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A survey of engineering educators in the US was conducted to ascertain actual practice regarding the delivery of engineering projects in the curriculum. The survey focused only on project experiences carrying significant academic credit that are free-standing elements of the curriculum; that is, they are not associated with or part of a course. Inquiries covered: the degree to which such activities meet requirements for graduation, accreditation and/or professional licensure; the extent of involvement of off-campus professionals in the conduct of the project, and in its support and its evaluation and assessment; the size and make-up of student teams in such activities, and the preparation and evaluation techniques used for team efforts; and the degree to which faculty members act as advisors or teachers. This paper briefly describes what is meant generally by the project mode of instruction in engineering education in the US, and describes the breadth of pedagogy in the current delivery of engineering projects represented by the survey responses, and by the engineering education literature discussing project education. The paper is intended to provide a basis for the international exchange of ideas on how engineering project education is being presented in various nations. Current trends in US engineering education that affect project education are also highlighted for comparison with those in other countries.  相似文献   

美国、俄罗斯、澳大利亚和墨西等四国远程教育的发展历史,因为国家发展水平和文化上存在的差异具有不同的特点,从这些国家不同的发展历程中可以找到有利于我国目前远程教育发展的启示。  相似文献   

为了深入开展包装工程应用型专业建设,推进本专业的国际化,详细分析比较了几所中美包装院校的培养计划、课程设置、生产实习及专业特色,找寻发展途径,为新时期多学科工科人才培养的规划提供了依据。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来,加强K-12学生的工程教育成为世界教育发展的重要趋势之一.本文从中美两国K-12工程教育的理念、教学内容、课外科技活动,以及K-12工程教育与高等工程教育的衔接等方面进行比较、分析,以期对我国K-12工程教育和高等工程教育改革提供一些启示和参考.  相似文献   

It is the purpose of this article to discuss the undergraduate counselor education program at the Universidad del Valle, Cali, Colombia, South America, and the need for the new occupation of school counseling in Colombia. The positive aspects of undergraduate counselor training in the United States are also discussed.  相似文献   

首先请允许我代表教育部高教司对清华大学工程教育研究中心的成立表示热切的祝贺!借此机会,谨向各位老领导致以新春的祝愿,也向多年来从事工程教育的各位专家、老师表示诚挚的问候! 清华大学作为新中国"红色工程师的摇篮",具有很好的工程教育传统,也是目前我国工科实力最强的学校之一,曾培养出大批优秀的工程师,为中国工程教育的发展作出了突出贡献.在改革开放三十周年之际,清华大学成立工程教育研究中心,对工程教育进行系统、深入的研究,探讨在新形势下创新型工程人才培养的基本规律,必将对未来我国工程教育的发展和工程教育的质量的提高起到积极的促进作用.  相似文献   

培养方案和教学大纲在研究生培养过程中体现了教学目标的实现和人才培养的方向,是人才培养质量的保证。重视培养方案修订与课程建设是深化研究生教育改革重要任务之一。本文针对目前高校和北京联合大学食品科学与工程专业硕士研究生培养方案和课程体系中存在的问题,阐述了本学科在培养方案修订、课程体系建设、深化教学过程改革和注重研究生综合素质提高中进行的改革与成效,为进一步的优化培养方案和课程体系建设的改革提供参考依据。  相似文献   

中美工程硕士教育比较   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文介绍分析了中美两国工程硕士专业学位培养的基本情况,并通过从学位设立背景、培养层次定位、课程教学等方面的中美比较,分析了中美工程硕士培养的异同。  相似文献   

This article examines adult education policy in two settings. The cases of Mexico and Nicaragua illustrate how the goals, content, methods, and outcomes of adult education differ according to state policy. Mexico (1970-1990) represents a "corporatist" state that undertook an incrementalist approach to literacy provision for purposes of political legitimation and social integration, while Nicaragua (1979-1990) represents a "revolutionary state" that pursued a structuralist approach to achieve fundamental changes in education and society. Despite their contrasting orientations, these two countries share many characteristics typical of dependent capitalist states in Latin America.  相似文献   

美国SREB学分互认的政策与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2002年美国南部地区教育委员会之远程学习政策实验室的学生转学子委员会提交了一份政策报告,核心部分是11条政策建议.2007年该报告的所有建议在南部地区的16个州基本都得到了落实.通过历史纵向分析,笔者认为这个政策报告的特殊件和成功之处在于它顺应了信息时代网络教育发展的潮流,将学分互认适时的与远程教育结合在了一起,对实践的发展起到了明显的指导作用.  相似文献   

美国南部由一个以贫困、落后的边缘区域崛起成美国“阳光地带”的核心区域。改变了美国自内战以来北富南穷的格局,其中职业教育起到了不可替代的作用。本文探讨了美国南部发展职业教育的动力机制,阐明职业教育在促进经济繁荣、降低失业率、提高人均收入等方面发挥的重要作用,并从中获取促进我国西部地区职业教育发展的五点启示,即治贫先治愚、职业教育平民化、立法促发展、加强师资队伍、充足经费保障。  相似文献   

With the possible although doubtful exception of Russia, Mexico presents the most interesting and suggestive educational program in the modern world. Our neighbor on the south has undertaken consciously and deliberately to recreate itself, and to direct its further progress chiefly through the instrumentality of the schools.  相似文献   

本文阐述了国内外工程教育基本现状、工程教育专业论证的目的和意义,并从理念更新、师资队伍建设、人才培养方案和培养目标制定、课程体系构建、培养管理制度建立、教育产出和实际成效的关注等方面论述了基于工程教育专业认证理念的食品科学与工程专业建设的建议和措施,这将对地方性新建本科院校该专业开展工程教育改革、推进专业建设方面提供一定的指导。  相似文献   

<正>中国食物很受美国人的青睐。有人说美国的中餐和中国本土的菜肴大相径庭。那么究竟不同在哪里呢?用餐的感受在中国的餐厅用餐与在美国的餐厅用餐的感受是不同的。两者的氛围与菜单完全相反。在中国的餐厅,你会发现菜单上布满了花花绿绿的诱人图片。中国人点餐通常是根据图片来点的。但在美国,人  相似文献   

Conclusion In these circumstances, the prospect of the counselor for the professions is to play a new and different role inside the field of educational counseling. This new role will rely, in great measure, on the foreseeable behavior of society and, consequently, educational systems.It is relevant to consider the kind of society which is expected to emerge in the next twenty-five years. When this desirable scenario has been defined it becomes possible and necessary to join efforts, open new pathways and formulate new alternative solutions to present problems.Educational counseling should acquire properties that give it a new, more concrete meaning in a way that allows it to be used in a more accurate and effective way institutionally, in relation to the educational system and to career and national planning.Educational counseling should be more aware of and open to what is happening in the sectors that give a mandate to education at the economic, political, and social levels.Educational counseling and counseling for professionals must have continuity inside the educational system, and it may not be reduced to the role of filling in holes and taking responsibility for the contradictions of the national education system. Counseling must have a preventive task. In order to fulfill this, it is important that counselors have a solid background in education, politics, economics, and social areas; so they should be able to establish a connection with fields of work and their development potential.It is essential to systematize and share research on the discipline in order to delineate problems which are immediate, medium, or long-range in the different areas of counseling.  相似文献   

The education first brought to America by Europeans was hardly more than ornamental culture, literacy was generally unimportant, and African slaves were not educated at all. Only in this century did industrialization cause some governments to provide economic and technological support through training and education. In the last decade, the debt crisis curtailed spending, while numbers of students and teachers continued to rise. A comparison between Latin America and South Korea illustrates the former's relative decline in investment. The advent of populist and corporatist democracies did not alleviate the situation, although there is now some evidence of concern for basic education for poorer children. With economic adjustment programmes, little else has been done for those who have suffered the heaviest burdens, and no obvious solutions to poverty and technological obsolescence are in prospect. A major reform of State institutions is called for, including a commitment to education, a change in the economic model, and a recognition of global interdependence.
Zusammenfassung Das erste Bildungssystem, das von den Europäern nach Amerika gebracht wurde, war kaum mehr als eine dekorative Kultur; die Alphabetisierung war im allgemeinen unwichtig und afrikanische Sklaven erhielten überhaupt keine Bildung. Erst in diesem Jahrhundert veranlaßte die Industrialisierung einige Regierungen, durch Aus- und Fortbildung wirtschaftliche und technologische Unterstützung zu geben. Im letzten Jahrzehnt beschränkte die Schuldenkrise diese Ausgaben, während die Zahl der Studenten und Lehrer weiter anstieg. Ein Vergleich zwischen Lateinamerika und Südkorea macht den relativen Investitionsverfall in Lateinamerika deutlich. Die Einführung populistischer und corporativer Demokratien hat die Situation nicht verbessert, obwohl es jetzt Anzeichen dafür gibt, daß man sich um Grundbildung für ärmere Kinder kümmert. Mit den wirtschaftlichen Anpassungsprogrammen wurde sonst wenig für diejenigen getan, die die schwerste Bürde getragen haben, und es besteht keine Aussicht auf klare Konzepte zur Überwindung von Armut und technologisch veralteter Systeme. Es wird eine größere Reform staatlicher Institutionen gefordert — einschließlich eines Engagements für die Bildung, einer Änderung des wirtschaftlichen Modells und der Anerkennung globaler Abhängigkeiten.

Résumé L'éducation apportée autrefois à l'Amérique par les Européens n'était guère plus qu'une culture d'agrément, l'alphabétisation n'avait généralement pas d'importance et les esclaves africains ne recevaient aucune instruction du tout. Ce n'est qu'au cours de notre siècle que l'industrialisation a amené certains gouvernements à offrir un soutien économique et technologique par le biais de la formation et de l'éducation. Durant les dix dernières années, la crise de la dette financière a réduit les dépenses, alors que le nombre d'apprenants et d'enseignants n'a cessé de croître. Une comparaison entre l'Amérique latine et la Corée du Sud illustre le déclin relatif de l'investissement de la part de la première. L'avènement des démocraties populistes et corporatistes n'a pas amélioré la situation, bien qu'on note maintenant quelques signes d'intérêt à l'égard de l'éducation de base des enfants pauvres. Les programmes d'ajustement économique n'ont rien apporté de plus à ceux qui portent les fardeaux les plus lourds, et il n'y a apparemment aucune solution en vue pour le problème de la pauvreté et de l'obsolescence technologique. Une réforme majeure des institutions publiques s'impose, impliquant un engagement envers l'éducation, un changement du modèle économique et une reconnaissance de l'interdépendance globale.

中德食品科学与工程高等教育比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
食品科学与工程高等教育领域,中德在教育体系、教学重点和课程安排等方面既存在着共同点, 也有很多差异.德国大学实行课程制,没有固定的学习年限,学生可自主安排学习计划;教学形式多样化,注重学生个人能力培养和实践技能训练,要求学生主动参与教学过程;教学内容的安排以实际需要为原则,强调经济、管理专业知识的学习.此外,德国高校教学有一套完整的管理模式,实践环节有法律保障.我国教育体系存在缺乏对学生自主能力的培养,教学实践环节相对薄弱,教学内容安排实用性差等问题,德国先进的教学模式值得借鉴.  相似文献   

美国食品召回制度及其特点   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了美国召回制度的法律依据、召回程序和步骤以及召回制度的执行现状,认为美国食品召回制度的法律依据充分,法规细致完善,具有法律威慑作用;同时政府的监督和服务作用良好,企业诚信自律,值得我们借鉴。  相似文献   

Today all fifty states in America have many laws about education.One of these laws says all chil-dren must go to school.Each state collects tax money from people who own property.Taxes _schools,buy books,and pay teachers.In that way,everyone could go to school.In Colonial days,it wasdifferent.Usually,people had to pay to send children to school.Not everyone could afford to send theirchildren and many young people never went to school.In school,most children were taught only toread and write.Children from rich families had a better education.During the early _,people be-  相似文献   

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