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西藏高职院校学生是一个新兴群体,毕业生就业工作一直是学校工作的重中之重。探讨高职毕业生的就业竞争力,对于教育主管部门和高职院校做好毕业生就业工作和制定就业政策有着重要意义。通过对西藏高职院校毕业生采用问卷调查的方式,从学生就业活动参与角度定量分析了西藏高职毕业生就业竞争力。  相似文献   

梁晨 《华章》2011,(29)
做好高职院校毕业生就业工作,对高职院校自身的发展和维护社会稳定具有十分重要的意义.本文从高职院校毕业生的就业现状出发,分析了高职院校毕业生就业问题的产生原因,提出了拓宽毕业生就业门路的对策.  相似文献   

高职毕业生就业率和就业质量事关高职院校的生存和发展。通过对温州市3所高职院校2014届毕业生的工作搜寻行为进行随机调查,结果表明,高职毕业生就业存在工作信息不对称、搜寻能力不胜任,高职院校人才培养不匹配等问题。为提高高职毕业生就业质量,高职院校应加快就业信息网络化建设,提高高职毕业生就业竞争力,实现人才培养与企业需求对接。  相似文献   

对3所高职院校及3246名高职毕业生就业状况的问卷调查,反映出高职院校毕业生就业存在就业稳定率低、工作满意度低、对就业前景比较悲观等质量问题。文章从教育管理部门、高职院校、毕业生、用人单位等方面分析了影响高职毕业生就业质量的原因。  相似文献   

高职院校毕业生就业面临新的形势,从长远看,切实加强毕业生就业指导工作,仍是高职院校毕业生就业工作的重要内容。本文试图分析高职院校就业指导工作存在的问题,提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

就业问题是一个社会热点问题。高校毕业生就业情况关系千家万户的小康生活建设,关系建构和谐社会进程。近年来高职院校毕业生就业的发展变化很值得深入研究。厘清高职院校的发展历程及发展特点,结合当今高职院校毕业生就业率的基本情况,探讨高职院校毕业生就业工作的不足,认为提高就业工作思想认识;狠抓教学工作及其考核制度;加强校企合作,签订就业协议;提供优质的社会培训等有力措施,为进一步完善高职院校就业工作,乃至对促进高职教育事业可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

高职毕业生能否在保证完成学业的前提下,顺利就业是高职院校发展的关键.保证高职院校的教育质量,解决好毕业生的就业问题,已成为高职院校工作的重中之重.文章从分析高职毕业生就业与学业的关系入手,结合教育实践,提出了解决高职毕业生就业"时间差"的具体方法.  相似文献   

大学生就业问题是我国重要的民生问题.近年来,高职院校毕业生就业工作开始由实现毕业生充分就业向高质量就业转变,提升就业质量成为高职院校的重要工作.从毕业生对母校的满意度角度分析就业质量的内涵,提出提升高职院校就业质量的对策.  相似文献   

提高高职院校毕业生就业率,有利于国家的经济建设和社会稳定,有助于国家对人才资源的合理配置,有利于高职大学生的发展与成才,有利于促进高等职业教育改革和高职院校的发展。因此,高职院校要调整专业结构,形成多元化的人才培养模式,促进专业设置与毕业生就业的衔接;提高高职院校毕业生的综合素质,使其符合职业岗位群的需要;培养高职院校毕业生正确的择业观和就业观;建立健全高职院校毕业生就业工作机构,加强对毕业生就业工作的指导;规范高职院校毕业生就业市场,增强院校、毕业生和用人单位之间的绿色通道,以实现毕业生的充分就业。  相似文献   

高职院校毕业生就业工作,关系到人民群众的切身利益,关系到高等职业教育的发展和社会的和谐与稳定。因此,开展高职院校毕业生就业工作评估,对推动高职院校毕业生就业工作的健康发展,实现毕业生充分就业,促进高职人才培养模式的改革具有重要的作用。  相似文献   


The aim of this paper is not to bury practical work in school science but to (once again) reconsider it. We draw on three main areas of discussion: accounts of science and ‘school science work'; teachers and others’ views of the nature of science; and our own data on teachers’ reactions to ‘critical incidents’ and practicals which go wrong. We use this as a basis for re‐thinking the role of practicals. An account of practical work is suggested which has as its main feature diversity rather than a single model or template. Within this diversity we believe that teachers should be open and honest with pupils about which type of practical work they are doing and why. We advocate that students should be made aware of the different kinds of practical work they do and the purposes of this practical work. In short, teachers should explain to students what type of practical work they are doing and why. Our second message is that teachers’ views about the nature of science both inform and are informed by their classroom practices and experiences‐‐especially during lab‐work. To encourage, promote and support critical reflection of these classroom practices and experiences is therefore a vital part of teacher professional development; this in time will promote science curriculum development.  相似文献   

Although the scientific disciplines conduct practical work in different ways, all consider practical work as the essential way of connecting objects and phenomena with ideas and the abstract. Accordingly, practical work is regarded as central to science education as well. We investigate a practical, object-based palaeontology programme at a natural history museum to identify how palaeontological objects prompt scientific activity among upper secondary school students. We first construct a theoretical framework based on an analysis of the programme’s palaeontological content. From this, we build our reference model, which considers the specimens used in the programme, possible palaeontological interpretations of these specimens, and the conditions inherent in the programme. We use the reference model to analyse the activities of programme participants, and illustrate how these activities are palaeontologically authentic. Finally, we discuss our findings, examining the mechanism by which the specimens prompt scientific activities. We also discuss our discipline-based approach, and how it allows us to positively identify participants’ activities as authentic. We conclude by discussing the implications of our findings.  相似文献   

In his article “Principled Practical Knowledge: Not a Bridge but a Ladder,” Carl Bereiter (2014) argues that theoretical knowledge is too shallow to support the generation of innovative learning activities. He makes a case for principled practical knowledge (PPK)—“principled know-how and know-why”—to fulfill this practical generative role. We argue and illustrate in this commentary that PPK as portrayed by Bereiter does not offer much practical guidance for 2 potential users: professional designers and teachers. For professional designers PPK should be further specified in order to fulfill its generative role. But even this enriched form of PPK still does not suffice to address the challenging issues of practicality teachers face. We explain the magnitude and dimensions that underlie practicality in the everyday work of teachers and suggest how recent work on fast and frugal heuristics can contribute to helping teachers to make instructional innovations practical.  相似文献   

江泽民同志“三个代表”的重要思想, 是对新时期党建工作的任务和方法提出的新要求, 是向全体党员和党员领导干部提出的一个重要实践命题; 要把握“三个代表”的精神实质, 就必须紧紧扣住这个实践性命题, 将党建工作落到实处并不断推向前进。  相似文献   

This paper presents an overview of the problems associated with the assessment of practical work in science. We identify two theoretical positions from which different emphases for teaching and assessment flow and examine some of the available evidence on possible methods of assessment which articulate with these two positions. We consider the position adopted by the UK National Curriculum in science and its response to the problem of reliability. We explore possible ways forward which maintain the integrity of investigative work within the curriculum. Finally, the notion that there might be a separate ability, namely an ability to do practical work, is addressed and its consequences considered.  相似文献   

To alleviate teachers’ reluctance toward practical work, there has been much discussion on teachers’ pedagogical content knowledge, teaching materials, and failsafe strategies for practical work. Despite these efforts, practical work is still regarded as a challenging task for many elementary science teachers. To understand the complexity of teachers’ conflicts in practical work, this study examines teachers’ ideas about teaching and learning that influence teachers’ decision‐making and action on teaching practical work. More important than knowing technical–rational aspects of practical work is to understand the internal contradictions that teachers have to resolve within themselves regarding their capabilities and beliefs about science teaching and practical work. Using stories and experiences of 38 third‐year university students in a science method course in Korea, we seek to understand the conflicts and negotiations that they experience as they make decisions regarding practical work throughout their course. Reflective writings and group discussions on their lived experiences and concerns were used to probe participants’ ideas on teaching using practical work. From written and verbal data, themes were saturated in terms of the aspects which could (dis)encourage their practice. Results suggest that there are multifactorial challenges in pre‐service teachers’ understandings and concerns in practical work. Besides time, materials, and curriculum, pedagogical assumptions and values also compositely challenge the minds of teachers. As the pre‐service elementary teachers negotiated within themselves the importance of science in classroom and social levels, the question is raised about their identities as pre‐service elementary teachers to appreciate the balance between science teaching and practical work.  相似文献   

人们有意识进行具体实践活动的具体意识,包括目的、计划等等,总称为实践理念。实践理念中包含着实践主体的对象认识、自我认识、条件认识,还包含着实践主体的价值追求,即实践主体希望通过某种实践活动作用于实践客体,以使自己获得所需要的价值,满足自己的一定需要。实践主体把它们整合起来,便形成为实践主体的意欲进行具体实践活动的目的、计划、步骤、手段等,然后即可以自主有序地发动、支配、安排、调控整个实践活动。我们在进行每一项具体实践活动之前,在构想实践理念时,必须自觉地在这几个方面下功夫。切不可主观随意,草率从事。  相似文献   

本文以求实作为加强和改进党的作风的有效方法,把说实话、办实事、求实效作为其主要手段,指出求是是实践“三个代表“、加强和改进党的作风建设的进一步升华,必须与时俱进地探索实践“三个代表“、加强和改进党的作风建设的新规律.  相似文献   

This paper reports an interpretive study that sought students' views about the role that practical work plays in their school science lessons. Twenty-nine students aged between 13 and 16 years were selected from three secondary schools in England. Data were collected from initial lesson observations and in-depth interviews in order to explore students’ views about practical work. The findings suggest that students have three main reasons why practical work is important in their school science lessons: for interest and activity, including social and personal features such as participation and autonomy; as an alternative to other forms of science teaching involving a pedagogy of transmission, and as a way of learning, including memorizing and recall. The findings are discussed in the context of a critical view of previous work on the role of practical work, work on attitudes to science and on the student voice. The paper concludes that practical work is seen to provide opportunities for students to engage with and influence their own learning but that learning with practical work remains a complex issue that needs further research and evaluation about its use, effectiveness and of the role of scientific inquiry as a component of practical activity.  相似文献   

高校财务管理中预防腐败问题探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
腐败问题总是同经济问题如影随形,它对高校财务管理工作的影响也不例外。对此,必须认真研究,制定切实可行的对策,妥善予以解决,以保证高校财务工作的健康、有序运行。  相似文献   

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