加强党的外交能力建设,采取了一系列外交上的新举措,展现了外交能力建设的新成果。  相似文献   

In this article, we present two studies that helped us understand the kinds of support that students need to learn science successfully from design activities. Both were enacted in the context of an approach to learning science from design called learning by design (LBD). In our first study, we designed and integrated a paper‐and‐pencil scaffolding tool, the design diary, into an LBD unit to support students' design‐related activities. We learned two important lessons from the first study. First, we refined our understanding of the processes involved in designing and the ways we might present those processes to students. Second, and more important, we observed that in the dynamic, complex environment of the classroom, not all of the scaffolding could be provided with any one tool or agent. We found that students need multiple forms of support and multiple learning opportunities to learn science successfully from design activities. In our next study, we provided additional support through an organized system of tools and agents. Our analysis of data from the second study leads us to believe that supporting multiple students in a classroom requires us to rethink the notion of scaffolding as it applied to groups of learners in a classroom. We put forth the notion of distributed scaffolding as an approach to supporting hands‐on inquiry learning in a classroom. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 42: 185–217, 2005  相似文献   

后现代主义在消解了深度感、历史感和主体性之后进入了一个"杂语"的时代。巴赫金的"复调"之义正在于此,不同的语言,不同的声音彼此相互对话交流。后殖民文学代表人物J.M.库切借助于现代主义和后现代主义的表现形式,通过杂糅了虚构与非虚构,在《凶年纪事》中以其独特叙述方式向我们展示了一个多声部的世界,使作品极端地体现其复调话语无限的空间维度。  相似文献   

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