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连续纵跳及其疲劳的生物力学研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对27名体育系男生30次连续纵跳的纵跳摸高高度、动力学指标进行测定,对数据进行统计处理、对应比较。结果表明,纵跳摸高高度是评价运动性疲劳的有效指标,10秒钟内纵跳的纵向最大力值和冲量值可作为评价疲劳的指标。本研究确定了一些生物力学的疲劳指标,为运动生物力学对运动性疲劳的研究积累了一定的数据材料。  相似文献   

原地连续纵跳的运动生物力学特征研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为研究原地连续纵跳的运动生物力学特征,运用录像拍摄与三维测力同步测试的方法对其研究发现,不同频率作用下的时间参数存在一定差异,随着纵跳频率的增加,时间参数都表现出逐渐减小的趋贽.同一频率作用下随着运动时间的延长,支撑时间逐渐增人.蹬伸力峰值随着连续纵跳运动时间的延长呈现明显逐渐减小的趋势,不同频率原地连续纵跳蹬伸力峰值对起跳效果的影响程度是不同的;缓冲冲量和蹬伸冲量随运动时间的延长,也都呈现出明显的逐渐减小的趋势,并且运动前期的恢复系数人于1.  相似文献   

赵西堂  孙平  葛春林 《体育学刊》2013,20(1):139-144
运用三维测力台(Kistler)和红外光点自动捕捉测试系统(Qualisys-MCU500)对北京体育大学男子排球队9名运动员分别进行了摆臂纵跳和抱头纵跳的测试,结果表明:摆臂纵跳蹬伸过程中最大力值大于抱头纵跳,但是由于蹬伸后半段时间的延长使后半段蹬伸力的梯度值没有明显增加;落地时地面最大冲击力与纵跳高度无关;摆臂纵跳的冲量值大于抱头纵跳,但研究结果发现纵跳高度与冲量并没有显著性相关关系.  相似文献   

目的:探索跆拳道运动员前横踢动作下肢优势侧和非优势侧的运动生物力学特征差异性。方法:采用Vicon三维运动捕捉系统、Kistler三维测力台和Deado电子护具计分系统,采集13名跆拳道运动员前横踢动作下有效得分时髋、膝、踝关节的运动学和动力学数据,使用Visual3D软件对采集数据进行逆向运动学和动力学计算,并对结果采用配对样本T检验的方法进行差异性分析。结果:(1)进攻腿:髋关节屈曲力矩峰值、膝关节伸展力矩峰值优势侧大于非优势侧(p<0.05),膝关节屈曲最大角度优势侧大于非优势侧(p<0.01),髋关节伸展力矩峰值、外展最大角度非优势侧大于优势侧(p<0.01)。(2)支撑腿:髋关节屈曲幅度、屈曲功率峰值、外展功率峰值优势侧大于非优势侧(p<0.05),髋关节外展力矩峰值、膝关节伸展力矩峰值优势侧大于非优势侧(p<0.01),髋关节伸展角速度峰值、踝关节跖屈力矩峰值非优势侧大于优势侧(p<0.05),髋关节外展角速度峰值、膝关节屈曲力矩峰值、踝关节旋外角速度峰值非优势侧大于优势侧(p<0.01)。(3)进攻腿击打力度值及进攻腿和支撑腿垂直...  相似文献   

运用录像拍摄和三维测力同步测试的方法研究原地连续纵跳动力学信息变化特征.结果显示,缓冲结束瞬时力值、蹬伸力峰值、蹬伸平均功率和冲量都随着原地连续纵跳运动时间的延长而逐渐减小(P<0.05);不同频率原地连续纵跳缓冲结束瞬时力值和蹬伸力峰值对起跳效果的影响程度是不同的,60次/min频率作用下缓冲结束瞬时力值和蹬伸力峰值明显大于40次/min和50次/min两种频率(P<0.05),而起跳效果却较40次/min和50次/min两种频率差(P<0.05);3种频率原地连续纵跳过程中运动前期的恢复系数都大于1.  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同踝关节稳定程度对侧跳落地缓冲时姿势稳定策略与神经肌肉控制的影响。方法:36名男性大学高水平运动员为受试者,按照踝关节不稳定程度分为12人健康组(CON)、12人隐患组(LAT)和12人不稳定组(CAI),以随机顺序执行4次单足连续侧跳动作,涉及外侧侧向跳动作(SHL)与内侧侧向跳动作(SHM)。使用VICON三维动作捕捉系统、KISTLER测力板与DELSYS无线表面肌电收集下肢生物力学参数;使用独立样本单因子方差分析(one-way ANOVA)比较各组在起跳后落地5个阶段的下肢关节运动学参数、动力学参数及肌肉激活水平。结果:1)下肢矢状面肌群激活程度与踝关节肌肉共同收缩率,对CAI组的动态姿势稳定扮演重要角色,以SHL落地的踝关节外翻动作能降低踝关节内翻扭伤风险;2)在SHL落地模式下,CAI组髋关节内收动作可能会引起踝关节内翻动作,侧跳落地的踝关节内翻角速度出现较早且快速的特征是CAI组反复扭伤的关键;3)踝关节策略主要影响压力中心(COP)参数,髋关节策略则能改变质量中心(COM);CON组侧跳的落地缓冲与姿势控制能力不及CAI稳定;SHM落地模式是踝关节内翻扭伤的高风险动作。结论:CAI组运动员即便在扭伤康复后,仍存在再次扭伤的可能,可针对踝关节活动范围与神经肌肉控制进行强化与训练,避免反复损伤。  相似文献   

目的:评估下肢优势侧和非优势侧20m×5负重往返跑对下肢爆发力产生的影响。方法:采用随机交互设计,14名健康男性受试者分别完成2次20m×5负重往返跑,分别在运动后即刻和20min进行下肢爆发能力测试,并记录RR间期。结果:与安静状态相比,优势侧和非优势负重运动后,心率、运动后过氧消耗和运动冲量均显著增加(P<0.01),但优势侧和非优势侧之间不存在显著差异(P>0.05);与安静值相比,优势侧和非优势侧运动后即刻整体表现下肢爆发力纵跳高度显著降低(P<0.05),同样的,最小作用力、垂直蹬伸速度和腾空时间在运动后即刻显著下降(P<0.05),但两者之间不存在显著差异(P>0.05),其余动力学指标运动前后不存在显著差异(P>0.05);运动后20min内均除平均速度显著增加外(P<0.05),其余指标均恢复到安静状态(P>0.05)与安静值相比,优势侧和非优势侧运动后即刻整体、前后和左右方向摆动均显著增加(P<0.05),但两者之间不存在显著差异。运动后20min内均恢复到安静状态(P>0.05)。整体上,表明单侧负重,下肢优势侧和非优势侧爆发力能力的波动程度相同。结论:下肢优势侧不影响运动后即刻和运动后恢复期爆发力的变化。  相似文献   

目的:探讨优势侧肢体动作技能水平与示范模式对非优势侧肢体复杂动作技能学习的影响.方法:首先,以足球正脚背踢球为载体,8名优秀运动员为研究对象,采用运动生物力学方法对非优势侧肢体动作与优势侧肢体动作的差异特征进行研究,提取能够反映双侧动作技能差异的指标;然后,将48名被试分为低水平十学习型示范组、低水平十熟练型示范组、高水平十学习型示范组、高水平十熟练型示范组,共计4组,以学习非优势侧正脚背踢球为任务,对4组被试分别进行了学习后即刻、24 h保持测试以及迁移测试.结果表明:在学习、保持/迁移测试中,具有优势侧学习经验者,无论采用何种示范模式,其非优势侧肢体复杂动作技能的学习绩效均优于无优势侧学习经验者;在保持/迁移测试中,具有优势侧学习经验者,其非优势侧肢体复杂动作技能的学习绩效,采用学习型示范优于熟练型示范;无优势侧学习经验者适宜采用熟练型示范;具有优势侧学习经验者适宜采用学习型示范.  相似文献   

摆臂在纵跳动作中的生物力学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文主要运用三维测力系统,进行不同膝角的摆臂与不摆臂原地级跳测试与分析,探讨了摆臂在级跳动作中的作用及其生物力学特征和规律,丰富了已有研究内容。  相似文献   

随着国际排联一系列新规则的出台,排球运动逐渐发展成为对抗性强,比赛竞争激烈,胜负悬念大,更加吸引大众眼球的项目。当今世界竞技排球进入一个以体能和综合能力为基础,以网上实力为根本的时代。在排球运动员的竞技能力中,良好的体能是技战术充分发挥的基础。放眼当今世界排球强队,都非常重视运动员的体能训练。长期以来,我国排球运动  相似文献   

It is significant to investigate the landing load suffered by high-level athletes for evaluating the training effect and prevention of injury. Simulation can get the ground reaction force (GRF)that can't be gotten by force platforms,but the accuracy of data needs to be confirmed. The study investigated the similarity and characteristic values of landing force curves got by simulation and force platforms to verify the accuracy and reliability of Lifemod simulation. Results showed that the CMCs of GRF curves gotten by simulation and force platforms were all about 0.90 representing the high correlation. The difference value of maximum GRF was 1.4% of the maximum GRF got by force platforms,and the time difference of getting the maximum GRF was 0.002s.Conclusion:Accurate data matching the real value could be got by simulation. It is feasible and accurate to get the GRF of national level athletes in the training and match.  相似文献   


The degree of contribution to performance of the vertical jump by leg components plantar flexors, knee extensors, and hip extensors was determined experimentally and tested by analysis of covariance. One control and four experimental groups from 100 college men at Brigham Young University were randomly assigned to varying muscle strengthening programs for 8 weeks. Initial and final vertical jump tests and strength measures were administered. Gains in the vertical jump significant beyond the .05 level were registered by experimental groups which strengthened knee and/or hip extensors. Control and plantar flexor strengthening groups did not register significant jump gains. Each experimental group registered significant isotonic strength gains in the programed muscle groups.  相似文献   


Thirty young adult males performed the vertical jump (jump and reach) at knee angles of 65, 90, and 115 degrees while using lateral and anterior-posterior foot spacings of 0, 5, 10, and 15 inches. The preliminary position was held momentarily before jumping, and every subject jumped three times at each of the 48 combinations of knee angles and foot spacings. The average of the three jumps was considered the subject's score for each preliminary stance. The results revealed that: (a) knee angle, lateral foot spacing, and anterior posterior foot spacing exert independent effects on vertical jumping performance; and (b) the most effective preliminary stance seems to be one in which the knee angle is approximately 115° with the feet spread from 5 to 10 inches laterally and slightly in excess of 5 inches anteriorly-posteriorly.  相似文献   

体操跳跃类动作落地稳定性的生物力学原理探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究运用生物力学原理对体操跳跃类动作落地稳定性问题做了探讨.研究结果表明:落地不稳是多种因素造成的.但高难惊险动作的固有负荷强度是造成落地不稳的主要原因.根据项目特点和负荷强度及性质.正确处理负荷与动作技术的关系是训练中解决落地不稳现象的关键,并在此基础之上,对训练工作提出建议.  相似文献   

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability of cardiorespiratory and pelvic kinematic responses to simulated horseback riding (SHBR) and to characterize responses to SHBR relative to walking in apparently healthy children. Method: Fifteen healthy children (Mage = 9.5 ± 2.6 years) completed SHBR on a commercially available simulator at low intensity (0.27 Hz) and high intensity (0.65 Hz) during 3 sessions on different occasions. Heart rate (HR), blood pressure, and respiratory gases were measured at rest and during steady-state exercise at both intensities. Pelvic displacement was measured during steady-state exercise. Rate of energy expenditure, mean arterial pressure, and rate pressure product (RPP) were calculated. Participants also walked on a treadmill for 26.8 m/min to 80.5 m/min in 13.4-m/min increments at 0% grade during 1 session to compare cardiorespiratory responses with those of SHBR. Results: Physiological variables across all 3 SHBR sessions were similar at both intensities (p>.05 for all). Intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) and coefficients of variation indicate good to modest reliability of cardiorespiratory measures during SHBR (ICCs = .542–.996 for oxygen consumption, energy expenditure, and RPP). Cardiorespiratory variables, except for HR, were 2% to 19% greater, and pelvic displacement was up to 37% greater with high-intensity riding. Treadmill walking at all speeds elicited greater physiological responses compared with SHBR (p < .05). Conclusion: Cardiorespiratory responses and pelvic kinematics are reproducible with SHBR in young children, and these responses were lower than those elicited by slow treadmill walking.  相似文献   

三级跳远中各跳起跳时着地动作的作用分析   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
对我国部分优秀女子三级跳远运动员在试跳过程中各跳起跳时着地动作的特点进行专门研究 ,同时从力学角度对着地技术的作用进行分析。主要采用摄像、录象解析法和文献资料调研。结论 :着地角的大小直接影响重心移过支撑点即前支撑时间的长短 ,从而影响水平速度的损失率 ,也是影响每一跳水平、垂直速度分配的重要因素  相似文献   

Introduction: Wearable activity monitors have been developed for jump height assessment, but the Blast Athletic Performance monitor has not yet been validated, and it remains unclear if the Blast can track changes across a sports season. Methods: Collegiate women’s volleyball players (n = 20) wore the Blast monitor (waistband) while performing standing vertical jumps (SVJs) and one-step vertical jumps (OSJs) weekly during and after a 9-week season. Jump heights from the Blast were compared to a Vertec (criterion). Results: Correlations of Blast and Vertec were moderately high (r = 0.67–0.69), but the Blast underestimated SVJ and OSJ (9.2–10.0 cm), with mean absolute percent errors 19.8–21.0%. A + 23% correction factor reduced errors to 10.5–11.3%. The Blast did not detect small decreases (2–4 cm) in criterion-measured jump height in the postseason. Conclusion: The Blast underestimated jump height and had limited ability to detect changes of up to 5.0 cm following a volleyball season. A relative correction lowered, but did not eliminate, measurement error.  相似文献   

不同快慢节奏对连续性原地纵跳影响的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用录像和测力同步测试的方法,对10名受试者以80、120、160次,min3种不同节奏的连续性原地纵跳动作进行实验测试,结果表明:随着节奏的加快.支撑时间显著缩短;人体腾空的高度、质心下降与上升的最大速度等有显著性的下降;踝、膝、髋3个关节的屈曲程度,膝关节的伸屈角速度都有显著地下降;人体的刚度系数变大,弹性变小。  相似文献   

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