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School desegregation plans and program efforts in bilingual education, special education, compensatory education, and others designed to promote equal educational opportunity for minorities are threatened with a teaching staff best described as being “burned out,” highly stressed, of low morale, having high absenteeism, and subject to physical abuse. This study examines the extremely low level of teacher morale at inner-city schools and finds major “ethical” stressors such as racial tension among faculty, falsifying of school records, and sexual harassment by school officials emerging as factors contributing to teacher exit and absenteeism. With the use of multivariate discriminant analysis procedures and a sample of 400 high school teachers at nine high schools (three black, three white, and three Hispanic in terms of predominant ethnicity), a set of stressors were derived which uniquely characterize teachers at predominantly black, white, and Hispanic high schools. An economic framework is also presented for understanding the nature of the teacher morale, exit, and absenteeism phenomena in urban schools.  相似文献   

The paper examines teachers’ emotions in the process of making sense of educational reforms. We draw upon concepts from sociological theory and education to inform our framework for understanding how emotions, as a social construct, directly and indirectly, influence teachers’ understandings. Using qualitative data gathered in a study of comprehensive school reform (CSR), we explain how teachers make sense of reforms within their school and classroom contexts and the emotions that arise in the process. Findings show that as teachers made sense of reforms at the school level, they attached little emotion to them; whereas, making sense of the reforms vis-à-vis their own classroom practice appeared to be a more emotional process for teachers. Implications for policy and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

根据海南社会和教育发展的需要,顺应国内外小学教师培养的发展态势,结合当前基础教育课程改革和实施素质教育的要求,海南省本科学历小学教师的培养目标应确定为:培养全面发展,基础宽厚,文理相通,学有专长,特色鲜明的、具有创新精神和实践能力、能适应21世纪小学教育改革和发展需要的高素质的优秀小学教师和管理人才。并以此为基础,构建以通识教育课程、教育专业课程、学科方向课程、教育实践课程为主要内容的课程体系。  相似文献   

The meanings that a teacher attaches to the new curriculum reforms act as his or her map on the curriculum implementation journey, and these usually determine the success of the education reforms. This research article explores the meanings attached to the new Science curriculum reforms by primary school teachers in a school district in South Africa, where the perceived meanings emanated from, as well as the role they played in the implementation of the reforms in the classroom. It is argued that new curriculum reforms have to take place concurrently with other changes in order for them to have a significant and long-lasting effect. Three possible ways will be suggested that will help the teachers to avoid formulating reform meanings that are not aligned with the vision and goals of the new curriculum.  相似文献   

The two questions in this chapter are whether school restructuring promotes or constrains the professional development of teachers and which mechanisms for workplace learning appear to enhance the capacity of teachers to critically interpret educational reforms. To answer the first question, the implementation of structural changes and instructional innovations as part of the inclusion reform in Dutch elementary education was analyzed with special attention to the utilization of learning opportunities by the teachers. The second question is answered by analyzing the potential of two mechanisms, especially feedback and collaboration, to promote teacher workplace learning and systematic reflection. The study of communities of practice in schools will be put forward as a promising approach to extend our knowledge of teacher workplace learning and the interpretations of teachers of educational reforms.  相似文献   

Primary school teachers were surveyed to determine their sense of efficacy about implementing nongraded primary school programs. The survey assessed attitudes and beliefs of teachers (N = 133) representing 18 school systems undergoing state mandated educational reforms. The survey focused on three areas: (1) educational background and teaching experience; (2) attitudes toward nongraded primary school reforms; and (3) perceived self-efficacy ratings on 21 specific program attributes of the proposed nongraded primary. The influence of experience on attitudes and self-efficacy was also explored. Implications are discussed for preventively addressing teacher needs through teacher education and continuing education programs based on a self-efficacy enhancement model. Suggestions for future research are offered.  相似文献   

This study deals with the development of a graphic representation tool as a way to support educational planning in an elementary school in the rural area of Brasilia (Brazil’s capital), aiming at the implementation of an integrated action‐research project focusing on hunger and nutrition. The graphic tool made it possible to promote dialogical–reflexive interactions among school teachers as to the identification of competencies and skills in elementary education curriculum and generating apprenticeship themes, scientific concepts, and educational activities. It also constitutes a useful tool for the teaching staff to realize the interdependences among the many school subjects, and to understand their practices, thus leading to self‐evaluation with greater awareness for potential for transformation.  相似文献   

This paper provides an analysis of recent educational reforms in Hong Kong that aim to transform the ideological basis of the curriculum, teaching and learning. While the reforms appear compatible with current international developments in higher education and school curriculum—movements, for example, towards standards‐based accountability, the development of technological expertise and meeting the needs of diverse learners—major aspects of the reforms appear to contradict one another. The implications of current reforms for teacher education, in particular, are discussed together with issues related to the politicisa‐tion of reforms and teacher education pedagogy. The discussion highlights the need for an alternative approach to educating and preparing both new and in‐service teachers in Hong Kong to cope with the current and future educational reforms.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Throughout the western world a leading example of the educational reforms that have been implemented in the late twentieth and twenty-first century is School-Based Management (SBM), a system designed to improve educational outcome through staff teamwork and self-governance. This research set out to examine the efficacy of teamwork in ten SBM-designated Arab-Bedouin elementary schools in Israel. Two explicit issues were examined: (1) What impact did SBM have on the development of teamwork among the schools' staff? (2) Does the Arab-Bedouin social-cultural context influence implementation of teamwork in SBM schools? The research method consisted of a questionnaire to which 361 teachers/school principals replied, and a semi-structured interview with 30 of the respondents. Results of this study demonstrate that true teamwork does not exist in the schools studied, despite their SBM official status, primarily because the concept of teamwork clashes with the social/cultural norms of traditional Arab-Bedouin society and thus exacerbates conflicts among staff, which then impedes implementation of SBM. In conclusion, this research recommends that for SBM to enable traditional Arab-Bedouin society to benefit from managing its own schools, broad educational changes such as this must be introduced gradually, in a customised, culturally sensitive manner.  相似文献   

师范教育改革和教师教育发展,要求教师教育专业化。教师教育专业化关键是从事教师教育工作的教师的专业化。教育学专业作为教育科学研究和人才培养的主要依托阵地,为了应对面临的各种严重挑战,必须通过教育学专业改造,积极调整专业设置,合理定位专业目标,加大教育类课程内容体系的改革和促进教师教育专业教师队伍建设,以实现师范大学教育学院人才培养模式的成功转型。  相似文献   

Teachers and school administrators in Hong Kong have had to cope with more work and performance pressure as they strive to implement educational reforms aimed at deepening students’ life-long learning skills. Management systems, which save time and transfer ideas, experiences, and knowledge more efficiently could help schools meet reform goals and relieve the occupational stress that inevitably accompanies change and progress. This paper explores the effect of knowledge management (KM) for school development by reviewing three cases selected from a school improvement project entitled “Knowledge Management and Primary School Development”. The project was launched specifically to determine if KM practices can assist educators to cope with added pressures and rise to the challenges of education reforms. The case studies illustrate three separate approaches to incorporating KM systems. Problems faced by these case-schools included declining school competitiveness, time-consuming data storage and retrieval practices, and hierarchical communication structures that stunted feedback from the teachers who are on the front line of educational reform. Interviews were conducted with school principals, middle managers, and teachers. The results show that the core KM strategies of personalization and codification can be adopted to improve school development. Knowledge leadership, knowledge sharing culture, and knowledge management system support were identified as success factors for schools to implement KM.  相似文献   

This study argues that teachers are disempowered and demoralised moral agents. Specifically, it uses a qualitative study of Hong Kong teachers to show that teachers’ agency in the pursuit of the moral goal of education is socially disempowered. The study shows that although teachers are committed to the moral goal of education, the obstacles to attaining this goal result in demoralisation. The difficulties consist of technical disempowerment (deprivation of power over one’s labour) and cognitive disempowerment (deprivation of power to identify the instructional value of teachers’ work), which are induced by managerialist educational reforms and school administration.  相似文献   

由于我国农村学校教育的教育理念、办学条件、师资力量、课程建设等方面存在诸多缺陷,目前农村留守儿童在成长过程中暴露出许多问题。为解决这些问题,从学校教育角度要不断完善学校教育制度,加强教师素养培训,开发校本课程建设,丰富校园文化建设,实行寄宿制管理,加强家庭教育指导。  相似文献   

Despite the Bologna agreement implementation in 2008, teachers' education in Portugal has not changed significantly from earlier practice. The major modification in the requirements of master’s level teacher education programmes was the introduction of a strong component of educational research in a master’s degree; this is designed to replace an educational monograph in the typical 5-year ‘Licenciatura’. Both a professional one-year in-school pedagogical stage and a fifth year as a university student continue to be mandatory, as well as the stage co-supervision of the university and the school. However, existing government regulations imply that in the very near future the full professional education of teachers will have to be complemented with an in-service probation year conducted under the supervision of a school mentor. The current study has been designed to try to determine: (a) how the activities of the probation year should be organised in order to improve this stage of professional education; and (b) how probation years could be used to promote school–university partnerships that could provide for more effective in-service teacher education and/or possible shared educational action research. Drawing on the survey data from pre-service students from four different universities, novice teachers, stage supervisors and school principals, information was collected on the perceptions of the quality and scope of the professional education of future teachers from the beginning of their programmes through their pedagogical stage. A high degree of agreement among all the respondents enables us to point towards the perceived high quality of several components of the teacher education programmes, e.g, teachers’ ability to plan a lesson using different teaching strategies and the high value-accorded school–university collaborations. The results also show the weaknesses of other components, e.g, teachers’ skill with controlling badly behaved students and their ability to capture students’ attention and motivation. Based on these results and on our knowledge about the type of professional support needed to promote teaching practice, we conclude with a holistic plan designed for teachers’ professional education during the pre-service pedagogical stage and the in-service probation year.  相似文献   

The effective implementation of educational reform is an issue that confronts both those that plan and sponsor those reforms and those that are affected by them. This article discusses networking processes in the context of reform in vocational and professional higher education. When exploring failures in educational change processes, issues associated with facilitating the adoption, adaptation and implementation of educational change have not been sufficiently addressed. Here, we use the concept of social innovation, which is relatively new in innovation research, to explain the mechanisms that facilitate educational reform, and emphasise the relationship between interaction and the perception of change. In this paper, we examine how networking among teachers is related to their perception of educational change and how the effective implementation of educational reforms can be influenced by such networking. By differentiating the various types of networks we explore the relationship between networking and educational change. The article is based on the findings of a quantitative survey of 228 Estonian teachers in vocational and professional higher educational schools administered in 2010.  相似文献   

现代教育技术不仅是教育改革的高点,而且也是促进学校素质教育实施的有效手段与途径,其对传统学校教育过程已发生了重大的影响,主要表现在教师地位,学生地位和教学内容的变化。  相似文献   

“三全育人”理念围绕立德树人的根本任务,倡导全员育人、全方位育人、全过程育人的教育理念,实现了教育资源的多元整合。立足于全员育人的教育理念,在校企合作的实境学习中,切实发挥企业在育人工作中的积极作用。以高职院校市场营销专业为例,通过企业对实境学习成果的重要性评估,运用探索性因子分析法,构建高职学生实境学习的评价指标体系,推进实境德育评价工作,以期提升实境学习的有效性,打造校企育人共同体,推进产教深度融合。  相似文献   

This article develops a general framework for the analysis of education finance reforms. Most of the recent literature concentrates o on the demands and ignores the costs of educational services. Proposed reforms that account for different costs assume that the supply of all educational inputs are infinitely price elastic. The article presents a model for the supply of different types of teachers and an optimization model of the school district which maximizes a general welfare function subject to production function and budget constraints. Derived demand equations are obtained under the assumptions of (1) perfect competition, (2) monopsony, and (3) monopsony plus endogenous property tax rates. The equations are simplified and estimated using data from Pennsylvania school districts. A major policy implication for school finance reform is that present schemes for state equalization aid may be fundamentally flawed because they do not properly account for the effects of demand shifts (with upward sloping supply curves) on education input prices.  相似文献   

以素质教育为核心的教育改革对学校管理带来了冲击与挑战。它要求教师转变传统的教学观,学习新的知识和教学方法。校长是学校管理的关键人物,其领导实践对于帮助教师发展具有重要作用。本研究采用质性研究方法,尝试揭示两位校长在真实情境中帮助教师发展的领导实践全貌与过程。研究发现,促进教师发展的校长领导力主要具有以下三方面的特征:(1)以提升教师专业知识与技能的工具取向为主;(2)以转变教师认知、情感与态度的文化取向为辅;(3)在规范教师教学行为与激发教师改革动机之间寻求平衡。  相似文献   

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