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Kirsty Rolfe 《Media History》2017,23(2):159-176
This article examines the ways in which the news of the siege and fall of Heidelberg in 1622 was conveyed, both in printed news pamphlets and in the regular letters of news written by the Cambridge scholar Joseph Mead. Through this, it investigates the ways in which contemporaneity (to use Brendan Dooley’s term) is produced, and complicated, by the time taken to transport international news in the early modern period. Reports of the fall of Heidelberg arrived in England some time behind events, and often unconfirmed, promising confirmation and further crucial details to follow. The awareness of contemporaneity across European space fostered by the availability of foreign news was complicated by its belatedness. Furthermore, as Mead’s letters demonstrate, international and domestic news networks could be subject to disruption and delay, making the forward projection of serialised news texts fraught with uncertainty.  相似文献   

文章记录了2004~2005年我国图书馆重要思想启蒙时期中,作者经历的湖南图书馆百年馆庆、21世纪新图书馆运动、桂林年会、衡阳调查等事件,以及此期张勇、李国新、王子舟、范并思、余子牛、蒋永福、梁灿兴等的图书馆活动。  相似文献   

文章记录了2004~2005年我国图书馆重要思想启蒙时期中,作者经历的湖南图书馆百年馆庆、21世纪新图书馆运动、桂林年会、衡阳调查等事件,以及此期张勇、李国新、王子舟、范并思、余子牛、蒋永福、梁灿兴等的图书馆活动。  相似文献   

The frequency of browsing as a method of choosing material in public libraries, and the failure of most libraries to organize material in a way likely to appeal to browsers is discussed. The concern with the browser emerged from a needs survey of the users of one suburban Sydney library. The users were classified according to the specificity of their requirements. Almost 50 percent of those interviewed stated that they had come to the library to browse. In light of this finding, the investigators suggest possible changes in public libraries that would make library collections more "browser friendly. "  相似文献   

光荣与梦想   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
逝去的2010年,就国家而论,既是"十一五"规划的收官之年,也是文化体制改革的决胜之年;对自己而言,将知天命,弃医从文已逾25载。多年来,每当岁末总结时,总能以获得各种奖项来告慰流逝的时光,但如今回首过去的一年,忙碌依旧却一无所获。恰逢此时,一位名家之言使自己茅塞顿开:群众的成功就是成就  相似文献   

Science librarians should serve as full-fledged members of teams pursuing scientific research. The significance of the concept is interpreted in terms of trends characteristic of contemporary exploratory work. In the light of these considerations, reference is made to educational objectives in the field of librarianship, and to current thinking in the profession.  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(20):205-221
A library's success depends in large part on communication it shares with its users. Formal theory of communication information can be useful in examining the process, which is central to library use. Communication models are presented which display graphically elements of the process. The places of the library and the librarian in the models are discussed. Also presented are the concept of information (particularly as it relates to libraries)and data on information output. The key to all discussion is the library-user exchange and the importance of effective communication to public service in libraries.  相似文献   

读者与文本   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
依次论述:读者是文本意义的读解者;读者是文本意义的重组者或重建者;读者是文本意义的实现者;读者是文本意义的参与者;读者是文本意义的评判者。最后从中引伸出对图书馆做好读者服务工作的几点启示。  相似文献   

Librarians have been accused by both the political left and right of failing to acquire materials representing controversial views on social and political issues. Two bibliographies of monographs supporting conservative and liberal opinions are used to survey Ohio OCLC member libraries, searching for bias towards either side of the political spectrum. Conservative books appear more often in Ohio academic, public, and special libraries than do liberal titles. However, as books from either bibliography are in no more than 15% of all Ohio libraries, it appears the state's libraries have done a poor job in collecting controversial political materials. Further studies are needed to determine the extent, if any, of political bias among American libraries on collection development.  相似文献   

讨论藏书家、文献家与文献学家的异同,分析藏书家的定义与类型。  相似文献   

图书馆与信息产业罗也平Abstract:Thetransitionfromalibrarytoaninformationindustryistheroadthelibrarymustfollowinordertoseekitsownexistance...  相似文献   


Children from ages 4 to 9 watched segments from Sesame Street and answered questions about television reality. Factor analysis produced three reality dimensions: (a) Sesame Street really exists, (b) television characters can see and hear us, and (c) what you see is inside the television set. For preschoolers, age was the most important variable in regard to television reality. There were other background variables for older children: Children from working‐class backgrounds were more apt to believe that television characters can see and hear us and that they reside inside the television set than their middle‐ and upper‐class age peers.  相似文献   

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