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Studies of childbirth education have universally failed to take into account the quality of the education provided to women and their families and whether its style of delivery meets women''s preferences and needs. The present study sought to determine which educational approaches are most welcomed by women and most helpful to them in learning about labor, birth, and early parenting. A systematic survey of peer-reviewed studies on antenatal education, published in English from 1996–2006 and which sought women''s views and experiences, was conducted. Findings confirm women''s preference for a small-group learning environment in which they can talk to each other as well as the educator and can relate information to their individual circumstances.  相似文献   

介绍了混沌的起源、发展、详细论述了研究混沌的主要数学方法,它们的主要优点及其局限性,以及控制混沌的重要性与控制混沌的方法,就混沌在一些学科及实际中的应用作了简略的介绍,并就混沌的未来发展作了展望。  相似文献   

冯雪峰在强劲的主流艺思潮之下坚持独立的思考,试图冲破艺与政治关系问题上的“左”倾教条主义,始终坚持反对宗派主义,竭力扭转公式化概念化的创作倾向。深刻的理论之所以难以付诸实践,不能不归咎于那“大”“小”化背景的强力限制。  相似文献   

In a longitudinal study of 47 girls and 44 boys, developmental change in self-esteem (SE) was examined from early adolescence through late adolescence to early adulthood. Males tended to increase and females tended to decrease in SE over time. There was appreciable rank-order consistency in SE over time. Within each gender, the considerable individual differences in developmental trajectories were coherently related to personality characteristics independently assessed in early adolescence. Boys and girls with high SE possessed quite different personality characteristics in early adolescence; by early adulthood, although important differences remained, the personality characteristics associated with high SE were similar for the 2 sexes. Discussion focuses on the implications of our findings for the "consistency versus change" debate, the influence of gender-role socialization on SE development, and the importance of examining normative, gender-specific, and individual developmental change in SE.  相似文献   

建立轻松活跃的中学英语课堂   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立一个轻松活跃的课堂有助于中学英语课堂教学质量的提高和学生素质的培养。要建立一个轻松活跃的英语课堂,首先,要建立起和谐的师生关系;其次,教师要激发学生学习兴趣;第三,创设轻松输快的情景;第四,鼓励学生要参与,勇于实践。  相似文献   

潘新和先生在评述黎锦熙母语教育思想时,未能将黎锦熙所说的“国文”和“语文”区分,强调在“语文”教学中进一步强化人文教育.潘先生的这种思想在当今我国母语教育界极具代表性.忽视不同内容价值取向的差异,一味笼而统之地去建构所谓的“语文乌托邦”,只能让师生在教学中顾此失彼.深化母语课程改革应进一步细分学科:语文科培养实用语文能力,文学科培养审美能力,国学文化科旨在帮助学生进一步了解“中华民族最深沉的精神追求”.分科教学可以为“心意乌托邦”的构建找到合适的位置.  相似文献   

一类新的混沌系统及其混沌控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构造了一个新的三维自治混沌系统,该系统含有四个参数,三个非线性项.通过理论分析和相轨迹图、分岔图、Lyapunov指数谱等非线性动力学分析方法研究了系统的非线性动力学行为.最后运用线性反馈控制法对新混沌系统进行控制,将混沌轨道控制到稳定的周期轨道,并给出了数值仿真结果,证实了所设计的线性反馈控制器的有效性.  相似文献   

质性研究范式下有多种研究路径,每一种研究路径在其研究目的、研究问题、样本选择、数据收集与数据分析等5个环节有具体的要求,各环节指向同一研究路径要求的一致性原则,是求其可靠描述和解释研究现象的本质和意义,追求高质量的必要原则。以民族志、扎根理论、个案研究以及解释现象学分析四类研究路径为例,选取8篇质性研究文章进行对比,系统分析不同研究路径的方法一致性和方法矛盾是如何体现的。研究发现,样本文章出现方法矛盾的原因是:混淆量化研究和质性研究的区别而采用质性研究方法去回答量化研究的问题,没有理解质性研究适宜回答什么样的研究问题,没有真正理解研究路径的方法要求,将三级编码误解为简单归纳的过程,以及回避描述步骤等问题。这些发现对研究生或新手研究者辨识研究目的与问题、选择适合研究途径进行高质量质性研究有重要的贡献。  相似文献   

新课程实施中的问题透视   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
课程实施是课程改革的关键环节。通过对课程实施过程中问题与障碍的考察,透视课程改革的成效,是当前教育理论工作者与实践工作者的当务之急。本文运用质化与量化两种研究的方法,通过对全国十个实验区的调查研究,提出当前课程改革的几个突出问题:课程实施资源的严重缺乏;考核改革的滞后;教师面临的压力重重。  相似文献   

This article describes a graduate-level qualitative research course informed by transformational learning theory. It presents strategies an interdisciplinary team of instructors used to engage and support students as they entered and moved through the course. The strategies focused on creating a safe, supportive, learner-centered environment, fostering critical reflection, engaging in ongoing discourse, and focusing on the centrality of experience by situating cognition in the personal context of students' lives and the research process itself.  相似文献   

康德认为斯多亚派和伊壁鸠鲁派在道德和幸福关系问题上的争论陷入了二律悖反,于是从"至善"入手,试图将道德与幸福在超验世界统一起来,以此来论证德行为和幸福关系的真理性.康德之"德福一致"观点认为,在实践领域,道德和幸福是统一的,是至善--完满的善.康德所言之至善在人的现实生活中并非渺不可及,对于人类而言是有其现实可能性的.  相似文献   

Parenting Styles and Conceptions of Parental Authority during Adolescence   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Reports of parenting styles were assessed in 110 primarily white, middle-class sixth, eighth, and tenth graders ( M = 11.98, 13.84, and 16.18 years of age) and their parents (108 mothers and 92 fathers). Parents judged the legitimacy of parental authority and rated family conflict and rules regarding 24 hypothetical moral, conventional, personal, multifaceted (containing conventional and personal components), prudential, and friendship issues. Adolescents viewed their parents as more permissive and more authoritarian than parents viewed themselves, whereas parents viewed themselves as more authoritative than did adolescents. Parents' parenting styles differentiated their conceptions of parental authority, but adolescents' perceptions did not. Differences were primarily over the boundaries of adolescents' personal jurisdiction. Furthermore, conceptions of parental authority and parenting styles both contributed significantly to emotional autonomy and adolescent-parent conflict. The implications of the findings for typological models of parenting and distinct domain views of social-cognitive development are discussed.  相似文献   

Children in grades 3, 6, 9, and 12 were administered the Sibling Relationship Questionnaire. Relationships were rated as progressively more egalitarian across the 4 grade groups, with adolescents reporting less dominance and nurturance by their older siblings than younger participants. Adolescents also reported less companionship, intimacy, and affection with siblings than younger participants reported. Levels of perceived conflict with younger siblings were moderately high across all 4 grades, whereas ratings of conflict with older siblings were progressively lower across the 4 grades. The findings suggested that sibling relationships: (a) become more egalitarian and less asymmetrical with age, (b) become less intense with age, and (c) encompass experiences that are partially determined by the child's standing in the family constellation.  相似文献   

从主观感受的角度对学习困难内涵的质的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用质的研究方法(范式),从学生主观心理感受的角度对学习困难的内涵进行研究。认为:学习困难的内涵从主观感受上应包含“他人观念的学习困难”和“自我观念的学习困难”。它是与周围同伴相比而产生学习无能的“比较值”和“自我感觉”,表现为6种不同的类型,在个人身上可能一致,也可能不一致;学习困难具有发展性。随环境的变化而变化;质的研究方法与个案研究对学习困难的和理论研究和实践干预应有其独特的作用。  相似文献   

新闻传播是一种制度化的传播行为,即新闻传播活动必须在一定的制度规范下进行,但现实的新闻传播活动,失范行为时有发生,屡禁不止。这主要是因为:一、规范新闻传播活动的正式制度供给不足,二、规范新闻传播活动的非正式制度逐渐消解。这就必然导致新闻传播监管盲区的产生与调控乏国。因此,强化制度体系的建设是解决失范问题的根本途径。  相似文献   

分析了一类改进的Sprott—F系统的动力学行为,通过数值计算方法分析了系统由周期运动到混沌运动的转迁过程,利用了x|x|控制方法,系统的混沌行为可以有效的控制并得到稳定的周期轨道,数值仿真表明了这个方法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

当前教学设计研究面临两大现实困境:一方面由于其受心理学以及心理学实验的影响较深。研究成果不能有效反映现实情境,对教学实践的指导作用受到质疑;另一方面已有的教学设计研究集中在描述性问题和因果性问题上,缺乏对“如何设计”这一机制性或过程性问题的深入思考。当前国际有关学习与教学设计研究的发展趋势表明,教学设计研究需要创建可用的、境脉申的、聚焦学习的教学设计理论。在创建和改进教学设计理论过程中,“前设性”与“涌现性”的理论创建与改进研究路线是两条可能的研究路线。这种研究路线必须扎根于真实课堂情境,在真实教学境脉中发现和解决问题,并将革新的学习环境设计活动与基于证据的经验研究结合起来。这是创建可用的教学设计理论、走出教学设计现实困境的必由之路。  相似文献   

基于14名硕士研究生的质性访谈分析发现:硕士研究生在线学习投入度受到直接和间接因素共同影响;其中,课程形式、作业挑战度、课程资源可回看性、教师线上教学准备、师生互动、教学设计和反馈、学生学习动机、学习态度等发挥直接作用;在线基础技术支持、教学监管支持以及物理环境支持等产生间接影响。这些因素的不同作用方式,催生了硕士研究生在线学习“同屏”而不“同频”现象。建议加强作业设计及在线研讨式课程建设,形成“教-学-研”融通的学习共同体;提升在线教学准备的充分性和适应性,提供更加积极有效的反馈;关注工具性支持和情感支持,推动研究生自身知识体系的构建。  相似文献   

This paper examines the phenomena of high rates of youth that are out of school and out of work in Latin America. The analysis pursues a dynamic approach by constructing a pseudo-panel from 234 household surveys for 18 countries in the region that allow tracing the life cycle trajectories of different cohorts over time. The trajectories are associated with a series of variables characterizing the household, community, and macro environment in which schooling, and labor market participation decisions take place. The most important result obtained is that the persistently high rates of being out of school and out of work among males are strongly associated with greater shares of women working, which can be generating a “crowding out” effect against men, given slow job creation rates across the region. The analysis also explores the possibility of scarring effects, and finds that higher shares of out of school and out of work youth at ages 15-20 years are associated with lower wages for the same cohorts later in life, at ages 35–40 years, for males and females. As for employment prospects, the analysis finds scarring effects only for females, with greater out of school and out of work youth shares being related to lower proportions of women in the labor market later in the life cycle.  相似文献   

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