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汉中市养殖特种经济动物主要有蛭类、爬行类、鸟类和兽类。规模比较大的有城固彤鑫特种动物养殖公司、汉中东江鹿场(汉台区)和佛坪秦岭野生动物养殖场。经济效益比较好的有城固彤鑫特种动物养殖公司、汉中东江鹿场(汉台区)。对汉中市的特种养殖经济动物的现状进行分析,对其发展提出了建议。  相似文献   

阐述了我省野生动物管理工作的发展和取得的成绩,针对国际、国内野生动物发展趋势,结合我省实际,提出了今后甘肃省野生动物管理的重点及对策.  相似文献   

致富桥特种养殖业急需规范和协调发展刘毅特种养殖是一项新兴的农业产业,它是指具有特殊用途功效的动植物种养业,也称为“非传统性种养业”,泛称特种经济动植物养殖业。特种经济动植物养殖业在改革开放的十几年中发展较快,品种和门类已形成十大类,即特种禽类、特种经...  相似文献   

在我国银行业全面开放的大背景下,银行业竞争日趋激烈,我国商业银行在业务拓展方向上仍然以存贷业务为主,这不利于增强竞争力,因此发展我国商业银行中间业务已经是迫在眉睫。本文从我国商业银行中间业务发展现状、制约因素及对策建议三个方面阐述了中间业务发展的整体思路和对策建议。  相似文献   

电子商务专业教学的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章首先阐述了电子商务的产生与发展以及电子商务发展的现状,接着从四个方面阐述了电子商务专业教学中存在的主要问题,并围绕电子商务教学中存在的问题,谈了一下加强电子商务专业教学的措施与对策.  相似文献   

陕西高等职业教育发展分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章从五个方面阐述了陕西高职教育发展的现状,分析了陕西高职教育存在的四个主要问题,并提出了加快陕西高职教育发展的六条对策与建议.  相似文献   

李朗  李季 《鸡西大学学报》2012,12(7):148-149
随着畜禽养殖业的发展,畜禽粪便及污水的排放量也越来越大,造成了严重的环境污染。试简要分析我国畜禽养殖业污染的危害及造成污染的原因,提出相应的对策,以促进畜禽养殖业健康发展。  相似文献   

高等职业教育是我国教育的重要组成部分,是对高等教育的补充和发展,更是国民经济和社会发展的重要基础之一。文章从我国高等职业技术教育的现况及其动因、高等职业教育发展对策两大方面对我国高等职业技术教育的现状和发展进行了阐述,探索了发展高等职业技术教育的具体措施。  相似文献   

目前,市场上销售的罐头产品大都是蔬菜类,鱼类以及畜禽肉蛋类,尚未有特种水产类罐头投放市场。近几年来,我国特种水产如河鳗、泥鳅、黄鳝、甲鱼、乌龟、牡顿、田螺等养殖业发展较快,并且淡旺季价格差异比较大。因此,罐头生产厂家能在收获旺季,廉价收购部分特种水产品,加工制成罐头产品投放市场,将有良好的市场发展前景。特种水产罐头有待开发  相似文献   

随着近代科技突飞猛进的发展,各种新结构,新材料与复杂的精密零件大量出现,使机械制造部门面临一系列严峻的任务,特种加工技术应运而生。高职院校作为技能型人才培养机构,势必要跟紧时代发展的脚步。本文简略阐述高职院校开设《特种加工技术》的必要性、现状厦发展前景。  相似文献   

桂林瑶族狩猎传统习俗中的生态意识及其社会功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
居住在桂林山区的瑶族在长期的生产生活中形成了祭祀山神、打和山、不杀孕兽等狩猎传统习俗。这些习俗中蕴含着敬畏自然、顺应自然、关爱生命等生态意识,是瑶族优秀森林文化的重要组成部分,对现代生态文明建设具有重要作用。  相似文献   

遵义务川野生百合的资源现状及发展前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
遵义务川自然环境极其适宜野生百合的生长繁殖,为此百合的品种多,数量大。营养丰富。由于大投族采集、加工及自然生态的破坏,野生百合资源受到了严重的威协。为了改变务川野生百合生物资源现状,必须限制对野生百合的直接采集利用,加快野生百合的品系繁育和人工栽培,开发百合鳞茎及花的经济价值,使务川野生百合的开发利用走向可持续的新经济发展时期。  相似文献   

New World primates face problems of communication distinct from those of their Old World counterparts. We suspected that the odor of urine might serve the function of communicating information among animals or troops. Two studies were conducted withSaimiri sciureus; one examined, in a laboratory enclosure, the influence of breeding season, social condition, area, and whether the urine was from known animals or from strangers, and the second measured, in a seminatural rain forest, responses to our spreadingSaimiri urine on selected sites. Enclosure and field produce the same general patterns of frequencies of behavior for urination, the urine wash and kick wash, and rubbing. The chief difference in behavior between the environments is found in the frequency of sneezing. Season (breeding or nonbreeding) is the most effective variable producing this general pattern: During the breeding season, males urine-wash throughout the enclosure or troop range, whereas during the nonbreeding season, this behavior is restricted in location, at least in the enclosure. At this time, females increase their frequencies of sniffing and rubbing. Many of these behaviors are observed only in special locations of the enclosure. The results show thatSaimiri respond differently to the urine of known and foreign animals, depending upon the season and whether they are with members of their own sex or both sexes. It is suggested that primates not equipped with specialized organs for scent marking may use urine opportunistically to communicate.  相似文献   

综合苗语黔东北次方言语汇、古代文献及考古材料,发现三苗诸部族的名称大多与动物图腾尤其是人类驯化的动物有关,这是三苗部族联盟以畜牧养殖业为主要生产方式的远古农业文明发展达到较高水平的标志。这种在部落联盟内群体性以动物名称命名各部族的现象,是远古时代部族及部族联盟产生发展的一个重要现象,也是特殊现象。  相似文献   

狩猎权是自然人、法人或其他组织依照法定程序取得,在特定狩猎场所猎捕非国家重点保护野生动物并取得猎获物所有权的权利。在法律上确立狩猎权具有权利创设、生态保护和经济激励三重功能。狩猎权属于"特别法上的物权",兼具公法和私法的双重性质,其权利的行使受到限制,权利的设定应主要采用拍卖等市场化方式。  相似文献   

目前,动物学术语“发情”的语义已经由原来仅指雌性发展到也指雄性动物的生殖生理现象。其理由有:学术研究中有许多这方面的论述;此说出自生物学、动物学专家、兽医或有经验的动物管理者、养殖专业户之口,不可能是外行话,应该是可信的;从语言学的角度看,此“发情”用的是通俗义而非专门义。判断词语运用的正误,不能仅仅依据权威的纸质工具书,还要参考电子工具书特别是该词义在社会上的使用频度。  相似文献   


To fight the stigma attached to wild animals, we designed an environmental education lesson for urban pupils to enhance their understanding of and to transform their perceptions of wild animals. To assess the outcomes of our lesson, we designed pre- and post-lesson drawing assessments based on qualitative research methods. We recruited 27 urban pupils from a public elementary school in Taipei city as participants. From the pre-lesson drawing assessment, we identified four types of stigma. We compared the participants’ drawings before and after the lesson and constructed four types of destigmatized perceptions of wild animals. The reflection on stigma attached to wild animals and our subsequent practice of eliminating stigma may serve as a means of improving the human-wild animal relationship and enhance our conservation efforts in a posthuman perspective.  相似文献   

文章阐述了野生动物、生态环境与人类的关系,指出了对待野生动物的正确态度。  相似文献   

Socially learned behavior can be a crucial factor in how animals interact with their environment and, thus, in conservation and management. For species in which social learning and culture are important determinants of behavior, several factors complicate conservation and management. These include the rapid spread of novel behavior through social learning, the inhibition of adaptive behavior because of cultural conformism, the evolution of maladaptive behavior, and the development of culturally isolated but sometimes sympatric groups. These factors can affect habitat suitability, movements, how animals react to anthropogenic effects, and genetic structures. Social learning and culture may be important factors in translocation success, and should sometimes be considered when delineating population units for conservation and management. We should aim to protect cultural as well as genetic diversity. Unfortunately, clear data on social learning and culture in the wild are scarce. Hence, the ideas and methods outlined in this special issue have great potential.  相似文献   

通过对历史时期四川凉山地区几种主要的野生动物开发利用及其变迁过程进行探讨,认为历史时期在人为活动的干预下凉山地区野生动物资源总的变化趋势是分布地域逐渐缩小,数量逐渐减少,但变化过程相当缓慢;人类的开发利用是造成凉山地区野生动物变迁的主要原因。  相似文献   

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