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鲁迅是五四时期的导师级风云人物,对当时一代年轻人的影响可称巨大。新潮社是五四时期最著名的学生社团之一,其成员是五四一代中的翘楚,其核心成员有多人与鲁迅有着直接交往或书信往来。新潮社前期,鲁迅与傅斯年和罗家伦之间的联系较多,影响主要集中于《新潮》杂志,可称"呐喊"。后《新潮》时期,新文化运动进入低潮。新潮社开始分化,鲁迅也进入"彷徨"期。孙伏园和李小峰逐渐成为鲁迅此时的左膀右臂。从"呐喊"到"彷徨",既体现了鲁迅与新潮社之间的同质关系,也是时代的关键词。  相似文献   

罗家伦是新潮社发起成立的关键人物。他不仅带领新潮社参加“五四”运动,成为北京五四学生运动最重要的主力军。还以《新潮》为阵地,在五四新文化运动中与旧势力、旧传统、旧思想展开斗争,对新文化运动起了巨大的推动作用。新潮社所取得的历史成就与地位与罗家伦的贡献密不可分。  相似文献   

《新潮》的创办和宗旨,《新潮》杂志(月刊)是新潮社编辑的一个面向整个思想文化领域的综合性月刊。由北大部分学生创办。1919年1月出版了一卷一号,到1922年3月,出版最后一期二卷二号。共出版三卷十二期。新潮社成立于1918年冬,该年12月3日,傅斯年、罗家伦等在《北京大学日刊》上刊登了《新潮杂志社启事》,公布了该社当时的21名社员的名单及其组织章程和职员名单,正式打出了“新潮社”的牌子,宣告该社正式成立。并于1919年1月1日,出版了《新潮》创刊号。新潮虽然是结社于前,办刊于后,但实际酝酿却起因…  相似文献   

新潮社是五四时期著名的学生社团,它深受《新青年》同人的影响,不仅主办了《新潮》杂志,还出版了"新潮文艺丛书"等书籍,这表明五四青年知识分子已经意识到了现代出版在新文化运动中的传播作用并进行了积极尝试,这为以后的青年知识分子李小峰等人投入新书出版业提供了实践经验。由新潮社的发展可以发现,新文化话语权的建立在一定程度上便是由出版与大学合作的结果。  相似文献   

我们要想在世界上当一个庶民,应该在世界上当一个工人。诸位啊!快去做工呵!……又一批入会的成员,来自北大新潮社。新潮社以傅斯年、罗家伦、杨振声和徐彦之为几大发起人。1918年10月13日,在北大沙滩红楼,21名青年齐聚一堂,决心创办  相似文献   

说到五四的启蒙理性,我们忘不了《新青年》,也不应忽略一个直接策划、参与“五四”行动的学生社团———新潮社。新潮社为《新青年》派的学生所创立的社团,于1918年底成立于北大,系“五四”新文化运动的另一重要阵地。其领袖人物为傅斯年、罗家伦、杨振声、顾颉刚、徐彦之等。他们反对科学主义的决定论,试图在形而上学中去追求和建立信仰以指导人生,恢复人的独特感性存在和自由创造能力。为建立这种信仰以达到启蒙之目的,“新潮”选择了宗教和心理学两大渠道。这是一种独特的策略。一宗教一直被启蒙界认为是反科学的,反宗教也一直是“五四”…  相似文献   

<新潮>是新潮社创办的五四时期著名杂志,它承续<新青年>的"思想启蒙、文学救国"的新文化启蒙宗旨,紧紧围绕民主和科学的时代主题,显示了在批判封建伦理道德、抨击复古逆流斗争中的重要作用,更凸显了关注热点从单向社会政治问题过渡到侧重现代文学建设中的中介角色和转换作用,成为青年学人在新文化传播过程中的重要舆论阵地.鲁迅是五四新文化运动的思想先驱,也是<新潮>存在过程中的早期支持者和重要参与人,而后来缘于对未来的不同探索使各自留下不同的历史路径和文化投影.  相似文献   

企业文化作为一种管理新潮,是美国的一些管理学家通过比较日、美两国企业的经营管理经验,于上世纪70年代末80年代初提出来的,从而在美国乃至全球兴起并带来了一场企业管理的新革命,其理论和实践给当代企业管理以深刻的影响。我国企业界、学术界对之也怀有浓厚兴趣,在理论和实践  相似文献   

构建“家校社”协同育人机制,是推进我国教育治理现代化的必然要求。本研究运用Nvivo11对中国知网数据库中1992~2022年我国“家校社”协同育人的核心文献进行分析,梳理国内近三十年来“家校社”协同育人的研究趋势。结果发现,当前研究在“家校社”协同育人理论阐释、责任边界、国外借鉴、实践探索方面积累了一定经验,但也存在价值内涵有待澄清、责任边界有待厘清、经验启示有待整合、在地实践有待创新等不足。未来应进一步构建“家校社”协同育人的理论体系,拓宽“家校社”协同育人的研究视域,创新“家校社”协同育人的实践研究。  相似文献   

叶圣陶(1894—1986),作家、教育家。原名叶绍钧,河苏苏州人。1894年10月28日生。自1911年开始担任了10年乡镇小学教员。1919年,在“五四”新文化运动影响下加入北京大学学生组织的“新潮社”,开始在《新潮》、《小说月报》、《晨报副刊》等刊物上发表作品。  相似文献   

This paper outlines a dialectical conceptualisation of children’s agency for the purposes of multidisciplinary educational theory and practice. We illuminate five contradictory but connected dimensions of children’s agency, or the dialectics of agency, identified from theoretical debate between sociologically and psychologically oriented educational literature: Agency (1) as enacted and imagined; (2) as situatively emergent and progressively developmental; (3) as dependence and separation; (4) as mastery and submission; and (5) as control and freedom. We examine these contradictions ‘at work’ in an ethnographic early education case study. We argue that the children’s struggles towards agency and adults’ efforts and failures to support children in their struggles can be conceptualised as a dialectical movement that has a potential to develop the educational practice itself. Our dialectical reading of both data and theory helps to highlight the challenges the practitioners face when supporting children’s agency and the solutions they implement when doing so.  相似文献   

“文革”以后,当代作家的创作观念不断地变化发展,它逐步结束了一体化的文学时代而走向了一个多元化的发展时期。大致的发展轨迹是20世纪70年代末至90年代,当代作家一方面抱着极大的现实干预热情,以文学参与了历史清算、现实调整、文化重建的工作;一方面又有感于过去文学与现实贴得太紧,得不到自由发展空间的教训,开始有意识地追求文学走向自身,为文学而文学的创作成为一股重要的理论与创作潮流。  相似文献   

莫言小说中有很多值得探讨的艺术问题,其中对"丑"的直白描述就极有争议。一方面是"文革"过后,在新的历史语境下的突围与反叛;另一方面也是西方现代派文学思潮影响的结果,更是莫言在进行新的艺术探索。美丑融合是一种审美境界,更是莫言的审美观,它打破了美丑分离的局面,在美学史上具有标志性的意义。  相似文献   

"新写实"是1990年代初期最为重要的文学思潮之一,但迄今为止,学术界对这一思潮的发生仍缺乏充分的研究。文章从当时的社会文化环境、社会心理及中国文化传统的大背景等几个因素入手,详细的阐述与论证了"新写实"思潮发生的合理性与必然性,并从文学影响的角度对其意义和局限性作了探讨。  相似文献   

局限于中国文学现代性的复杂性,胡适文学理论的复杂性表征有:陷入反"文以载道"的悖论中、"双线"文学史观与一元化的"白话文学正宗"论、理论预设的审美价值与时代要求的政治倾向。其矛盾也正体现了中国文学现代性历程的复杂性。  相似文献   

The ethnographic literature on literacy is marked by a characteristic divide between ‘ideological’ and ‘autonomous’ positions, the former being associated with the sociocultural approach adopted within the ‘New Literacy Studies’ (NLS) and the work of Brian Street, and the latter with the work of Jack Goody. The polarization between the approaches has led to certain themes associated with the work of Goody and his ‘literacy thesis’ being excluded from ethnographic writing and theory. Such themes included the attributes and consequences of literacy as a ‘technology’, and the association of literacy acquisition with social mobility and progressive forms of social change. The article is based on ethnographic fieldwork in Bangladesh and a review of the recent ethnographic literature from a range of cultural settings. It examines the case for a more inclusive and comparative approach based on the emergent ‘situated’ perspective. It suggests revisionist readings of ethnographic accounts recognizing cross‐cultural patterns of utility, and the significance of literacy for human agency, gender relations, and well‐being. Presenting an ethnographic case study of women’s literacy in N/W Bangladesh it draws out the theoretical significance of such a shift in how we research and understand the consequences of literacy acquisition. The paper concludes by suggesting some implications of such a perspective for adult literacy policy and practice.  相似文献   

Conceptualised from a range of sociological perspectives, and theorised extensively over the last 50 years, human agency is an integral element to lifelong learning. Poststructural theory with its decentred discursive construction of the learner offers a vibrant conception of classroom dynamics. This paper envisions how learner agency can be performative in the discursive space of a secondary classroom. The research disrupts the notion of a unified subject, a key tenet of sovereign theory that is evident in conceptions of the ‘self-regulated’, ‘self-motivated’, ‘self-efficacious’ student. Drawing on the work of Judith Butler and Bronwyn Davies, the classroom relations in this study are read as both dynamic and interdiscursive. Agency plays out through learners' discourse moves as they act upon and blend discourses to learn in a New Zealand Year 9 science classroom.  相似文献   

This paper sets out to demonstrate that Bourdieu's critics who claim that his theory is structurally frozen’, with no room for human agency misperceive the basis of the theory. The relationships between his theory and education are summarised and the concept of habitus explicated. Then drawing on Outline of a Theory of Practice, the determinants of practice are shown to incorporate change and human agency. This is then related to an examination of education as cultural practice, and some comments made in that light on a recent paper by Willis, and ‘Origins and Destinations’.  相似文献   

The construct of school readiness that focuses on children’s maturation and homogeneity of their attainment at school entry has been challenged by recent research. This research indicates that there are difficulties in assessing young children’s abilities, and there are limitations to the concomitant practice of retention. These challenges have prompted attempts to reconceptualize entry to school as a process of transition. However, transition has variously been conceptualized as: a set of teacher practices in a time‐limited period around school entry; a process of establishing continuity from home to school; and a multi‐layered, multi‐year experience. An analysis of the academic literature from 1990 to 2004 in the USA, Australia/New Zealand and Europe was undertaken to identify trends in the conceptualization of transition to school. The analysis suggests a trend towards more complex understandings of transition emphasizing continuity of children’s experience, partnership with stakeholders, and system coherence across extended time periods. However, more limited constructions persist in the academic literature, particularly in the USA and Australian/New Zealand.  相似文献   

刘欣 《鸡西大学学报》2011,11(2):101-103
朱光潜的传记式批评一方面受到作为批评范式的"舌人式"批评的影响,一方面与自己的美学理论相契合。他标举"人格即风格"论,在古代文学批评和现代文学批评领域都实践了他的传记式批评。然而,对文本的忽视以及有限的批评模式限制了批评的阐释空间,使他传记式批评的实践减色不少。  相似文献   

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