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In this article David Lewis talks to Posy Simmonds about her career in illustration, cartooning and the writing and illustration of picturebooks. Together they discuss her early experience of working as an illustrator for newspapers and magazines; her first attempt at creating a weekly adult cartoon strip and her subsequent career as a regular contributor to the Guardian newspaper. They consider her approach to writing and drawing picturebooks; the balance of realism and fantasy in her work; her mastery of colour effects; her liking for drawing cats and her attempts to capture the truth of a situation in pictures and words. David Lewis has been a teacher in primary and secondary schools, an educational researcher, and lecturer in education at Goldsmiths’ College, London and the University of Exeter. He has written a number of articles about children’s picturebooks and is the author of Reading Contemporary Picturebooks: Picturing Text. He is a member of the UK editorial committee of Children’s Literature in Education.  相似文献   

A & C Black’s Flashbacks series invites its readers to “Read a Flashback...take a journey backwards in time”. There are several ways in which children’s fiction has encouraged its readers to engage with and care about history: through the presence of ghosts, through frame stories, time travel, or simply setting the narrative in the past. However, modern critical theory has questioned the validity of traditional modes of the genre. This paper defends historical fiction for children by arguing that, whatever narrative strategy is used, such writing stands or falls through its evocation of a historical sensibility—or what Raymond Williams calls a ‘structure of feeling’. This is achieved through elements of style, both in the representation of dialogue and thought. Pastiche, sometimes thought of as an unsatisfactory feature of contemporary culture, can often perform a similar evocative function. The paper is based on close readings of Alan Garner’s The Stone Book from 1976, and 21st century fiction by Kevin Crossley-Holland, Kate Pennington and Paul Bajoria. If these books do not overtly use the techniques of “historiographic metafiction”, it may be because awareness of historiography is implicit in the very texture of their writing. Christopher Ringrose is Principal Lecturer in English at the University of Northampton, and Head of Learning and Teaching in the Arts. He is an Editor of The Journal of Postcolonial Writing, and has published on Canadian literature, literary theory, eighteenth-century literature, and autobiography, as well as writing a study of the novelist Ben Okri, published in 2006. For CLE, he wrote on Lying in Children’s Fiction in Volume 21 No.3 (July 2006).  相似文献   

Visual aspects of 12 collections of children’s writing that were published in South Africa between 1986 and 2003 are considered. The covers, illustrations, facsimiles of original writing and artwork, fonts, colours and author credits create images of childhood and youth and provide clues to the purposes for which the collections were made and published. Spanning the period from the last days of apartheid to today’s modern, democratic country, they provide an unusual insight into the changing place of the young in South African society. Elwyn Jenkins is Professor Extraordinarius in the Department of English Studies, University of South Africa, Pretoria. His publications include Children of the Sun: Selected Writers and Themes in South African Children’s Literature (Ravan, 1993), South Africa in English-language Children’s Literature, 1814–1912 (2002), and contributions to The Cambridge Guide to Children’s Books in English (2001) and The Oxford Encyclopedia of Children’s Literature (2006).  相似文献   

While developing scholarship around children’s horror fiction has focused on the works of contemporary writers, this essay provides a close reading of the novels of John Bellairs, a leading and early practitioner of the genre. It argues that the first three novels in his Lewis Barnevelt series may be understood as addressing some of the same anxieties related to gender and sexuality as those found in adult works of horror. Echoing changing discourses about masculinity at work in the late sixties and seventies, Bellair’s novels propose a new form of manhood for young readers at the same time they continue to tie femininity to loss, lack and unspeakable desires.  相似文献   

As a narrative series, Brandon Sanderson’s humorous, middle grade, Alcatraz Smedry novels display some of the arguably vague concepts of Reader Response theorist Wolfgang Iser as accessible themes that encourage a critical understanding of the stories. Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians (2007), Alcatraz Versus the Scrivener’s Bones (2008) and Alcatraz Versus the Knights of Crystallia (2009) are the supposed autobiographies of 13-year-old Alcatraz Smedry, who regularly pauses the narrative to comment on the nature of reality and fantasy and on his state as a hero. As the implied author, Alcatraz directly addresses the reader to describe characteristics of the implied readers and to note gaps in the narrative and aspects of the story’s structure. The metafictive techniques incorporated throughout Sanderson’s fantasy parodies guide readers to ask critical questions of the books, the fantasy genre, reality and Alcatraz’s characterization of himself. Examining the Alcatraz series with the lens of Iser’s concepts displays their use in children’s literature and demonstrates how issues of the implied author and implied reader may stretch beyond the scope of an individual narrative into questions and critiques of genre, parody, metafiction, reality and the reliability of a narrator.  相似文献   

This article considers Guillermo Del Toro’s Pan’s Labyrinth as a text which utilises key codes and conventions of children’s literature as a means of encountering the trauma of Fascism. The article begins by placing Pan’s Labyrinth at a contextual crossroads involving fairy tale and a Spanish cinematic tradition and considers the significance of the text as a hybrid creation. It then explores some of the tropes and motifs that are re-imagined within the narrative. There follows an investigation of the film as a testament to the importance of fiction and fantasy when faced with the very real consequences of war, oppression and trauma. Finally, Pan’s Labyrinth is considered alongside a heritage of children’s literature whose motifs, symbols and figures are remarkably available for appropriation, re-invention and renewal.  相似文献   

Carol Ann Duffy’s three volumes of children’s poetry are important and interesting because they emerge from the work of a writer whose adult poetry has persistently associated childhood with dark and difficult areas of experience. This article explores what happens to such challenging material when a poet of major significance changes the focus of her work to address child readers directly. Since these areas of experience are bound up with issues that have made the meaning of childhood particularly problematic within contemporary society, Carol Ann Duffy’s poetry may be read as an oblique commentary on the condition of childhood within late modernity. The author focuses on strategies used by the poet in representing both romantic love and disturbing emotions for a child readership, assessing the roles played by distancing and estrangement devices in mediating such experience. David Whitley is Lecturer in English in the Faculty of Education at Cambridge University, where he teaches English Literature, Film and Children’s Literature. He is particularly interested in film, poetry and environmental perspectives on the arts. He has published a number of articles, especially on Aesop’s Fables, and has recently completed a book on Disney animation.  相似文献   

Lying in Children’s Fiction: Morality and the Imagination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The telling of lies is significant in fiction written for children, and is often (though not in all cases) performed by child protagonists. Lying can be examined from at least three perspectives: philosophical, moral and aesthetic. The moral and the aesthetic are the most significant for children’s literature. Morality has been subtly dealt with in Anne Fine’s A Pack of Liars and Nina Bawden’s Humbug. The aesthetic dimension involves consideration of lying’s relation to imagination, fantasy and creativity; Richmal Crompton’s William: the Showman and Geraldine McCaughrean’s A Pack of Lies show this at a complex, metafictional, level.  相似文献   

Multiethnic children’s literature addresses multiple audiences, providing different reading experiences and benefits for each. Using critical race theory as an interpretive tool, this article examines how two African American historical fiction novels, Mildred Taylor’s Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry and Christopher Paul Curtis’s The Watsons Go to Birmingham—1963, frame anti-racist identifications for readers of all races. It argues that these identifications are key elements in the novels’ rhetorical strategies for engaging readers and opposing racism. Both novels portray strong African American families with whom both black and nonblack readers can identify and present African American perspectives on race, but they differ in how directly they approach racism and how they frame the identification of white readers. The conclusion offers implications of analyzing race and audience when teaching multiethnic literature.  相似文献   

Are children’s understanding of mental states (understanding of mind) related to their notating skills, that is, their ability to produce and read written marks to convey information about objects and number? Fifty-three preschoolers and kindergarteners were presented with a dictation task where they produced some written marks and were later asked to read them back. Understanding of mind was assessed using two tasks. Children’s name-writing and language skills were assessed as covariates. Children’s understanding of their own and other’s mental states was associated with their notating skills. Findings are discussed in light of the reciprocal writer-reader relation: keeping an audience in mind when writing and a writer in mind when reading. This reciprocal relation is central to writing and reading development.  相似文献   

This study examined sixth-graders’ reading comprehension and component reading abilities in relation to two measures of print exposure: an author recognition test (ART) involving fiction authors and a reading habits questionnaire (RHQ) about children’s voluntary reading for enjoyment across various genres. The ART correlated only with children’s fiction book reading habits, not with other habits such as nonfiction book or magazine reading, and had a stronger relationship to all tested reading abilities than did the RHQ. Strong comprehenders in reading outperformed weak comprehenders on all component reading measures, ART score, and fiction habits; however, weak comprehenders scored higher than did strong comprehenders on the indicator of nonfiction reading habits. The two groups of comprehenders did not differ significantly on other reported reading habits. The results are discussed in relation to children’s specific book choices and demonstrate the relevance of genre to evaluations of children’s print exposure.  相似文献   

This paper sketches a “map” of certain patterns in current children’s fantasy. Beginning with literal maps of fantasy worlds, I point out the similarities of the physical layout of a number of invented worlds, suggesting that sameness of geography often indicates a lack of innovation in the ideological or philosophical ideas behind the stories. Where we find a departure from conventional fantasy geography we also find originality in plot and metaphysics, such as in the work of Ursula K. Le Guin, Philip Pullman and Diana Wynne Jones. A change in geography can also signal a new approach to gender roles, as I explore in works by Le Guin and Wynne Jones, over and against fantasies in which female heroes conform to traditionally male models. Finally, I suggest that in Wynne Jones’ and Terry Pratchett’s children’s novels the strict gender roles of fairy tale become an avenue by which the reader questions the conventional destinies of narrative both in literature and in life.  相似文献   

Russell Hoban has compared himself as a writer to a shaman—willing to admit the unseen and making himself a medium for the quality of the unseen in his novels. This article explores Hoban’s highly-regarded The Mouse and His Child (1967) with this comparison in mind. The writer interweaves Mircea Eliade’s study of shamanism with an examination of the experiences of the protagonists of the novel—The Mouse and His Child. In so doing, she reveals many elements of shamanism in the text which, it is argued, reaches a conclusion which is consistent with the central tenets of the Indian philosophical system of Advaita. Sharada Bhanu is a lecturer in the English Department of Stella Maris College, Chennai. Her research interests include establishing connections between Advaita and fantasy fiction for children and the devotional poetry of many cultures  相似文献   

《阅微草堂笔记》作为一部融志怪、考证、著书诸特质于一身的志怪小说集,集合了纪昀的学术考据成果与个人情感及观点表达,是一部以学术思维写就的具有鲜明学者气质的小说集,具体表现为以考据之法写小说、以志怪内容说学理、以著书立言为旨趣,较为典型地反映了学者创作小说的手法和以小说“载道”的文学理想,其面貌之驳杂与当时的学术环境、政治环境及纪昀的学者身份有着密切的关系。  相似文献   

This study involved the development, implementation, and assessment of a comprehensive schoolwide mailing program as a practical tool to communicate enthusiasm towards writing to children and actively engage them in letter writing. The author played the dual role of teacher-researcher and worked for one school year with one teacher from each grade level from grade 1 to grade 5. The objective of the study was to explore the relationship between an innovative mailing program and children’s attitudes towards letter writing. This study employed both qualitative (conference with teachers) and quantitative (survey) methods. The author initiated the study with a presentation to the teachers (during a staff meeting) and to the children (in an assembly), systematically collected feedback from teachers to assess the program throughout the year, informed parents (through school newsletters), and assessed children’s attitudes towards both writing and letter writing at the beginning and end of the program. It was anticipated that the program would provide children with authentic writing experiences, foster positive attitudes towards writing, enhance their literacy skills, and in turn strengthen a “friendship culture” in the school by being coparticipants as readers and writers in the letter writing process. Data analysis indicated that children enjoyed the responsive letter writing process and that their self-perceptions as writers and their writing skills improved. Results support the introduction of an elementary school mailing program as a means to cultivate and strengthen positive relationships between pupils and invite family participation.  相似文献   

This study examines how teachers’ use of affective strategies (voice intonation, dramatization, personal involvement comments) during the reading and discussion of books influence young children’s affective reactions (dramatization, personal engagement, language play comments). Twenty kindergarten teachers read four books, two fiction and two information ones (narrative/expository text). We found significant differences in both teachers’ affective presentation and young children’s affective reactions between fiction and information books, between the two fiction books but not between the narrative and expository text. A strong bi-directional relationship was found between teachers’ affective presentation of stories and young children’s affective reactions. In particular, teachers’ personal involvement comments prompted children’s personal engagement reactions, teachers’ reenactment was followed by children’s imitations of such reenactments and teachers’ voice intonation elicited children’s personal engagement comments. On the other hand, children’s use of paralinguistic cues and personal engagement comments reinforced teachers’ use of voice intonation and personal involvement comments. Finally, text features, such as rhyming, were followed by children’s language play.  相似文献   

本文讨论2004年度中国科幻文学的出版、创作和学术的发展.作者认为,在2004年中国出现了长篇突破、科幻与魔幻和童话手法的融合、新作者锐意改革和女作家脱颖而出等几大特点.文章还就相关理论问题进行了探讨.  相似文献   

Mark Haddon’s The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, the first novel to be published simultaneously for the UK adult and children’s market, exemplifies the phenomenon of crossover literature better perhaps than the “Harry Potter” series, whose appeal to a dual-aged audience had caught the publishing industry by surprise. This article identifies Haddon’s engagement with the genre of detective fiction as one of the reasons for the novel’s crossover success: while the mystery plot offers a compelling narrative “hook” for children and adults alike, the postmodern twists on the detective formula open up deeper levels of satisfaction, without alienating the less experienced members of the audience. Analysed within the context of contemporary crime fiction, Curious Incident also appears to be tapping into a relatively recent literary trend that sees detective novels focusing on young characters as victims, witnesses and even perpetrators of crimes—itself a reflection of our changing attitudes towards the Romantic view of childhood as an age of innocence.  相似文献   

对科幻小说审美特征的论述是葛兰西文艺思想和政治思想的重要组成部分。葛兰西重点论述了凡尔纳和威尔斯等人的科幻小说作品。他对凡尔纳科幻小说的科学性、幻想性和乐观精神等特点给予了高度评价,也指出这些特点给凡尔纳创作所带来的局限性;他重点论述了威尔斯科幻小说的现实批判性特征,对威尔斯小说中的道德说教倾向进行了批评。葛兰西对科幻小说审美特点的论述具有理论家的深刻性和革命家的现实性。由于从既定的理论出发,葛兰西对科幻小说审美特征的分析也有先入为主的缺陷。  相似文献   

对科幻小说审美特征的论述是葛兰西文艺思想和政治思想的重要组成部分。葛兰西重点论述了凡尔纳和威尔斯等人的科幻小说作品。他对凡尔纳科幻小说的科学性、幻想性和乐观精神等特点给予了高度评价,也指出这些特点给凡尔纳创作所带来的局限性;他重点论述了威尔斯科幻小说的现实批判性特征,对威尔斯小说中的道德说教倾向进行了批评。葛兰西对科幻小说审美特点的论述具有理论家的深刻性和革命家的现实性。由于从既定的理论出发,葛兰西对科幻小说审美特征的分析也有先入为主的缺陷。  相似文献   

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