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冬天里寒冷的一天,一只狐狸告诉熊妈妈他能教她怎样钓鱼。熊妈妈想学,狐狸就把她带到一个冰窟窿旁,告诉她把尾巴放进水里。On a cold winter day,a fox told MotherBear that he would teach her how to fish.Asshe wanted to learn,he took her to a hole inthe ice,and told  相似文献   

[教材分析] 本课时主要教学Howmany......doyouhave?本课时的教学内容贴近学生生活和学习实际,有利于学生在比较接近于实际的情景中进行听说训练,从而激发学生的学习兴趣;帮助学生养成良好的学习习惯,为进一步学习打下基础。这是一篇运用课件创设课堂教学情境的教学设计。[教学重难点] 1.Howmanycrayonsdoyouhave?Ihave....../Youhave...... 2.Openitandsee. 3.That'sright. [教学方法] 听说法、情景教学法、全部动作反应法、交际法[课前准备] 1.CAI课件2.John、ChenJie和OldM…  相似文献   

荣盛 《今日中学生》2009,(10):34-35
人的性别是在父亲的精子与母亲的卵子相遇的那一刻就决定了的。婴儿落地,人们从生殖器的外貌得知他或她的性别,所以,生殖器官是第一性征。除了生殖器官之外,两性间身体上的不同特征是第二性征。人在婴幼儿期,第二性征并不明显,到了青春期,人的第二性征才会逐渐显露出来。也就是说,青春期发育是从第二性征的出现开始的。  相似文献   


How do you go to school, to school?
How do you go to school?
I go to school by bus, by bus.  相似文献   

教学过程 Step1.Warming-up 1.Let's do! Mime according to the teacher's orders:  相似文献   

We interviewed special educators (a) whose students with disabilities (SWDs) were proficient on the 2008 general education assessment but were assigned to the 2009 alternate assessment based on modified achievement standards (AA‐MAS), and (b) whose students with mild disabilities took the 2008 alternate assessment based on alternate achievement standards (AA‐AAS) and then the 2009 AA‐MAS. We explored teachers’ rationales for test‐type assignment, student characteristics, and quality of instruction to determine the test‐type decisions’ appropriateness. All teachers based their decisions on combinations of factors in the guidelines plus subjective and noninstructional factors. Findings raised concerns about the subjectivity of the assessment assignment system and the inappropriate grade‐level instruction for SWDs. Future research, implications of these findings, and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

This article reviews the Community College Journal of Research and Practice research articles related to students with disabilities and establishes a focused research agenda addressing the issues either found in, or absent from, the articles. Using a modified qualitative methodology, three common themes were found: (a) campus factors supporting student success, (b) participant label ambiguities, and (c) research methodology selection. It is concluded that there is a continued need for research addressing staff development, accommodations, needs of specific disability groups, self-advocacy and self-determination approaches, and participant-oriented research methodologies used to serve students well.  相似文献   

Using data from the 2000 Public Use Sample of the U.S. Census, this research examines how estimates of school enrollment and school-work patterns among Mexican-origin adolescents are affected by including or excluding young immigrants who never enrolled in U.S. schools. The analysis demonstrates that a non-trivial share of adolescents who were born in Mexico almost certainly never enrolled in U.S. schools; these youth most likely migrated to the United States for work. Excluding these adolescents from analyses substantially reduces gaps in school enrollment between Mexicans and Whites and between native and foreign-born Mexicans. Excluding never-enrolled immigrant youth also changes the relationship between duration of U.S. residence and idleness among Mexican immigrant youth, revealing that additional years of residence in the United States increase the likelihood of being out of school and not working compared to in school and not working. Overall, inferences about the level of school enrollment and intra-ethnic differences in school enrollment by duration of residence depend on how those who are likely to have never enrolled in U.S. schools are treated. Inferences about interethnic differences also are affected, although they are somewhat less sensitive to this issue.  相似文献   

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