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顺应全纳教育的发展热潮,随班就读已成为我国特殊儿童义务教育的主要安置模式。学校作为随班就读工作开展的主要场所和承载体,其支持服务如何,直接影响着随班就读的质量,影响着特殊儿童的教育利益和健康发展。针对全纳教育背景下随班就读学校支持的内涵、学校支持的责任、面临的困境与发展反思等问题展开探讨,以期对完善学校支持体系,提升随班就读工作的质量提供一些借鉴参考。  相似文献   

罗琳 《陕西教育》2009,(11):86-86
随班就读是全纳教育理念下,结合我国国情将残疾儿童和正常儿童放在一起的融合教育,而教学空间是全纳学校中保障随班就读顺利展开的重要物质空间.本文以盲哑生随班就读综合学校为例,在全纳教育理念的指导下重点探讨了教学空间的全纳性通用设计.  相似文献   

本文通过分析随班就读与回归主流、全纳教育之间的理论联系,认为西方特殊教育经历了从回归主流到全纳教育的深刻变化;对应西方回归主流走向全纳教育的趋势,我国特殊教育理论应该在随班就读模式的基础上走向与全纳教育理念一致的"同班就读"。如同随班就读是我国特殊教育实际和西方回归主流思想相碰撞的产物一样,同班就读是我国对国际全纳教育理论趋势的中国式回应,是西方理论与中国国情之间的嫁接、冲撞与融汇,是基于文化嫁接之上的再生成。  相似文献   

随班就读巡回辅导实际上也是一种授课,是一种特殊形式的授课,其对象不仅是普通学校的老师、随班就读的学生,甚至还包括学生的家长. 巡回辅导工作,是怎样体现全纳教育理念、开展好服务的呢?  相似文献   

随班就读是中国式的全纳教育.特殊儿童随班就读虽然在我国特别是农村地区早就存在,但目前仍存在理念落后、师资难以保障等问题,需采取转变观念、建立专家支持团队等措施,推进随班就读工作顺利展开.  相似文献   

对于当前随班就读的研究来说,有一些基本理论问题还存在着争议和困惑.包括随班就读的理论来源,随班就读与全纳教育,随班就读与特殊教育、普通教育的关系等问题.对这些问题做进一步地分析和澄清,不仅对于推动随班就读的理论研究具有重要意义,对于指导随班就读的实践更具重要价值.  相似文献   

随班就读基本理论建设是目前随班就读研究中的薄弱环节。中国随班就读基本理论建设亟需解决的主要问题有:随班就读的思想基础、随班就读与全纳教育的关系、随班就读的内涵、随班就读政策制定与执行的理论基础、随班就读的发展阶段以及随班就读的研究层次等六个方面。  相似文献   

关于全纳教育思想的几点理论回顾及其对我们的启示   总被引:16,自引:14,他引:16  
本文立足于对西方全纳教育思想有关的文献的分析 ,概要地回顾了全纳教育发展的历史、揭示了全纳教育思想的基本观点、描述了与之有关的不同概念之间的联系、总结了围绕全纳教育思想的不同争论 ,并结合我国随班就读的发展进行了有意义的讨论  相似文献   

随班就读的全纳听障大学生个体之间差异的多样性、复杂性一直是高校教学管理中高度重视的问题。执行个别化教学,使全纳听障大学生发挥其应有的作用,抵偿弊端、激发潜力,是聋教育改革的内涵要求。本文立足于全纳听障大学生现实存在的差异性,探索在随班就读条件下,对全纳听障大学生制定、实施个别化教育计划,构建个别化教育计划的教学实践模式。  相似文献   

全纳教育自1970年代以来成为全球特殊教育领域讨论最热烈的议题。研究者从湖北省的相关市县选取调查对象,通过质的研究方法(半开放式的访谈)进行。研究结果显示当前中国特殊教育呈现出一种实用的全纳教育模式。中国特殊教育的发展尽管在立法、服务模式、组织结构、课程教学、入学率、以及相关的投资等方面都取得了巨大的进展,在执行随班就读的过程中也出现了很多的矛盾与冲突。研究者认为中国随班就读既反映了中国的特定的经济、文化、教育等条件,也与全球范围内全纳教育的潮流一致,并相信随班就读会在中国继续发展、完善。  相似文献   

全纳学校中的辅助教师   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
全纳学校的成功在很大程度上取决于辅助教师的工作。辅助教师在全纳课堂中的作用主要是辅助任课教师的教学 ,满足有特殊需求学生的各种需求 ,促使有特殊需求的学生更好地融入普通学校中。辅助教师的任务十分艰巨 ,不仅在准备上课、课堂教学、辅助医疗、健康教育、班级管理等方面给学生提供帮助 ,而且在学生活动、个人卫生、人际交流等方面都要提供辅导和帮助。辅助教师和任课教师在全纳课堂中既相互合作又责任明确。但在辅助教师工作方面也还有许多问题值得探究。  相似文献   

Classroom support plays a salient role in successful inclusive education, hence it has been widely debated in the literature. Much extant work has only focused on a particular aspect of classroom support. A comprehensive, systematic discussion of classroom support is sporadic in the literature. Relevant research concerning the Chinese context is even more limited. To address this gap, our study developed and validated a multidimensional classroom support model conducive to teachers’ inclusive education practices. Data were drawn from our large-scale survey with inclusive education teachers in Beijing. Further analyses were conducted to compare different dimensions within the classroom support model. Drawing insights from the results, we provide some recommendations for practice and research.  相似文献   

This paper reports an action research study undertaken towards the National Award for Special Educational Needs Coordination (NASENCO) on a university-based course. It follows an earlier evaluative study that identified a tension between teachers’ self-rated high levels of confidence in meeting diverse need and values which did not appear to support inclusive practice. The ‘action’ which was subsequently taken was the collection of further data through lesson observations to assess whether such confidence was reflected in inclusive classroom practice. Planning reviews were also undertaken. Several recognised features of inclusive practice that are known to benefit pupils with special educational needs (SEN) were not observed in all classrooms. The action research study findings identified very specific training needs relating to inclusive classroom practice, the design of individual education plans and the development of a shared school ethos and understanding of inclusive pedagogy.  相似文献   

幼儿园教师的融合教育胜任力对于提升学前融合教育质量至关重要。本研究以950名有融合教育经验的在岗专任教师为研究对象,编制了《幼儿园教师融合教育胜任力问卷》。探索性因素分析发现幼儿园教师融合教育胜任力包括辅具使用、言行鼓励、家园沟通、环境改变、行为支持、预设调整6个维度。验证性因素分析表明此6维度模型数据拟合较好,问卷的信度和效度均达到心理测量学要求。利用该问卷对363名幼儿园教师进行调查,结果表明当前幼儿园教师的融合教育胜任力总体水平较高;融合幼儿园教师的胜任力水平显著高于非融合幼儿园教师;普通学前儿童家长的融合教育态度不同,其所在班级的教师胜任力也存在显著差异。为提升幼儿园教师的融合教育胜任力水平,国家应设置学前融合教育资源教师岗位,幼儿园教师资格证考试应适度增加学前融合教育内容,以此保障学前融合教育的师资。同时,幼儿园应注意在家园合作中渗透融合教育价值观,提高普通儿童家长对学前融合教育的接受度,使其支持班级教师开展融合教育。  相似文献   

融合环境中的同伴支持:一个未被利用的资源   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在融合教育日益成为一种发展趋势的今天,如何让更多的残障学生在普教课堂中得到多种多样的支持与帮助,是我们必须面对和解决的问题。在融合环境中,全班配对同伴指导、同伴辅助式学习策略、跨年龄指导计划、高年级同伴指导、同伴指导课程和合作课堂等,被证明是较为有效的同伴支持策略和方法。通过融合环境中的同伴支持,建立一个所有人都能得到重视与尊重的社会,才能真正实现教育公平。同时,残障学生与健全学生都可在合作与支持的融合过程中,寻得彼此的受益点。  相似文献   

Describing students with disabilities as presenting ‘challenging behaviour’ is common in US schools. The purpose of this paper is to reveal the discourse utilised by teachers in order to understand their beliefs and practices surrounding young students considered to present challenging behaviour. This study examines teachers’ language in four ways: which discourses they draw from, the consequences of engaging in the discourse on practice, what maintains the use of such discourse and finally the possibilities for change. The critical discourse analysis unpacked that teachers begin labelling the students as challenging, not the behaviour. Consequences of this thinking emerged as teachers excluded the students, or what they consider ‘the problems’ from the classroom. Exclusion was found to be the ‘necessary’ response when control is prioritised in the classroom. In sum, the discourse of control is available for shaping how teachers understand and support students. Developing a relationship with students empowers teachers to see past the labels, the control discourse, and truly support students in inclusive classrooms. Finally, implications for practice are shared to improve the experience of inclusive education for both student and teacher.  相似文献   

The middle level classroom presents unique challenges to educators who strive to provide opportunities that acknowledge learner diversity in terms of social, cognitive, physical, and emotional development. This is confounded even further within inclusive middle-school classrooms where the responsibility to differentiate instruction is even more critical. One way to meet the needs of all students is through cooperative grouping. Through cooperative grouping, middle-level educators can differentiate instruction and promote active learning by leveraging the naturally social nature of young adolescents. In this article, the authors present research on cooperative grouping as well as several considerations for effectively designing and implementing cooperative grouping for middle-level learners in an inclusive setting. Suggestions and examples with regard to group size, membership, group structure and roles, and classroom management and clear expectations are provided. Additionally, the four-clue group strategy is presented as a specific instructional method to support effective group learning experiences in the inclusive middle-level classroom.  相似文献   

Schools create an inclusive environment and cultures and enact inclusive practices to cater for the learning and social needs of learners. Using an adapted Ghana Inclusive Education Monitoring Tool (IEMT), which is based on the Index for Inclusion, we collected data from 74 headteachers of primary schools. Data analysis involved percentages and frequencies of multiple-scaled items of the adapted IEMT. Findings revealed headteachers admit learners with special needs and disabilities (LwSEND) to set the stage for inclusion, while teachers accept these learners in schools. Collaborative cultures among teachers, parents, and other community stakeholders support inclusive education. While classrooms had somewhat good ventilation and lighting, school facilities were less accessible to all learners. Knowledge to adapt the curriculum and the flow of inclusive knowledge among teachers was limited. Suggestions to improve inclusive education include school-wide professional development for sharing inclusive knowledge, enhancing teachers' pedagogical competence and promoting supportive inclusive cultures.  相似文献   

Research has highlighted that children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) might be at risk of receiving less-than-outstanding experiences in settings typically rated as outstanding. There are still significant barriers to the implementation of high-quality inclusive practices in early years settings: inadequate preparation of early educators for implementing inclusive classroom practices, and a lack of reliable and valid measures for assessing the quality of inclusive practice. The Inclusive Classroom Profile (ICP) was designed to measure the quality of inclusive classroom practices that can support the developmental needs of children with SEN in early childhood programmes. This paper describes the first study that explored the feasibility and usefulness of the ICP measure for quality improvement. The usability of the ICP was explored in the context of a partnership between a team of early years inclusion advisors and inclusive settings in one local authority in south England. Early years advisors received training for using the ICP and performed follow-up feedback visits to settings. Advisors achieved reliability proficiency and rated the ICP measure and training programme positively. Future research needs to investigate how the ICP might support quality improvement through designing and piloting the effectiveness of a multi-component professional development programme.  相似文献   

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