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中国教育产业发展的特点趋势   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
教育是一个具有先导性、全局性、战略性的基础知识产业。从教育举办者、教育资金、教育产权、发展方式、教育需求、教育利润、教师、新经济增长点、新国民教育体系九个方面论述了我国教育产业发展的特点和趋势,正确认识以上几点对于制定我国教育政策有重要意义。  相似文献   

To examine trends in educational practice research, this article conducted a survey and analysis of factors affecting the review of research papers in the field of the educational technology in Japan. Two factors, namely, practical orientation and theoretical orientation, were extracted from 63 survey responses, and scores from members of a Japanese academic society were compared with the scores of its editorial board. Results show that the two factor scores were not correlated to each other, and they are independent measures for any evaluation or review of research articles. Also, there was no significant difference between society members and editorial board members, i.e., their preferences when reviewing research papers were identical. For the second part of this study, a group composed of anonymous members of an editorial board conducted a paper review of 12 published “practical papers” and 11 published “general papers.” Results indicated that there was no significant difference between the two categories. The final rating scores of these 23 papers were analyzed using a decision-tree rating model. Results also indicated that for publication, papers need to contribute to theoretical research, in addition to contributing to basic educational practice research in educational technology.  相似文献   

School politics in Sweden has recently moved in a conservative direction, emphasising the importance of conventional school subjects, stronger teacher authority and more discipline in the classroom. At the same time, consensus on the utility of such measures is lacking in the school debate. The conservative approach is often criticised as misleading and behind the times in relation to contemporary knowledge demands. This article examines and discusses the relevance of this critique. The main argument is that the conservative approach has a better matching with a previous phase in the history of Swedish school politics and that conventional schooling is difficult to combine with two of the major goals of schooling today – the diffusion of democracy and multipurpose skills. From this perspective, the political notion of schooling seems decoupled from the broader domain of public demands on education. To alleviate this problem school politics should draw less on the pedagogical ideas of essentialism and more on the historical legacy of progressivism in the Swedish education system.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the frequency, methods, and correlates of college cheating. A questionnnaire measuring 7 subject variables and 33 specific behaviors was administered to 200 students. The finding that about 75% of those surveyed had cheated in college was interpreted as supporting an hypothesized trend toward increasing dishonesty. Data on approval and guilt, reasons for cheating, reactions to cheating, and specific techniques were included. It was found that sex, year in shcool, grade point average, academic major, fraternity-sorority membership, and extracurricular participation were significantly related to cheating. The conclusions supported the importance of traditional explanatory variables and suggested an interpretation based on attribution theory.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the multilingual background, language education policies and practices in Lebanon. Specifically, it shows how the multilingual make-up in the country is translated into language policies in schools. A survey of 30 private school principals, middle managers and teachers was administered online to obtain their views on school policies, problems, successes, concerns and quality ranking. Results showed that a great deal of work has been done to introduce a language of instruction and a third language as decreed by the Ministry of Education and at the same time keep the national language, Arabic, alive. The main concerns of the participants were the need for teacher training programmes and resources. Although the research implies that the school systems, in keeping up with this multilingual milieu, could be contributing to the death of the national language as well as producing students who are not fluent in any of the languages, there continues to be an attempt to keep alive a quality multilingual educational context which contributes to a cohesive society.  相似文献   

This paper surveys developments in Higher Education in the United Kingdom since the publication of the White Paper in December 1992. It considers in particular: (1) the progress made in the reorganisation of the public sector of Higher Education, in particular of the Colleges of Education; (2) the extent to which the pressure of student demand is slackening, with consequent reduction in the rates of growth envisaged in the White Paper; (3) the tendency for women to form a larger proportion of the applicants and of those admitted, both in arts-based and science-based courses; (4) the immediate financial problems faced by universities and other institutions as a consequence of inflation.This article by Sir Derman Christopherson is the second in a series of reviews of developments in different parts of the world. The next issue will include a review of developments in Japan.—Ed.  相似文献   

Recent theory, research, and teaching in written composition indicate an important shift away from viewing the text as a static product, toward investigating the process of writing and the interaction of writer and reader to create meaning in the text. Studies of the writing process, theories and pedagogies of invention, style, and arrangement, and efforts to expand writing instruction beyond traditional courses and disciplines all reflect the current extension in composition toward more comprehensive rhetorical concerns. This survey describes these recent developments in the field of written composition.  相似文献   

Canadian adult education is predominantly institutionalized and professionalized, oriented more towards individual rather than societal needs, and marked by competition rather than cooperation among its providers.

Since the 1960s there has been a definite thrust towards motivation and education of underprivileged groups in society, among these those with low schooling, the poor, and ethnic minorities. Considerable strides have been made in the education of women. Retired people are another population group which made an impact on adult education in Canada. The use of broadcast television in adult education thus far is not widespread, but there is a growing use of tele‐conferencing for professional development. Most recently there is a growing interest among adult educators in non‐traditional clientele and forms of adult education, but very little show of interest and support by the governments. The two major competing thrusts in Canadian adult education are the further vocationalization and institutionalization of adult education, and the shift from adult education to adult learning which could lead to further individualization of adult education. It is too early to tell yet whether either one of these opposing thrusts will become dominant in the future and, if so, which one.  相似文献   

Current trends in vocational guidance in New Zealand   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
with research interests in applied psychology generally including career decision-making. Formerly lecturer in psychology at Massey University, New Zealand (1976–85), where she was responsible for university courses in vocational psychology.  相似文献   

在回顾和分析我国1979年以来教育哲学研究文献的基础上,认为当今教育哲学研究应关注教育实践、关注各种社会思潮,对教育发展中提出的一些根本问题从方法论的高度给以理论上的阐明和科学的预测,使教育哲学切实发挥指导教育实践的作用。  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代中期出现"史学危机"以来,教育史学科的生存空间逐步缩小,研究经费紧张,惨淡经营。教育史学科面临发展困境已经成为共识。为摆脱这门学科孤立的处境,教育史学界需要进行历史总结和理论建设,为探索改革的新路开辟重要的思想阵地。  相似文献   

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