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源自中国的造纸术和印刷术的传播,令文明的星火光耀世界成为一种可能。而正是阅读,把这种可能化作现实,将人从被无知所驱使和奴役的境遇中解放出来,同时,阅读也丰富着人们的生命体验,超越时间和空间的羁绊,让我们的有涯人生容纳无限可能。  相似文献   

科学阅读作为小学科学教学的一种新型途径,越来越多被广大科学教师重视。通过科学阅读能够使学生获得更多科学知识,习得更多科学探究方法,养成热爱科学的情感,形成敢于质疑的批判精神。  相似文献   

科普阅读是科学教育的一部分,是提升学生科学核心素养的重要途径。教师要以科普阅读为切入点提升学生的核心素养,具体做法主要有:购置读物,推荐合适科普书;送书到班,建设"迷你科普吧";给予时空,课堂搬到图书馆;组建社团,成立科普"阅读村";在线互动,分享科普阅读"经";家校联动,推动阅读最优化。  相似文献   

小学科学是让学生经历以探究为主的学习活动.在探究活动中,学生可以提高学习的兴趣,增长探究的能力,拓宽学习的领域,提升探究的价值,从而形成尊重事实、善于质疑的科学态度,全面提升自己的科学素养.  相似文献   

科普阅读活动不仅有效地拓展和延伸了科学活动,也是当今科学实践活动当中非常重要的形式。开展课外科普阅读,可以提高学生学习的兴趣,提高学生的求知欲,丰富学生的知识储备,拓宽学生的视野,锻炼学生的思维,充实课堂教学,使学生体会到学习的乐趣,培养学生科普阅读的习惯,提高学生科普阅读的能力。  相似文献   

培养小学生的科学素养是全面实施素质教育的要求,是科学技术飞速发展对未来人才素质的需要。  相似文献   

课外阅读有益于启迪智慧,有益于拓展视野,有益于实际应用。课外阅读兴趣及阅读习惯的培养和养成,定会使小学生在成长中受益匪浅。但是,提到课外阅读,家长们往往只关注到经典名著,却容易忽视科普阅读在学生成长过程中的重要性。其实,在科学课程逐渐得到重视,学生对于科普知识、科学课程学习的兴趣越来越浓烈的今天,小学课外科普阅读活动作为科学教学的拓展和延伸,也同样是科学实践活动的重要形式。开展课外科普阅读可以不断激发学生学习科学的浓厚兴趣和求知的欲望,使学生丰富知识,拓展视野,锻炼思维;可以充实课内所学的知识,使学习更有趣、更灵动;可以全体学生科普阅读能力科普文章的撰写能力,全面提高学生的科学素养。  相似文献   

陆逊 《江苏教育》2006,(6A):16-17
日前,国务院下发了《全民科学素质行动计划纲要》(2006-2010-2020),对今后15年里提高我国公民的科学素质水平进行总体规划和具体部署。为此,我刊特设“科学素质行动”专栏,对我省加强中小学科学教育教师队伍建设,学校科学课程与课外、校外科技活动开展,利用社会资源开展儿童科学教育、传播科学文化等方面进行专题报道。希望广大读者能关注这个问题,向我们提供这些方面好的经验、典型。[编者按]  相似文献   

本文通过阐述科学教育的基本含义,考察科学教育的紧迫性和重要性,指出科学教育策略,对加强中小学素质教育具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

思路,是写作主体欲达到某种写作的意图,是对材料的选择、结构的安排、表达方式和方法运用的内在依据,是创作意图和客观形式的辩证统一。阅读理解是对写作意图、文章的内部组合手段以及形式和内容的相互关系的理解,而阅读理解的过程不只是解读文本思路的过程,同时也是思维能力得到培养的过程。  相似文献   

Eighty-six Hong Kong Chinese kindergarten children were pretested on the Preschool and Primary Chinese Literacy Scale (PPCLS) and the Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test—Third Edition (PPVT-III), and assigned randomly within schools to 1 of 3 conditions, dialogic reading, typical reading and control. After an 8- week intervention, the children were posttested. Results indicated a significant main group effect for performance on both the PPCLS and the PPVT-III, with children in the dialogic reading group benefiting significantly from the intervention. These results indicate that early literacy-related activities in the home have strong and direct effects on both children's literacy growth and language development in Chinese. The success of the dialogic reading technique in this study contributes to the goal of raising global literacy standards and educational achievement.  相似文献   

Globally, many people spend most of their time interacting with the products of engineering design as they wear clothes, drink clean water, use transportation systems, and more. Given the omnipresence of engineering design, whose material results are felt daily in people’s lives, it seems especially important that students learn to recognize and question how certain designs promote the welfare and interests of some while remaining inaccessible to others. In this article, we outline a vision for critical literacy instruction in engineering that simultaneously incorporates and challenges professional standards. We—an associate professor of literacy, an engineer, and a teacher at an engineering-focused high school—illustrate how critical literacy instruction might be enacted in the context of engineering design instruction in high schools. We describe how critical literacy can complement disciplinary literacy instruction in engineering as students use critically-focused, disciplinary lenses to move toward social justice.  相似文献   

Many journal articles detail recommendations to naturally integrate literacy instruction into content-area classes, particularly science, claiming that such instructional practices will support both literacy and content-knowledge acquisition. This begs the question, are the literacy strategies recommended for content-area instruction founded in established educational theories? The purpose of the current study is to examine the implicit and explicit theories driving science disciplinary literacy instruction. Theories assist in organizing and advancing research in a systematic manner. Information on the status of theory is essential to both practitioners (who are implementing strategies) and researchers (who are making recommendations for classroom instruction). Our study revealed that in science literacy, vocabulary instructional practices are frequently supported with Schema and Dual-Coding theories. Articles also frequently used theories grounded in social dynamics, including social constructionism and sociocultural perspective, to support literacy instruction. However, recommendations for other aspects of instructional practices in science literacy are generally not well-grounded in major reading theories.  相似文献   

Science & Education -  相似文献   

Reading and writing in science have been frequently maligned but infrequently studied since the 1960s move toward hands-on science. Current interest in the printed-based language arts in science is supported by contemporary educational reforms and the realization that simply doing more hands-on activities may not improve meaningful learning. Students need opportunities to consolidate their science experiences and to contrast their understandings with the interpretations of the science establishment. Science literacy means that students learn about the "big" ideas of science and how to inform and persuade others about these ideas. This article attempts to sketch a substantive framework for using science reading and science writing with deaf students based on research and informed practice with hearing students.  相似文献   


This essay argues in favor of college instructors, especially in introductory classes, giving students the freedom to use Wikipedia entries in their research projects. It explores the pedagogy created by rigid prohibitions of potential sources, and argues that at stake are two chief dichotomies: one, students learning by engaging in a process vs. students producing a product, and two, students thinking individually and evaluating vs. students following rules. Within the discussion of these dichotomies is a call for instructors to emphasize evaluation of the content of research material rather than an author's credentials or other external markers.  相似文献   

儿童阅读是一个复杂的研究领域,“阅读脑”的研究成为儿童阅读领域一个崭新的研究方向.近年来,随着脑成像技术的迅速发展,涌现出很多儿童阅读的脑科学研究新成果,这些研究成果表明,儿童阅读是一个多系统的复杂认知过程,儿童阅读学习过程是循序渐进的,不同的发展阶段受不同脑机制的调节;儿童阅读困难在脑机制层面也有新的解读,为传统儿童阅读中的问题解决提供了新的角度,解释并澄清了传统阅读研究中出现的很多争议,为相关问题解决提供了科学的证据.由此,我们应遵循儿童学习阅读过程中的脑活动规律,分阶段设定阅读教学目标;基于儿童阅读的脑与认知科学规律,选择恰当的教学方式;结合儿童阅读困难的脑机制研究,开展差异性阅读教学.  相似文献   

在建立和完善社会主义市场经济体制的过程中,正确认识和处理市场机制与宏观调控的关系,是保持经济平稳较快发展的重要条件.经验表明,充分发挥市场对资源配置的基础性作用,离不开强有力的宏观调控,必须从市场机制和宏观调控的内在统一上实现两者的有机结合和功能互补."十一五"期间,宏观调控不仅要立足于解决当前经济运行中的突出问题,更要着眼于解决各种深层次矛盾,促进经济社会发展切实转入科学发展的轨道.  相似文献   

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