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在8月份为期3周的谈判后,于7月底在阿富汗被绑架的23名韩国人(已有2名人质被杀害)中的21名仍然被塔利班扣留。塔利班要求释放被现在阿富汗政府囚禁的塔利班战俘来交换这些人质。这些人质中有18名妇女,5名男子,他们都是为遭受战争蹂躏地区的受害者们提供医疗和其它无偿帮助的教会志愿者。绑架事件发生后,韩国政府已经禁止韩国公民去阿富汗旅行。  相似文献   

教会方面单一的普遍主义尺度与中国社会环境极其复杂的多样性,构成了近代基督徒和教会存在的奇特样式。在灵与肉的强大张力之中,近代早期潮汕基督徒由生存而信仰,在努力寻求生存出路的时候,逐渐走向十字架。他们的皈依不只是一种地域性的经验,而是具有了某种普遍意义的事件。  相似文献   

伴随着基督教在中国的传播和校园文化的多样化,基督教在大学校园里正隐秘地发展着并有逐渐扩大的趋势。大学生基督徒具有起点高、组织形式社团化、流动性强等特点。拥有知识和活力的大学生信徒,正在成为我国基督教群体的新兴力量。应加强对大学生进行国家宗教政策的教育,避免他们卷入非法的基督教和邪教活动中。  相似文献   

五四前期,陈独秀主张以科学代宗教,五四后期他转而倡导西方基督教,主张以西方基督教化来补救中国儒家化的偏弊。陈独秀思想主张的这一转变,主要原因是其化观中“科学”与“信仰”的紧张冲突所致。  相似文献   

贵州教案是一场披着政治斗争外衣的文化冲突,既包含了西方的一神信仰和中国多神信仰之间的宗教冲突,也包含了以平等观为基础的基督教和以等级制为基础的中国的政权、族权和夫权之间的冲突。  相似文献   

王小明 《培训与研究》2006,23(6):53-54,60
有学者认为,拜上帝会是中国化了的基督教,实际上,这夸大了基督教色彩。拜上帝会与基督教的表面联系看起来比较接近,实际上其内在联系上相去甚远。太平天国运动作为一场农民革命运动,民间信仰对他们的影响极为突出。拜上帝会的宗教思想绝大部分都来自于中国民间信仰。拜上帝会本质上是一个传统的中国民间宗教组织。  相似文献   

穆旦是九叶诗派里最有成就、最具风格特色的诗人之一.穆旦的诗作里常常出现"上帝"、"神"、"主人"、"主"等意象,其实这些都是"上帝"不同身份的代名词."上帝"曾是救世主,是人们心中的一个信仰,一份前行的勇气,一股克服不辛的力量.穆旦诗歌里的"上帝"意象是诗人"人身以外"的一个支点与一份安慰.当诗人看到现实里的人们生活在困苦、绝望中,芸芸众生在困苦中挣扎,诗人试图用这些意象来消解现实的困惑与艰难.但是,诗人穆旦发现,曾经至善万能的上帝,再也不堪承受当下的生命之重了,诗人对此感到无比的惋惜与悲哀.  相似文献   

“亲爱的妈妈,我丢两个问题给你接招:第一,请问为什么我们的‘品位’如此不同?是因为我们分属不同的时代,还是因为我们成长于不同的文化?  相似文献   

法治被作为一项政治正确的命题在中国普遍推行。但其实践的残酷现实却不得不令人深思:一方面,数千年的封建专制文化传统使得我国民众信仰法律的氛围严重匮乏,但这只是次要原因;另一方面,更主要地,信仰法律本身就是一个错误命题,法律至上的追求不等于法律信仰,法治仅仅是一种生活态势,是一套使基本社会秩序得到保证的规则体系。法律信仰仅仅是民众信仰体系中的一个重要组成部分,只有主张真正的信仰多元化,才能使民众得到真正的解放,使其自身价值得到最大程度地发挥。在实现法治的过程中,我们应当重视其他信仰的生成和维护。  相似文献   

十一届三中全会以后,党的宗教信仰自由政策的恢复和落实,为基督教的传播提供了相对宽松的社会环境,而随着社会转型时期政治经济体制、社会组织结构的消解与重建,传统的人际关系、价值观念也处于失落与重建的过程中,此时农民群体由于生存的压力和精神的迷惘而导致的精神状态的失衡,直接导致了皖西北农村的“基督教热”。此外,基督教本身独特的传教方式也适应了农民群体的生产、生活习惯并且能够弥补其文化生活空白。目前,皖西北农村基督教信仰存在一些值得注意的问题,主要表现为基层组织对信教群众和宗教活动持放任态度,缺乏有效管理;私设聚会点和自由传道人屡禁不止;对基督教传道者的再培训工作严重滞后。  相似文献   

农村寄宿制学校在近年来已经成为我国解决西部地区城乡教育均衡发展、少年儿童入学难及农村留守儿童教育问题的一种重要手段。农村寄宿制教育不应仅仅是一种满足社会教育公平需要的教育形式,而且也应该成为一种具有特色的教育类型。为此,农村寄宿制学校应该在集体主义教育、素质教育、养成教育、情感教育理念的指导下,充分利用寄宿制的优势,并结合农村学校的特点进行大胆的教育教学改革和创新,形成具有中国特色的农村寄宿制教育模式。  相似文献   

传统理论和观念认为群体思维的统一性、权威性、服从性似乎是领导决策人物的“法宝”,如此才能表现出决策集团和领导班子的团结性、凝聚力和战斗力,因此往往在决策分析研究中提到批评意见,反对措施、分歧就“谈反色变”。作者认为这种传统观念意识和作为,从马克思主义唯物辩证法和思维心理学以及哲理上均是无据可依的、其失败和教训甚多。纵观现代管理学的演变和发展。至今国外学者的有关研究中,尚未提出建立一门领导冲突学的分支(部门)学科,故作者大胆提出此论,以求创新务实,抛砖引玉,共同研讨。  相似文献   

儒家和基督教文化反映着不同价值取向.从水火两立的教义原理和水火交融的道德实践两方面探讨儒家与基督教中的人性观异同,旨在进一步理解人的本质并提升人生价值.  相似文献   

In the last two decades, China's education has experienced significant transformations and restructuring on account of privatization and marketization. Unlike the Mao era when the state assumed the major responsibilities in financing and providing education, individuals and families have now to bear increasing financial burdens in paying for education. The marketization and privatization of education has undoubtedly intensified educational inequalities and widened regional disparities between the economically developed areas in the eastern coast and the less economically developed areas in the middle and north-western parts of the country. The growing inequalities in education and the increasing financial burdens presented by education have been a source of social discontentment, which have in turn prompted the central government to revisit its approaches to educational development. This article sets out to examine, how in this wider policy context, China's education has been transformed following the adoption of more pro-competition and market-oriented reform measures. This article is based on intensive secondary data analysis, fieldwork observations, and findings from a household survey conducted in eight different Chinese cities about people's perceived education hardship. The article concludes by considering how the Chinese government has attempted to address the problems of educational inequalities that have intensified on account of two decades of education marketization.  相似文献   

New teachers are often required to go through an induction program in order to become fully certified. Induction programs are varied and the overall picture regarding their implementation is uneven. The present paper addresses the gap between program policy and implementation regarding various aspects of the Israeli teacher induction program. Data obtained from program documents, interviews, questionnaires, and observation in a large-scale formative evaluation revealed discrepancies between intentions and implementation regarding all program components. Implementation difficulties are discussed mainly in relation to obstacles inherent in the education system.  相似文献   

清军入关及南下,南明各社会群体心态表现复杂,并由此产生了诸多的不同行为。既有对南明政权的失望,也有对儒家教条的恪守;既有对清政府的感激,也有对清政权的愤恨。无论是哪一种心态及行为,都没有逃离出道德与利益的尖锐冲突之中。  相似文献   


Thousands of immigrants who arrived from the former USSR during the past decade have drastically changed the Israeli educational system. However, constituting about 12% of the potential labour force of educators, immigrant teachers represent less than 5% of the actual teaching staff; 69% of immigrant students in the 17-year-old age cohort do not possess a matriculation certificate. This article presents the results of research that studied probably the most prominent effort to rescue the education of immigrant children, namely the Mofet system, which was founded by a group of immigrant teachers in 1991. Today's Mofet runs more than 20 supplementary evening schools around the country and five day-schools. The development of the Mofet group for the advancement of education is one of the most significant examples of the consolidation trends among the Russian-speaking intelligentsia in Israel. However, the authors argue that though Mofet's success is directly linked to the general education system's failure to meet immigrants' needs, it does not express Russian immigrants' desire for socio-cultural segregation.  相似文献   

This paper strongly suggests that the views of minority students must be included in any meaningful assessment of teacher preparation programs' efforts to address racial diversity. The project was initiated during the 1990–91 academic year by interviewing minority juniors and seniors (total of 24), selected faculty, and administrators (deans, associate deans, department chairs) at two colleges of education as well as extensive document reviews. Intermittent follow-up interviews and document reviews continued through the 1993–94 academic year. These minority students did not feel that their teacher preparation programs had adequately prepared them to teach in racially diverse settings. Faculty and administrators agreed with the contention of the students but also pointed to a few tangible efforts that had been initiated to rectify this problem.  相似文献   

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