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李方  张胜  黄欢 《科研管理》2019,40(5):212-221
在专利资源碎片化的背景下,专利市场治理在专利成果转化、产业创新发展中的作用日益凸显。以美国航空产业专利市场治理案例为对象,通过博弈分析和案例论证,研究专利资源碎片化情境下的专利市场反公地悲剧及其政府治理机制。研究发现:专利资源碎片化导致专利市场交易成本负担过高,市场机制失效,出现专利市场反公地悲剧;政府通过强制交叉许可、价格管制等手段降低谈判成本、控制许可成本,促成专利池组建,有效治理专利市场失灵,避免反公地悲剧。  相似文献   

专利领域存在“反公地悲剧”的现象,其理论研究比较丰富,但相关实证研究相对缺乏。基于2003-2011年高铁制动技术的发明授权专利数据,采用帕累托系数、绝对指标和首位度法测量了我国高铁制动领域专利分布的趋势。研究发现,在高铁制动技术领域专利分布呈现先集中后分散的态势;专利态势受国家政策影响明显,应当实施专利集中等战略,避免和消除“反公共地悲剧”带来的不利影响。  相似文献   

“反公共品”是和“公共品”相对应的一个概念,是指因为拒绝权被滥用而导致的资源使用不足.在剖析了“反公共品”概念特征的基础上,研究了高科技专利的“专利丛林”及其可能带来的专利使用效率浪费问题.最后,结合文献指出了高科技专利“反公共品”问题两种解决方案.  相似文献   

专利联盟理论及其对我国企业专利战略的启示   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
摘要:作为相关专利权人之间的一种战略性组织,专利联盟能较为有效地解决“反公地悲剧”问题和和规避专利丛林,同时放大了专利的作用,强化了专利权人的谈判地位和征收专利许可费的能力,甚至控制和左右相关专利技术的发展走向,给联盟成员带来了巨大的利益。我国企业需要深入了解和熟悉专利联盟的组织结构和运作机理,从而积极地应对国外专利联盟的市场竞争,同时也可以参与或组建自己的专利联盟组织,提高专利竞争能力。  相似文献   

本文从囚徒博弈的视角立足社会公益和个人利益之间的关系对本国环境"公地悲剧"产生的原因进行了分析,针对环境"公地"产权空缺、利益驱动管理失效、产业结构发展失衡等问题对社会公共管理部门建设性地提出解决问题的四个突破口,即明确环境"公地"产权制度;完善环境"公地"法制体系;改革环境"公地"管理模式;合理调整产业结构。  相似文献   

<正>20世纪90年代初,俄罗斯首都莫斯科街头,政府提供了诸多设备良好的商铺,却没有商贩去租用,商贩们宁愿在寒冷的冬天沿街叫卖,也不愿搬到温暖的商铺中去经商。问题出在哪里呢?让人头疼的反公地悲剧许多人都知道经济学中的"公地悲剧"现象。一块公用的草地,每个人都可以在草地里放牧。为了个人的发财致富,人们都到这块草地里放牧。因为草地是大家所有的,没有人会考虑如何让这块草地可持续地拥有青  相似文献   

目的为在专利法框架下对药品专利增量创新之现象予以评价。分析药品专利增量创新的定义、特征、产生动因与已有实证研究,论述有关药品专利增量创新的争论及其在TRIPS协议与国内专利法中的合法性评价。研究认为,考虑到制药产业涉及收回药物研发成本与平衡患者近药权等公共健康问题,应正确看待药品专利增量创新,在承认其价值的同时,从有利于我国原研药企创新发展的角度出发设置宽严适中的药品可专利性判断标准。  相似文献   

由互补性专利形成的专利联盟能够克服“专利丛林”问题,提高纵向产业链的经济效率是对专利联盟的一般共识。这一论断是建立在古诺标价模型基础之上的。本文建立了更加符合现实的关于专利许可的两阶段讨价还价博弈模型,得出的结论是无论下游市场是完全竞争市场还是寡头垄断市场,都存在一个弱占优战略均衡。均衡时,产业链联合利润达到最大,且产出等于专利联盟进行联合许可的产出,而总许可价格比专利联盟时的许可价格更低。 这意味着由传统的古诺互补品问题而引发的“古诺效应”并不成立,互补性专利的交易并不需要通过专利联盟许可来克服专利许可交易中出现的所谓诸如“专利丛林”、“费用叠加”、“专利挟持”、“反公地悲剧”等问题。  相似文献   

医药技术创新具有"高投入、高风险、长周期"的特点,为此,各国政府均建立了专利保护制度体系以促进创新药物的研发。与此同时,由于药品与公众健康福利息息相关,政府又不得不采取鼓励仿制药上市、控制药品价格等行政规制措施,以增加药品的可及性。如何在上述两者之间达到一个有效的动态平衡,尤其是在仿制药的注册过程中当面临专利侵权纠纷问  相似文献   

刘立春  漆苏 《科研管理》2015,36(6):119-127
跨国制药公司持有的中国药品专利并非全部符合中国专利法的授权标准。以2001-2012年跨国制药公司在华遭受的无效请求的专利为样本,结合制药行业特点从理论上探讨了可能会显著影响药品专利法律质量的专利特征。通过实证分析涉案专利的特征信息对法律质量的表达,并使用专利特征和专利最终被无效概率构建评估药品专利法律质量的回归模型。实证结果显示专利特征对制药行业专利法律质量的表达有别于其它行业,权利要求数、实施例数等5个专利特征对药品专利法律质量具有显著性影响;相同的专利特征对药品专利法律质量和经济质量的解释方向和程度具有差异。  相似文献   

As university involvement in technology transfer and entrepreneurship has increased, concerns over the patenting and licensing of scientific discoveries have grown. This paper examines the effect that the licensing of academic patents has on journal citations to academic publications covering the same scientific research. We analyze data on invention disclosures, patents, and licenses from the University of California, a leading U.S. academic patenter and licensor, between 1997 and 2007. We also develop a novel “inventor-based” maximum-likelihood matching technique to automate and generalize Murray's (2002) “patent-paper pairs” methodology. We use this methodology to identify the scientific publications associated with University of California patents and licenses.Based on a “difference-in-differences” analysis, we find that within our sample of patented academic discoveries, citations to licensed patent-linked publications are higher in the three years after the license, although this difference is not statistically significant. We then disaggregate our sample into (a) patented discoveries that are likely to be used as “research tools” by other researchers (based on the presence of material transfer agreements (MTAs) that cover them) and (b) patented discoveries not covered by MTAs. Citations to publications linked to licensed patents in the latter subset (not covered by MTAs) are higher for publications linked to licensed patents, and this difference is statistically significant. In contrast, licensing of patented discoveries that are also research tools is associated with a reduction in citations to papers linked to these research advances, raising the possibility that licensing may restrict the flow of inputs to “follow-on” scientific research.  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2022,51(10):104600
Innovative industries need efficient markets for technology (MFTs). One determinant of MFT efficiency neglected until now is licensing level—that is, the level in the value chain where patents are licensed. Patents may be licensed upstream, to firms that put the patented knowledge into practice. I refer to this as integrated licensing. Alternatively, patents may be licensed further downstream in the value chain, in particular to makers of final devices. I call this bifurcated licensing since it separates intellectual property rights from the technical knowledge they cover. I study the licensing level of essential patents on communication standards such as LTE and Wi-Fi in relation to the Internet of Things (IoT). The choice of licensing level in this context is currently a hotly debated topic. To show how bifurcated licensing affects MFT efficiency, I present empirical evidence from a qualitative study comprising interviews with 30 individuals from 22 diverse firms, focusing on startups. IoT device makers clearly find the uncertainty regarding infringement, patent validity, and the licensing process hinders efficient licensing, which is compounded by the large number of IoT device makers and, for SMEs and startups, by resource constraints. As a theory contribution, I show that a patent's licensing level need not correspond with the implementation level of the patented knowledge—in other words, licensing may be bifurcated rather than integrated. I develop a model of how licensing level affects MFT efficiency. Implications for practice are that device-level licensing of standard-essential patents (SEPs), if broadly implemented, would have a negative effect on innovation and entrepreneurship in the IoT. Policymakers should ensure that SEP licensing is simplified.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 我国专利数量巨大,但质量高低不齐。高质量专利对技术追踪、技术引进和资产管理极其重要,低质劣质专利则会阻碍科技创新的评估。聚焦高质量专利并进行挖掘可以获取更加深层与核心的情报,但高质量专利筛选却如"大海捞针",目前尚无可行的识别筛选方法。探索适合中国专利的高质量专利评价模型及筛选方法迫在眉睫。[方法/过程] 通过文献调研法对当前专利质量及评价进行综合归纳的基础上,延伸并界定高质量专利的内涵,对专利质量评价维度及指标进行创新拓展,构建分级、分层的多维视角专利质量评价指标体系,并基于创新指标体系建立高质量专利识别方法流程模型,最后以上海市高质量专利分布现状为例验证了方法模型的实用性及可行性,并为创新主体提出相应建议。[结果/结论] 研究结果表明本文提出的高质量专利指标模型及识别方法具有较强的科学性和可操作性,利用该指标模型和识别方法可对某地区或某领域的大批量专利进行筛选识别,为实现专利技术情报的科学高效利用提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

Despite the economic significance of patented university research, it is difficult to measure the economic value of academic patented inventions and observe the extent to which universities are able to capture such value through patent licensing. Moving beyond assessing commercialization performance by simple statistics, we propose a new approach to benchmarking university patents and commercialization performance based on comparative corporate patent value. Our procedure involves matching university patents to patents with similar patent characteristics granted to public corporations, then estimating the “potential value” of these university patents by stock market reactions to grants of the matched corporate patents. These estimated values of university patents can significantly explain the technology-level income from licensing by a leading US research university and the annual licensing income of the member universities of the Association of University Technology Managers’ (AUTM). We find that AUTM universities realize an average of 16% of the estimated value of matched corporate patents. We also investigate correlates of university‐level potential patent value and suggest avenues for future research.  相似文献   

以往域外在华专利的研究往往限于专利申请层面,并没有揭示后续的转让行为.研究域外在华专利转让网络及相关特征,有助于我们正确把握在华专利申请的后续活动、客观评价域外在华专利申请对中国的技术创新发挥的作用.利用美国"数字通信"领域在华专利转让数据,构建了不同发展阶段的专利转让网络;深度分析了网络演进特征与趋势、网络中的关键主...  相似文献   

新能源汽车产业的专利标准化战略制定与实施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
面对日益严峻的能源与环境的双重困局,新能源汽车成为汽车产业未来发展的方向。我国开展自主研发的汽车企业期望在新能源汽车产业真正实现"弯道超车",掌握关键领域核心技术是根本之道,并在核心专利技术积累的基础上,努力将其通过法定程序制定为同行业产品生产的技术标准。本文旨在分析我国车企在新能源汽车产业的专利现状,提出成功实现技术专利化——专利标准化——标准垄断化的竞争战略,掌握全球市场竞争优势,争取商业利润的最大化。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(9):104854
How patents affect follow-on innovation is a key question for the patent system. We disaggregate follow-on innovation into activities that infringe patents and others that do not infringe but can be indirectly affected by patents. Replicating an important study using our disaggregated measure, we find that 87 percent of follow-on scientific publications describing patented genes do not constitute patent infringement. Supplementing our empirical strategy with data on patent expiration dates, we find that gene patents which are not close to expiration cause an increase in noninfringing follow-on research, but the effect disappears for patents close to expiration. Our nuanced measure helps better identify the mechanisms of patents’ effect, reconcile disparate results in the literature, and evaluate policy reform.  相似文献   

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