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威廉.布莱克是英国十八世纪浪漫主义诗歌的先驱。《天真之歌》与《经验之歌》是他最具代表性、最受后人关注的诗集。他的诗歌意象鲜明,语言质朴,风格简洁,想象力丰富。最值得一提的是这两部诗集中分别收录了数首情景不同、内容迥异、前乐后苦的同名诗。本文选取一组同名诗《扫烟囱的孩子》,尝试从这颗沙里看布莱克创作思想从“纯真”向“深刻”的演变。  相似文献   

在多元文化语境下,适应越来越多的留学生培养需要,是当前我国研究生教育面临的新课题。基于中外博士生英语学习动机和学习需求分析,以跨文化交际理论为指导,借鉴世界一流大学的经验,采用中外博士生混合编班的方法,探索多元文化语境下的博士生英语教学模式,为发展中国家培养能够进行高水平的国际科学技术交流的新科学家。  相似文献   

教育学界关于"教学(教育)回归生活"的困惑和争议仍在持续。在教学论层面深入探讨教学世界和生活世界、科学世界的关系仍然具有重要的理论意义和实践意义。在教学论(和教育学)话语中,我们可以从三个世界,即教学世界、生活世界和科学世界的视角来认识教学世界与其它世界的关系。教学世界是生活世界和科学世界的中介,是生活世界与科学世界的双向二重化,即化科学世界为生活世界和化生活世界为科学世界。教学就是在这种双向二重化的过程中,将其转化的结果沉淀在学生的精神世界里,最终实现教学之目的。"教学回归生活世界"的提法失之片面,正确的提法应当是:教学面向生活世界,超越生活世界,走向科学世界。  相似文献   

Recent research in second-language acquisition has revealed that the language learning process is a complex interplay of many variables in which social roles, relationships, power relations, and identities are constantly reconstituted. Most research studies on language and identity have been conducted in predominantly English-language native-speaker settings (McKay & Wong, 1996; Peirce, 1995). This article presents the findings of my doctoral research study on the relation between language and sociocultural identities of English as a second language (ESL) learners in a multicultural society in Southeast Asia. Using a qualitative research approach, 14 Malaysian participants were interviewed using critical ethnography research methods (Carspecken, 1996). They also had to write a personal narrative and complete a questionnaire. The findings reveal that in a multicultural, postcolonial society such as Malaysia, identity issues are far more complex and multilayered. Identity shifts take place frequently in strategic and nonstrategic ways as the participants find their way in society in search of acceptance and belonging.  相似文献   

Given the multimodal and multicultural character of modern English, English Language Teaching should meaningfully reflect this. Although some attempts have been made, adequate attention has not been paid to reforming writing pedagogy. This paper presents the findings of a two-year research project on writing instruction in the Singapore English Language classroom, which caters for a mixture of EFL (English as a foreign language), L2 (second language) and L1 (first language) learners. Data were gathered from six secondary school teachers via observations and interviews through which their common practices and beliefs were established. Our findings revealed an extensive use of examination-centred practices based on functional literacy, routine procedures and standardisation, rather than a pedagogy that promotes social equity and cultural and linguistic diversity as advocated by the New London Group. Following their work, we argue that student agency, critical literacy, and socially and culturally situated learning should be integrated into all writing classrooms for effective learning to take place.  相似文献   

Early childhood educators are challenged to introduce children to the world of their future, a world that is and will increasingly become multicultural and multiracial. Storytelling is a powerful tool to promote an understanding of self and others. Readers are informed of the selection criteria for identifying stories to tell to young children from the colorful tapestry of Asian American, African American, Hispanic, and Native American heritages. Key questions to ask and answer in selecting culturally sensitive stories are also discussed, including the elements of character development, prejudice reduction, authority and authorship, and language. A storyteller's sampler of selected stories for preschool and primary-age students is included in the annotated bibliography. Reference sources for educators on storytelling techniques and strengthening understanding of multicultural perspectives are also described.  相似文献   

Journal of Science Teacher Education -  相似文献   

Harvey Siegel 《Interchange》1997,28(2-3):97-108
In this paper, I first explore the reasons for embracing multiculturalism, arguing that multiculturalism is best conceived and defended in universalistic moral, rather than epistemic, terms. I then criticize the common view that multiculturalism is incompatible with a universalistic conception of science, and argue that multiculturalism is compatible with a suitably characterized epistemic universalism. Finally, I consider whether or not that sort of universalism is itself morally objectionable, and argue that it is not. The upshot is that science educators ought to embrace both a universalistic conception of multiculturalism (on moral grounds), and a universalistic conception of science (on epistemic grounds).  相似文献   

从前,有个渔夫有着一流的捕鱼技术,因而被人们尊称为“渔王”。然而“渔王”到了年老的时候却感到非常苦恼,因为他三个儿子的捕鱼技术都很平庸。  相似文献   

Nowadays in the community of researchers there is a practically unanimous consensus about the relevance of the history of science to the educational process. In this context, Aristotelian physics was rediscovered and reassessed for didactic purposes. But unfortunately, it is very often presented in a rather fragmentary and oversimplified way that distorts the true meaning of Aristotelian concepts. Facing this problem, the purpose of the present paper is to point out some blunders that originate in the partial reading of Aristotle's work. Particularly, it intends to contribute to the following points: (i) to warn against a hurried identification of pre-scientific notions and Aristotelian physical concepts; (ii) to promote an epistemologically not naïve and historiographically not anachronic interpretation of Aristotle's work on physics, both in the theoretical and in the methodological aspects; (iii) to warn against the interpretative confusion that arises from projecting the conceptual frame of contemporary science on Aristotelian physics, ignoring Aristotle's natural philosophy as a whole; (iv) to show the need of understanding the metaphysical foundations of the Aristotelian system; (v) to promote a return to the reading of the original texts.  相似文献   

多元文化是人类文化进步的重要力量。在社会政治、文化迅速发展的当今社会,多元文化已成为当下学术领域关注的热点问题之一。多元文化的到来对成人教育尤其是传统的成人教育管理者而言,无疑是一个亟需要应对的巨大挑战。鉴于此,只有对成人教育管理者进行有效开发,才能够切实推进多元文化背景下成人教育管理实践向着更科学、和谐的目标迈进。  相似文献   

本文通过介绍世界英语理论和相关的英语文化教学理论,针对目前高校英语文化教学当中的主要问题,提出了几条建设性意见,以期能对培养大学生的跨文化交际能力提供一些启示.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of a qualitative study of 12 graduate international students’ struggles to adapt to new multicultural and academic environments. The focus is on how they dealt with diversity while struggling to succeed academically and how, although experiencing numerous disorienting dilemmas, students did not critically reflect on their meaning-making processes.  相似文献   

What is the place of teaching about other world religions in a Jewish educational curriculum for adolescents? This article explores a course in world religions that has been taught at the Genesis Program at Brandeis University since 2001. Based on a participant observational study during 2002 and 2012, the author traces how the teachers construct goals and implement plans that include site visits to places of worship of the religions they are studying. The questions raised and the struggles of students to make sense of Judaism in the context of world religions is the backdrop for considering both why and how other Jewish educators might thoughtfully include the study of other religions as part of their Jewish education for adolescents.  相似文献   

Questions pertaining to racial and cultural identification are salient among social work educators in their role as teachers in the classroom. In the context of the 21st century, as an increasing number of people cannot be classified by race, an awareness of the complexities of cultural and racial identity is more important than ever. For social work pedagogy there is a need for critical reflection, increased awareness, sensitivity to multiculturalism, and cultural diversity. As social work educators, it is crucial for us to teach through the lens of multiculturalism and create spaces for voices of students who belie traditional racial and ethnic categories. This article elevates the voices of Black ethnic women, underscoring the complexity of identity construction within the United States. Qualitative interviews explore the dynamic social constructions of identification for 10 women who identify as Black and ethnic, as one example of a nuanced differentiation of race and culture. This article is a discussion of research findings and includes implications for teaching social work practice that broaden our range of understanding and highlight representations of women with marginal identities, thus furthering our social justice mission.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of this study was to develop and apply a method for assessing teachers' context beliefs about their science teaching environment. Interviews with 130 purposefully selected teachers resulted in 28 categories of environmental factors and/or people who were perceived to influence science teaching. These categories were used to develop items for the Context Beliefs about Teaching Science instrument and provided evidence for content validity. Construct validity was partially confirmed through factor analysis that resulted in 26 items and two subscales on the final instrument. Using Ford's Motivation Systems Theory and Bandura's Theory of Collective Efficacy, additional evidence for construct validity was found in the modest correlation of context beliefs with outcome expectancy beliefs and the low correlation with science teaching self‐efficacy beliefs. The instrument was tested using 262 teachers participating in long‐term science professional development programs. These teachers possessed fairly positive context beliefs and, according to Ford's theory, should be capable of effective functioning in the classroom. It was concluded that the assessment of context beliefs would complement current science teacher self‐efficacy measures, thereby allowing researchers to develop profiles of science teachers' personal agency belief patterns. It could also be used to determine the factors which predict particular personal agency belief patterns, and assess teachers' perceptions of the strengths and weaknesses of school science programs, and could be used in planning and monitoring professional development experiences for science teachers. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 37: 275–292, 2000.  相似文献   

A Multicultural Counseling course (MCC) brings unique challenges and rewards to both instructors and students. Given its unique challenges, the process of teaching a MCC is as important as, or even more important than, the content. Drawing from extant literature and the authors’ experiences, this paper discusses such topics as what to teach, how to teach, classroom dynamics, instructors’ issues, and students’ issues to provide a concise, practical, and comprehensive framework for teaching such difficult but essential courses.  相似文献   

有这么一个故事:有一个参加长跑比赛的选手在经过一片沙滩时,鞋子里灌满了沙子。他匆匆把鞋子脱下,胡乱地把沙子倒出,便又急忙继续往前跑。可是有一粒沙子仍留在他的鞋里。在以后的路程中,那粒沙子磨着他的脚,使他走一步,  相似文献   

文化的多元化与社交语境有着密切的关系。在多元的文化交流与融合中 ,社交语境中的文化背景、思维方式以及交际的场合、时间、对象等因素 ,在表层字符词义的选择和深层语义的建构上 ,影响着交际的效果。因此 ,我们在文化多元化进程的跨文化交际中要重视社交语境问题  相似文献   

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