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高校区域地理教材气候部分编写模式初探王国清我国出版的高校区域地理教材,如《中国地理》、《世界地理》、《中国自然地理》、《世界自然地理》等,不管哪种版本,其气候部分的编写模式基本上是;①气候的基本特征;②气候形成因素;③气候要素分析(气温和降水的分布特...  相似文献   

欧盟在欧洲一体化过程中形成了特殊的治理模式,基于此种模式,欧盟又率先形成了地区性的气候变化治理机制,将气候治理的理念和目标分解到具体的气候政策中并取得了实效.通过该机制与国际气候变化治理机制的比较研究,进一步体现出欧盟在该领域的开创性,同时也为研究欧盟机制与治理提供了一个新的视角.  相似文献   

应对气候变化将引发全球发展观念、发展模式、发展路径和社会文明形态的根本性变革,并在很大程度上重塑世界政治、经济和科技竞争格局。随着全球气候治理赤字的进一步扩大,全球气候治理呈现出一些新变局:气候变化与地缘政治相互渗透、互相嵌入,形成了动态的互动格局;发达国家将气候政策和国际贸易政策进行融合,气候政策的武器化趋势明显;发达国家和发展中国家的利益诉求分野扩大,国际气候政治博弈的南北阵营化趋势再一次加剧;全球气候治理的多主体、多层级趋势进一步凸显,深刻影响了全球气候治理的价值取向。应对气候变化是我国可持续发展的内在要求,是推动构建人类命运共同体的责任担当,中国需要根据全球气候治理的新变局做出战略选择。  相似文献   

法律制度是上层建筑,决定这种上层建筑的,当然首先是经济基础。但是,我们又不能简单地以为只有生产关系和生产力才能决定法律模式的特色。必须看到自然、人环境时法律模式的形成也是至关重要的。构成西夏法律模式的化气候土壤不外四个方面:特殊的地域气候或自然环境;农业和畜牧业为主的经济生产方式;国家组织管理的水利工程;与周边政权利益冲突的关系。这四综合地决定了西夏法律模式的性质特色。  相似文献   

联合国日前公布的最新报告称,在亚洲大片地区,煤烟、烟雾和有毒化学物质的混合物影响了人们健康,并在改变这一地区的气候模式。  相似文献   

根据气温和降水资料,分析、判断世界气候类型,往往是学生感到比较棘手的难题。下面就我在教学中采用筛选法判别世界气候类型谈一点做法。 根据气温和降水两个主要气候要素的表现,可把世界上的气候类型分成十二大类。除了中低纬度地带的高山地区具明显垂直变化的高山气候无一定的地区分布规律之外,其它的气候基本类型及其特征,在世界各大陆上的分布大致可用一个模式表示,如下表:  相似文献   

主要获奖项目简介 因大气能量方程在副热带不能简化,发展副热带气候动力学成为大气科学面临的挑战。开展海陆气相互作用的时空变化规律及其对平均副热带高压(简称副高)和我国气候影响的研究,能为提高我国短期气候预测水平提供理论基础,属当代“世界气候研究计划”(WCRP)的前沿。1990年代以来,项目组围绕上述问题进行系统研究,发展FGOALS_s气候系统模式进行数值试验,开展理论研究和诊断分析,主要发现点是:  相似文献   

多媒体教学技术是现代课堂教学常用的教学手段,由于气象气候的教学内容的特殊性,多媒体教学是气象气候最适合的教学手段。根据美国教育心理学家加涅的现代信息加工理论,作者提出了“JLHD教学模式”,此模式框架把多媒体气象气候课堂的教与学分解成:动机期望、了解知觉、获得信息、储存记忆、追述记忆、概括总结。  相似文献   

作为石家庄市重要的水源地,西柏坡地区农村环境状况对石家庄市饮用水安全意义重大.通过调查分析,发现研究区农村污水以生活污水为主,其中主要污染物为氮和有机物.结合研究区气候条件、经济状况、环境因素和村庄规模,提出了本地区农村污水收集与处理模式:采用分散式与集中式相结合的方式进行收集,以人工湿地模式、组合模式、养殖污粪资源化模式分别进行处理.  相似文献   

“随机分案为主,指定分案为辅”的分案模式已成为当前全国法院案件分配制度的主流,随机分案能减少人为因素对案件分配的干扰,从源头防止司法腐败,提升诉讼效率。但是智能分案系统人性化的不足、无选择性随机分案模式与案件繁简分流和小额速裁间的冲突、指定分案模式泛化、承办人变更随意、部分入额院领导选择性办案、法官绩效考评单一等问题,影响了随机分案模式的规范化运转。建构符合司法规律的分案模式,应在坚持问题导向的基础上,优化智能分案平台建设,明确指定分案的适用范围,明确案件承办人变更程序,对入额院领导的分案由上级法院进行强制性要求,设置科学的考核模式和加强监督管理,以确保分案流程规范高效,盘活审判资源,防范廉政风险。  相似文献   


This article presents and evaluates a model made for climate change education – the bicycle model. The model was created based on an extensive literature review, from which, essential aspects of climate change education were drawn out. The bicycle model is a representation of holistic climate change education and emphasizes the importance of the following aspects: knowledge, thinking skills, values, identity, worldview, action, motivation, participation, future orientation, hope and other emotions, and operational barriers. In this study, the model is also evaluated by climate education researchers and educators. The evaluation was done through documented group discussions and an electronic questionnaire. The findings suggest that the model is useful in developing climate change education policy, research and practice. The findings also give insight into expert's perceptions on climate education. Finally, the article discusses how this model could be developed further.  相似文献   

旅游业对气候变化极为敏感。基于1956-2010年黄山市气候数据,采用旅游气候舒适度综合评价模型计算了黄山市气候舒适度;结合2007-2010年黄山市游客量数据,采用O L S方法建立气候舒适度指数与游客量指数间的回归模型。结果表明,气候变化对安徽省黄山市旅游产生影响显著。其中,对国内旅游市场的影响超过了对入境旅游市场的影响,气候舒适度指数每变化1单位,入境游客量指数变化1.25%,国内游客量指数变化1.49%。研究结果可为提出安徽旅游业应对气候变化策略提供科学依据。  相似文献   

青岛市风险投资环境评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
风险投资环境对风险投资的发展有着重要影响,风险投资环境具有动态性、相对性、系统性,及时、客观、准确地对风险投资环境进行评价显得尤为重要。本文在风险投资环境评价指标体系的基础上建立风险投资环境评价模型,计算了青岛市5年来的风险投资环境评价指数,从评价结果看,得益于国家风险投资政策。2005年后青岛市风险投资发展明显提速,为了风险投资的持续发展,地方政府应该着力完善风险投资中介服务体系、人才队伍等。  相似文献   

This study explored the organizational nature of the professional learning environments of teachers, administrators, and other peer professionals in schools. A conceptual model of the organizational structure and effects of instructional supervisory practices was developed to guide the empirical investigation. The model is based on an organizational conception of instructional supervision in which the variety of supervisory behaviors, interactions, and decision making engaged in by school personnel contributes to a unique organizational/supervisory (O/S) climate infusing a school's professional learning environment. Six meaningful dimensions of O/S climate were empirically derived. Climate variable linkages to various indices of school effectiveness were posited and explored using quantitative and qualitative methods. The study's qualitative findings revealed additional school-level, organizational context factors which further explicated the O/S climate and professional learning environment constructs and quantitative supervisory climate/effectiveness linkages identified in the study's original conceptual model. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Plausibility is a central but under-examined topic in conceptual change research. Climate change is an important socio-scientific topic; however, many view human-induced climate change as implausible. When learning about climate change, students need to make plausibility judgments but they may not be sufficiently critical or reflective. The purpose of this study was to examine how students' plausibility judgments and knowledge about human-induced climate change transform during instruction promoting critical evaluation. The results revealed that treatment group participants who engaged in critical evaluation experienced a significant shift in their plausibility judgments toward the scientifically accepted model of human-induced climate change. This shift was accompanied by significant conceptual change postinstruction that was maintained after a six-month delay. A comparison group who experienced a climate change activity that is part of their normal curriculum did not experience statistically significant changes.  相似文献   

Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration [CO2], incoming solar radiation and sea ice coverage are among the most important factors that control the global climate. By applying the simple cell-to-cell mapping technique to a simplified atmosphere-ocean-sea ice feedback climate model, effects of these factors on the stability of the climatic system are studied. The current climatic system is found to be stable but highly nonlinear. The resiliency of stability increases with [CO2] to a summit when [CO2] reaches 290 μL/L which is comparable to the pre-industrial level, suggesting carbon dioxide is essential to the stability of the global climate. With [CO2] rising further, the global climate stability decreases, the mean ocean temperature goes up and the sea ice coverage shrinks in the polar region. When the incoming solar radiation is intensified, the ice coverage gradually diminishes, but the mean ocean temperature remains relatively constant. Overall, our analysis suggests that at the current levels of three external factors the stability of global climate is highly resilient. However, there exists a possibility of extreme states of climate, such as a snow-ball earth and an ice-free earth.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study, in part, was to confirm the factor structure of the School-Level Environment Questionnaire, which assesses six school climate factors that can be considered important for improving schools. The study also tested a research model of the relationships between the school climate, teachers’ self-efficacy and job satisfaction. The participants included 781 Western Australian high-school teachers in 29 schools. When the data were analysed by means of structural equation modelling, teacher self-efficacy and teacher job satisfaction were both related to school climate dimensions and there was also a relationship between teacher self-efficacy and job satisfaction. These results provide practical information for improving school climate and suggest that it is worthwhile for school principals to consider factors within the school climate and how they might be enhanced.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to grasp and understand the social-psychological mechanisms by which the classroom socioecological environment determines academic achievement. We first developed and tested a general theoretical model (on a sample of 51 classrooms containing 1123 junior high school students) which allows us to consider the classroom social climate as a dependent and independent variable. We then attempted to accurately define the influence mechanism and develop a structural model to account for the relationships and interrelationships between variables. We also tried to reach two principal goals in the psychology of learning environments: one is to determine what classroom social environments would be advantageous to students, and the other is to identify the factors that determine that climate. The results indicated a climate-dependent discrepancy between teachers’ grades and achievement test scores. They have some practical implications for optimizing the classroom social climate.  相似文献   

This research study investigated the attitudes toward science of 8th-grade students in Australia, Canada, Cyprus, and Korea, based on recent TIMSS data, and suggests a model of family and school influences on their attitudes. The structural equation model contained 3 exogenous constructs – family’s educational background, aspiration, school climate – and 2 endogenous constructs – teaching and student attitudes toward science. Educational background, aspiration, and school climate were shown to have a direct effect on attitudes, while teaching was shown to directly affect attitudes and to be affected by aspiration and school climate.  相似文献   

Although many environmental and science educators have explored students’ conceptual understandings, misconceptions, and knowledge of the greenhouse effect, global warming, and climate change, few have investigated the ways students conceptualize climate as a system or how components of the system influence climate. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to begin the process of understanding how US students conceptualize a climate system. A total of 42 seventh grade students (ages 12–13) from the Midwest completed an open-response task. From the inductive analysis of student written responses, 22 codes emerged that reflected students’ conceptions of the climate system. From these codes, three path diagrams were constructed that illustrate these students’ conceptions about how a climate system influences climate and how greenhouse gases and global warming impact the climate system. A generalized model of students’ conception of a climate system was generated. Students in this study conceptualized a climate system in a unidirectional, linear, cause and effect relationship that emphasized the atmospheric component of the climate system.  相似文献   

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