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本文对铜陵市居住区绿化植物应用现状进行了实地考察,对铜陵市居住区景观设计中常用的景观绿化植物的种类进行了总结。本着发现问题、分析问题的宗旨,对铜陵市居住区常用的植物配置手法及不足之处提出建议,以期对铜陵市居住区绿化景观规划建设提供参考。  相似文献   

1997年至1999年 ,对商丘市区工厂的绿化植物进行了调查研究 ,发现不同工厂采用不同的植物进行厂区绿化 ,对控制和消除环境污染 ,保护生态环境有一定的意义。本文仅从植物学的角度 ,结合商丘市厂区绿化情况 ,对厂区绿化提出一些可行性建议  相似文献   

厂区绿化植物研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1997年至1999年,对商丘市区工厂的绿化植物进行了调查研究,发现不同工厂采用不同的植物进行厂区绿化,对控制和消除环境污染,保护生态环境有一定的意义。本仅从植物学的角度,结合商丘市厂区绿化情况,对厂区绿化提出一些可行性建议。  相似文献   

浅谈钢铁企业的绿化规划   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
厂区各部分功能的不同,钢铁企业绿化可划分为厂前区绿化、生产区绿化、道路绿化和铁路绿化。要使植物在不同的环境中发挥作用,关键在于物种选择。但要达到预期效果,合理的布置也很关键。  相似文献   

厂区各部分功能的不同,钢铁企业绿化可划分为厂前区绿化、生产区绿化、道路绿化和铁路绿化.要使植物在不同的环境中发挥作用,关键在于物种选择.但要达到预期效果,合理的布置也很关键.  相似文献   

本文介绍了“校园、小区绿化设计方案展示和讨论”一节的教学过程,主要内容包括:在课堂教学中引导学生描述校园、小区的绿化设计方案;根据绿化设计植物选择评价表,学会合理评价绿化设计方案并提高绿化意识。  相似文献   

在调查郑州市居住区绿化植物利用现状的基础上,对居住区绿化植物的种类及配置应用等方面进行了探讨并对使用频度进行了统计分析,分析了存在的问题并提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

对福州市区5条主干道和4座主要桥梁的绿化从绿化植物种类、生长状况、配置方面进行初步调查研究。结果表明:福州市区道路园林植物种类较丰富,观形、彩叶植物运用较多,并以多层次复合结构配置为主要趋势;但同时也存在景观面貌单一(树种选择局限及观花植物运用少)、配置缺乏艺术化等问题。针对此类问题提出丰富植物种类、提倡乔灌草多层复合艺术化配置、大力推广观花植物等建议,以期为福州市城市道路绿化建设提供借鉴与理论参考。  相似文献   

本文概述了彩叶植物在菏泽市居住区绿化景观中的应用状况,为居住区彩叶植物的应用研究提供分析资料。  相似文献   

环境(environment)是指人类赖以生存的各种自然和社会因素。包括无机因素(光、热、水、土壤、大气等)和有机因素(动物、植物、微生物及人类)的总和。 人类是环境演化发展的产物,环境又受着人类的干扰和影响。人类在改造自然利用环境的同时,既取得了巨大的成就,也由于生产活动和生活消费,特别是工农业飞速发展,“三废增多”,超过了生态系统自我调节能力,结果造成环境污染。主要表现为:大气污染,水质变差,土壤沙化以及噪声、恶臭等对环境的破坏,从而导致日照减弱、草原退化、水土流失、生物物种减少、自然灾害频繁、疾病流行等。 当前在环境污染日趋严重的情况下,在防治措施中,一方面应竭力控制污染源,以减少污染蔓延;另一方面,应加强绿化树种的选育,加速绿化进程,发挥植物净化大气、优化环境的特殊功能。 本文旨在介绍植物对污染物的吸收、净化、代谢和转化作用,并对具有污染源的有关厂矿及企业推荐一些抗污染及净化空气的树种。  相似文献   


This study examined the academic performance of low, moderate, and high test anxiety students within two classrooms which differed significantly in the mean level of anxiety aroused by examinations. When differences in classroom anxiety were not considered, a significant negative linear trend was observed between anxiety level and academic performance (p < .001). No differences were found in the academic performance of low test anxiety students within the two classrooms, but a significant interaction (p C .05) was observed between classroom anxiety level and the academic performance of moderate and high test anxiety students. Moderate test anxiety students tended to obtain slightly higher examination scores in the High Anxiety Section than in the Low Anxiety Section, white the opposite was true for high test anxiety students.  相似文献   


This article examines the legacy of Section 28 of the Local Government Act in England for LGBT+ school teachers between 1988 and the repeal of the Section in 2003. Section 28 stated that ‘A local authority shall not – (a) intentionally promote homosexuality… (b) promote the teaching in any maintained school of the acceptability of homosexuality as a pretended family relationship’. A questionnaire examined the ways in which LGBT+ teachers in England experienced their work environments in 2017–18. The current perceptions of LGBT+ teachers who experienced Section 28 were compared with the perceptions of those LGBT+ teachers entering the profession after the repeal of Section 28 in 2003. Responses suggest that Section 28 continues to adversely affect the LGBT+ teachers who experienced it. These teachers are, in 2017–18, less open about their sexuality, unlikely to engage in the school community with their partner and more likely to see their teacher and sexual identities as incompatible. Whilst a climate of oppression, discrimination and harassment consistent at the time of Section 28 also played contributed to LGBT+ teachers’ experiences, despite advances in equalities legislation those teaching during the Section 28 era are still deeply affected by their experiences.  相似文献   


This article provides a summary of the literature review contained in Volume Two of the DETYA Report, Mapping the Territory: Primary students with learning difficulties in literacy and numeracy. It summarizes the last three sections from the review. Section Three explores effective instructional techniques and programs in literacy and numeracy for students with learning difficulties. After that effective service delivery approaches within regular settings are examined in Section Four. Finally, issues in program evaluation and measurement of outcomes are addressed in Section Five.  相似文献   


An overview of the Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) is presented. The article emphasizes that Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 is the federal law upon which the ADA is built. A comparison of Section 504 and the ADA is presented in the paper. An analysis is offered of the case law that has emerged under Section 504 that serves as a guide to the rights and responsibilities of social work programs and faculty under the ADA. Recommendations are made for helping social work programs comply with the ADA in the area of student admissions and retention.  相似文献   

Here we introduce a Special Section of Child Development entitled “Formalizing Theories of Child Development.” This Special Section features five papers that use mathematical models to advance our understanding of central questions in the study of child development. This landmark collection is timely: it signifies growing awareness that rigorous empirical bricks are not enough; we need solid theory to build the house. By stating theory in mathematical terms, formal models make concepts, assumptions, and reasoning more explicit than verbal theory does. This increases falsifiability, promotes cumulative science, and enables integration with mathematical theory in allied disciplines. The Special Section contributions cover a range of topics: the developmental origins of counting, interactions between mathematics and language development, visual exploration and word learning in infancy, referent identification by toddlers, and the emergence of typical and atypical development. All are written in an accessible manner and for a broad audience.  相似文献   

Open education and critical pedagogy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper argues for a revaluation of the potential of open education to support more critical forms of pedagogy. Section 1 examines contemporary discourses around open education, offering a commentary on the perception of openness as both a disruptive force in education, and a potential solution to contemporary challenges. Section 2 examines the implications of the lack of consensus around what it means to be open, focusing on the example of commercial and proprietary claims to openness commonly known as ‘openwashing’. Section 3 uses Raymond's influential essay on open source software ‘The Cathedral and the Bazaar’ as a framework for thinking through these issues, and about alternative power structures in open education. In Section 4, an explicit link is drawn between more equal and democratic power structures and the possibility for developing pedagogies which are critical and reflexive, providing examples which show how certain interpretations of openness can raise opportunities to support critical approaches to pedagogy.  相似文献   

One of the groups of professional workers in the International Council of Religious Education is known as the Professors Advisory Section. Most of the members of this Section are also members of the Religious Education Association. At their annual meeting in Columbus, Ohio, held February 11–13, five of these members presented papers on one aspect or another of the contributions of psychology to religious education. They were of such significance that we are happy to publish them here in symposium form.

The Editor>  相似文献   

新发表的上海博物馆藏战国楚竹书<鲍叔牙与隰朋之谏>篇,有学者指出其中的一段文字和传世的<管子·霸形>有不少相近之处,文章进一步指出<管子·戒>中的不少记载也与竹书存在对读可能.通过三篇文献的对读,不但有助于加深对出土竹书本身含义的理解,还可以提高对出土竹书和<管子>关系的认识.  相似文献   

In this study a teacher trainer analyses 56 papers from the journal Educational Studies and, applying specific criteria, determines the extent to which their content can be said to have applications to and implications for educational practice. Section 1 of the study explores the general context of the sample papers. Findings here show that in this set of papers the academic research is conducted and written almost exclusively by staff within Schools of Education in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs); that the authorship includes a higher proportion of males than females; that research style is mainly empirical and that gender may play a role in the research style itself; and, significantly for this study, that the titles of these papers, when considered exclusively, imply a close association with the classroom context. In Section 2, a systematic scrutiny of the content of a sub-sample of the papers reveals a significant trend of potential, as opposed to actual relevance to educational policy and practice—at variance with the findings for the study of their titles alone in Section 1. Additional findings are that there is little evidence in the papers of direct collaboration between HEIs and schools. Finally, Section 3 contains the author's personal reflections on communication of the research message within the sample and ways are suggested in which the writing in academic journals generally might be made 'barrier-free' to the wider educational community. Concluding comments tend to be made as appropriate within the body of the paper at the point of discussion. The main conclusion briefly considers the role of Initial Teacher Training tutors in Higher Education, and the issue of monitoring language and communication style in academic research.  相似文献   

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