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在新课程中,教师的角色将发生很大的变化。如果仅从知识传授者的角度来看,教师的教学行为应发生以下的新变化。 一、由重传授向重发展转变 传统教学中重视对知识的传授,忽视了人的发展。新的课程改革要求教师以人为本,呼唤人的主题精神,因此历史教学的重点要由重知识传授向重学生发展转变。  相似文献   

新课程标准指出,教师与学生是课程的有机组成部分并相互作用,教师是课程的创造者和主体,这就要求教师必须进行必要的角色调整以实现新课程改革目标。教师要努力实现教学内容、教学方法、教学氛围等教学方式的改变;实现教学行为的转变,使之适应形势的需求;实现由知识技能的传授者和管理者向学生健康发展的促进者和引导者的角色转变;实现学生从“他主学习”向“自主学习”学习方式的转变,从而培养适应社会发展需要的优秀人才。  相似文献   

王进杰 《青海教育》2003,(10):78-79
基础教育课程改革给基础教育的各个方面带来了巨大的变化。教师角色的变化是新课程的重要特征之一,仅从知识传授者的角度来看,教师的教学行为也将发生新变化:如由重知识传授向重学生发展转变,由重教师“教”向重学生“学”转变,由重结果向重过程转变,由单向信息交流向综合信息交流转变,由居高临下向平等融洽转变,由统一规格向差异性教育转变,由教学模式化向教学个性化转变等等。  相似文献   

新课程改革呼唤教师角色的转变,教师不只是知识的传授者,更是学生学习和活动的亲密伙伴.师生的角色关系正慢慢发生着变化……  相似文献   

课程改革是社会和时代的必然趋势,而牧师角色转变是实施新课程的关键,本文从由知识的“权威者”转向信息平台的“搭建者”;由“居高临下者”转向“平等的首席”;由过程的“实践者”转向结果的“反思者”;由传统的“教书匠”转向“研究型学者”;由课程资源的“依赖者”转向“开发者”;由台上“演员”角色转向后台“导演”六个方面进行阐述,目的是唤起广大科学教师角色的转变,促进新课程改革的顺利实施。  相似文献   

杨春红 《吉林教育》2007,(10):23-23
一、帮助教师建立新的角色意识校长要结合新课程的要求和实施前景,帮助教师明确自己在新课程背景下的角色定位。新课改的教师角色要求是:第一,由传统的知识传授者向新课程改革条件下知识传授者角色转变。由  相似文献   

在新课程理念下,小学科学课发生了较大改变,小学科学教师角色也随之发生了变化。他们从以往的单纯知识传授者转变为科学课堂的组织者和参与者,学生情感、思维及生活的帮助者,学生终身学习的引导者。文章指出新课程理念下小学科学教师角色变化的必要性,分析新课程理念下小学科学教师角色的变化情况,并对新课程理念下小学科学教师如何顺利完成角色变化,以及小学科学教师角色变化后如何高效开展科学教育进行探究。  相似文献   

化学教师角色在不同历史时期有着不同的特征,长期以来。受传统教育思想的影响,化学教师处于教育教学的中心地位,其角色主要体现为“知识的传授者”、“学生行为的塑造者”、“课程的执行者”。随着《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》的公布,新一轮课程改革的实施,教师角色发生很大变化,化学教师要重新认识教学、认t只课堂、认识教科书,不断探索新的课堂模式,重建自己的角色。下面就新课程理念下化学教师角色定位谈几点看法。  相似文献   

教师是实施新课程的主体,教师对新课程的理解与参与最终决定新课程实施的走向。根据新课程的要求,教师的角色和教学方式将发生以下转变:一、业务素质的转变:1、由单一型教师向复合型教师转变,2、由课程资源的执行者向课程资源的参与者、开发者转变;二、课堂角色的转变:1、由居高临下者向“平等中的首席”转变,2、由知识技能的传授者向学生学习的组织者、引导者转变;三、教学模式的转变:1、由传统封闭教学转向现代开放教学,2、由单一评价模式转向多元评价模式。  相似文献   

伴随着新课程的实施 ,教师在新课程中最大的变化是角色转变 ,正确认识自己在新课程下的角色 ,将直接影响着教师素质的提高和教师职能的发挥 ,进而影响教学的实际效果。因此 ,教师要尽快适应新课程就必须首先转换自己的角色。一、教师应成为新型的知识传授者知识传授者的角色是新课程中教师角色之一 ,这种角色本身是不能淘汰的。但是与以前所不同的是 ,它不再是教师唯一的或常规的角色。在新课程条件下 ,教师作为知识传授者的角色要发生很大的变化。教师要改变过于强调知识传授的倾向 ,努力形成学生积极主动学习的态度 ,使学生获得基础知识与…  相似文献   

在中学历史新课程改革的背景下,不少教师在改革"满堂灌"的实践中陷入了"满堂问"的误区。从形式与内容关系的角度看,教师看重从"灌"到"问"的形式上的变化,看重问题形式上的量多及所谓新颖的发问方式,而忽视了去精心设计每一问题的内容,这是导致"满堂问""量多质低"的主要原因。为此,中学历史教师的提问必须实现从重形式到重内容的转变:教师的提问数量要少,提问方式要恰当;教师的提问质量要高。  相似文献   

随着中学历史课程改革的不断深入,开发利用历史课程资源刻不容缓,特别是校外课程资源。农村初级中学要做好这项工作,应因地制宜地重点开发和有效利用其自身蕴含的各种历史课程资源,同时也要相应地解决好实施程中所存在的问题。  相似文献   

师范生头脑中的缄默教育知识支配和引导其教育行为。获得和拥有丰富的缄默知识有助于师范生的职前教师专业发展。系统的职前教师教育专业培养,倡导合作、体验的学习方式,丰富的教育教学实践,高等院校与中小学的合作与交流,是师范生形成和获得缄默知识,得以不断成长的主要途径。  相似文献   

This qualitative study examined how and why research experiences for teachers (RETs) influenced middle and high school science teachers’ beliefs, attitudes, and values about teaching science as inquiry. Changes teachers reported after participating in the RET ranged from modifying a few lessons (belief change) to a comprehensive revision of what and how they taught to better reflect inquiry (attitude change). Some teachers who described comprehensively changing their instruction also described implementing actions meant to change science education within their respective schools, not just their own classrooms (value change). We present how and why teachers went about changes in their practices in relation to the researcher-created teacher inquiry beliefs system spectrum (TIBSS). The TIBSS conceptualizes the range of changes observed in participating teachers. We also describe the features of the RET and external factors, such as personal experiences and school contexts, that teachers cited as influential to these changes.  相似文献   

Careers teachers have at no time in their history enjoyed a high status in schools. This is surprising given the current demands for schools to equip youngsters with the social and work skills required for their future lives. The data drawn on derive from an in‐depth study of 43 careers teachers from 12 comprehensive schools in one Midlands local authority. The paper shows that the careers teachers studied are not a homogeneous group; they come from different subject backgrounds and include teachers, both male and female, from predominantly the bottom and middle rungs of the hierarchy. A common characteristic of those studied is that most are non‐graduate and have no significant specialist training in careers education. They became involved in ‘careers’ by chance, as a way of advancing their own career or because they had been delegated the responsibility, rather than for more ‘altruistic’ reasons. Their routes into careers work were largely unplanned. Most careers teachers worked on their own and were not part of a department in the traditional sense. Careers teachers were unable to establish a position of influence and stability in school because of the constant variable recognition and status given to both careers education and careers teachers, resulting in their ‘marginalisation’.  相似文献   


Mentors for beginning teachers in schools are often unacknowledged middle leaders in their schools. Through their work with beginning teachers, they not only provide local leadership in their contexts, they influence and shape the work of the next generation of teachers. Government-funded mentor training for the purpose of supporting beginning teachers in Education Queensland schools commenced in 2014 (Queensland Government. [2017]. Mentoring Beginning Teachers. http://education.qld.gov.au/staff/development/employee/teachers/mentoring.html). In Queensland, Australia, over 3000 experienced teachers have completed a two-day professional learning Mentoring Beginning Teacher (MBT) programme. Upon completion, mentors were expected to design and enact a mentoring programme that met the beginning teachers’ needs in their context, using the dialogic mentoring principles they had learned to fulfil the policy goals of increasing the number of beginning teachers transitioning to full registration. This article draws on Bernstein’s ([2000]. Pedagogy, Symbolic Control, and Identity: Theory, Research, Critique. Revised ed. Rowman & Littlefield) concepts of recontextualisation, and horizontal and vertical discourses of knowledge to understand how mentor teachers negotiated and enacted their roles as middle leaders in schools in diverse schooling contexts.  相似文献   

Conclusion Teachers need formal and working knowledge of educational evaluation for their work in traditional schools as well as in schools in the future. In the form of principles, the professional evaluation standards provide educational evaluation knowledge that teachers can use to acquire the working knowledge they want and can use. Professional development programs can help teachers grasp the substance and intent of educational evaluation principles, but the principles alone cannot empower teachers or build a system of profound knowledge shared within the organization and used to move it toward its goals. An investment in teachers through professional-development programs is important if teachers are to conduct evaluations and use evaluation results together as a routine part of doing business. An investment in teachers through professional-development programs must attend to the social and technical aspects of a change effort. The learning about evaluation and their principles must be organizationally valued and the learning nurtured and sustained.  相似文献   

This paper adopts a qualitative approach to study the perceptions of six secondary teachers from two schools with a similar background and history of school‐based management (SBM). The study aims to explore the views of the teachers in the following areas: changes in school administration and the structure of the school under SBM; changes in the role of teachers and the activities of the Parent–Teacher Associations; the challenges facing principals; and teachers' worries and concerns under SBM. The study is significant as it supplements the limited number of researches on the roles of teachers and principals under SBM in Hong Kong. As serving teachers now play increasingly important roles in schools and work closely with their principals in administrative and educational matters, they can provide invaluable insights into the new era of change.  相似文献   

A shift in educational policy and practice is to involve teachers in school reform. Many reform programs require school leadership teams for involving teachers, yet few studies have examined how teachers take up such new roles and responsibilities. Using the dual conceptual lenses of open-systems and micropolitics, we investigate how four middle school teams engaged with their colleagues to construct an identity, assume leadership roles, and situate themselves in their schools. We argue that the influence of training enabled teams to assume four roles: communicators, staff developers, problem-solvers, and leaders of change. The findings suggest that teams and educational leaders need to recognize the influence that existing organizational structures have on teams and the actions they are able to take. The results also indicate that knowledge of the organizational structure as well as micropolitical dynamics can serve as leverage points for constructing their roles and initiating change.  相似文献   

在全面提倡素质教育的形势下,物理教师在物理教学中要转变传统教育观念,充分发挥教师的主导作用,激发学生的学习动机,帮助学生建立正确的物理知识体系,提高学生的思维能力和学习能力.  相似文献   

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