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徐梅 《中国科技信息》2008,(5):157-158,160
树木与人类息息相关,不论自觉或不自觉。人们都意识到,这个世界用于呼吸的空气,环境地球的大气,以及培植未来生物的土壤,全都依赖于树木的存在。人们应该利用摄影去表现春.夏、秋、冬四季树木的形态,表达树木的个性,抒发对大自然热爱的情感,通过摄影活动唤起人们保护自然的意识。  相似文献   

基于技术引进、消化吸收的自主创新困境及消解对策   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
实现技术、经济的持续发展必须重视技术引进后的消化和吸收再创新.国家对于技术引进应有明确的战略目标,必须形成一套机制,有效地对国内企业实现激励、导向和制约的作用,促进企业技术引进后能够消化吸收进行自主创新.必须坚持制度创新,建立现代企业制度,使企业真正成为技术引进的主体、技术创新的主体.企业在引进技术时必须注重技术引进的先进性及本土化,技术引进后必须加大研发投入量并最终形成拥有自主知识产权的核心专利技术.  相似文献   

如今生活在都市里的人都渴望回归自然,希望更多地与大自然接触,但住宅建筑仅有绿色还不能说其具有生态性,住宅的生态型是以绿色为基础涵盖生态环保,可持续发展等多种理念。首先就绿色本身而言,要达到国家有关标准,并具有完整的包括设计,施工,物业管理等多个环节的生命周期评价,且要和所有城市的整体环境质量相结合。其次是垃圾处理,污冰处理的就地化,实现生态最统内部有秩序的循环转换。垃圾就地处理及时,避免了在清运中的撒泄现象和因垃圾堆放而造成的污染。  相似文献   

如果人类消失,地球上将欣欣向荣;如果蚂蚁消失,成千上万的生物将会跟着消失。20世纪初,著名的英国物理学家卢瑟福曾经骄傲地宣称:科学除了物理之外就是集邮。他的话语中显露出对科学中的博物学传统的轻蔑和不屑一顾。进入20世纪之后,各门科学的研究内容都越来越细致,从前那种"集邮"式的博物学者已经少之又少。但是,总有那么一些不合群的人,偏偏就喜欢研究那些别人不屑一顾的东西,当今的美国生物学家爱德华?威尔逊就是其中之一,他对一种小东西情有独钟。  相似文献   

警察局是一个严肃的地方,而目击证人描述犯罪分子头像的过程也是要平心静气、开不得半点玩笑的。然而,这样做真的能达到最好的效果吗?  相似文献   

刘江山  王红 《内江科技》2007,28(3):85-85,91
2008年第29届奥林匹克运动会将在我国首都北京举行,这将会对我国的体育事业产生强大的推动力.我国教练员、运动员职业道德水平的高低将直接影响举办奥运会的质量.因此,我们要加强对教练员、运动员职业道德的培养,以奥运的目标管理他们,在奥运会的赛场上展现出我们最为优秀的一面.  相似文献   

现在竞争激烈的社会需要的是综合性人才,本文从如何从工作生活中学习,如何提高面试成绩,如何面对应聘失败,如何做好工作,如何做一名优秀的员工等这几个方面进行详细的阐述。  相似文献   

了解各种遗传病的类型,掌握AD、AR、XD、XR、MF等各种遗传病的特点,初步学会看遗传系谱图.根据各种遗传系谱图的特点,结合实际来解决现实生活中的各种遗传问题,同时可用来阐明国家提倡优生优育的原因,解释《婚姻法》规定禁止近亲结婚的理由.  相似文献   

中医是一门成熟科学——晰博先生谈中医   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建平:晰博先生,早在1991年,<马奎斯世界名人录>②就把您称为"医学科学教育家(诸科医学改革家)",这一称呼的含义是什么呢?晰博:20世纪中叶以来,在世界范围内所有医疗实践的功效都陷入了危机.50多年来,我的工作就是围绕着处理这一危机的方法论而开展的.在这一背景下,<马奎斯世界名人录>的编辑们认为把我称为"诸科医学改革家",或者更具诗意的"医学科学教育家"比较合适.  相似文献   

脚蹬"拖鞋式冰鞋",身穿"鲨鱼皮泳衣",头戴"蝙蝠侠面具",最好再配上一辆最新型场地自行车……如今的奥运会,俨然成了"新式武器"大显身手的舞台。当我们为现代科学促进奥运发展而欢呼的时候,是否也要看到科技在奥林匹克运动上所展现的另一面?  相似文献   

Apostasioideae, a small subfamily of Orchidaceae, is largely distributed in tropical Asia with its northern limit extending to the Ryukyu Islands and south China. The first Chinese species of this subfamily was reported by E. D. Merrill (1927) based on a specimen collected from Hainan (McClure 9519, AMES), which he regarded as Apostasia wallichii R. Br. As later labelled by E. F. de Vogel, it is in fact identical with A. odorata Bl., a widespread spe- cies also found in southern Guangdong, Guangxi and Yunnan of China.  It was not until re- cently that the true A. wallichii was collected from southwestern Yunnan bordering on Burma, which is initially reported here.  In addition, an interesting new species, A. ramifera S. C. Chen et K. Y. Lang, is described from Hainan.       The only Chinese species of Neuwiedia has long been known as N. veratrifolia Bl. (of. Iconographia Cormophytorum Sinicorum 5: 602, t. 8034. 1976, and Flora Hainanica 4 180, t. 1078. 1977), which, however, was considered by de Vogel (1969) to be not found in China.  In de Vogel's revision, no Chinese taxon but a variety, N. zollingeri Rchb. f. var. singapureana (Baker) de Vogel, is cited with some doubt based on a specimen of Hainan (F. C. How 73122, in young fruit, AMES). N. zollingeri var. singapureana is in fact quite different from N. veratrifolia by having glandular hair, much shorter inflorescence and flattened filaments.  As recently pointed out by de Vogel and G. Barretto (in Journ. Taiwan Museum 37: 78. 1984), the plants found in Hongkong, as well as those in Guangdong and Yunnan, possess glandular hair and short inflorescence. They are identical with the Vietnamese species N. balansae Gagnep., which was reduced by de Vogel to a synonym of N. zollingeri var singapureana. E. F. de Vogel's suggestion seems to be acceptable except the varietal rank.  It is treated here as a se- parate species, N. singapureana (Baker) Rolfe, according to its fruit and hair characters.  Thus we have altogether one species of Neuwiedia and three species of Apostasia in China, including a new species and a newly recorded one.  相似文献   

 本文报道了谷精草属3个新系,7个新种、5个新变种、2个新组合、3个新记录、修正了5个种的特征记载,新归并学名15个,共涉及全国32种8变种中的34个。  相似文献   

作者近期检查了英国三个大标本馆(BM,E,K)所收藏的马兜铃属标本,发现《东亚和南亚马兜铃属的修订》(见本刊27(5):321—364,1989)尚有不完备之处,需作补充修订。本文共收载8种,其中1新名,确定了1个存疑种,补充了1个种的描述,修改了1个种的模式记载,合并了1个种,扩大了4个种的地理分布。  相似文献   

Dichroa Lour., a small genus of Saxifragaceae, contains about 12 species, ranging from the mainland of S. E. Asia southward to Pacific islands. But most of the species are more restricted in distribution. Of the 12  recognized species,  six  are known from South China and Indochina; three are confined to west and northwest New Guinea; two are endemic to the Phillipines. Only one species is widely distributed in S. E. Asia.  In the present paper, the genus is divided into two sections  and two series based on the number of stamens and the characteristics of the ovary.  One spe- cies is described as new.  相似文献   

本文报道采自贵州的轮藻植物,计有4个新种(平滑丽藻Nitella rasilis sp.nov., 沼泽丽藻N. paludosa sp.nov.,拟乳突丽藻N.pseudopapillata sp.nov.  贵州丽藻N.guizhouensis sp.nov.); 1个新变种(奇异丽藻疏枝变种N.mirabilis var. libera var. nov.);3个新记录(笔状丽藻N.peni- cillata Braun缅甸轮藻Chara burmanica Pal,普生轮藻裸枝变种C.vulgaris var. gymnophylla (A. Br.) Nyman),  而拟松形轮藻 C.  pseudohydropitys Imahori为大陆首次发现。  相似文献   

This paper deals with some species of Lunathyrium Koidz. in N. E. Asia; including the eastern mountainous district of N. E. China;  Far East Region of U. S. S. R.; Korea and Japan.  相似文献   

 本文对中国叶下珠属植物进行了整理,记载了6个亚属,7个组,33个种和4个变种,    其中有1个新亚属,5个新种,1个新名称,9个新异名。  相似文献   

To overcome “digital reductionism,” a new kind of mechanical view on human beings, fundamental informatics provides some critical viewpoints. It regards information as “meaning” generated in living things which do not exist alone but are parts of ecological system. On the other hand, V. E. Frankl proposed two dimensions of humans: homo sapiens and homo patiens. The latter is the essential aspect of humans whose essence is “compassion,” while the former is the nature like a mechanical machine. As features of living things, unrestricted ability of interpretation as well as inseparable relationships between others underlies both in Frankl’s thought and fundamental informatics. This viewpoint can be applied to the concept of “information literacy.”  相似文献   

本文通过对东亚和南亚马兜铃属的研究,修改了马兜铃属的分类系统,补充论证了演化趋势;并   在分析该属地理分布的基础上提出马兜铃属分布与分化的第二个中心——中国的横断山区。  本文确   认2亚属、7组、4系、68种和1变种,其中有3新组、2新种及13个新异名。  相似文献   

This essay describes a new ethical theory that has begun to coalesce from the works of several scholars in the international computer ethics community. I call the new theory ‚Flourishing Ethics’ because of its Aristotelian roots, though it also includes ideas suggestive of Taoism and Buddhism. In spite of its roots in ancient ethical theories, Flourishing Ethics is informed and grounded by recent scientific insights into the nature of living things, human nature and the fundamental nature of the universe – ideas from today’s information theory, astrophysics and genetics. Flourishing Ethics can be divided conveniently into two parts. The first part, which I call ‚Human-Centered FE,’ is focused exclusively upon human beings – their actions, values and characters. The second part, which I call ‚General FE,’ applies to every physical entity in the universe, including humans. Rather than replacing traditional ‚great ethical theories,’ Flourishing Ethics is likely to deepen and broaden our understanding of them.  相似文献   

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