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(九单元)1.【原句】What kind of movies do you like?你喜欢看什么样的电影?【解析】这是询问种类的特殊疑问句,回答时要根据实际情况来回答,不用yes/no回答。kind是名词"种类",a kind of…一种……,  相似文献   

1.kind of,a kind of[辨析]kind of意为"有点儿、有几分",是副词性短语,相当于a little或a bit,多用于修饰形容词/副词。如:I'm kind of unhealthy.我有点不健康。Pandas are kind of interesting.熊猫是有点好玩。  相似文献   

kind of在初中英语中是一个比较常用的表达,归纳起来,它至少有以下几种用法。一、表示种类kind of用于表示种类,尤其用于a kind of,this kind of,that kind of,what kind of,every kind of等结构。如:What kind of fruit do youlike best?你最喜欢哪种水果?Not every kind  相似文献   

问Do you want to go to a movie?中的go to a movie怎样理解?答go to a movie意为"去看电影",相同意思的表达还有go to the cinema,go tosee a film。film(英式英语)和movie(美式英语)意思相同,都是指"电影"。问What kind of movies do you like?中的of可以去掉吗?答不行。kind在此表示"种类",是可数名词,常与介词of连用,构成"kind of+名词"短语。  相似文献   

Kind of 与 sort of 修饰名词,表示“种”、“类型”等,这是非常常见的。如 That kind(sort)of parties always make me nervous.(那种聚会总是使我感到紧张。)但是 kind of 和 sort of 还有其副词性用法,表示to some extent,in a certain way,rather(有几分、有点儿、相当)等意义。在口语中主要用作表程度的状语,语气也显得较为缓和。在一般情况  相似文献   

Unit 9 When was he born?1.She's a kind and loving grandmother.(P56)她是一位心地善良而慈祥的祖母。kind意为和蔼的、友好的,用作定语或表语,也常用在bekind to sb(对某人善良)或It is kind of sb to do sth(多谢某人做了某事)等结构中。例如:His father is very kind.他父亲十分善良。  相似文献   

在英语学习中,有一些有趣的短语,它们一般由两三个单词组成,这几个单词的位置互换,短语的意思就变了。1.a kind of几分、稍稍I had a kind of suspicion that he was cheat-ing.我有几分怀疑,觉得他在骗人。of a kind(1)同一种类的,类似的Things of a kind come together.物以类聚。(2)不太好的,徒有其名的The town offers entertainments of a kind,but nothing like what you'll find in the city.镇上有些所谓的娱乐,但与城里的截然不同。2.as much(和……)一样多的,同样的Don't thank me,I would do as much foranyone.不要谢我,对任…  相似文献   

"It's+adj.+for(或of)+sb+不定式"是英语中比较常见的句型.请看例句:   (1)it's very kind of you to help me so much.……  相似文献   

20世纪初,随着欧美音乐进入中国市场,中国民族音乐便与它在不同程度上相互融合,跨界音乐的出现使世界不同民族、不同形式、不同类别的音乐相互包容与渗透,最终成为了独立于传统音乐、现代音乐、流行音乐之外的音乐形式。在这一音乐风潮的影响下,许多音乐人也开始了以民歌、戏曲艺等为载体的大胆尝试。本文以十三月文化公司旗下的音乐厂牌"新乐府"为切入点,从民族音乐学的角度出发对其进行个案研究并进行评价。  相似文献   

一、替代法当你不知道某一具体物品的名称时,可使用此种物品的总称或同义词。例如,用a kind of dog代替hound(猎狗),用akind of ship代替yacht(游艇),用a kind of vegetable代替Chinese cabbage(大白菜)等。另外,替代法也可以在口语会话中借助某些句型或词组来完成。如:  相似文献   

Just about every young American eats peanut butter and "jelly"(jam) sandwiches. Peanut butter is made of chopped-up peanuts and oil. There are two sorts of peanut butter – the crunchy(松脆的) kind with small bits of peanuts in and the smooth kind.  相似文献   

“怎样才能成为一个优秀的人”是我的教育观。Things in the world can be divided into three kinds:The first kind of things are the things we have to do;the second kind of things are the things we shouldn't do;the third kind of things are unnecessary things,such as playing internet games or chatting online.The more this kind of things we do,the fewer chances of success you will have;and the fewer this kind of things we do,the more successful we'll be.世上的事分三种:该做的;不该做的:可做可不做的,比如…  相似文献   

Kind of     
kind of的意思是:是有那么一点(还好啦)。kind of和sort of是用来表示有那么一点点,但不是很强烈。例如别人问Do you like noodles?(你喜欢面条吗?)你如果还有那么一点点喜欢的话,就可以答Kind of.或Sort of.(还好啦!)  相似文献   

The most import thing I have been teaching is How to be a good-person?“怎样才能成为一个优秀的人“是我的教育观。Things in the world can be divided into three kinds: The first kind of things are the things we have to do; the second kind of things are the things we shouldn't do; the third kind of things are unnecessary things, such as playing internet games or chatting online. The more this kind of things we do, the fewer chances of success you will have; and the fewer this kind of things we do…  相似文献   

Homonyms & Puns(谐音与双关)1.What bird lifts heavy things? a crane(crane:鹤;起重机)2. What do girls find the easiest to part with? a comb (part with: 放弃;用…分头路)3.What kind of running means walking? running out of gas  相似文献   

正爱吃、爱喝、爱分享,这是判断是否适合葡萄酒这一行的一项标准;葡萄酒行业进入了战国时代,对服务的要求越来越高,提供的就业机会也越来越多;Wine lover(葡萄酒专家)、wine educator(葡萄酒品酒师)和wine salesman(葡萄酒销售)——葡萄酒行业急需这三类人;至于葡萄酒种植和酿造,它们提供的机会少,大学生也不爱干。  相似文献   

柏拉图的《会饮篇》阐述了什么是爱,而爱的作用能否发挥出来取决于爱者(lover)以及被爱者(loved)。王尔德的《道连·格雷画像》之所以是一个悲剧,主要是爱被束缚了,爱的作用并没有真正得以体现。文章以《会饮篇》中的颂辞为论点,结合小说《道连·格雷画像》中的三组主要人物关系,分别对其中的lover以及loved的"缺陷"进行分析,剖析束缚爱的因素。  相似文献   

上期答案:A screwdrive,screwdriver:(螺丝刀)本期谜语:What kind of tree is always ready to shake hands?(答案本期找)  相似文献   

《Volta(伏特)》:世界上最冰冷的声音歌手/Sjork厂牌/Atlantic/Wea这已经是冰岛音乐天后比约克的第六张专辑。可以说在当今世界乐坛上,天蝎座的比约克是最为狂野的先锋歌手,她与生俱来的纯净、富有弹性的嗓音,加上宽广的音域和优美的音色,使她的音乐与她的性格同样独特:激进、颓废、犀利、荒诞、充满未知。在新专辑中,比约克不仅请来了超级制作人Tim Baland和Antony Hegarty,还融合了马里和刚果的当地音乐。另外,在西方前卫音乐领域闯荡多年的中国著名琵琶演奏家阂小芬也在专辑中有不俗的表现。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION Bilinear systems are a kind of important nonlinear systems with relatively simple structure, and many industrial processes can be described as a bilinear system. Thus research on the control of this kind of systems is very important. On the other hand, model predictive control (MPC) (Clarke et al., 1987) has been widely used in industrial applications and many predictive control methods focusing on bilinear systems are emerging (Bloemen et al., 2001; Fontes et al., 2004; He…  相似文献   

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