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男外女内、男强女弱、男主女从的传统理念不利于女大学生就业,为此,要树立马克思主义男女平等观,积极促进女大学生公平就业。  相似文献   

During decades of change in the Western higher education sector, new ways of understanding academic work have reinforced notions of the impact of social capital. The present study investigates researchers’ experiences of their own career making within two areas of Education Sciences in Swedish higher education: Childhood Studies (CS) and Science Education (SE). The structure at the CS departments is collaborative and integrated; teaching and research are seen as an entity. This structure creates a coherent career path where members of the collective group jointly produce and accumulate social capital; it also appears to be related to discourses of femininity. In the SE departments, the career structure is strategic and differentiated; the two career paths work in parallel through a differentiation between teaching and research. This appears to be related to discourses of masculinity. In conclusion, our analysis shows how social capital and gender mutually create different ways of doing an academic career.  相似文献   

现存的不平等事实问题上还存在着执法不严、监察不力等问题。探究立法现状,对于营造平等的就业环境十分重要。  相似文献   

University-to-work transitions tend to be discussed in terms of skills, outcomes and the readiness of graduates for an increasingly insecure and flexible labour market. Such a focus on individual attributes and orientations depicts graduates as lonely and ostensibly rational figures; disembedded from their intimate networks and devoid of emotional context as they navigate their post-university pathways. This article aims to steer the debate in a new, fundamentally relational direction by exploring the role and significance of intimate kin and non-kin relationships for the ways graduates experience and make choices about employment and careers. Drawing on qualitative longitudinal research with women who graduated from universities in the UK between 2009 and 2011, the discussion highlights the value of an explicitly relational perspective for revealing the personal and emotional dimensions of the transition out of higher education. The article concludes that the process of securing work and committing to a career is embedded within the broader experiences of personal life, emotion and (im)mobility and, thus, raises important questions about the role and responsibility of universities at a time when employability metrics are read as a marker of teaching quality.  相似文献   

The education and retraining of ‘women returners’ to the labour market was an innovative development in further education in Britain in the 1980s. Fifty‐six women who undertook a part‐time information technology course at a college of further education in Birmingham were the subjects of this study. They were the respondents to a questionnaire sent to all women who had studied on the courses run between early 1987 and late 1989. A small number were subsequently interviewed. The aims of the research were twofold: firstly, to study their current employment situations and secondly to investigate the impact of employment on gender relations in the home. Almost all the women had been able to re‐enter employment, most using the skills they had learned on the course. However the course had not been instrumental in breaking down gender segregation in computing and few women worked in professional or male dominated jobs. The majority were in clerical, secretarial or administrative work, though this did mean that most had been able to rejoin the labour force at the same occupational level at which they had left. Some women, including half the black women in the study, improved their occupational position. It is argued that training for women who are in employment needs to be more available, otherwise the women in the study will not be able to progress into better jobs as their confidence grows and family commitments lessen. The study confirmed the continued pervasiveness of ideologies which prioritise men's employment and position of ‘breadwinners’ and women's continued responsibility for home and children. The conclusion of the study is that although feminists and others keen to promote equality for women in employment have made child care and more flexible working conditions the central issues, marriage and the sexual division of labour in the home, whilst equally significant, have been neglected and need to be given more consideration, both theoretically and strategically.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the views of Finnish and US preschool teachers, administrators and parents on appropriate educational practices for children aged 3‐5. To obtain a measure of their attitudes toward quality practices with children, a 26‐item instrument was adapted from Developmentally Appropriate Practices in Early Childhood Programs Serving Children from Birth Through Age 8. Researchers in the USA and Finland were asked to administer the instrument to subjects they considered to be ‘representative’ of teachers, administrators and parents in their respective countries. Analysis‐of‐variance procedures were then used to determine the differences in views to quality programmes among the three groups in both countries. No significant differences were found among the three groups in the Finnish sample (F(2,69) = 1.34, p = ns). Among the US group, the parents were found to score significantly less than administrators (F(2,120) = 7.85, p < 0.0006). Multivariate analyses of variance procedures showed that administrators from the two countries did not differ significantly in any of the areas under study. The two areas where teachers tended to differ significantly were those of ‘teaching strategies’ (t = 3.13, df = 100, p = 0.002) and ‘language development’ (t = 3.98, df = 89, p = 0.000). Teachers in the USA tended to take a more structured approach to instruction in preschool programmes, using teacher‐directed (less appropriate) approaches and providing children with (less appropriate) drill and practice on language skills. Parents in Finland appeared more supportive of developmentally appropriate practices than their US counterparts and their views were more generally congruent with those of teachers and administrators. This study suggests that the construct of ‘appropriateness’ of beliefs/practices for children may be of value in comparative international child‐care studies, and it raises the issue of why a greater congruence in beliefs/practices exists in some countries.  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的广泛应用,包括平台经济在内的各种更具灵活性的就业形式应运而生,工作在“空间”和“时间”两个维度上都呈现出迥异于传统劳动组织方式的独特性。弹性劳动时代的确让灵活就业人员的劳动更自由、更具弹性;但正是这种“弹性”,也让劳动者的生计与境遇更具不确定性。表面上的“自由”,背后隐含着深刻的焦虑。基于笔者团队在长三角地区的调研数据,通过对灵活就业者焦虑感影响因素的多元回归分析发现:当下的灵活就业者在获得“自由”的同时也存在极大的焦虑感,而且这种焦虑感显著地高于正规就业人员;那些体现“弹性”与“自由”的劳动特征,恰恰是对灵活就业者的焦虑感具有显著影响的因素;在相当多的灵活就业者的内心深处还隐藏着对一份稳定的、可预期的工作的追求;基于养家糊口的生计理性依然是这一就业群体的行动逻辑。这是当前包括零工经济的新业态的最大的现实。  相似文献   

This article assesses gender differences in academic self‐concept for a cohort of children born in 1958 (the National Child Development Study). It addresses the question of whether attending single‐sex or co‐educational schools affected students' perceptions of their own academic abilities (academic self‐concept). Academic self‐concept was found to be highly gendered, even controlling for prior test scores. Boys had higher self‐concepts in mathematics and science, and girls in English. Single‐sex schooling reduced the gender gap in self‐concept, while selective schooling was linked to lower academic self‐concept overall.  相似文献   

This paper examines how the restructuring of Australia's university system and the introduction of corporate managerialism has changed the work performed by academic staff. The paper illustrates how the emergence of higher education as both a major export industry and a vehicle for attaining greater international competitiveness has led to more intense regulation of academic work. Within a context of funding cutbacks, substantial inequities have emerged between and within universities, as they compete more aggressively for higher education markets. Hierarchical line management, with clear divisions between different categories of academic staff, has substantially replaced collegial forms of administration. This paper demonstrates how these processes have worked to undermine the effective implementation of Equal Employment Opportunity initiatives, as women remain concentrated in the lowest paid and least secure positions within universities.  相似文献   

The importance of success expectancy is discussed, followed by a review of the extensive but fragmented literature demonstrating that females frequently have a lower success expectancy than males in achievement contexts, despite having a similar performance. These varied findings are synthesized and cast into a framework asserting that success expectancy emerges from three major factors: (1) the meaning given to self and the achievement situation; (2) the familiarity that one has with the task; and (3) sex-stereotypic personality disposition. This framework is then tested for 342 college students. The results show that both meaning and familiarity significantly explain success expectancy, and that familiarity also significantly explains test performance. There is no evidence, however, for a sex-related personality disposition for lower success expectancy. The discussion focuses on the need to move beyond sex differences and focus on how meaning and familiarity can impact the success expectancy of all college students.  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - University support to students’ transition to university life can be divided into three dimensions, namely: academic adjustment, social adjustment and...  相似文献   

To determine whether student characteristics might influence the misclassification of pupils with respect to LD status, the racial, gender, intellectual, achievement, and grade-level status of 344 subjects who had been referred for LD diagnosis was examined. In one fourth of the cases, students were declared either eligible without a severe discrepancy or ineligible with a severe discrepancy regardless of method used (standard score vs. regressed standard score) or cutoff value employed (15-point vs. 22-point discrepancy). Being White, older, and of higher intelligence and achievement were characteristics of those found ineligible despite a severe discrepancy. Being female and less academically able were characteristics of those declared eligible without a severe discrepancy. Implications are presented.  相似文献   

Many studies support the existence of a significant decline in students’ academic self-concept from early to midadolescence. In comparison, the findings on gender effect are less conclusive. This study aimed to determine whether there is any grade or gender effect on adolescents’ academic self-concept in the Singapore context. Specifically, the cross-sectional study was conducted with Secondary 1, 2 and 3 students (N = 656) in a government co-educational school. The results established a significant main effect according to grade, with Secondary 3 students having significantly lower academic self-concept (scale and subscales) than Secondary 1 and 2 students. In addition, there was a significant main effect for gender, with female students having significantly higher perceived academic effort (academic self-concept subscale) than their male counterparts.  相似文献   

通过对我国失业现状的深入分析,指出就业率的高低对社会的稳定和谐具有十分重要的作用,而税收与就业之间亦存在着非常密切的联系,税收政策的制定与实施对于就业与再就业的意义深远,由政府运用税收优惠政策与其他财政政策相配合,合理地进行宏观调控和正确引导,不失为解决失业率的一个稳妥而有效的途径。  相似文献   

通过对我国失业现状的深入分析,指出就业率的高低对社会的稳定和谐具有十分重要的作用,而税收与就业之间亦存在着非常密切的联系,税收政策的制定与实施对于就业与再就业的意义深远,由政府运用税收优惠政策与其他财政政策相配合,合理地进行宏观调控和正确引导,不失为解决失业率的一个稳妥而有效的途径。  相似文献   

政策对经济具有深远而广泛的影响,在党的"十六"大政策的指导下,"充分就业"、促进就业是城镇贫困群体走出贫困、全面建设小康社会的根本措施.  相似文献   

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