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高等教育当前应当着重抓什么   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:23  
我国高等教育在进一步发展过程中需要特别关注三个问题 :首先 ,在公办高校继续发展的同时 ,必须发展民办高校 ,提高民办高校的办学水平。其次 ,无论是公办高校还是民办高校都需要提高质量。再次 ,在公办高校中 ,应当将精英教育与大众化教育区别对待  相似文献   

笔者于2013年12月应台湾国立宜兰大学通识教育委员会邀请,前往座谈交流海峡两岸的大学通识教育情况。台湾各类国立、私立、教会大学多已设立通识教育委员会或通识教育中心,大力贯彻通识教育课程,内地的大学教育则有公共选修课、人文素质教育、国学教育等几种形态,不仅教育理念难与台湾高教的通识教育对应,更为重要的是在高教发展阶段上,尚且存在着时段不对等的差异。  相似文献   

当前全国共有民办高校676所、在校生476.68万人,分别占全国高校及其在校生总数的28.66%和21.35%,已成为中国高等教育的重要组成部分。教育质量始终是民办高校生存与发展的生命线,鉴于民办高校与公办高校在经费来源、学校管理体制、单位属性等方面存在诸多不同之处,因此构建一个专门针对民办高校的高等教育质量保障体系实有必要且十分迫切。建议该体系由三个部分构成,即教育行政部门进行民办高校许可证评估、校外独立的评估中介机构定期进行民办高校质量评估、民办高校建立内部教育质量评估系统进行自评,从而形成民办高校教育质量评估的政府管理、社会监督、学校自评的合力,以不断提高民办高校的教育质量和核心竞争力。  相似文献   

We investigate how the benefits of publicly financed higher education in Turkey are distributed among students with different socioeconomic backgrounds. We use a dataset from a nationally representative sample of university entrance exam takers together with data on government subsidies to public universities. We compare the characteristics of students who succeed in the exam to those who do not and those who enter public universities to those who go to private ones. Our econometric analyses based on a three-stage selection model reveal that students from wealthier and more educated families are more likely to be successful at university entrance. Unlike the findings in other countries, students who enroll in private universities come from higher income and more educated families. Among those who enter public universities, students from higher income and better educated families are more likely to go to universities that receive larger subsidies from the government.  相似文献   

王涛 《高教发展与评估》2012,(1):85-93,109,120
由于高等教育国际化发展水平、大学数量及教育质量等方面所存在的问题,印度已成为智力外流的主要国家之一。在高教改革的推动下,印度的私立院校较之公立大学在开发创新服务项目和满足西方大学学术研究及学生的需求等方面,显示出更强的竞争力和灵活性。印度只有建立有效的学生支持服务体系及质量评估策略,与国外大学机构实现功能对接,才能在高等教育国际化发展中成为对外国留学生和教师流动有吸引力的国家。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):254-268

The growth and development of private universities has been one of the most dramatic features of African higher education in the last two decades. Using the three East African countries of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda as a case in point, this analysis examines the extent to which developments in the region echo international trends, as well as how they illustrate contrasts. The analysis focuses on three key themes: (a) growth and historical antecedents; (b) institutional developments in terms of continuity and innovation; and (c) internationalism. While only relatively recent phenomena, private universities in East Africa and the increasing privatisation of public universities mirror developments in other parts of the world with a longer tradition of private university developments in terms of growth and historical antecedents, continuity and innovation in institutional development, as well as in internationalism. However, there are some situations in which the East African case is exceptional.  相似文献   

In the current context of globalisation it seems inevitable that the international openness of universities would also lead to efforts to attract foreign students. In the case of Spain, this is more necessary, insofar as the drop in population, the existence of other quality educational offerings, and the greater number of public and private universities have made students a target to compete for. Cutbacks in public funds have accentuated this trend. This article analyses the international demand at Spanish universities in order to determine whether there are significant differences because of the level of local competition faced by universities and public or private ownership. The Herfindhal index and analysis of variance are used to this end. Using data from the Statistics on University Students for the 2005‐2006 and 2011‐2012 academic years, we found that the creation of the European Higher Education Area partially affected international demand at Spanish universities. The overall international attractiveness of the Spanish university system improved considerably and universities have assumed an international view, regardless of the competition in their respective areas. Therefore, local competition is no longer a decisive factor to explain the international demand. In contrast, although public or private ownership does not determine the international attractiveness of universities, it does serve to explain their type of international demand.  相似文献   

正确处理发展民办高等教育的六个关系   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
为促进民办高等教育的可持续发展,应正确处理六个关系:政府与民办高校的关系,民办高校与公立高校协调发展的关系,资本的寻利性与学校的公益性的关系,职业技能训练与整体素质提升的关系,决策的自主性与权力的制约性的关系,规模扩张与质量提高的关系。  相似文献   

New public management and increasing levels of competition driven by global rankings are bringing the managerial practices of public and private higher education institutions closer together. However, these two types of institutions still maintain different objectives and traditions and enjoy different degrees of autonomy that are reflected in their internal organisational structures. We study the relative efficiency and productivity performance of private and public universities in Spain through two adaptations of the Malmquist Index. Results show that, in 2009/2010, the greater flexibility of private universities meant a better adjustment between inputs and outputs in the private sector. However, in 2013/2014, public universities had caught up with private universities. Because of the economic crisis, the inputs of public universities have decreased, but this decrease had not fully impacted their results in 2013/2014.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the factors influencing the practical training quality of agricultural higher education programmes from the senior students’ perspective. The study was conducted in two public universities located in the north-west of Iran using a cross-sectional survey and structured interviews with a randomised sample of 254 agricultural senior students. The students reported that they received low-quality practical training throughout their agricultural courses. In order for there to be an improvement in the quality of practical training, three elements are essential: active participation of academic staff, effective inter-organisational communication with private and public institutions, and active participation of students in the curriculum. Establishing a strong linkage between universities and relevant institutions could provide the required facilities and an effective learning environment for the students through internship opportunities outside universities and would prepare them for the labour market.  相似文献   

我们正处在一个新的世纪起点上 ,中华民族正信心百倍地实现新世纪里的伟大复兴。经济的发展 ,需要大学的发展 ,大学的发展 ,必然推动经济的发展。高等教育的发展只有按照市场经济规律来运作 ,实现办学主体和办学形式的多样化 ,形成社会化和多元化的高等教育投入体系 ,才会有高等教育的大发展。 2 1世纪的高等教育理念决不是唯国立独尊的 ,2 1世纪高等教育的大发展不仅是规模问题 ,更重要是质量问题。实现教师队伍最优化 ,关注学生道德责任的培养 ,将是高等教育大发展的重要内涵  相似文献   

对促进我国民办高等教育发展的几点看法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
本文根据所有制的属性和国际上大学通用的命名原则,提出将“民办、改称“私立”为宜。强调教育的“公益性”,反对民办教育“营私性”的思潮。指出世界著名私立大学创办人都有正确办学理念,教育质量是大学的生命线,对困扰民办大学的办学经费问题提出了探讨性的解决办法。认为正确处理好民办大学董事会“领导”和校长“负责”的关系,是民办大学面向社会自主办学并具有活力的关键。  相似文献   

1945年韩国光复之后,韩国高等教育特别是私立高等教育迅猛发展,取得令人瞩目的成果,并形成具有韩国特色的私立高等教育体系。韩国私立高等教育享有国、公立大学一样的法律地位,成为韩国高等教育的重要组成部分。韩国私立高等教育不仅规模大,而且其质量可与国、公立大学媲美。  相似文献   

Private education is a remarkably dynamic area of change in post-secondary education, particularly in Latin America. Evidence of growth in the number of private institutions and enrollment suggests that higher education is becoming increasingly diversified into two sectors – public and private. While this appears to be true throughout Latin America, and much of the developing world, recent evidence from Argentina casts doubt on the degree to which private sector growth trends may actually translate into a significant increase in the impact of private institutions in higher education, where impact is proxied by the relative share of student enrollment and graduates. This study explores the dimensions and impact of private expansion in Argentina, and places the findings in a comparative (regional) and theoretical framework. The analysis shows that, despite unprecedented growth in the number of private universities, the public sector remains the dominant provider of university education. Private institutions, while certainly more numerous and training a growing number of students, do not account for a larger share of university enrollment. They have, however, developed specific niches (e.g., in graduate level training and in urban areas). Significantly, following a pattern of institutional proliferation found throughout Latin America, some private universities offer elite alternatives to prestigious public institutions. The findings serve to qualify apparent `gains' in private higher education and to underscore the need for further research into the relevant intrasectoral (public and private) dimensions of change in post-secondary education.  相似文献   

本文在概述香港高等教育发展历程的基础上,分析了世纪之初香港高等教育所面临的主要问题、重要改革举措和政策变革。香港高等教育在21世纪初的主要发展和改革表现在:素质评鉴机制的制度化,大学管治体制和教职员薪酬制度的改革,大学角色的再定位,社区学院和私立大学的发展,以及大学教育的国际化等方面。这些改革对香港高校与政府的关系、高校的角色定位等都带来重要影响。香港高等教育的国际化发展,将使香港高校在中国内地高等教育体系中扮演越来越重要的角色,推动香港与中国内地高等教育的互动和发展。为此,香港与内地之间需要加强在高等教育政策上的协调与合作。  相似文献   

美国和日本两国“后大众阶段”的高等教育体系均为三层结构,但在具体构成上存在差异。美国高等教育体宗由私立大学、州立大学、社区学院三种类型、三个层次的高等教育机构构成,分别对应精英、大众和普及三种“理想型”;日本高等教育体系是由国立大学、私立大学和短期大学、高等专科学校、专修学校构成的三层构成,经历了一个调整完善的过程。我国缺乏面向大众化和普及化的制度设计,必须根据“后大众阶段”的发展需要,加强高等教育体系建设。  相似文献   

中国大陆民办高等教育的立法进程体现为两条主线,其一为国家有关民办教育的相关立法进程,其中当然包含民办教育中高等阶段的事项;其二为国家有关高等教育的立法进程,其中理应包含高等教育中民办性质的成分。有关立法存在着一定的问题,其中核心问题是尚未实际确立民办高校与公办高校的平等法律地位,关键问题是民办高校的法人治理结构缺乏相应的法律规范,根本问题是民办高校的产权、正当权益缺乏法律保障。  相似文献   

Building on a mixed method research approach, this article reports on an analysis of the difference between public and private higher education institutions (HEIs) in Egypt in terms of teaching methods, quality assessment approaches and alumni engagement. An analysis of the survey data compared the experiences of 1 713 graduates of both private and public HEIs. Qualitative case study data seeks to explain the noted differences and similarities. The analysis showed that both types of institutions fall short of providing student-activating teaching methods; engaging students in quality assessment; or supporting graduates through job placement services. The analysis related the similarity between the two types of institutions to the state governance approach and its focus on education inputs, recommending a shift to an accountability regime that is focused on education outcomes and performance.  相似文献   

院校研究与质量保证——以美国高等教育为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自从20世纪80年代的"里根改革"以来,美国高校的成本越来越多地要由学生及其家庭而不是政府分担,使得人们愈益关注投资高等教育的收益。因此,美国高等教育质量倍受社会公众的关注。院校研究在高等教育质量保证方面具有积极的促进作用。它为高校能够对外部的报告、认证、项目审批,以及内部项目评议和专项研究等方面的社会问责做出说明,同时也在学生学习评估、教师行为分析以及学籍管理三方面发挥了关键作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to seek to understand the process of privatisation and deregulation of Israel's higher education system which had been until the late 20th century predominantly public. Since 1994, public and governmental agencies became major clients of private universities. Thus the public sector played a major role in the expansion of international universities and in the operation of their academic programmes and became their major financial source. This partnership between the public and the private sector could be explained by the following: the increased demand for higher education by native born Israelis and the large flux of immigrants from the former USSR and Ethiopia on the one side, and the socialist ideology which deeply rooted in the Israeli society, to enable for everyone who wishes to attain higher education to find a place in the undergraduate system (particularly the population of the developmental towns and minority groups) on the other, pushed the Israeli government to expand its boundaries. Israel's public universities have been subjected to relax admissions requirement, which they refused to do. Another reason is the increasing demand from the public service in general and particularly from the education service that having a BA degree would increase the teacher salary and it does not matter whether the degree comes from an Israeli university(with its higher standards) or from a branch of an international university(with its lower standards). That explains the expansion and diversification that occurred in the higher education system in Israel. The 1998 Branches Act stipulating that any overseas institution intending to open an off shore branch must obtain a licence from the Council of Higher Education. The new regime demonstrates the paradox in higher education policy, on one side privatisation by the backdoor, on the other, regulation and control by the Israeli government.  相似文献   

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