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认为移动搜索用户行为特征与规律的发现,对移动搜索服务的改进具有重要的参考价值。基于国内某大型学术类网站一批包含300余万条有效记录的日志数据,分析查询串、搜索时间的分布、搜索会话、移动搜索设备终端等我国移动搜索用户行为的基本特征指标。研究结果显示:与传统PC搜索相比,移动用户的查询时间分布更均匀,会话更短,使用查询推荐比例更少,移动智能终端设备用户搜索更频繁。  相似文献   

如何有效的进行生物医学文献检索和信息挖掘,是计算机技术和生物信息技术研究领域中的一个经典课题。本文对生物医学文献中自然语言问题文档,片段,概念和RDF三元组,构建了高效的检索和问答系统。特别的,在文档检索中,我们搭建了基于顺序依赖模型,词向量,和伪相关反馈相结合的通用检索模型;同时,前k个文档被分离为句子和片段,并以此建立检索索引,并基于文档检索模型,完成片段检索;在概念挖掘中,提取生物医学的概念,列出相关的概念属于网络服务的五个数据库链接,通过得分排名得到最终的概念。在CLEF BioASQ几年的评测数据上,我们构造的检索系统都取得了不错的性能。  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 用户检索中经常面临不同程度的信息搜寻困难,为更好地理解用户需求、改进检索系统,需要一种简洁有效的方法度量信息搜寻的困难程度。[方法/过程] 将用户为查询而付出的行为及时间代价作为其信息搜寻困难的体现。按照用户在会话中的行为模式划分会话类型,将查询需求被满足且代价最小的会话类型作为比较基准,用基准会话的代价衡量其他会话类型的困难程度。为优化代价的表达模型,对搜寻代价的行为指标进行相关性检验,用因子分析选择独立性、区分度好的行为特征进行建模。以国家科技图书文献中心(NSTL)日志和搜狗日志为数据集比较学术搜索与通用搜索环境,以及不同会话类型所代表的探索过程中,用户的信息搜寻困难度。[结果/结论] 在本文所度量的两种搜索系统中,用户面临的信息搜寻困难度分别为2.30和1.57,学术搜索中的困难高于通用搜索。在两种体现学术探索过程的会话中,困难度分别为2.35和4.13。本文提出的方法可以用简单的数值来概括具有多种影响因素的搜索困难,并能用于不同类型会话和搜索环境,丰富了检索系统的评估手段。  相似文献   

Session search, the task of document retrieval for a series of queries in a session, has been receiving increasing attention from the information retrieval research community. Session search exhibits the properties of rich user-system interactions and temporal dependency. These properties lead to our proposal of using partially observable Markov decision process to model session search. On the basis of a design choice schema for states, actions and rewards, we evaluate different combinations of these choices over the TREC 2012 and 2013 session track datasets. According to the experimental results, practical design recommendations for using PODMP in session search are discussed.  相似文献   

Relevance feedback is an effective technique for improving search accuracy in interactive information retrieval. In this paper, we study an interesting optimization problem in interactive feedback that aims at optimizing the tradeoff between presenting search results with the highest immediate utility to a user (but not necessarily most useful for collecting feedback information) and presenting search results with the best potential for collecting useful feedback information (but not necessarily the most useful documents from a user’s perspective). Optimizing such an exploration–exploitation tradeoff is key to the optimization of the overall utility of relevance feedback to a user in the entire session of relevance feedback. We formally frame this tradeoff as a problem of optimizing the diversification of search results since relevance judgments on more diversified results have been shown to be more useful for relevance feedback. We propose a machine learning approach to adaptively optimizing the diversification of search results for each query so as to optimize the overall utility in an entire session. Experiment results on three representative retrieval test collections show that the proposed learning approach can effectively optimize the exploration–exploitation tradeoff and outperforms the traditional relevance feedback approach which only does exploitation without exploration.  相似文献   

In the field of information retrieval (IR), researchers and practitioners are often faced with a demand for valid approaches to evaluate the performance of retrieval systems. The Cranfield experiment paradigm has been dominant for the in-vitro evaluation of IR systems. Alternative to this paradigm, laboratory-based user studies have been widely used to evaluate interactive information retrieval (IIR) systems, and at the same time investigate users’ information searching behaviours. Major drawbacks of laboratory-based user studies for evaluating IIR systems include the high monetary and temporal costs involved in setting up and running those experiments, the lack of heterogeneity amongst the user population and the limited scale of the experiments, which usually involve a relatively restricted set of users. In this paper, we propose an alternative experimental methodology to laboratory-based user studies. Our novel experimental methodology uses a crowdsourcing platform as a means of engaging study participants. Through crowdsourcing, our experimental methodology can capture user interactions and searching behaviours at a lower cost, with more data, and within a shorter period than traditional laboratory-based user studies, and therefore can be used to assess the performances of IIR systems. In this article, we show the characteristic differences of our approach with respect to traditional IIR experimental and evaluation procedures. We also perform a use case study comparing crowdsourcing-based evaluation with laboratory-based evaluation of IIR systems, which can serve as a tutorial for setting up crowdsourcing-based IIR evaluations.  相似文献   

Query languages for XML such as XPath or XQuery support Boolean retrieval: a query result is a (possibly restructured) subset of XML elements or entire documents that satisfy the search conditions of the query. This search paradigm works for highly schematic XML data collections such as electronic catalogs. However, for searching information in open environments such as the Web or intranets of large corporations, ranked retrieval is more appropriate: a query result is a ranked list of XML elements in descending order of (estimated) relevance. Web search engines, which are based on the ranked retrieval paradigm, do, however, not consider the additional information and rich annotations provided by the structure of XML documents and their element names.This article presents the XXL search engine that supports relevance ranking on XML data. XXL is particularly geared for path queries with wildcards that can span multiple XML collections and contain both exact-match as well as semantic-similarity search conditions. In addition, ontological information and suitable index structures are used to improve the search efficiency and effectiveness. XXL is fully implemented as a suite of Java classes and servlets. Experiments in the context of the INEX benchmark demonstrate the efficiency of the XXL search engine and underline its effectiveness for ranked retrieval.  相似文献   

Query suggestion, which enables the user to revise a query with a single click, has become one of the most fundamental features of Web search engines. However, it has not been clear what circumstances cause the user to turn to query suggestion. In order to investigate when and how the user uses query suggestion, we analyzed three kinds of data sets obtained from a major commercial Web search engine, comprising approximately 126 million unique queries, 876 million query suggestions and 306 million action patterns of users. Our analysis shows that query suggestions are often used (1) when the original query is a rare query, (2) when the original query is a single-term query, (3) when query suggestions are unambiguous, (4) when query suggestions are generalizations or error corrections of the original query, and (5) after the user has clicked on several URLs in the first search result page. Our results suggest that search engines should provide better assistance especially when rare or single-term queries are input, and that they should dynamically provide query suggestions according to the searcher’s current state.  相似文献   

信息检索扩展技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文针对信息检索在查询扩展方面的不足,提出了一种结合本体理论和用户相关反馈技术的查询扩展方法。以FirteX作为检索平台, 选取WordNet作为本体扩展资源来验证本文所提出的查询扩展算法,实现结果表明该方法比基于余弦相似性的查询扩展方法在平均查全率、平均查准率方面有更大的优点。  相似文献   

Patent prior art search is a type of search in the patent domain where documents are searched for that describe the work previously carried out related to a patent application. The goal of this search is to check whether the idea in the patent application is novel. Vocabulary mismatch is one of the main problems of patent retrieval which results in low retrievability of similar documents for a given patent application. In this paper we show how the term distribution of the cited documents in an initially retrieved ranked list can be used to address the vocabulary mismatch. We propose a method for query modeling estimation which utilizes the citation links in a pseudo relevance feedback set. We first build a topic dependent citation graph, starting from the initially retrieved set of feedback documents and utilizing citation links of feedback documents to expand the set. We identify the important documents in the topic dependent citation graph using a citation analysis measure. We then use the term distribution of the documents in the citation graph to estimate a query model by identifying the distinguishing terms and their respective weights. We then use these terms to expand our original query. We use CLEF-IP 2011 collection to evaluate the effectiveness of our query modeling approach for prior art search. We also study the influence of different parameters on the performance of the proposed method. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach significantly improves the recall over a state-of-the-art baseline which uses the link-based structure of the citation graph but not the term distribution of the cited documents.  相似文献   

交互式跨语言信息检索是信息检索的一个重要分支。在分析交互式跨语言信息检索过程、评价指标、用户行为进展等理论研究基础上,设计一个让用户参与跨语言信息检索全过程的用户检索实验。实验结果表明:用户检索词主要来自检索主题的标题;用户判断文档相关性的准确率较高;目标语言文档全文、译文摘要、译文全文都是用户认可的判断依据;翻译优化方法以及翻译优化与查询扩展的结合方法在用户交互环境下非常有效;用户对于反馈后的翻译仍然愿意做进一步选择;用户对于与跨语言信息检索系统进行交互是有需求并认可的。用户行为分析有助于指导交互式跨语言信息检索系统的设计与实践。  相似文献   

Simulation and analysis have shown that selective search can reduce the cost of large-scale distributed information retrieval. By partitioning the collection into small topical shards, and then using a resource ranking algorithm to choose a subset of shards to search for each query, fewer postings are evaluated. In this paper we extend the study of selective search into new areas using a fine-grained simulation, examining the difference in efficiency when term-based and sample-based resource selection algorithms are used; measuring the effect of two policies for assigning index shards to machines; and exploring the benefits of index-spreading and mirroring as the number of deployed machines is varied. Results obtained for two large datasets and four large query logs confirm that selective search is significantly more efficient than conventional distributed search architectures and can handle higher query rates. Furthermore, we demonstrate that selective search can be tuned to avoid bottlenecks, and thus maximize usage of the underlying computer hardware.  相似文献   

Relevance feedback methods generally suffer from topic drift caused by word ambiguities and synonymous uses of words. Topic drift is an important issue in patent information retrieval as people tend to use different expressions describing similar concepts causing low precision and recall at the same time. Furthermore, failing to retrieve relevant patents to an application during the examination process may cause legal problems caused by granting an existing invention. A possible cause of topic drift is utilizing a relevance feedback-based search method. As a way to alleviate the inherent problem, we propose a novel query phrase expansion approach utilizing semantic annotations in Wikipedia pages, trying to enrich queries with phrases disambiguating the original query words. The idea was implemented for patent search where patents are classified into a hierarchy of categories, and the analyses of the experimental results showed not only the positive roles of phrases and words in retrieving additional relevant documents through query expansion but also their contributions to alleviating the query drift problem. More specifically, our query expansion method was compared against relevance-based language model, a state-of-the-art query expansion method, to show its superiority in terms of MAP on all levels of the classification hierarchy.  相似文献   

Prior-art search in patent retrieval is concerned with finding all existing patents relevant to a patent application. Since patents often appear in different languages, cross-language information retrieval (CLIR) is an essential component of effective patent search. In recent years machine translation (MT) has become the dominant approach to translation in CLIR. Standard MT systems focus on generating proper translations that are morphologically and syntactically correct. Development of effective MT systems of this type requires large training resources and high computational power for training and translation. This is an important issue for patent CLIR where queries are typically very long sometimes taking the form of a full patent application, meaning that query translation using MT systems can be very slow. However, in contrast to MT, the focus for information retrieval (IR) is on the conceptual meaning of the search words regardless of their surface form, or the linguistic structure of the output. Thus much of the complexity of MT is not required for effective CLIR. We present an adapted MT technique specifically designed for CLIR. In this method IR text pre-processing in the form of stop word removal and stemming are applied to the MT training corpus prior to the training phase. Applying this step leads to a significant decrease in the MT computational and training resources requirements. Experimental application of the new approach to the cross language patent retrieval task from CLEF-IP 2010 shows that the new technique to be up to 23 times faster than standard MT for query translations, while maintaining IR effectiveness statistically indistinguishable from standard MT when large training resources are used. Furthermore the new method is significantly better than standard MT when only limited translation training resources are available, which can be a significant issue for translation in specialized domains. The new MT technique also enables patent document translation in a practical amount of time with a resulting significant improvement in the retrieval effectiveness.  相似文献   

Due to the great variation of biological names in biomedical text, appropriate tokenization is an important preprocessing step for biomedical information retrieval. Despite its importance, there has been little study on the evaluation of various tokenization strategies for biomedical text. In this work, we conducted a careful, systematic evaluation of a set of tokenization heuristics on all the available TREC biomedical text collections for ad hoc document retrieval, using two representative retrieval methods and a pseudo-relevance feedback method. We also studied the effect of stemming and stop word removal on the retrieval performance. As expected, our experiment results show that tokenization can significantly affect the retrieval accuracy; appropriate tokenization can improve the performance by up to 96%, measured by mean average precision (MAP). In particular, it is shown that different query types require different tokenization heuristics, stemming is effective only for certain queries, and stop word removal in general does not improve the retrieval performance on biomedical text.  相似文献   

The librarian's roles in the systematic review process: a case study.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
QUESTION/SETTING: Although the systematic review has become a research standard, little information addresses the actions of the librarian on a systematic review team. METHOD: This article is an observational case study that chronicles a librarian's required involvement, skills, and responsibilities in each stage of a real-life systematic review. MAIN RESULTS: Examining the review process reveals that the librarian's multiple roles as an expert searcher, organizer, and analyzer form an integral part of the Cochrane Collaboration's criteria for conducting systematic reviews. Moreover, the responsibilities of the expert searcher directly reflect the key skills and knowledge depicted in the "Definition of Expert Searching" section of the Medical Library Association's policy statement, "Role of Expert Searching in Health Sciences Libraries." CONCLUSION: Although the librarian's multiple roles are important in all forms of medical research, they are crucial in a systematic review. As an expert searcher, the librarian must interact with the investigators to develop the terms required for a comprehensive search strategy in multiple appropriate sources. As an organizer and analyzer, the librarian must effectively manage the articles and document the search, retrieval, and archival processes.  相似文献   

Query expansion (QE) is an important process in information retrieval applications that improves the user query and helps in retrieving relevant results. In this paper, we introduce a hybrid query expansion model (HQE) that investigates how external resources can be combined to association rules mining and used to enhance expansion terms generation and selection. The HQE model can be processed in different configurations, starting from methods based on association rules and combining it with external knowledge. The HQE model handles the two main phases of a QE process, namely: the candidate terms generation phase and the selection phase. We propose for the first phase, statistical, semantic and conceptual methods to generate new related terms for a given query. For the second phase, we introduce a similarity measure, ESAC, based on the Explicit Semantic Analysis that computes the relatedness between a query and the set of candidate terms. The performance of the proposed HQE model is evaluated within two experimental validations. The first one addresses the tweet search task proposed by TREC Microblog Track 2011 and an ad-hoc IR task related to the hard topics of the TREC Robust 2004. The second experimental validation concerns the tweet contextualization task organized by INEX 2014. Global results highlighted the effectiveness of our HQE model and of association rules mining for QE combined with external resources.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 揭示移动图书馆用户的查询式构造行为特征,并为移动图书馆的检索功能改进提出建议。[方法/过程] 采用系统日志挖掘法,根据某高校移动图书馆为期一个月的用户日志,通过统计分析方法,利用互信息值、查询式多样性、查询式丰富性、学科分布、持续时间等指标考察移动图书馆用户的查询式关联性、查询重构模式、查询式主题等方面。[结果/结论] 移动图书馆用户的查询式互信息值普遍较低,即查询式在内容上的关联性较弱;重复模式和直线模式是最常见的重构模式,即移动图书馆用户反复搜索同一查询式;移动图书馆用户的搜索兴趣集中在人文社科领域,用户对相同主题查询式的搜索行为具有持续性。建议增加查询推荐功能、自动纠错功能和高级检索功能,以提高移动图书馆检索服务的查全率和查准率。  相似文献   

User queries to the Web tend to have more than one interpretation due to their ambiguity and other characteristics. How to diversify the ranking results to meet users’ various potential information needs has attracted considerable attention recently. This paper is aimed at mining the subtopics of a query either indirectly from the returned results of retrieval systems or directly from the query itself to diversify the search results. For the indirect subtopic mining approach, clustering the retrieval results and summarizing the content of clusters is investigated. In addition, labeling topic categories and concept tags on each returned document is explored. For the direct subtopic mining approach, several external resources, such as Wikipedia, Open Directory Project, search query logs, and the related search services of search engines, are consulted. Furthermore, we propose a diversified retrieval model to rank documents with respect to the mined subtopics for balancing relevance and diversity. Experiments are conducted on the ClueWeb09 dataset with the topics of the TREC09 and TREC10 Web Track diversity tasks. Experimental results show that the proposed subtopic-based diversification algorithm significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art models in the TREC09 and TREC10 Web Track diversity tasks. The best performance our proposed algorithm achieves is α-nDCG@5 0.307, IA-P@5 0.121, and α#-nDCG@5 0.214 on the TREC09, as well as α-nDCG@10 0.421, IA-P@10 0.201, and α#-nDCG@10 0.311 on the TREC10. The results conclude that the subtopic mining technique with the up-to-date users’ search query logs is the most effective way to generate the subtopics of a query, and the proposed subtopic-based diversification algorithm can select the documents covering various subtopics.  相似文献   

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