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!I.完成句子(本大题由A、B两部分组成,共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分)A.根据句意及首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。(15分)1.—How m_________is your T-shirt?—It’s588yuan.2.This sweater is too small.Do you have a b__________one?3.There are t__________months in a year.4.The red sweater is$30.The brown shorts are a__________$30.Their prices are the same.5.—W__________is Tom’s birthday?—It’s July23rd.6.The eighth month is A__________.7.March is the t__________month of a year.8.—What k__________of…  相似文献   

A卷(共50分)I.完成句子(本大题由A、B两部分组成,共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分。)A.根据句意及首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。(15分)1.-What does Jim w__________to be?-His dream(梦想的)job is a shop assistant.2.-Sally,w__________does your mother work?-She works in a factory(工厂).3.She always wears a white uniform and helps doctors.She is a n__________.4.I’m a bank clerk.People g__________me their money or get their money from me.5.-Do you often go o__________to dinner?-No,never.I have dinner only …  相似文献   

!.单项选择(巧分)从A、B、c三个选项中选出可以填人句中空白处的最佳答案。1 .My unele isa_in A .nurseB a big hotel near here. .waiter C.shoP assistant 2.Please give_some food to eat.He A .he B .his 5 hungry. C .him 3 .1 vlayed the gUitar_the morning ofjune 20th. A .in B .on C。at 4 .His dog was A .haPPy lost and that made him B .sad C .dangerous 5 .1’。1 like to have fish for luneh,_it 15 ve叮delieious. A.},ut B.if C.beeause 6.It’,ve卿warm.You—to wear the eoat·A .must B.don’t have…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇A.单词归类是一种很有效的记忆方法,请把下列词语合理归类。eraser,aunt,com puter,dictionary,grandfather,notebook,cousin(M ary),key,uncle,telephone,男性:1.________2.________女性:3.________4.________文具:5.________6.________7.________日用品:8.________9.________10.________B.用所给单词的适当形式填空。11.M y________(friend)nam e isLucy.12.________(thank)foryourkind help.13.Ilove________(they)very m uch.14.________(be)they m y books?15.Isit________(she)pencil?Yes,itis.C.根据句意补全单词,首字母…  相似文献   

1.赚甸拼叉(2O%)A.根据句意和所给的图片完成单词(5%、篡一 …淤…添减‘…健 ,2 341 .A一are my favourite fruit.2 .The three w are of different eolours.3 .The柳0 boys aret—haPPily.4 .There are threeb_in the boys arms.5 .The girl ean play the 9.一--.一·B.根据所给首字母和句意完成单词(5%)6 .My father has three brothers,50 1 have threeu—·7.After dinner 1 like an iee eream ford_,5 .1 want to pl叮tennis but 1 don’t have ar一.9.Eve斗morning my lovely一Cloek wakes me up(唤醒).lo.PI叮inge_games too…  相似文献   

卜单项选择(15%)()1一It 15 50 hot today·Let’“90 to the— 一Great! A.beaeh B.shop C.einematliis afternoon and have a good swim.D .nlllseum)2一Hey,this触55 looks_卯odon”u· 刁hanks.A .muehB .moreC .beautifulD .Pretty)3一My parents and 1 are即ing to the seaside for the summer vacation· A.Good luck B.Thank即odness C.Have a good time D All right)4.Mark Twin_a lot of novels(长篇小说),short stories and travel journals(游记)· A .write B.writes C.wrote D.15认Titing)5一Can students doze(…  相似文献   

语音(5分)判断下列各组单词有几种读音. A.一种B.两种C.三种D.四种lp珍an少ion滋cellt坦l坦ble2 .mountain sound eousin found3 .tiek丝鲜hibition遇llowh旦4.介矍gr丝Iln丝d In旦旦t5 .real meal each healthB.找出划线部分的读音与其他三个不同的词。6.A.h旦ITy B.世ler C.1旦xleh D.坦n7 .A.s鱼001 B.旦hair C.少eken D.鱼e叩8 .A.树鱼B.do少5 C.鱼exn D.鱼irty9 .A.sh旦pB崖全必n C.卯enD·胆ck10.A.star B.dollar e .al兰少nD·“h卿en巴n.词汇(5分) A.根据句意和首字母提示,填人适当的单词。1 .Wllat’s”urp一一一一一n…  相似文献   

1.词汇(10分) A)从11栏中找出I的括号内(5分) I()1 .depend。n()2.get to()3 .look after()4.baekaehe()5,at first()6.wo哪about/栏词语的解释并标在前面10.()7.()8.dentistbe quiek llA .take care ofB .a 50玲baekC .rely on,aeeording toD .arriveat/inE .at the beginningF .be made anxious or uPset aboutG.hurryuPH.a doetor for the patients汕0 hasaLesson Seven 15_than玩sson Eight. (d iffioult) 单项选择(巧分)1 do哪homework_.A.eve灯d即B.twioeC .three times a week D.a dayExercisi鳍often_a big differeneetomy health.A .give B.gives C.make D.makesHaving vegetables 15 g...  相似文献   

A卷(共50分)I.完成句子(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)根据句意及首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。1.There are50students in our class.Thirty students are girls.The others are b__________.2.—What’s z__________and five?—It’s five,too.3.—How do you s__________pencil?—Oh,P-E-N-C-I-L.4.Look.Here’s a s__________of keys.I think they’re Jim’s.5.Li Ming and Lisa often write letters to each other.They’re pen f__________.6.Mrs Green has two c__________,a son and a daughter.7.—Jim,can you b_____…  相似文献   

.单项选择。 )l. They~t—一seethetigers一A.协go〕B即to一Cinthezoo this al、:e moon.itogoto一D.加宜gto)ZThereare‘~恤”“ A一in一)3一Ihear击ereA.i息_B‘。n介Ont of the hous已C‘af-Dinth廿are 加- B,一叨‘“olPhiri户兜t4e旅 _嘴副.里la5D,have)4.Th~is__depl拍垃认th。宕‘,.粼一,砂二二氏碑丙 A,ofB、加ithC。th七D、/C_and资b七)6.H七’5 thi、ty.A. rice)7.‘一Tli~isn’t 城nright‘ A.~,.OnlePleasegivehims~_ B,cakes C.water D.tO硬I巧nk. D蕊w自terhere.Co石Idy,启林。r拜”geg厂丫一for~?B二py,日ny…  相似文献   

单项选择。{20%))1.一Look!仆er七丘)geratoris沮moste担pty. 一Thenlet’。go—· A.swimmingB.sh叩ping)2一Iliked全d加ing Piotures.C .ou桩ngD汤ight幸吮宜嗯一Wh夕nothav”A,seieneelessons.B.部印na白tiesC.artD.刀lu岛1七)s.一了rh面kyou_.)#.撒hool…,黑::奥上{息沙- A.alight B. light C.th娜isht)5.仆ereisonlvoneshowerin~familt,so~allvitis一‘ A.busy一B·freeC.今山pt夕)6、—doyouus诫yget。pinthemoming?n‘伽he)户妇唱m启D‘thequickD二五n】 A .What’5 time一B.Whatti功e)7 .Tom‘。mes tOChina,o一Chinese…  相似文献   

Go for it!     
同学们!我们课本的英文名字叫"Go for it!",想知道它的来源和意义吗?"Go for it!"是一句鼓励别人的话,隐含的意思是你不必担心失败,不要谨小慎微,应该利用这个机会勇敢  相似文献   

A卷(共55分)I.完成句子(本大题由A、B两部分组成,共25小题;每小题1分,满分25分)A.根据句意及首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。(15分)1.There are seven days in a w__________.2.Sandy’s parents are thin.But he is very h__________.3.David likes books very much.He usually does some r__________before he goes to bed.4.Everyone has to w__________sports shoes in PE classes.5.Mr Read has two c__________,a son and a daughter.6.-Excuse me.What w__________you like?-I’d like some noodles.7.-What k__________of du…  相似文献   

A卷(共60分) 1.完成句子(本大题由A、B两部分组成,共2o小题;每小题l分,满分2o分) A.根据句意及首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。(lO分) 1.一Where did you 900一vaeation? 一1 went to New York City. 2.This belt 15 tooe_.1 ean’t时肠rd(支付)it. 3 .There are many people on the bus,50 it 15 ve叮e_. 4.Yeste记叮(昨天),x helped a lost肠y find hi,纽ther.Thatlll-me feel ve叮happy. 5.切ey and 1 are in the same(同样的)elass.We aree_. 6.一What do yout—of this book? 一1 like it ve砂mueh. 7.The bottle 15 empty…  相似文献   

Go for it!     
同学们,我们课本的英文名字叫“Go for it !”,想知道它的来源和意义吗? “Go for it!”是一句鼓励别人的话,隐含的意思是你不必担心失败,不要谨小慎微,应该利用这个机会勇敢地,果敢地行动。这个说法最初来源于橄榄球运动。[第一段]  相似文献   

Go for it!     
Theexpression“Goforit!”isawayofencouragingsomeonetotrysomething.“Goforit!”meansyoushouldnotworryaboutfailureorbetoocareful.Youshouldtakeachance,bebraveandactfirmly.“Goforit!”getsitsnamefromfootball.NotthefootballasitisplayedinmostcountriessuchasEngland,EgyptorJapan,butthekindoffootballplayedintheUnitedStatesandCanada.Oneofthemostexcitingtimesinfootballcomeswhenateamhasfailed,afterthreeattempts,tomovetheballforwardtenyards.Theteammustmakeacriticaldecision.Theconservativechoiceistokick…  相似文献   

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