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产电微生物及其生理生化特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
微生物燃料电池(MFC)是一种具有开发前景的绿色可再生能源利用技术,而产电微生物是MFC的功能之源.探明产电微生物的种类分布、生长特性、代谢特性和产电机理,将有助于MFC的研发.在收集文献报道的产电微生物的基础上,探讨了产电微生物的营养需要、生长条件、生长速率、电子释放及其跨膜传递机制.  相似文献   

In the defence industry the recent development of a ‘market for technology’, the creation of new European high-technology companies as well as transformations in government agencies have driven firms to reposition their technological and organizational skills. Our objective is to show that the transformations that have occurred in the past 10 years have not only redefined skills and the organization of production, but also have given a more strategic place to knowledge management (KM) practices. We provide a contextual and historical overview based on qualitative interviews, in order to better understand the relation between KM and innovative behaviour in this industry. We build an original industrial and technological database comprising various samples that provides quantitative information concerning KM and innovative practices. The results of the statistical analysis reveal the specificity of firms in this industry. Taking account of the size of these firms and their technological intensity, we show that the behaviour of defence industry firms in terms of KM practices, differs from that of other firms. This is evident from their technological performance, and innovation and patenting intensity. This structural tendency is explained as an innovative behaviour in the French national innovation system rather than merely a ‘trend’.  相似文献   

Robin Mansell is professor of new media and the internet at LSE. She is interested in how and why people communicate with each other, especially when their relationships are mediated by the use of information and communication technologies.  相似文献   

杨宇  王金霞  黄季焜 《资源科学》2016,38(5):900-908
华北平原作为中国的粮食主产区和严重干旱事件发生频繁的区域,如何提高该区域农户灌溉适应能力对保障中国的粮食安全具有十分重要的意义。基于华北5省889个农户的1663小麦地块的实地调研数据,运用两阶段的思路构建计量经济模型,定量分析了农户实施灌溉适应行为的影响因素和评估其成效。研究结果表明:①相比于相对正常年,在受灾年中严重干旱事件的发生显著地促使农户提高了约17.4% 的灌溉频次,同样也增加了约6.6%的小麦单产损失;②灌溉适应行为的确在抵御和减缓严重干旱事件对小麦单产产生的负面影响上起着显著的积极作用,具体而言,每增加50%的灌溉次数(相当于增加0.9次),可以挽回14.2%的小麦单产损失;③良好的农田水利设施条件对农户灌溉行为产生显著的正向效果。例如,相比于农田水利设施较差地区,一般和较好地区的农户灌溉强度分别显著地提高了约13.2%和18.0%;④农户种植规模、户主年龄以及教育水平等农户家庭特征也显著地影响农户的灌溉行为。  相似文献   

It seems to be a generally accepted belief that the adoption rate of the Internet has exceeded that of earlier mass communication technologies by several magnitudes. This article reviews the historic data related to some of these technologies, draws on actor-network theory as a framework for interpreting such data, traces the transformations and translation of this data throughout the public, political, and scientific discourse, and discusses the use of "facts" in modern society.  相似文献   

It seems to be a generally accepted belief that the adoption rate of the Internet has exceeded that of earlier mass communication technologies by several magnitudes. This article reviews the historic data related to some of these technologies, draws on actor-network theory as a framework for interpreting such data, traces the transformations and translation of this data throughout the public, political, and scientific discourse, and discusses the use of "facts" in modern society.  相似文献   

秦剑  王迎军 《科学学研究》2010,28(8):1273-1280
针对既有突破性创新缺乏前端驱动机制研究的局限,考察了跨国公司在华的营销资源、技术资源及其交互效应对突破性创新绩效的影响机制。在教育部重大研究课题的经费资助下,利用165家在华跨国公司高管团队填写的调查问卷实证检验了相关研究假设。结果显示,营销资源和技术资源均与突破性产品创新绩效正相关,而两者之间存在着复杂的替代和互补关系,表现为两者的交互效应对突破性产品创新绩效的负向阻碍作用以及对突破性过程创新绩效的正向促进作用。同时,还发现过程创新对产品创新也有着正向影响。最后,讨论了研究结论、理论贡献和实践价值,并指出了未来进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

This study explores the gendered discourse of social-based computer-mediated contexts. Specifically, the critical ethnography explicates the patterns of discourse of both a sports-related (masculine-dominated) chatroom and a female-based (feminine-dominated) chatroom. Through the participant observations, the researcher discovered that traditionally masculine and feminine forms of discourse dominate the chatrooms. Furthermore, the groups constructed and maintained normative forms of behavior. Masculine participants were aggressive, argumentative, and power oriented. While feminine participants sought relationships and intimacy, they were often dominated and overpowered by the aggressive discourse of the masculine members. The findings have significant implications for the construction of gender in cyberspace, the normative behavior of computer-mediated communication, and power and gender in the use of technology.  相似文献   

云南省信息服务业关键影响因素识别与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
段万春  袁蒙蒙  魏忠 《情报杂志》2012,31(6):177-180,207
构建了影响云南省信息服务业发展的因素体系,引入改进后的DEMATE定量分析方法—:模糊DEMATEL因素识别模型,通过综合影响指数对各因素进行系统分析,识别出了关键性影响因素,进而有针对性的建出相应对策建议,以期促进云南省信息服务业的快速健康发展.  相似文献   

现代主义建筑受笛卡尔普遍数学模式影响,企图用完全合理化方案改造现代城市生活,但其解放的乌托邦梦想却最终带来普遍压制。后现代建筑深入反思了现代建筑的失败经验,并试图超越后者,尤其表现在它对建筑的沟通性、地方性和历史性的重视上。后现代建筑不再像现代建筑那样拒绝传统,而是让所有那些过去的样式以变形的方式重现,这是在以反讽和戏仿的方式向传统表达敬意,是通过赋予旧形式以新意义来显示其对历史的批判性继承。反思后现代建筑对现代建筑的批判与超越,将有助于我们建造出真正的以人为本的城市环境。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(1):104373
In this paper, we shed new light on the links between firm-level innovation and growth. We introduce data that capture a difficult-to-observe aspect of firms' innovative activity – new product/service launches – at scale. We show that our novel measures complement existing innovation metrics. We build a simple framework covering firm-level innovation, launches and revenue productivity. Then, we show positive linkages between past patenting and launches and between launches and performance for a large panel of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the UK. We go on to explore the roles of age, size, industry and product/service quality in these relationships. A subset of SMEs with high-quality launches explains our results.  相似文献   

近年来,中国国内发展势头不断推动中国“走出去”的步伐,中国相对成功的发展经验吸引越来越多的非洲国家学习与借鉴.随着中国在非洲参与的扩大,西方与非洲对中国的在非存在形成了不同的解读.一方面,中国在非存在对西方与非洲的既定关系格局形成了冲击,甚至带有竞争性的特质.另一方面,中国在非存在同时也为非洲提供了新的机遇和选择,兼具建设性的特质.但这并非问题的全部,中国在非存在对西方同样也存在建设性作用,对非洲国家而言亦是挑战与机遇并存.一方面,它推动了非洲国家对自身发展问题的思考;另一方面,它也为西方国家审视自身的对非关系提供了某种参照.随着中国对非参与和存在的日益扩大,中国、非洲、西方三者的关系将面临不断的磨合与调试.通过对中国在非存在建设性与竞争性的思辨,我们可以预见:相较中国参与之前非洲与西方的关系,未来的三方关系将更具理性内涵,更少强制色彩.  相似文献   

推进专利技术发展并实现产业化,是发展自主知识产权战略的必经之路.本文通过对上海市专利技术产业化的现状分析,指出当前上海在专利技术产业化过程中存在企业尚未成为专利技术产业化的主体、职务专利申请比例仍旧较低等问题,未来上海市应该在知识产权制度的完善、专利技术交易平台的建设等方面进行改进.  相似文献   

随着创业研究的深入,人们发现,环境成为影响创业的一个重要变量。环境对创业的影响通过创业者与环境的组成成分之间的各种联系来实现。"社会网络分析"作为研究"联系"的有力工具,为创业研究开拓了一个新视野,通过对以网络视角研究创业的文献加以回顾,以期发现今后创业研究的新领域。  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of a series of experiments in what the author calls critical making, a mode of materially productive engagement that is intended to bridge the gap between creative physical and conceptual exploration. Although they share much in common with forms of design and art practice, the goal of these events is primarily focused on using material production—making things—as part of an explicit practice of concept elaboration within the social study of technology.  相似文献   

伴随着素质教育的不断推进,在大学英语教学中,要积极拓展批判性思维和创新能力的培养效果,不仅仅要了解当前高校大学英语教学体系中教学理念结构、教学目标设置框架、教学模式和英语基础课程设置流程等,也要对教学评价和大学英语教师的基本素养等进行全面分析,明确其运行状况及发展趋势。本文对批判性思维和创新能力进行了简要分析,并对两者在大学英语教学中的应用路径展开了讨论,旨在为教师提供更加有价值的参考建议。  相似文献   

Accurate prediction of tides is of great practical importance in such diverse fields as dock management, off-shore oil exploitation, estuarine barrages, and flood control. This paper reviews the basic phenomena which determine the rise and fall of coastal and ocean tides, and some of the factors that may lead to abnormal local variations.  相似文献   

Advanced DNA level studies based on HLA class II sequence analysis have revealed considerable diversity in HLA among Asian Indians. High resolution typing of specific alleles such as DR2 and DR4 in the HLA class II region by PCR-SSP or SSOP hybridization and their associated DR-DQ haplotypes have helped to detect unique haplotypes and novel alleles which have subsequently been confirmed by sequencing. Incidentally, remarkable stability has been maintained in several other DRB1 alleles viz. DR1, DR7, DR9 and DR10. The ARMS-PCR technology has been found to be particularly useful for typing HLA-A, HLA-B and HLA-Cw alleles. These technologies are far superior over serological methods. Our studies have shown remarkable heterogeneity of common HLA-A and B alleles in Asian Indians. Molecular subtyping of HLA-A2 revealed that subtype A*0211 is found only in Indian population and may be the result of selection pressure in this population. Investigations into polymorphism in the HLA-B27 gene revealed that subtypes common both to the western caucasians and orientals occur in the Indian population. It is apparent that the population of the Indian subcontinent, placed as it is between the Caucasoids and Negroids on one hand and Australoids and Mongoloids on the other, provides a rich source of many HLA haplotypes. While the most frequent Caucasian haplotypes occur with a reasonable frequency in Asian Indians, those found predominantly in other ethnic groups (e.g., australian Aborigines and populations of Oceania, China and Japan) are also detected. Knowledge on this is most important for donor selection during organ and bone marrow transplantation and for designing MHC targeted vaccines in specific diseases.  相似文献   

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