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Conclusion The word association test and idea association test are open-ended tests which assess students' linking ability and also their accuracy in retrieving the relevant knowledge. These tests break through the “spoon-fed” and “drilled” types of assessment. The earlier study has shown that linkage of knowledge is one of the influential factors in determining problem solving performance (Lee, 1986). A replication study has confirmed the earlier findings that these two non-traditional measures assess learning performance as do the traditional methods. Apart from providing the numerical scores, for the learning performance, the two non-traditional tests also provide teachers with useful qualitative evidence of how students proceed with their learning and with their understanding of concepts. The technical procedures of setting, carrying out and scoring the tests are reasonably easy to handle. On the basis of the evidence shown, it is suggested that the word association and idea association tests should become part of the regular testing of chemistry learning in schools.  相似文献   

Student beliefs and cognitive structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

This study investigated word identification inArabic and basic cognitive processes inreading-disabled (RD) and normal readers of thesame chronological age, and in younger normalreaders at the same reading level. The studyfocused on the word identification processes ofphonological decoding and orthographicprocessing and the cognitive processes ofsyntactic and morphological awareness, workingmemory, and visual processing. RD children werecompared with normal readers on a battery oftests developed in Arabic on the basis of thoseavailable in English and Hebrew. The presentresults revealed deficiencies among the RD childrenin phonological decoding, in contrast torelative strengths in orthographic processing. These data were consistent with English-languagefindings. The analysis of basiccognitive processes indicated significantdeficiencies in morphology, working memory, andsyntactic and visual processing, with the mostsevere deficiencies observed for phonologicalawareness. The results are discussed in lightof international RD findings and the nature ofArabic orthography.  相似文献   

Our research aims to identify domain-specific similarities and differences of externalized cognitive structures. Cognitive structure, also known as knowledge structure or structural knowledge, is conceived as the manner in which an individual organizes the relationships of concepts in memory. By diagnosing these structures precisely, even partially, the educator comes closer to influencing them through instructional settings and materials. Our assessment and analysis of cognitive structures is realized within the HIMATT tool, which automatically generates four quantitative indicators for the structural entities of written text or causal maps. In our study, participants worked on the subject domains biology, history, and mathematics. Results clearly indicate different structural and semantic features across the three subject domains. Additionally, we found that written texts and causal maps seem to represent different structure and content across the three subject domains when compared to an expert??s representation. We conclude with a general discussion, instructional implications and suggestions for future research.  相似文献   

Reform in science and mathematics curricula has moved from rote learning of facts and computation skills toward learning a structure of a subject matter. While the reasons for this shift, such as greater understanding, transfer and intellectual excitement are admirable, there is little empirical evidence to support them. A first step in examining such claims is to develop methodology for representing structure in the to‐be‐learned instructional material and in students' memories. The purposes of this paper, then, are to present (a) a method for examining a subject‐matter structure in prose materials, (b) methods for examining a subject‐matter structure in students’ memories, and (c) data bearing on the validity of structural interpretations of these measures. If these structures can be represented objectively and independently — even if not in a complete form or error free — a beginning has been made in validating the reasons for teaching structure.  相似文献   

词义结构的认知基础及释义原则   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
施春宏 《中国语文》2012,(2):114-127,191
本文主要探讨词义形成和衍生的认知基础和过程,并以此为基础阐释辞书释义中的认知原则。文章首先通过具体用例的释义分析来说明词义结构中的认知属性,接着探讨词义结构生成的认知基础,指出词义的生成是认知过程结构化的结果,词义构成成分在认知凸显中的定位,词义结构关系的衍生过程具有拓扑性特征。在此基础上,文章概括了词语释义应该遵循的一些基本认知原则:认知理据的完备性原则、认知因素的结构化原则、认知机制的一致性原则。  相似文献   

Although research investigating associations among child maltreatment, cognitive functioning, and academic achievement has grown in recent years, important questions remain. In particular, assessing the influence of maltreatment apart from that of other co-occurring and confounding factors remains difficult. This study was developed to further the field’s understanding by investigating cognitive functioning in association with time-variant maltreatment patterns. Using multiple time-variant linear mixed models, we investigated the relationships between maltreatment timing and three domains of cognitive functioning (i.e., knowledge, comprehension, and analysis). In general, the cognitive functioning of students who experienced maltreatment was lower than that of their peers who had yet to experience maltreatment at the time of testing. Results of LMM indicated that the cognitive functioning of students who experienced maltreatment concurrent with the testing year fluctuated over time whereas the cognitive functioning of students who experienced maltreatment prior to or after the testing year remained stable. Students who experienced concurrent maltreatment showed the lowest functioning of any group. While maltreatment timing was a significant predictor of cognitive functioning over time, the addition of poverty into the model resulted in a non-significant effect of maltreatment timing. Additional research is needed to disentangle the longitudinal effect of maltreatment on cognitive functioning and address the interacting role of poverty and chronic maltreatment.  相似文献   

通过分析"盘问"一词中"盘"与"问"的语素义及"盘问"一词的成词过程,得出"盘问"一词的构词方式应属于"动+动"状中式复合词的结论,纠正了前人将其归入"名+动"偏正式双音节动词的错误。  相似文献   

对《世说新语》中的偏正式复音词语义和词性的构成状况进行详细考察可以发现,“世说”时期,偏正式复音词在语义和词性构成上,较先秦时期有明显的发展。从语义构成上看,表身份、职业大类名词的正语素有所增换;正语素表示动作、行为,偏语素表示情态、状貌的偏正复音词大量出现;数量词的用法在继承先秦用法的基础上又有了一些变化。从词性构成看,像先秦一样,构成名词的仍然占绝对优势,但构成动词的比先秦有所增加,并且出现了构成形容词、副词、连词、代词的偏正复音词,各类形式词的构成情况较上古更为复杂多样。  相似文献   

作者从认知结构中知识的表征方式、知识的类型和知识的系统组织三个方面,结合教学实际阐述了建立良好的认知结构对学生学好化学的重要作用.  相似文献   

作者从认知结构中知识的表征方式、知识的类型和知识的系统组织三个方面,结合教学实际阐述了建立良好的认知结构对学生学好化学的重要作用。  相似文献   

古今字与通假字是两种不同的用字现象,但由于中学语文教材把二者混为一谈,不加区分,所以长期影响人们的视听,特别是对大学古代汉语课的教学造成相当的困难。  相似文献   

词在明代的地位非常尴尬,不仅不能与旧体文学领域的诗文分庭抗礼,甚至也不如通俗文学形式的小说戏曲被当时人看重,以探讨其中的原因为线索,论述了词体在明代的演进与发展,以及由此引发的诗词异同之辨.  相似文献   

从汉英“字”、“词”的区别着手,分析汉英“字组”及“词组”的区别,及汉英词类的划分,对英语教学具有重要启示。  相似文献   

来看一组有趣的单词,它们都是复合词,由身体的某一部位组成,您见过吗?  相似文献   

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