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This paper presents research which compares the teaching beliefs of primary and secondary school trainee teachers. Participants were 177 trainee teachers, 92 enrolled in a primary school teacher degree course, and 85 enrolled in a postgraduate teacher training course specifically for music teaching at secondary school level (middle and high school). A questionnaire was employed for assessing beliefs. By performing factor analysis, the following four dimensions were extracted: innovative teaching and cooperative learning, teacher-centred approach, learner-centred approach and working collaboratively. Data were subjected to analysis of variance for each factor of the questionnaire. Significant differences between primary and secondary trainee teachers in the way they think about music teaching were found. The relevance of these factors and differences was discussed in considering how to improve the education of teachers.  相似文献   

浅析高校辅导员的大学生心理危机干预工作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,高等教育的普及使大学生规模迅速扩大,受到社会、家庭等诸多因素的影响,大学生的心理危机问题和现象愈显突出。高校辅导员处于教育学生的第一线,与大学生联系最为密切,影响也最为直接。新形势下,大学生心理危机干预成为了高校辅导员的另一项重要工作内容。本文阐述了大学生的心理危机的特点,高校大学生心理危机的主要表现和识别方法,以及开展大学生心理危机干预的方法。  相似文献   

通过对中小学校长和教育局长分别进行问卷调查、分组座谈和个别访谈,基本了解了校长和局长们对当前中小学危机管理现状的认识.在对校长、局长的认识差异和两类问卷调查结果进行深入对比分析的基础上,提出了一些有针对性的思考和建议.  相似文献   

小学教师"三二分段"培养模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文探索"三二分段"小学教师培养模式,即通过综合化的课程设置,转变学生的学习方式,突出学生实践能力的训练,努力培养适应我国基础教育改革的专业化的小学教育新师资.  相似文献   

基于工作知识的校长培训方案设计——以中职校长为例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
校长培训应实现从专家能力取向向工作知识取向的转换.工作知识是工作过程所使用的知识、工作行动所表征的知识、工作任务所组织的知识,校长的工作知识具有概括性、稳定性和专业性等特征.基于工作知识的校长培训方案设计,要求以工作知识开发为基础,依据工作能力制订培训目标,依据工作任务组织培训内容,以工作知识为主体培训内容,并以任务书为提高培训质量的抓手.  相似文献   

工学结合是高职发展的必由之路,大力加强建设工学结合校内实训基地,有利于专业建设和教学改革,促进"双师"型教师队伍建设,有利于拓展社会服务功能。但必须有足够的资金维持工学结合校内实训基地的运行,资金是发展的必要条件。  相似文献   

With the rapidly increasing racial and ethnic diversity of the school-aged population, school psychologists must be properly trained to engage in culturally competent practice; however, little is known about how school psychology programs prepare their trainees to serve diverse populations. The purpose of this study was to update Rogers et al.'s study on multicultural training by examining the extent to which school psychology programs use multicultural training recommendations noted in the literature. Thirty-eight school psychology program coordinators completed the Multicultural Environmental Inventory-Revised (MEI) to assess their perceptions of their program's multicultural environment. Participants were also asked about their training in multicultural and diversity issues and how their program conducts multicultural training. Findings suggest that programs most frequently used the integration and separate course models for multicultural training along with clinical experiences serving diverse students. In addition, multicultural coursework was associated with higher scores on the MEI Curriculum and MEI Research subscales. With regard to program environment, the percentage of racial and ethnic minoritized (REM) students was positively correlated to the percentage of REM faculty and the number of required multicultural courses. However, programs lacked specific strategies to recruit and retain diverse students. Findings and implications for training programs are discussed.  相似文献   

中职教育是为行业培养技能型人才的,由于这样的目标定位决定了中职学校入学的门槛很低,甚至是"零门槛"入学,从而导致了目前中职校学生普遍存在的现象是:学生文化课基础较差,厌学文化课、理论课,但对于实训课以及其他需要实际操作的课程,却往往会有兴趣。本文作者根据教学实践就中职礼仪实训课的教学方法作了进一步的探索。  相似文献   

作文教学、作文训练从理论上说必须有"序",作文的"序",正体现了作文教学、作文训练的科学性和规范性的要求。高一学生的记叙文写作能力还是普遍存在不达标的现象,针对当前高中记叙文作文教学的现状,主要依据系统论等与记叙文作文教学训练序列相关的理论,提出了高中记叙文作文教学训练序列的原则,阐述了高中新课标下必修五个学段记叙文作文训练序列方案的训练重点及训练序列安排,以期提高记叙文作文教学效率。  相似文献   

"十一五"中学校长培训的背景分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
“十一五”中学校长培训是在价值取向趋于理性、学校自主权扩大、校长专业化、培训市场化、培训精细化等背景下开展的培训。对这些背景的准确把捉,对于培训学校确定培训的目标、内容和方式至关重要。  相似文献   

The purpose of this pilot study was to better understand the training experiences of bilingual school psychologists (BSPs) and identify their training needs in the provision of psychological services to English language learner students. The secondary aims of the study were to determine how school psychology programs can better prepare BSPs and incorporate best practices in bilingual competencies into their training models. Six BSPs (Spanish/English‐speakers) participated in the study; findings revealed four themes related to their training experiences: (a) programmatic limitations, (b) assumption that language equals competence, (c) going beyond the classroom, and (d) experiential training. In addition, as a result of their training experiences, the BSPs provided training recommendations in two major areas: (a) trainers and (b) culturally relevant curriculum. Implications for school psychology trainers will be provided.  相似文献   

中小学生学业成败归因是归因研究领域的一个热点问题。文章对中小学生学业成败归因的特点、归因训练进行述评,分析了目前该领域所存在的问题,提出了未来研究的思路和方向,以期为以后的研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

教育全球化是当今世界发展进程中无法阻挡的历史潮流.根据全球化时代教师教育的特征和我国基础教育改革与发展过程中新师资供求关系的结构性变化,教师教育尤其是本科层次小学教师教育面临着新的困境.创新和构建既具有中国西部边疆少数民族地区特色又能与国际教育接轨的新型小学教师教育体系,是云南省楚雄师范学院初等教育系多年来探索实践的主要课题.这个具有西部民族地区特色和职前职后一体化专业特色的教师培养体系,对高师院校本科层次小学教师教育具有极大的借鉴意义和社会应用价值.  相似文献   

美国校园危机干预模式探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国校园危机干预模式是近20年来以预防理论为指导建构的一套干预工作框架。该模式将学校看成一个整体,强调学校要建立校园危机团队,明确学校咨询员的角色,制定全面的危机管理计划,提供结构化的程序和安全环境来解决青少年和学校教职员工重大的丧失与危机。这种模式未来将向系统化、网络化方向发展,以建立校园危机干预的长效机制,代表着学校危机干预的发展方向,对我国学校危机干预具有启发意义。  相似文献   

校本培训是最经济有效的教师教育方式。为积极发挥这种培训方式的作用,我们必须做到以下几点:端正认识,明确目标;建立和完善校本培训管理体系,使之系统化;框定校本培训内容和范围,使之明确化;创新和总结校本培训途径和方法,使之可操作化。  相似文献   

This work has a particular focus on exposing important connections between trainee teachers' personal beliefs about knowledge (epistemological beliefs) and their conceptions of learning. These, the authors argue, are central to the assumptions which underpin their pedagogy when working with children in school. The link between these constructs emerged as key issues during a collaborative research project between five practitioners across two universities which explored the use of a ‘learning to learn’ (L2L) approach with a particular emphasis on postgraduate ITT courses. This seems particularly pertinent to expanding the capacity to learn of trainees, yet, to date, it has received little attention within research on L2L, given its more immediate focus within the school setting. The authors believe, however, that the climate is now ripe for research focusing on the context of lifelong learning, in particular teacher trainee learning in ITT. They argue that a focus on the role of epistemology in helping to shape teaching approaches is likely to be a key element in developing students with a capacity to reflect critically on practice.  相似文献   

从上世纪90年代末开始,国内日语教育迅速发展,日语已成为仅次于英语的第二大外语专业。高职院校也紧跟本科,大量开设日语专业。然而,鼎盛繁荣过后,该专业如今正面临着前所未有的危机,部分院校的生源甚至几近枯竭。高职日语专业如何转换思路,摆脱困境,探索可持续发展的新路径,是每位日语教师不得不思考的问题。  相似文献   

The Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) offers competitive grants to institutions to provide training to prepare education personnel to work with children with disabilities. These grants have been found to improve the recruitment, training, and retention of special education personnel. This study explored the use of OSEP–personnel preparation (OSEP–PP) grants in school psychology programs from the perspective of school psychology university trainers with current active OSEP grant funding. Findings suggest that OSEP–PP grants enhance school psychology program recruitment efforts and improve the training of school psychologists. Study participants highlighted the importance of diversity within both training and recruitment. On the basis of these findings, authors discuss ways in which OSEP–PP funding can improve field shortages and school psychology training, and subsequently enhance school psychology practices towards more comprehensive service delivery.  相似文献   

This study examines the values and practice in relation to assessment of a sample of 220 trainee teachers studying for a Postgraduate Certificate in Education, an initial teacher training and education (ITET) course, at the University of Cambridge, UK. The survey instrument was drawn from James and Pedder (2006 James, M. and Pedder, D. 2006. Beyond method: Assessment and learning practices and values. The Curriculum Journal, 17(2): 109138. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]), and was composed of questionnaire items that sought to elicit how trainees valued different classroom assessment practices, and the extent to which their own teaching complied with such values. The study draws additionally on the findings of James and Pedder (2006 James, M. and Pedder, D. 2006. Beyond method: Assessment and learning practices and values. The Curriculum Journal, 17(2): 109138. [Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar]) to compare and contrast results with those for qualified teachers. Item and factor analyses revealed three dimensions that underpin trainees' classroom practice and values (promoting learning autonomy, performance orientation, making learning explicit). Values-practice gaps were greatest on promoting learning autonomy and performance orientation. Trainees valued practices associated with the former more than they implemented them in their teaching, while they implemented practices associated with the latter more than predicted by their values. Values-practice gaps suggested that trainees were constrained from implementing their values to a greater extent than qualified teachers, particularly with respect to these two factors.  相似文献   

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