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Towards European Citizenship through Higher Education?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The purpose of this study, the first part of a recently concluded project, is to describe and analyse the perceptions that European university students have of European citizenship and to offer some insight into the term. Before describing our findings, we offer a brief review of the concept of citizenship, attempting to define it in the European context and showing how it can be attained, while demonstrating that, contrary to what one might expect, the concept is by no means easy to grasp, as young people do not have a clear idea of what Europe means or what Europe wants. Our results have implications for our understanding of European integration.  相似文献   

Recent contributions have argued about the depoliticisation of citizenship education (CE), mainly through theoretical and documentary analyses, and based on the European context. Nonetheless, there is a lack of field studies which can provide empirical evidence about how does the depoliticisation of CE actually operate. Based on a mixed-method research in Mexico City’s secondary schools, this paper shows how the contemporary approach to CE, instead of looking at nurturing children’s and adolescents’ politicity, contributes to pupils’ depoliticisation. Among different potential characterisations of political participation (PP), the curriculum of CE circumscribes it within the arena of formal politics, from which students are largely excluded in the present. Additionally, CE promotes a range of practices of participation which are deprived from a political meaning. Students appropriate them discursively, but perceive limited opportunities for perform them, especially in school. Through the depoliticisation of CE, adolescents mostly learn that PP is a promise of inclusion in the future, while the idea of active citizenship becomes reduced to a correct discourse about largely imperceptible practices in students’ everyday life. The article stresses the need of shifting the priority of CE in Mexico from the formal curriculum to the transformation of school practices, in order to develop students’ politicity through participation.  相似文献   

This article analyses the challenges posed by traditional ethnic and linguistic minorities in multicultural states and more specifically the problems faced by indigenous peoples and communities. Their educational and cultural needs and demands are increasingly being framed in the language of human rights, based on the expanding international legal and institutional human rights system. The United Nations World Conference on Human Rights, held in Vienna in 1993, endorsed a rights-based approach to development, human rights education is a growing field in educational practice, respect for cultural diversity is now enshrined in international and domestic laws, and the right of every person to education and to culture has become a mainstay of international human rights principles to which a majority of the world's states has subscribed.  相似文献   

公民是积极参与公共实践、具有公共理性、承担公共伦理义务、促进公共福祉的道德主体,其根本特征是具有公共认同、公共理性、公共风范等构成的公共精神。政治是公民合作的实践体系,其目的是追求公共福祉,政治通过法治与制度实践,提升公民技能;教育通过学校生活形式,培育公民的公共精神。教育培养伦理型公民,才能把人的健全发展与社会的良好建构统合起来。当代教育需要走出对个人谋取市场化利益的工具性职能训练,在制度、目标、内容、结构的全方位改革中转向公民精神的培育。  相似文献   

人文精神、人文传统等都是近些年海内外学术界、知识界所共同关注的问题.长期以来,我国高校过分重视大学生的业务学习而忽视人文素质的现象比较突出,带来学生文化素养贫乏,社会适应能力较低等负面效应.因而转变教育观念,加强人文素质使人文知识浸润于专业知识之中,人文教育内化为学生的人文精神,是新世纪高校人文教育的发展方向.  相似文献   

传统的人们人文只有科学领域才会存在着真理,因为真理是确定的、客观的和绝对的,而人文领域是一个没有真理可言的世界。但实际上人文领域也有着自己的不同的真理,只不过这个真理的表现形式多种多样,如,意义、本质、价值等等,它们虽然名目不一,但都有着一些共同的特点,如,相对性、不确定性、主客体的原始统一等。本文试图从人文领域的著名学者的思想那里找到这些特点。  相似文献   

加拿大作为多民族和多元文化的马赛克国度,在公民教育中秉承自由主义的多元文化主义公民资格观——差异的公民资格以及国家认同与族群认同并重的公民教育观,并将此理念贯彻落实在公民教育的实践中,通过公民教育实现了国家认同与族群身份的有机统一。对于同样面临多元文化和民族差异问题的中国来说,加拿大的公民教育理念及实践具有一定的参考和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

公民身份是公民教育活动的出发点和旨归,公民教育是养成和塑造公民身份的有效途径,二者密不可分。对于公民身份与公民教育的研究,涉及诸多社会学科,需要一种综合性、跨学科的理论工具来整合各个学科的资源。社会理论或许是讨论公民身份与公民教育的理想平台。在社会理论的视野中,公民身份需要宽泛的理解,公民教育应涉及全球化视角、批判性认知、多元化内涵、制度化保障等诸多方面。  相似文献   


The purposes of a syllabus are almost as varied as the possible contents but can be grouped into several categories. The article proposes that syllabi serve three major roles: the syllabus as a contract, the syllabus as a permanent record, and the syllabus as a learning tool. Each function has implications for what a syllabus should contain. General observations about constructing syllabi conclude the article.  相似文献   

“And the shoemaker was not allowed by us to be a husbandman or a weaver, or a builder–in order that we might have our shoes well made.”

Plato, Republic, Book II.  相似文献   

人文素质辨析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
“人文”一词,泛指人类社会的各种文化现象。人文素质是指人们经过学习人文社会科学知识而形成的内在素养和品质。它主要由人文科学知识和人文精神所构成。人文精神则包含着注重实践、大胆怀疑、理性反思、宽容大度、勇于创新这五个要素。  相似文献   

人科学、社会科学整合为统一的人社会科学并建立人社会科学学科是目前学科建设的必然走向,学科内部各分支学科的有机联系,科学内部分化与综合的运动发展规律决定了这一点,章就此方面进行了粗放的论证分析并提出了建立人社会科学学的些许构想。  相似文献   

国际公民教育的视界:主动公民身份再造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发轫于古希腊城邦时期的主动公民身份思想,随着近现代亲密性社会的兴起而日渐式微。现代社会普遍存在的民主的赤字、社会资本的销蚀和共享价值的迷失都是主动公民身份消解的后果。为了有效地应对主动公民身份消解带来的危机,西方公民教育界开展了政治性描述、理论性界定和经验性分析三种研究路径。在实践中,以全校策略框架为代表的主动公民身份再造运动更是风起云涌。然而,由于主动公民身份的再造是一个动态性的系统工程,因此其再造之路任重而道远。  相似文献   

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