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Time to cover up     
麦克 《初中生》2008,(12):30-31

Time to Catch up     
It seems that some changes happen with a subtle awareness this semester, not only my roommates, but also my classmates. I fred we have grown up one year old and become mature, for our consideration and plans for our future put in an appearance in our minds. We all face many problems and confusions of what we should do after graduate, how we should take the rest two years of our college time and make most of it.  相似文献   

杨敏 《高中生》2011,(4):34
20世纪以来,《时代》(美国版)对中国的封面报道减少,截至目前仅有3次。值得一提的是,此后《时代》对于封面的选择,开始倾向于社会、经济事件或现象。即便是2005年6月,毛泽东重登《时代》封面,他身穿的中山装也被打上了世界顶级奢侈品牌路易·威登的标记,而报道关注的却是中国当年的经济、社会的状况。  相似文献   

建立独立远教学科时机已成熟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着远程教育日渐深入的发展,这个领域相对于传统教育的特殊性日渐显现出来,人才专门化的问题开始进入人们的视野.  相似文献   

面对挑战 ,努力发展和繁荣有中国特色的社会主义文艺 ,我们就要努力学习马列主义、毛泽东文艺思想和邓小平文艺理论 ,全面落实党的文艺方针、政策 ,反对各种错误的文艺倾向。其中 ,批判民族投降主义 ,弘扬振奋民族精神 ,显得尤为重要  相似文献   

成人教育到了由原来的以学历教育为主转向以培养能力、提高素质为主的转型期.本文通过对邯郸学院成人教育个案研究,分析了成人教育的现状、做了有益的探索、预测了乐观的前景.  相似文献   

成人教育到了由原来的以学历教育为主转向以培养能力、提高素质为主的转型期。本文通过对邯郸学院成人教育个案研究,分析了成人教育的现状、做了有益的探索、预测了乐观的前景。  相似文献   


Experience is one of the major paths to growth and autonomy, and as such, of outstanding educational value. But it also has a much wider sociocultural context, rooted in life itself. It is about learning that which cannot be taught, learning to think, which precedes all other-defined forms of education. It is an encounter with the unknown, where we learn to cope with uncertainty. Though, in the same way that growth does, experience takes time. This article discusses the contemporary changes in the perception of time and experience, through the fundamental but seldom formulated question—Do we still have time for experience? Our argument is that while contemporary society is craving for experiences, it is not disposed to give them the time it takes for its process to unfold. This will be illustrated through the example of the contemporary conception of ‘adventure’, a most typical form of experience, in two contexts. One is that of experience consumption in adventure tourism, the other is that of adventure education. Notwithstanding the differences in motives and aims, both are reducing experience to a predictable, other-defined, and eventually assessable programme, made to fit a schedule. Experience is no longer something that happens to us, it is becoming something that we make happen and (try to) control. This results in flushing the unknown away, along with the formative potential of experience. This article will develop insights into what it is about to become in order to address the problem of the educational future(s) of experience.  相似文献   

当前,和平崛起已成为中国的一项基本国家战略,中国正和平地崛起,且为和平而崛起.然而,以美日为首的西方列强却本着其根深蒂固的冷战思维和霸权主义,视中国为主要的对手和潜在的威胁,并加紧对中国的打压和遏制.对此,我们必须保持清醒的头脑,既要坚持和平与发展,又要居安思危,临危不惧,充分做好迎接挑战和抗击强权的各种斗争准备.  相似文献   

《醒世姻缘传》成书年代新考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
《醒世姻缘传》的成书年代一直是学术界关注的焦点,到目前为止有“崇祯说”、“顺治十八年说”、“康熙六十年说”、“乾隆说”等。这里,在“清代说”的基础上,通过对明清两代科考制度、服装颜色、职官名称演变等方面的考察,论证《醒世姻缘传》成书的上限应该是雍正四年(1726年)。  相似文献   

<正>试想一下你!不论是以往还是将来都不会有一个跟你一模一样的人。你在整个历史上和宇宙中都是独一无二的。哇!想想吧,你是万里挑一、亿里挑一、兆里挑一的。在无限之海中,你是举世无双的!你是了不起的!你是卓越的!没错,就是你。你已经是了不起的,是卓越的,你还可以更了不起更卓越。美好的年轻人是大自然的奇想,而美好的老人却是艺术的杰作。但你不会因为年龄的渐长就自然而然地变得美好。  相似文献   

Facebook, MySpace, Friendster, and dozens of other online social networks are substantially changing the way students interact with others. For good, or ill, it's time that colleges and universities learn to effectively deal with the impact.  相似文献   

高校毕业生就业制度改革是高等教育改革的重要环节。随着就业改革的进一步深化 ,在毕业生双向选择、自主择业的过程中 ,也出现了一些新情况、新问题。解决这些问题 ,除需要完善毕业生的就业指导和服务体系 ,加强就业管理外 ,还须加强就业教育 ,以确保毕业生就业工作的顺利进行。本文从就业政策教育、择业观教育、就业道德教育、正确认识经济手段的教育等方面谈了自己对加强毕业生就业教育的一些粗浅看法  相似文献   

构建社会主义和谐社会是我们的时代选择,有利于这一过程的时代要素有如下几个方面:小康社会的全面建成,新时期荣辱观的伦理道德纯化,以人为本的理念日渐深入,科学发展观的全面坚持,构建和谐世界的有利因素逐渐增多,同时,还有科学理论和先进文化的重要作用.  相似文献   

国家学位标准要与时俱进   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
分析当今国际上一些国家和地区学位标准的特征和特性,指出我国学位标准不能停滞不前,而要与时俱进。  相似文献   

从时间知觉到时间心理学的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
时间心理学的发展趋势是随着研究方法的不断进步和研究视野的不断扩大,研究的领域逐渐拓展,逐步走向多方法多取向的、全面综合的研究。在早期的时间知觉阶段,研究了刺激的时间特性的影响;在时间认知阶段,研究了个体的认知因素的影响;在时间心理学阶段,研究了个体的人格特征的影响。我国时间心理学的发展趋势是起步较晚,但进展较快。在时间知觉阶段,我国的研究相对较少,而到了时间心理学阶段,我国的研究已经走在世界的前列。  相似文献   

语文教师都知道 ,写作教学是语文科的“半壁河山” ,尤其中、高考 ,作文都是不可忽视的重要内容之一。高三的写作训练往往以议论文为主 ,而在具体的教学实践中 ,学生写议论文的最大弱点是掌握的理论论据和事例论据太少 ,以至于在具体的论证过程中 ,不是空泛 ,就是运用一些似是而非不确切的论据 ,结果是写得不伦不类。为了改变这种倾向 ,在布置写一篇关于不拘一格重用人才的作文时 ,我给学生提供了两组论据 ,一组是理论论据 ,包括古今中外名人论重用人才的名言警句十余则 ;一组是古今中外的典型事例 ,例如“祁黄羊外举不避仇 ,内举不避亲”、…  相似文献   

Life-education has been a widespread phenomenon from very early times. Since the beginning of humanity, people have lived and learned. It is natural that as human life has spread, so has education. However, some people are ahead of their time, and some are behind. There are people today who are still living several hundred years in the past and are receiving education that is several hundred years out of date. The purpose of expanding the educational movement is to teach those who have fallen behind to leap into the present. To be contemporary people, we must have contemporary knowledge, learn contemporary skills, perceive contemporary problems, and use contemporary methods to build our strength. Time progresses ceaselessly. If we are to continue to be up to date, we must participate in contemporary life using the latest tools; otherwise, we will fall behind in a few years. We must, therefore, grasp the key to contemporary civilization if we wish continually to discover its treasures and guarantee its unending flow. This key is the living use of language and symbols and a progressive scientific method. The greatest imperative of the universal education movement is to transfer this key from the hands of the minority to those of the masses.  相似文献   

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