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刘邦春  孟娟 《铜仁学院学报》2010,12(6):113-116,139
美国和平教育是19~20世纪在世界和平运动的促进与指引下在对教育作用的反思的过程中兴起的一种教育思潮。在论述美国和平教育形成的社会背景的基础上,近一步探寻了美国和平教育的哲学理念。为普世知识开辟和平道路的夸美纽斯、主张用实用主义的学科教学促进和平的约翰.杜威、力推培养全球公民意识促进和平的蒙台梭利和用对话与批判推进和平的保罗.弗莱雷等皆为美国的和平教育提供了丰富的理论滋养。美国和平教育也经历了“和平世界愿景的提出——从反战走向积极的和平教育——迎接女性的和平教育——和平危机的时代——和平教育的积极发展”发展轨迹。美国和平教育发展对促进我国教育中对和平教育本质与使命的理解、提高对和平教育重要性的认识等方面都具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

文章对高校突发事件的成因进行了分析,认为高校思想政治工作应从加强突发事件前的预防,减少突发事件的消极影响,妥善处理善后工作等几个方面,积极应对突发事件,以增强高校思想政治工作对学校稳定的重要作用。  相似文献   

和平具有普世价值。教育是通向和平的重要途径。然而,不容乐观的是,在中国学校教育中和平的主题并不彰显,教育与战争之间的隐性结盟还没有引起研究者充分的重视。暴力商业化和暴力娱乐化驱使大众传媒中暴力泛滥。和平教育的核心部分是防止战争和暴力的教育,中国和平教育包括人权教育、发展教育、生态环保教育、多元文化相互理解的教育等多个主题。倡导和平教育要求改变教育范式,反思和警惕现行学校教育中竞争主导、国家利益主导、人类中心主义主导的范式;从具体实施手段来看,冲突化解教育、性别敏感教育、文化敏感性教育等是学校和平教育的有效手段。  相似文献   

和平崛起的发展道路,就是争取和平的国际环境来发展自己,以自身的发展来维护世界和平。本文就高校在这一国策之下加强大学生国防教育提出自己的一些看法,强调培养大学生的国防安全意识、国防忧患意识和国防战争意识的重要性。  相似文献   

This paper raises a number of critical questions regarding the contribution of education to peacebuilding. Despite recent calls for greater collaboration between the two fields, there is still a lack of clarity regarding the change theories through which education may contribute to peacebuilding processes. This paper outlines developments over the past decade in the field of education and conflict, before identifying five rationales for the ways in which education contributes to peacebuilding. The second half of the paper examines the translation of these rationales into practice. Sierra Leone is often regarded as a success story of UN peacebuilding and, 10 years post-agreement, offers the opportunity to examine a broad range of programming. Using data gathered during a two-week field study (17–28 January, 2011), the paper reflects on five education programmes that operated in Sierra Leone in the post-conflict period. Semi-structured interviews were held with project personnel and beneficiaries, educational officials, students and graduates, community leaders and UN personnel to assess views on the contribution of education to peacebuilding, the rationales informing projects and challenges to implementation. A number of critical questions are raised regarding the lessons learned by the international community, its tendency to pursue its own agendas and its commitment to conflict transformation through peacebuilding.  相似文献   

Research on peacebuilding has mushroomed over the last decade and there is a growing interest in the role of education in supporting peacebuilding processes. This paper engages with these debates, UN peacebuilding activities and the location of education initiatives therein, through a case study of Sierra Leone. In the first part, we explore the complex and multi-dimensional nature of violence in post-conflict Sierra Leone. In the second, we critically address the role of education in the conflict and post-conflict period, highlighting education’s centrality as a catalyst to conflict, and then reflect on the failure of the post-conflict reconstruction process to adequately transform the education system into one that could support a process of sustainable peacebuilding. Finally, we conclude by exploring the ways that greater investment and focus, both financial and human, in the education sector might, in the long term, better contribute to a sustainable and socially just peace.  相似文献   

和平教育是指学校传授和平与冲突化解理论、传播和平知识与和平文化、提高人们的和平意识、塑造和平文明的教育。和平教育具有跨学科、多层面和现实性等多种特征。在实施和平教育的过程中应着力提高教师的和平素养,重视和平教育的课程与教材建设,探索和平教育的有效方法,注重多元文化的教育,形成家庭、社会与学校的和平教育合力。  相似文献   

This paper is an exploration of challenges arising in the interplay between a standardised peace education curriculum and a localised post-conflict setting. Drawing on interview data from two Kenyan schools, the paper explores the reception of peace education initiatives implemented in Kenya following the post-election violence of 2007/2008 through the voices of teachers and pupils. The analysis identifies two patterns emerging from the pupils’ point of view; firstly an engagement with narratives of conflict addressing what happened during the outbreak of violence, and secondly an awareness of collective narratives of the past, centred on the question of why the conflict broke out. The data identifies a gap between the knowledge and perspectives of the pupils, and the level of engagement by the curricula and teachers in the same issues. Finally, the paper explores some implications of these diverging needs and perspectives in relation to the design and implementation of peace education curricula, particularly in relation to providing sufficient support for the teachers.  相似文献   

Mary Tanye 《Interchange》2008,39(2):167-184
As has been aptly stated in the 1995 United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women (UN, 1995) in Beijing, the girl-child today is the woman of tomorrow. The skills, ideas, and energy of the girl-child are vital for full attainment of the goals of equality, development, and peace. For the girl-child to develop her full potential, she needs to be nurtured in an enabling environment, where her spiritual, intellectual, and material needs for survival, protection, and development are met and equal rights safeguarded. In the Ghanaian case, especially the limited education women receive could be detrimental to social development needs of women and girls, hence the focus of this paper, which add some important perspectives to the literature in the area.  相似文献   

数据治理是高校教育治理的重要内容和重要手段。数据治理水平决定了教育现代化的程度。范德堡大学的数据治理包括制定数据治理战略规划、构建数据治理组织架构、制定数据治理政策、采用成熟度矩阵模型衡量数据治理水平。形成高校数据治理文化、建立高校数据治理体系、培养高校数据治理人才是促进中国高校教育治理现代化的重要手段。  相似文献   

论高校全员育人思想政治教育机制的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新时期对大学生思想政治工作提出了新的要求,构建全员育人的高校思想政治教育工作机制是符合大学生发展需要的工作模式。本文结合当前高校思想政治工作的实际,从全员育人机制的内涵、高校大学生思想政治教育工作现状与构建高校全员参与的育人机制等方面进行了探讨与研究。  相似文献   

在90后大学生逐渐成为大学校园的主体的新时期里,及时掌握90后大学生的思想特征,在军训期间及时对90后大学生进行相应的思想政治教育,对90后大学生成长成才具有重要意义。本文在分析90后大学生的主要特征的基础上,分析大学生军训与思想政治教育的相互作用,并对如何加强90后大学生军训与思想政治教育的良性互动提出相应的对策。  相似文献   

The issue of conflict confronts many developing countries, hence encouraging a growth of scholarship aimed at determining the effective delivery of education in a conflict situation. This paper suggests that units within higher education, such as student affairs has the potential to contribute to the promotion of peace, by addressing student needs through a paradigm that straddles between compliance and avoidance. The compliance–avoidance paradigm presents student affairs responding to the effects of war in the teaching and learning processes through programmatic and non-programmatic means. Formal programs are interventions adhering to established rules and accepted ethos of practice, provided to address students’ developmental needs and foster harmony, while non-programmatic ways refer to strategic actions beyond the formal lines of authority and policy to calibrate the university to the peculiarities of the conflict situation. Ultimately, the study proposes the shift of focus of higher education in context of war from peace education to the needs of the learners and to the unique challenges of educational service providers. Findings were derived from a case study on student affairs practice conducted in a public university in Mindanao, Philippines, using interviews, public documents, and on-site observations as primary data.  相似文献   

当前,我国高等教育已经进入了一个全面改革的快速发展时期,各高校正大力推行教学改革,本科生导师制是近年来高等学校新兴的一项探索性教育管理制度,本文结合我校的实际情况,分析了导师制的运行机制与成效,并重点探讨了新形势下高校实施本科生导师制面临的主要问题以及完善导师制的一些设想。  相似文献   

大学理念是一个上位性、综合性的教育哲学概念,它包含了人们对于大学的理性认识和理想追求。“修身、齐家、治国、平天下”是我国传统大学理念的灵魂。近代中国大学教育出现理念继承上的断裂,西方大学“学校自治、学术自由”的思想一度成为占主流地位的大学理念。当前,大众化的教育质量观引发了教育界对走向实践理性的大学理念的探索。  相似文献   

“counter-education”概念至少有三重含义:反常规教育、相向教育与冲突教育。通过对这一概念的解读,尝试提出“冲突教育学”这一主题,主要探究教育学领域内,各种相互冲突的理论之间的争执抗衡状态何以产生,能否得以适切解决等问题。  相似文献   

研究生教育是大学教育的最高层次,是知识生产能力系统化规划化培养的最后环节。研究生教育的自身规律决定了研究生思想政治教育具有特殊性,外部环境的改变致使研究生思政教育不再是大学生思政教育的尾巴,甚至成为大学生思想政治教育的重要时期;研究生思政教育是大学思政教育的标杆,其成效还发挥着传帮带作用。当前,我国研究生思政教育在课程体系、体制机制和专业队伍等方面存在缺憾,构建系统化的理论课程体系,健全体制机制,推动工作队伍向理论化、专业化和高端化发展是强化研究生思想政治教育的必由之路。  相似文献   

儒学经典中蕴藏着深厚的关于德性德行培养的思想资源。基于新时期大学德育的新特点,有针对性地对大学生开展以儒学德育资源为核心的德性德行教育,对于落实国家教育战略,促进大学生全面发展有重要意义和价值。开展儒学经典教育,要与时俱进、因材施教、注重学思结合、发挥教师垂范作用、知行并重。  相似文献   

Peace education programmes have become part of the school curriculum all over the world, as a way to enhance positive relationships between conflict groups. However, although gender differences are being taken into account when planning various educational programmes, this is usually not the case with peace education. The present study aimed to reveal gender differences regarding peace and peace pedagogy. One hundred and eighty Israeli Jewish and Arab high school students participated in a peace contact education programme. Gender and group differences were examined both before and after participation in the programme. The findings revealed that the Jewish and Arab female youths were more dovish than the males both before and after participating in the programme, and gained more from the encounters. Implications for conflict resolution and peace pedagogy are discussed.  相似文献   

池田大作认为教育的全部价值在于追求和平,而和平思想要为人们普遍接受与认同,必须经过教育的养成;他不仅提出了全面的科学的和平概念,还提出培养儿童广博的爱国心和对人类的普遍的爱;并指明对话是世界和平的基本路径。  相似文献   

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