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《鲨鱼故事》是梦工厂继《怪物史瑞克》之后,推出的全新动画力作。这是一部讲述海底世界的动画片,但正如执行制片人杰弗瑞.卡赞伯格所说,它与迪士尼的《海底总动员》有所不同,影片没有将重  相似文献   

奥斯卡是海底世界一条小鱼儿,一贯爱虚荣,说大话,常常惹麻烦,闯大祸。一次他正好目睹鲨鱼恶帮老大的儿子被渔船的铁锚砸死,利用这一千载难逢的好机会,他摇身一变,成了英勇无比的鲨鱼杀手,成了人们心目中的英雄。然而英雄难过恶帮关,面对鲨鱼黑帮的紧紧追杀,这一次他难逃一劫!唉,说大话丢小命,太不值!  相似文献   

DoctorJohnPerryde-cideditwastimetogohome.Ithadbeenagoodday:adayalone,thefirstsuchdayinmanyyears.Hehadfilledhisbagwithallsortsofseashells(贝壳),enoughtostudyformonths.Theislandhadbeenagoodplacetofindshells.Butnowthesunwasgoingdown.Hemustleavebeforeitgotdark.Hepickeduphisbagofshellsandwalkedtowardtheedgeoftheisland.Hecametothesandreef(礁)thatledfromtheislandtoshore.Hestoppedforamomenttoenjoythesunsetontheoceanwater,thenhebegantowalkdownthesandreeftowardtheshore.Hewalkedslowly,steppingafewtimestorest.Hebe-gantowh...  相似文献   

轻扬1. Who Is He? In summer holidays myyounger sister and I visitedour uncle who lived in thecountry.My uncle has abrother,but this man is notmy uncle. Who is he?  相似文献   

People are not,so honest as they were once.The temptation to steal is greater than ever before-especially in the large shops.A detective recently watched a well-dressed woman who always went into a large store on Monday morning.On Monday there were fewer people in the shop than usual when the woman came in,so it was easier for the detective to watch her.The woman first bought a few small articles.After a little time,she  相似文献   

Charlize Theron is making the fur fly in Hollywood by joining a campaign against the use of animal pelts (毛皮) in fashion, reportsAgence France-Presse.(温馨提示:fur fly这里是双关话,the fur begins to fly是习语,意思是激烈争论/斗争就要发生,在文章里是说拍摄保护动物皮毛的广告。)The 29-year-old star, who picked up the best actress Oscar earlierthis year for her role as Florida serial killer Aileen Wuornos in Monsterwill soon star in a billboard(户外广告牌) advertisement slamming(抨击)the animal cruelty caused by the fur industry.  相似文献   

(A) Nasreddin had a shed (棚屋) behind his house. It had no lights in it. One night he went out to the shed to get his ladder, and lost his ring there. He left the ladder, went out into the street and began to look around.  相似文献   

梦工厂在2004年底推出继《怪物史莱克Ⅱ》之后的第二部动画巨作《鲨鱼故事》,以绚丽的海底世界为背景,色彩缤纷的画面将会令你目不转睛,其幕后配音阵容更是前所未见。它一上映票房就直冲一千万美元。  相似文献   

科迪 《今日中学生》2012,(Z4):40-41
At age of 83, Granddad went to the hospital for the first time. "What’s this? " he asked as he held up the bell cord (绳) that had been fastened (拴)to his pillow (枕头) .  相似文献   

海底众“鱼”相荨荩奥斯卡:说话速度极快的小鱼,总盼着有出人头地的那一天。因为一句“我杀死了鲨鱼”的谎言,成为鲨鱼们满海底追杀的对象。在海洋深处,生活着一个由头目里诺统领的鲨鱼家族。残暴冷酷的里诺谋划的尽是些巧取豪夺的坏勾当,不过他对两个宝贝儿子弗兰克和兰尼却是关爱有加,一心想把他们培养成为合格的接班人。但小儿子兰尼竟然是一个拒绝吃鱼的素食主义者,这令里诺伤透了脑筋。小鱼奥斯卡在鱼类清洗店工作,个头虽小,可志向远大。他不甘心老是给大鱼们清洗身体,一直梦想着干一番惊天动地的大事业。不过,平时习惯大话连篇的他老…  相似文献   

The Scorpion King is back-but this time he's the good guy trying to destroyan evil ruler, free the people of the land and win the love of a sorceress' (女魔法师的) fair.All in a day's work for this hunky(匈牙利人) hero.  相似文献   

1. An Abstract DrawingOne day in a drawing class, the teacher told the class to draw anabstract(抽象的) drawing.  相似文献   

老鹰和小鸡的故事一天,一个农夫在他的农田里发现了一只受伤的鹰。农夫一时不知所措,便把鹰带回了家,并且把它和自己养的小鸡放在了一起以确保鹰不受伤害。农夫把鹰和小鸡养在一起后,还每天给鹰喂食物,他精心照看受了伤的老鹰很长一段时间,直到老鹰的伤口开始慢慢地愈合。  相似文献   

Anebbish(无用的人,无足轻重的人) young man gets bitten by a radioactive spider and turns into a web - spinning superhero, doing his best to save a city from the clutches (支配) of evil,while also trying to impress the girl next door. Yep, it's Spidery-time! Story 剧情  相似文献   

When an intricate(难以理解的) pattern of circles andlines appears in a Pennsylvania cornfield,a farmerand his family unfold a mystery that will foreverchange their lives. Story This is one time when giving away too much of the story willruin the experience—and much like M.Night Shyamalan’s other  相似文献   

《零下八度》这部影片采取了与纪录片相似的拍摄风格,壮观的南极冰雪世界,惊险的逃亡场面,面临危难下人性的复杂表现,人与其最忠实伙伴狗的依恋,一一展现在人们的眼前,真实震撼、感人至深。  相似文献   

(A)MrsReadhastwolittlegirls.Theyaretwinsisters.Thelittlegirlsareonlysixyearsold.Theylookthesame.Theyoftenwearthesameclothes.OtherpeopleoftensayMrsReadislucky,becausethelittlegirlsareverybeautiful.Thetwogirlshaveawhitecat.Thecatlooksverynice.Itlikestoplaywiththetwinsis-ters,andthegirlsliketoplaywithit,too.TheycallitMimi.MrsReadlovesherdaugh-tersverymuch.Sheoftenbuyssomegoodfoodforthem.Thegirlslovetheirmotherverymuch,too.Theyareveryhappy.根据短文内容,从A,B,C,D中选出最佳答案。1.MrsReadha…  相似文献   

1.That Man Knows the Future With a saw,Nasreddin was cutting a branch of a tree in his garden when a man passed by.The man stopped and said,"Excuse me,but if you continue to saw that branch like that,you will fall to the ground with it."He said this because Nasreddin was sitting on the branch and cutting  相似文献   

"单词背后的故事"是一个电台节目,通过讲故事和举例子,让英语学习者更系统地了解到英语习语的意思与用法。当然,安做到学以致用才能真正掌握这些习语哦。本期讲的是一些关于"鼻子"和"耳朵"的习语,一起来听听看吧——  相似文献   

“单词背后的故事”是一个电台节目,通过讲故事和举例子,让英语学习者更容易了解英语习语的意思与用法。当然,要真正掌握好这些习语,大家还需要经常使用它们。本期要讲的是一些关于狗的词组和习语。  相似文献   

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