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Peiffer  Jeanne 《Metascience》2021,30(1):91-94

Despite recent evidence that suggests that knowledge production within the medical community is increasingly based on knowledge-making coalitions or what some have called the co-production of knowledge, there remains a strong expert led policy agenda in many countries in relation to human genome research. This article reports on the role of experts in defining the scope of discussion in relation to the biomedical use of human tissue sample collections or biobanks in Finland using the case of the Genome Information Center. It is argued that the rhetorical strategies should not be understood simply as subversive tactics, but rather as ways of engaging the public within particular contexts of creating commercial expectations and visions which are easier to negotiate from a policy perspective.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2019,48(9):103830
This paper depicts how cultural resonance for novel technologies is constructed as a gradual, interactive process. We adopt a cultural framing perspective and strive to understand how actors assign meaning to the novel technology and determine its appropriateness for the local context. Existing research has largely focused on the strategic and political aspects of field framing processes through depicting conscious framing struggles between protagonist and antagonist actors. In addition to such strategic framing activities, we examine how other socio-cultural factors, such as changes in actor positions, interaction between framing activities, and the cultural “repertoire” of frames interact in producing cultural resonance. For our empirical case study, we followed the emerging technological field of solar energy during an intensive period of change. Our study contributes to the growing number of studies that draw attention to the creation of cultural resonance as an interactive multi-actor process by offering in-depth understanding of the multifaceted interactions that constitute the meaning-making process for an emerging field.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(3):104469
Strategic framing of a technology refers to activities that firms undertake to create favorable meaning for their technologies and foster their adoption. The success of such framing depends on the extent to which these technologies resonate with audiences within local settings. This paper examines how firms approach strategic framing activities to establish resonance in multiple local contexts when producing enabling technologies, i.e., novel technologies that address multiple and heterogeneous markets. Through a longitudinal case study of three companies that produce technologies to digitize smell and taste, this study offers a dynamic understanding of strategic framing by companies as they switch between different frames to establish resonance with audiences within and across markets.  相似文献   

研究采用2(积极框架、消极框架)×2(低焦虑组、高焦虑组)的实验设计,结合E-prime和眼动追踪技术,探讨焦虑情绪对风险决策框架效应的影响。结果显示:与低焦虑组相比,高焦虑组在积极框架下耗费了较少的认知努力(cognitive effort),而在消极框架下高焦虑组则耗费较多的认知努力;消极框架下高焦虑者比低焦虑者更倾向于风险规避,而在积极框架下低焦虑者比高焦虑者更倾向于风险规避;实验中尽管被试在不同框架下耗费的认知努力存在较大差异,但由于受到焦虑情绪影响,导致实验中3个问题的框架效应不显著。  相似文献   

The following article deals with the different images of modern biotechnology created by the German press in the last decade of the twentieth century. To describe these images we have chosen the theoretical concept of framing, which in general denotes the idea that the media deal with certain issues in different ways and that therefore the coverage offers different perspectives to the reader. We understand a frame as a certain pattern of a text that is composed of several different text elements. We assume that some of these text elements group together systematically in a specific way, thereby forming a certain pattern that can be identified across several texts in a sample. These patterns we call frames. By means of cluster analysis we are able to identify not only predefined but also newly emerging frames and the way framing of an issue changes over time. This methodological approach allows us to give a dynamic overview of how the German press dealt with biotechnology in the early and late nineties.  相似文献   

王淑清 《科技与管理》2004,6(4):136-138
网上证券交易正在迅速发展,如何解决信息安全问题是当务之急。根据证券交易的特点,提出了券商的信息安全管理措施、用户的交易安全防范措施以及网络信息安全法规举措。  相似文献   

The essay compares German and Irish media coverage of human genome research in the year 2000, using qualitative and quantitative frame analysis of a print media corpus. Drawing from a media-theoretical account of science communication, the study examines four analytic dimensions: (1) the influence of global and national sources of discourse; (2) the nature of elaboration on important themes; (3) the extent of societal participation in discourse production; (4) the cultural conditions in which the discourse resonates. The analysis shows that a global discursive package, emphasizing claims of scientific achievement and medical progress, dominates media coverage in both countries. However, German coverage is more extensive and elaborate, and includes a wider range of participants. Irish coverage more often incorporates the global package without further elaboration. These finding indicate that the global package is 'localized' differently due to national patterns of interests, German participation in human genome research, traditions of media coverage, and the domestic resonance of the issue.  相似文献   

苏世彬  黄瑞华 《科研管理》2007,28(2):27-34,92
在21世纪知识经济时代,一方面,合作创新已经成为企业积累和创造知识的一种有效方式;另外一方面,风险认知和风险管理突破以资源、成本和规模为导向的传统模式,知识在风险认识和风险管理中扮演更加重要的角色,因而对合作创新知识转移风险的研究已成为当今热点问题之一。鉴于隐性知识在合作创新中的重要作用,从隐性知识转移发送方出发,本文研究了合作创新隐性知识转移风险的特点,并运用风险矩阵对合作创新中隐性知识转移的风险进行研究,同时运用蒙特卡罗仿真对合作创新隐性知识转移中各种不同风险的影响等级、发生概率进行模拟,从而得出了不同风险的风险等级,该结论对于合作创新隐性知识转移中重点风险的防范提供了依据。  相似文献   

Safety officers, managers, and designers face a constant dilemma. Some accidents are unlikely to occur, and are unlikely to kill or injure anyone if they do occur. Nevertheless, they might happen, and so they feel they must do something about them lest they be partly responsible for someone's death or injury. But to remove every possible risk, however slight, is impossible. How do we decide which risks should be dealt with first, and which can be left, at least for the time being? In short, how do we allocate our resources?  相似文献   

陈婧 《科技广场》2013,(6):217-220
加拿大天然资源丰富,矿物开采自古以来便是国家财富的主要来源之一。因此矿产资源是加拿大经济中最重要的部分之一。矿产对加拿大发展成为主要发达经济体有着重要的作用。本文总结了加拿大矿产资源税税收体系的大致情况,期待能够为我国的矿产资源税的改革提供参考。  相似文献   

针对定性分析纳米技术对社会安全风险的影响,创建关系模型,就涉及五大影响风险的因素--不同国家、组织和集团发展纳米技术的动机,实际实现能力以及纳米技术本身满足其需要的可能性,对社会产生的直接和间接的负面影响,减缓和控制其消极方面的对策等分别进行讨论,提出"谨慎发展,积极预防,合理使用,降低损失"的发展纳米技术以及规避风险的思路,进而提高风险意识,合理地促进这一新技术的进步和应用.  相似文献   

针对我国技术合同违约案件数量随技术交易数量与金额的上升而逐年增加这一现象,从技术和技术交易特有属性、制度环境、以及交易双方的战略行为等风险因素角度出发,分析了以上因素对技术许可的影响,并从监督机制的方法和有效性角度,探讨了如何对技术转移过程中的风险实施有效的防范.  相似文献   

This essay examines lay experiences of radiation--the hazard imperceptible with unaided senses--and how these experiences are shaped. Analysis is conducted on the basis of participant observation and interviews in Belarusian rural areas affected after the 1986 Chernobyl nuclear accident. I argue that radiation risks and health effects are not always obvious or immediately observable for those experiencing them, and they should be articulated. The paper compares various opportunities for articulation, including the context of radiological testing and administrative contexts, and describes the kinds of articulations they make possible. I conclude that limited opportunities for articulation result in limited lay recognition of radioactive contamination and their own health effects. The analysis implies that affected lay populations cannot always be assumed to be the most risk-conscious and hold special knowledge about radiation effects independently of scientific and administrative definitions of it.  相似文献   

结合中国当前经济发展现状,通过对风险投资的基本问题的系统阐述,分析了其独特的品质,进一步论述了在中国建立风险投资产业的可行性和迫切性。  相似文献   

阐述企业技术创新的概念、类型、方式及特点,分析企业技术创新不同阶段的风险与风险识别,提出技术创新过程中的风险管理决策策略,进行有效的风险防范而降低风险,使创新出的新产品为企业获得更好的经济效益。  相似文献   

Hyperlink patterns between Canadian university Web sites were analyzed by a mathematical modeling approach. A multiple regression model was developed which shows that faculty quality and the language of the university are important predictors for links to a university Web site. Higher faculty quality means more links. French universities received lower numbers of links to their Web sites than comparable English universities. Analysis of interlinking between pairs of universities also showed that English universities are advantaged. Universities are more likely to link to each other when the geographical distance between them is less than 3000 km, possibly reflecting the east vs. west divide that exists in Canadian society.  相似文献   

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